importantangels - "I was meant to be yours"
"I was meant to be yours"

20s || She/they ₊⊹

15 posts

Yes Please

Yes please 🙏

A/N okay, so I had no intentions of making a part 3 or even a part 2, but here we are, so I hope you guys like it. 💗

Fixing what's broken (Farewell kiss part 3)

Word count: 878

Remy Lebeau x Reader

Summary: Y/N takes the girls to see Remy

Yes Please

The mansion buzzed with activity, but all Y/N could focus on was the call she had gotten an hour before, which had come from one of the X-Men, who informed her that Remy had been injured during battle, which caused her to almost leap off the couch in a rush to grab the car keys and the kids. Her thoughts almost caused her to walk right past the door to the room Remy was staying in while he recovered, if it wasn't for Riley planting her feet and pulling Y/N to a stop, she would've walked with Rose until she realized. Y/N stares at the door for a moment, the girls taking that as a moment to speak to her before they see their father.

"Mommy, do you think Daddy's gonna be okay?" Riley's voice was timid, like she was afraid of the answer. Y/N tried to give a comforting smile, but she honestly didn't know how comforting it would actually be. "He'll be alright." Y/N's voice sounded unsure despite her words. She turns to Rose, whom she holds in her arms. "Ready to see Daddy?" She opens the door before Rose can do more than nod. When the door opened, Y/N's heart hurt at the sight of Remy lying on a bed, all bandaged up but still alert. There were cuts on his face and bruises forming everywhere that she could see. She didn't want to imagine what his bruising looked like under his clothes. "Hey, there's my beautiful girls!"

Remy's voice sounded much more energetic than his face looked, it probably hurt to smile from all the bruises and cuts. "Daddy!" Both of the girls exclaimed in unison, with Riley crawling up onto the bed to give him a hug and Y/N placing Rose on the bed to do the same. "Be gentle, girls, Daddy's still in pain, okay?" Y/N tells the two before stepping back and watching the sweet reunion. She felt relief and love, but the knot of worry she'd had since Remy left still hadn't gone away. "C’mere chérie. I'm alright, I promise." He spoke after the girls got comfy and snuggled into his side like they used to when they were babies.

Y/N stepped closer to the bed, and Remy reached out his free arm that wasn't wrapped around the girls, pulling her close. "I'm sorry for worryin’ y’all." He squeezed everyone closer in a hug before pressing a kiss on everyone's forehead. "I really didn't mean to scare ya." His words were directed to Y/N, he knew she probably freaked out when she got the phone call. Y/N closed her eyes, squishing closer to him. "You better not scare us like this again, Remy." She says it firmly. "We need you." Y/N opens her eyes, looking up at him, tears welling up in her eyes. Remy brushes a tear away. "I ain’t goin’ nowhere." He speaks in a comforting voice as he runs his other hand over the top of the girls heads.

Riley moves to look up at her parents, her brow furrowed. "Daddy, you have to be more careful!" She exclaimed, and Rose nodded vigorously in agreement. Remy chuckled softly but winced slightly at the pain in his ribs when he laughed. "I hear y’all loud and clear, I promise to be more careful." He tells the girls, knowing he'd agree to anything for them. "We love you, Remy." Y/N says this as she watches him interact with their kids. He places a sweet kiss on her lips before looking at all three of them. "I love y’all more than anything."

The rest of the afternoon was spent together, with the girl deciding to draw pictures for Remy to look at while he recovered and Y/N sitting next to him watching the girls run back and forth to show off each new piece of art. The sun had started to set, and Y/N knew it was almost time to get the girls home, but she didn't want to leave Remy there by himself and knew the kids wouldn't want to go either. "Remy, I think it's time I took the kids home, probably should make dinner and give them a bath." Her voice was quiet, like she didn't want him to hear the words. Remy's face turned into a small frown as he spoke. "Already?" He asked, looking towards the window, seeing the sun setting and the sky getting dark. "Yeah, but you'll be able to come home with us soon." She tried to comfort him with her words as she stood up from the bed and stretched.

"If you want, I can call you before they fall asleep, so you can say goodnight." Y/N offered as he sat up a little, looking tiredly at the girls who were still drawing. "Yeah, that would be great." He still looked sad, but slightly more cheerful. Y/N steps towards Riley and Rose before speaking up. "Okay girls, let's clean up so we can go." Her words were met with lots of 'no's', but Remy reassured them that they would come back tomorrow to see him. It wasn't like he was going anywhere, right?

