imperial-spy - "I will not fight you father."
"I will not fight you father."

20 | Artist/Writer | Film Student

26 posts

I'm Drawing Up Some Concepts Of What The Jedi: Survivor Characters Could Possibly Look Like If They Do

I'm drawing up some concepts of what the Jedi: Survivor characters could possibly look like if they do a third game and I'm having some trouble deciding Kata's saber colour? I like the idea of her using the healed crystal from the lightsaber Bode used (dagans saber) but I'm not too sure, here's what I was choosing between.

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More Posts from Imperial-spy

1 year ago

A drawing I did of Merrin! I've been having some trouble with front facing profiles so I wanted to practice, as well as some lighting practice mixed in!

A Drawing I Did Of Merrin! I've Been Having Some Trouble With Front Facing Profiles So I Wanted To Practice,
A Drawing I Did Of Merrin! I've Been Having Some Trouble With Front Facing Profiles So I Wanted To Practice,
A Drawing I Did Of Merrin! I've Been Having Some Trouble With Front Facing Profiles So I Wanted To Practice,

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1 year ago

How come no one told me Andor was that good >:(

-A.k.a I just finished it and it had some of the best writing ever what- and the speech at the end was fucking amazing, Cassian Andor is such a compelling character to watch, and the Imperials were so well written aksiidodjdodjfifh, I literally teared up during the prison break and I don't even know why

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1 year ago

Okay, so I just recently finished s3 of the Mandalorian, and I was thinking something while watching the final two episodes. So the red guard dudes are like, pretty scary or whatever, but I think those electro-staffs they fight with should have been made out of Beskar too. Like, imagine watching Paz's death scene, which is already really sad and then seeing the Red Guards weapons stab THROUGH his armour. Which, if you remember, the Armouror said that only Beskar could pierce Beskar armour. Like, imagine the dread you would feel to know that the Beskar armour isn't enough to protect them anymore.

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1 year ago

my 2023 in star wars art

My 2023 In Star Wars Art

looking through my paintings from this year and kind of noticed a theme... this isn't even all of my star wars art from this year, just my favorites. looking forward to making more in 2024!

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