imnotasimpimawhore - Not A Bot, I Promise
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BUCKY BARNES + Fighting In Henley Shirt

BUCKY BARNES + Fighting In Henley Shirt
BUCKY BARNES + Fighting In Henley Shirt
BUCKY BARNES + Fighting In Henley Shirt
BUCKY BARNES + Fighting In Henley Shirt

BUCKY BARNES + fighting in Henley shirt

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More Posts from Imnotasimpimawhore

2 years ago

mir i am going absolutely insane over lumby bucky. i keep thinking about what it would be like to run your hands through his hair, kiss his forehead, and whisper a soft "i love you" and see him smile softly when he wraps his huge arms around you and squeezes you, even lifts you off the ground and spins you in a little circle to make you laugh πŸ₯Ί

so funny that you sent this in because i'm currently almost done with a fic that is about playing with his hair and riling up a very needy lumby 😌


𝐒 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐒𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐒𝐬𝐬𝐒𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬π₯𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐑𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐀. πŸπŸ–+ 𝐨𝐧π₯𝐲 𝐦𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐒

lumby is the most needy and protective boyfriend ever. his hands are always on you; whether stroking gently along your forearms or sitting comfortably on the exposed skin of your ankles while hanging out on a friend's couch; he likes to be near and touching you. he loves holding you in his lap, smoothing his hands over your arms and the pudge of your hips as you both snuggle under a big fluffy blanket and you tell him all about your day. lumby's considerate, attentive, passionate, and wildly dramatic in all of his affections to make sure you always feel him and his love. there is truly nothing that tank of a man would not do for his little bunny.

but his real favorite way to cuddle is laying right on top of you– his ginormous body snuggled in your arms flush against your chest, his face nestled in the bend of your neck. he absolutely adores the way you try and wrap your entire frame around his 6'4 brick-wall of a body. he craves the way you tease circles up and down his spine; the way your nose nudges his temple after you ask him a question and in his blissed-out stupor, he forgets to respond; the way you roam every inch of his broad back with your gentle fingertips before making your way up his neck and into his soft chestnut locks. he craves it.

he loves how much bigger he is than you, loves that this is one moment of his life where he can feel worry-free and protected by someone. you treat him with a gentle tenderness he never knew was his to have– and there's nothing in the world that could ever make him want to change that. especially not when you hum so sweetly into his hairline, your lips brushing softly against the crown of his head as your hands in his hair lull him drowsy. especially not when you pepper the most gentle kisses against his forehead, your soft lips easing all remaining tension and worry from him. especially not when you wrap your arms tighter around his shoulders, fingers scratching softly at his tense scalp, pressing your lips right above his eyebrow and your sweet voice whispers "I love you, baby"

his heart flutters giddily and his cheeks flush crimson, his arms wrapping themselves tighter around your middle as he hides his face in the hollow of your neck. you feel his boyish grin and lively chuckle before you hear it– pressed so sweetly against you– joy and love leaving your lumby's lips as he can't help himself but playfully bite the skin of your neck until you're as lightheaded and giggly as he is.

he cradles you in his arms and jumps from the couch, holding you close and twirling you around all the rooms of his cabin until you're both spinning, breathless, and squealing.Β 

feeling dizzy, you wordlessly pat against his chest and motion for the couch. his forearm cushions your head as he places you down, making sure you find your comfy spot against the cushions before the urge to squash you with his full body weight again grows too great. once some air has returned to your lungs, he climbs over you, swiftly caging you against the couch with nothing but love and that charming boyish gleam in his eye.

you wrap your arms around his back, pulling him up towards your neck– just where he likes to rest. his hand cups your face, thumb tracing over your cupid's bow and down to your jaw before kissing your lips. he gives in to the pressure of your hold, his body laying down and seeking out its favorite comfort in the safety of your arms. as your hands start to dance along his neck and scalp he presses a kiss to your pulse, nuzzling his nose against the space behind your ear. "i love you more than anything, bunny," he whispers.

you make him giddy and dazed and so enlivened– and he wouldn't change it for the world.

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2 years ago

just had to share my lumby thoughts πŸ₯° i would sell my soul to spend a day with our favorite beefy man ☺️

also i was watching some random youtube video and the guy was chopping his own firewood and so i of course thought of bucky teaching you how to do it because you keep asking, and at first he’s like β€˜i’ll be here to do it for you bunny, you don’t need to know how’ but you’re curious so he eventually caves. but he’s secretly terrified of you hurting yourself even though he’s right there πŸ˜‚ (i’m also 5’1” and probably look like a child holding an ax so that made me giggle πŸ˜‚) and then he gives you like the smallest piece of wood and when you manage to chop it in half you’re so excited and he just looks at you like 😍 wow that’s my baby



i'm imagining this more towards the beginnings of their relationship. so this is before bunny's turned bucky into the confident, needy, cocky, loving, giant of a menace he truly is. I put the fics/drabbles for them in the order i imagine this series on the masterlist, but they can all be read as stand alonesΒ 

no because watching you throw on one of his big jackets and a pair of his gloves already has him melting– but the sight of you looking up at him with those eyes he can hardly handle any other day, pleading with a pout and that sweet voice for him to show you how to chop a log "like my lumby does"– truly causes him to short-circuit