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More Posts from Importantangels

9 months ago

Part 2 of Farewell kiss?

Ask and you shall receive 💕

It's Over, isn't it? (Farewell kiss part 2)

Word Count: 774

Remy Lebeau x Reader

Summary: The morning after Remy's departure

Part 2 Of Farewell Kiss?

The light from the rising sun filtered through the sheer curtains in the kitchen, bathing it in a pretty gold that makes it look almost unrealistic. It was something Y/N loved about this part of the house, one of the reasons she wanted it. Her thoughts are paused by the shuffling of little feet against the hardwood floors. Riley and Rose, still rubbing sleep from their eyes, stumbled into the kitchen, mouths open mid-yawn. Y/N stands flipping pancakes, and lets her gaze drift to the girls before going back to the food.

"Mommy, are you making bunny-shaped pancakes again?" Riley questioned as she pulled herself up into a chair. Y/N moves to put Rose in a chair as well before going to the stove and flipping a pancake. "I sure am, honey." She answered after swallowing thickly, afraid she might cry in front of them if they asked about last night or Remy in general. The air in the house felt almost uncomfortable to her, but she ignored it as much as she could and grabbed plates for the girls pancakes before setting both plates on the table in front of them and moving to grab cups that she filled with orange juice. This was the quietest she had been in years, especially since having Riley and Rose.

"Mommy, where's Daddy?" Rose was always observant and had already caught on to something being wrong the moment her father hadn't appeared when the pancakes were done, like he always had. Y/N freezes like she has been caught committing a crime and stops before she could move the frying pan to the sink. "Daddy had to go out last night, sweetheart." Her heart clenched at the mention of Remy. "He'll be back soon." She added that, trying to reassure them, though uncertainty lingered in her voice, she turned to face the girls, who stared at her with wide eyes that looked full of questions.

Riley was next to speak up, her lower lip quivering and her eyes starting to water. "But why did he have to go?" Her voice wavered, mirroring the anxiety that Y/N felt in her own heart. Y/N moved closer to the table, kneeling down to be level with both girls. She sucked in a breath and wiped her own eyes, trying to gather the strength to answer their question. "Daddy had to go help some people who needed him, just like he always does. But he loves us very much, and he'll come back as soon as he can." Her words were slow as she looked for the right words to say to explain it to the girls.

Riley's brows furrowed in confusion. "But he's always home for pancakes." She spoke in almost a whisper, clearly upset by his disappearance. Rose looks out towards the living room, almost like she was patiently waiting for her father to walk in, but Y/N knew she would be waiting awhile if that were true. "Can we call him?" Riley questioned her eyes, searching Y/N's for reassurance. Y/N smiled softly and nodded before speaking. "Of course we can." Y/N knew he wouldn't answer while he was gone, he never did, but that didn't stop her from leaving voicemail.

Y/N stands to find her phone, which was almost always lost when she was home. Finding it, she scrolls until she finds Remy's contact and brings the phone to the girls as it rings. After a minute, they are met with the automated voice saying to leave a message after the beep, which Y/N let the girls take over most of the recording. "

Hi daddy! You're missing the bunny pancakes today, but I think Mommy can save some for you. Oh, and it's Riley!" She exclaimed, saying her name like her father wouldn't know her voice. Y/N turned the phone towards Rose, who spoke quietly. "Hi daddy, I miss you, but I know when you come home you'll stay for even longer, so it's okay." Y/N's heart hurt at her youngest daughter's words.

Y/N ended the voicemail. "Hey Remy, the girls just wanted to talk to you. I hope you can call me whenever you get a chance. The girls would like to hear your voice, and I wouldn't mind either. Love you." She hangs up with a sigh before smiling at the kids. "Okay girls, finish eating before your food is all cold." She goes to start the dishes.

Y/N wished he picked up the phone just this one time, but the kids were satisfied with leaving a voicemail. But somewhere far from their pretty little house, Remy laid on a battlefield, never hearing any voicemail.

Part 3

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8 months ago


Remy Lebeau x Rouge (Anna-Marie)

Word count: 712

Summery: Remy confesses to Rouge

A/N: This was requested and I usually don't write character x character but I tried it.


It was getting late, and the sun was setting, leaving the sky a mix of pink and blue. Rouge sat in the garden of the school, looking at the plants, deep in thought. Her eyes look almost sad when she looks up at the sound of footsteps on the grass behind her.

Remy approaches her cautiously, almost like he's worried he'll scare her off, his heart pounding in his chest so hard it would probably ache later.

Rouge turns to face Remy, watching him take a deep breath before speaking. "Rogue, can I talk to ya for a moment?" He let out a nervous sigh, watching her scoot over, leaving room for him to sit. A way to close the gap between them, if she even felt a gap like he did.

He didn't sit, though, he just stood, never taking his eyes off of her.

"Dere's somethin' I gotta tell ya. Somethin' I been holdin' back for a while now." He starts, and Rouge tilts her head, curious at what he might say next.

"What is it, Remy?" She questioned. Remy looked over her face, taking in how beautiful she is, almost like if he looked long enough, he'd get the confidence to finally say it, although that wasn't true. "I love ya, Anna-Marie I know it ain't easy, with all da things we got goin' on. But I love ya, deeper than anythin' else." He spoke before letting his gaze fall to her lips, waiting for the right words to fall from them.

But all he gets is, "I- I have to think about this, Remy." He pauses and blinks at her before speaking again. "Okay, yeah take your time."

That night Remy had barely slept, too anxious about Rouge's answer, and that morning, when Remy found his way to the kitchen, he saw Rouge seated at the table, seemingly lost in thought.

"Mornin', cher. How ya doin'?" He speaks, hoping to lighten the mood, but already has a feeling that it wouldn't help, no matter how hard he tried, the moment she looked towards him. "Remy, about last night..." She starts but trails off, seemingly not wanting to say whatever she was going to. "Ya don't have to say it. I can see it in your eyes." He says he already knew where the conversation was going.

His heart ached, but not in the way he thought it would when he last talked to her, no, it ached more like he had a hole in his chest that was being rinsed with alcohol.

Rouge sighed deeply before speaking again. "Remy, you're a good man. But I don't... I just don't feel the same way. Not like that." Remy shuffled backwards a little, moving towards the door, but gave her a smile that couldn't be more forced if he wanted to be. "It's okay, Rouge. Really. Some things... some things just don't work out, and I understand." He said looking out one of the windows.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Remy." She tries to tell him to bring a hand up to comfort him, but stops herself and instead holds it close to her chest. "You didn't hurt me. You didn't do anything wrong, Rouge." He said trying to not make her feel bad, but before she could speak again, he turned on his heels and left.

Remy's chest ached in a way that he never imagined, no matter the wounds he got from battles, none would ever compare to the feeling he had now.

He almost wished he never said anything to her that evening, he somehow would've preferred forever longingly gazing at her, but he knew that he would've wondered even longer. "You look like you got ran over by a truck." Logan speaks up from behind Remy before coming to stand beside him.

"Feels like it." Remy let out a dry chuckle before glancing at Logan. "It'll get easier. Trust me." Logan says while crossing his arms over his chest. "You'll be alright. You're tougher than you look." Logan looks at Remy before looking back at the sun that's starting to rise over the treeline.

Maybe Remy would be alright eventually, but for now he would have to hold onto the ache in his chest.

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9 months ago

Farewell kiss

Word Count: 805

Remy Lebeau x Reader

Summary: The Lebeau family gathers in the late evening, unaware of the looming departure of Remy. As he prepares to leave for a mission with the X-Men.

Farewell Kiss

It was late, maybe nine or ten at night, and the Lebeau family was gathered in the living room. Remy sat on the couch, holding Rose and Riley, one in each arm. The girls were laughing with their father, unaware of the absence that would come in just a few hours. Y/N stands nearby, her eyes filling with tears as she watches them."Alright, time for bed, girls. Daddy needs to go out. Remy said, standing with the girls. "But we want you to stay!" Riley exclaimed, clutching her father's shirt close in her hands.Remy pressed a kiss to their foreheads before speaking again.

"I know, but I'll be back soon, I promise." He tells them as he walks to their rooms, dropping each girl in their beds and telling them goodnight before making his way to his own room. Standing at the dresser in his shared bed room, changing into his X-men uniform. Y/N watches him from the bed, tears brimming her eyes. The weight of the impending departure hangs heavily in the air. "Do you really have to go?" Y/N's voice trembles as she speaks, almost scared to hear his answer, but yet she yearns for the response anyway.Remy let a heavy sigh pass through his lips. "You know I do, cherie. They need me." Y/N felt the tears finally slip down her cheeks, leaving a salty trail behind.