𝐒 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐒𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐒𝐬𝐬𝐒𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬π₯𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐑𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐀. πŸπŸ–+ 𝐨𝐧π₯𝐲 𝐦𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐒

he looks at you with awe, his bright blues now giant– a soft and familiar red beginning its bloom across his plump cheeks, the corners of his mouth parting into a wide gape. he breathes in through his nose shakily, his mouth opening and closing in hopes to inhale all the air he could possibly get into his lungs to prevent himself from falling over. he's so enthralled by everything about you– your intelligence, your kind heart, your beauty and the stunning physique that houses it– but the thought of watching you use any of his tools sends tingles all throughout him– knowing you want to use his tools and do things simply because he does them is too much for even his own fantasy. the burning need to see you hold his ax or use one of his knives sends blood rushing through him at an embarrassingly fast rate– not that he'd ever feel embarrassed by the way you turn him on.

after he somewhat processed the question you so saccharinely asked– he's stunned. from the effortless way you manage to always get him flustered or fluttering his eyes in response to your addicting perfumed sway and sweet honeyed voice, yes– but stunned with the knowledge you want to be involved in the work he does, involved in something so personal that bucky has known his whole life.

so no, he doesn't really realize what you've just asked– who could blame the man? with the way your voice praises his work and preens to be involved in an even more intimate part of his life, he wasn’t going to say no. he hardly thought of how much bigger he is than you, just how much weight and years of experience was needed to split the gigantic stump he was set to work on next– he only thought of how you asked something of your bucky and he just had to say yes to you.Β 

so with a hard swallow and a short nod of his head he moves to grab his ax, barely taking his eyes away from your excited gaze. in his heavenly stupor, he forgets just how heavy his ax will feel in your hands, just how big the gigantic stump he currently has laid out for his own 6'4 275-pound muscled form is, just how much damage you can do to your precious body if you didn't have the knowledge and proper sized piece of wood in front of you– what is he thinking? bunny'll hurt herself, his internal monologue immediately worries.

he quickly scrambles in search of a small piece of wood he's already cut– anything that isn't something that could possibly injure his little bunny– and in turn, much to his own fortune and ease of mind, finds a pathetic twig far away from any of the logs he cut himself. tossing it down onto the large stump, he motions for you to step towards the piece of wood that looked like he could've used it as a toothpick if he needed to.

giggling up at his obviously nerve-ridden and anxious frame, you place a hand on his chest hoping to ground him for a moment, his heart beating erratically and hard beneath it. pressing a kiss to the muscle of his chest and then to the corner of his mouth, you rub soft circles into the tension of his shoulders.

smirking you tease, "a branch, bucky? really? I think I can handle a little more than a branch... I take you daily, don't I?" your playful and heavenly giggle calms him, causing a now bright red bucky to nod and look down at your shoe nudging teasingly into his calf.Β β€œi’m not that fragile.”

"i know, i know.Β just don't want you to get hurt bun, you know i'd never forgive myself...." he whispers, tugging your hand in his and dropping a kiss to your knuckle.

"I can handle something a bit more than a twig, buck. besides, i know this really big, strong, sexy man who I was hoping could help me do it. you know... help guide my arms a bit until he's certain I could do it on my own..." you sing, your eyes wide and hopeful looking up at him.

"you keep lookin' at me like that, don't think you'll ever be doing a damn thing on your own, bunny..." he groans, his hands clinging to your waist and bringing you close to him. your hands tug themselves inside the pockets of his heavy flannel, bringing his thick chest flush to you.

you smile brightly, your beautiful glow and joyous twinkle of your eye taking his breath away for a moment. he brushes his thumb across your jaw, tracing over your lip and sweeping over your cheekbone. cupping your face he moves in slowly, brushing his plump lips over yours until you both have the other wrapped in the tightest embrace. soft moans and gasps of air permeate the air around you as you melt at the other's desperate exploration.Β 

gentle, reverent, awed, loving.

a low moan sings from the back of his throat and you break away from his lips, trying to catch your breath through lidded eyes and a gaping mouth. "wouldn't want it any other way, lumby. now, teach me how to split a log so you can take me inside and show me how proud you are of me."

Lumby. He liked the sound of that.

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2 years ago
The Look Lumby Gives Anyone Who Disrespects His Bunny....

The look Lumby gives anyone who disrespects his Bunny....

can i be self indulgent and dream that this is what he looked like yesterday when he came to surprise me at work with my favorite soup and was met with a crying mir because of all those men who were being awful to me 😌😌

if bunny ever was disrespected, in any capacity– whether it was from someone barking at her for unintentionally making a mistake or just not holding a door for her as she went to exit a building– bucky saw red.

Keep reading

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2 years ago
Steve Said There Is No Way His Best Buddy Can Date His Little Sister, So How Did We End Up Here? (brothersbestfriend!bucky)
Steve Said There Is No Way His Best Buddy Can Date His Little Sister, So How Did We End Up Here? (brothersbestfriend!bucky)
Steve Said There Is No Way His Best Buddy Can Date His Little Sister, So How Did We End Up Here? (brothersbestfriend!bucky)
Steve Said There Is No Way His Best Buddy Can Date His Little Sister, So How Did We End Up Here? (brothersbestfriend!bucky)
Steve Said There Is No Way His Best Buddy Can Date His Little Sister, So How Did We End Up Here? (brothersbestfriend!bucky)
Steve Said There Is No Way His Best Buddy Can Date His Little Sister, So How Did We End Up Here? (brothersbestfriend!bucky)
Steve Said There Is No Way His Best Buddy Can Date His Little Sister, So How Did We End Up Here? (brothersbestfriend!bucky)
Steve Said There Is No Way His Best Buddy Can Date His Little Sister, So How Did We End Up Here? (brothersbestfriend!bucky)

steve said there is no way his best buddy can date his little sister, so how did we end up here? (brothersbestfriend!bucky)

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