"What if... What if I need you?" She questioned him, her eyes trailing up to his face, watching him fix his coat before meeting her gaze. His eyes hold an emotion she can't exactly put her finger on. No matter how long she had known Remy, there were times when not even she could tell what he was thinking. He stepped closer to her and took her hands in his own, letting his gaze fall on them before looking at her.

"Kiss me before I go." His voice was quiet, like he whispered a secret into the air, not wanting anyone else to hear it. It was strange, she had never heard Remy whisper those words. He was always loud and proud when he said them. A smile tries to spread through the tear streaks covering Y/N's cheeks. "It's not like you'll never come bac-" Y/N's words are cut short by Remy's firm voice. "Kiss me." He held her gaze, not daring to look away, almost like time had frozen. Neither spoke for a minute, Y/N wasn't sure she was even breathing, and her chest was heavy from anxiety, so she wouldn't even be surprised if she stopped breathing, if her heart stopped in the moment, she wouldn't notice, not with his eyes staring into hers the way they were.

Y/N's feet shuffled forward, and her hands slipped from his grasp and moved to his face instead. For the first time in a second since Remy spoke, she let out a breath, and her shoulders relaxed. She shifted up onto her toes and brought him into a long, tender kiss, her fear pouring into it, but she knew he could feel it long before they kissed. Remy's voice wasn't as quiet as before when he started to speak again. "I love you. I'll come back to you. I promise." Y/N swallowed before speaking, leaving a gap of silence one might mistake for her purposely not saying it back, but Remy knew she would always say it back, there would never be any doubt from him. "I love you too, Remy. Please be careful." Her voice was wavering as she spoke to him.

Her hands fall from his cheeks and return to her side. She closes her eyes for a moment, almost as if she were savoring the moment or taking a photo for her memory, before her tired eyes look back at his red ones. Remy steps back and towards the door before giving her one last lingering look before turning completely and walking out the door, leaving it open, and leaving Y/N standing there, allowing her to listen to his retreating footsteps and the front door open and close, her heart aching.

As she hears the front door shut behind him, she sinks to the floor, feeling the fear fully sink in. Hugging her knees to her chest, she reminds herself to take deep breaths through the new tears that trail down her cheeks. In the quiet of the night, the house felt emptier without him, the wind wasn't howling, and the cicadas were silent. Y/N checks on the girls, kissing their foreheads as they sleep peacefully, unaware of the disturbance. She returns to the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed, clutching a pillow to her chest, waiting for his return like she always had.

Part 2

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8 months ago

Do not request

(Things I will not write)

Do Not Request

No Incest

No Twincests

No Stepcest

No Pedophilia

And if you have to message me and ask if I write something that's not on this list chances are I don't.

I also currently don't write smut

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7 months ago

Dad Remy Lebeau

Dad Remy Lebeau
Dad Remy Lebeau
Dad Remy Lebeau
Dad Remy Lebeau

Dad!Remy Lebeau literally freaking out in a grocery store because he lost his toddler after turning away for two seconds.

Dad!Remy Lebeau sitting in a tiny plastic chair with a pink feather boa on because it's tea party day.

Dad!Remy Lebeau watching hundreds of YouTube video trying to figure out how to do the perfect ponytail for his little girls.

Dad!Remy Lebeau who always makes sure to carefully put all of his daughters stuffed animals back on their beds the exact way they were before when he cleans their rooms.

Dad!Remy Lebeau who makes sure to get his daughters favorite candy whenever he goes to the store without them.

Dad!Remy Lebeau who likes to get up early on Saturday's to make beignets.

Dad!Remy Lebeau who has accepted that his kids will always make him late everywhere even if he tries to plan for them to get there early.

Dad!Remy Lebeau who genuinely doesn't know how Y/N takes care of the kids all alone when he's gone.

Dad!Remy Lebeau who teaches his kids how to ride bikes and even when they know how to ride completely on their own they still ask him to give them a push. (he definitely knows they can go without a push but does it anyway)

Dad!Remy Lebeau who will actually check for monsters when his kids ask because who knows maybe something really is under their bed?

Dad Remy Lebeau

A/N: I'm back!! (Kinda)

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