Gambit X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Gambit is the type of sleeper who differs from day to day. Of course, he likes his side of the bed and slowly letting the night lull him to sleep. But he also has nights where he wants to stare at you. You thought it was creepy, at first. But you learned that his longing gaze was because he felt like he didn't deserve you. (Thanks Jean). He had a rough past and meeting you, loving you? The swamp rat himself couldn't believe it. So every night, you curl his hand in yours and settle your head on his chest whilst telling him that he's deserving of all the love in the world.
So, instead of dreading going to an empty bed, now Gambit longs to have his chere whispering sweet nothings to lure him into sleep.
And yes, he wakes up before you to stare at you just a bit longer before waking you with a hundred kisses.

Guys I caved in
Y/n: *wakes up screaming from a dream about gambit* “oh It was just a dream”
Gambit: *laying in bed next to them* “you ready for more lapine”
y/n: *scream horrified*
His only fold
Gambit x black fem!reader
Part one
You two met twice once In bar, well bar fight more like it.
He was in a poker game and you worked the bar, he was fairly new to the scene and picked up a game with three of your regulars. They found out he had been cheating them out of there money three rounds in and got rather agro about this. he tried to use his power to fight against them but unbeknownst to him the bar was shielded so, he only blew himself back twelve feet slamming him into you behind the bar. To make matters worse the people he was playing with were mrds so they had backup there with in seconds causing you and him both to be booked. All this you knew because you had been working there for about a year hidden in plain sight until he showed up.
In the back of the truck you two sat face to face bound by the shackles bolted to the floor, he'd taken glances at you before even flirted with you a few times in passing but this was the first time he got a look at you in bright lights and he thought you were attractive at the bar but now he's absolutely breathless by you, everything from your chocolate skin and tight curly afro to your thick and shapely figure, all of this wasn't new to see but the thing he just took notice of were your eyes your has the same eyes as him but where his were red yours were pink. He didn't notice before because you had bangs and wore a cowboy hat with your uniform, so it made hiding them way easier, but with those out of the way it was clear you were a mutant, and one he'd be head over heels for given time.
Poly couple ideas
Lucien, ulrick,werewolf(au) seth,reader
Scott summers, reader, wolverine,jean
Valentine, draculaura, vampire reader
Guzma,seth,alphonse, reader
These are just thoughts/ideas
As always thoughts are mine characters aren't
Signing off for now 💋
Poly couples:
Gambit rogue and black mutant fem!reader
Cw: everyone in this is over 21 slight NSFW some sexual insinuation,drinking
I feel like you and rogue would be the reason yall are late rogue fixing her make up and you changing your outfit for the umpteenth time, gambit would be all like" um, it's almost that time are my ladies almost ready?" peeking into one of your shared walk in/bathrooms he sees you starting on your eyes still in a towel and rogue sitting on the sink blending in her foundation. Yall don't look up and just give a distracted" yea honey almost ready"
About an hr goes by of him flicking through glowing cards when he hears two sets of heels coming down the stairs, he stands up putting the deck away saying something like "bout time, only took a few gray hairs and a life time to pass over" walking up to meet you both rogue is first down kissing his face she says "I'll show you pass over cajin" with a smile effortlessly reciprocated. Next He helps you down the last steps smiling when you say " mhm I'd like some grays on ya sugar" giggling. After this he grabs the key, your flats, and yall head out.
I feel like it would be a game to decide who the dd(designated driver) is for that week. the second round of games would be played by the two remaining people and the person to win that is the dd for week two of that month and the last person standing is the dd for week three, the cycle would start again on the last week of the month cause that's when game night is.
That person is also in charge of hangover cures cause lord knows rogue woke up with one 1⃣ night. she likes her whiskey but after tasting one of your fruity drinks it's hard to go back so, a dark room and some water was needed after that. Gambit on the other hand was fine I think he'd be cooking breakfast for the both of you or just lounging in bed watching yall sleep(lovingly) and you'd wake up to his glowing eyes staring down at you and you be all "well good morning" and he'd be all "you look even prettier every time you wake next to me" that would spark some feelings and it's be a very good morning indeed 😉😉
As always thoughts are mine characters aren't
Signing off for now 💋💋
Gambit xblack fem mutant reader x rogue
Cw: wedding plans, established relationship
Rogue as a bride I think she'd have a really sexy wedding dress for the ceremony, it would have a asymmetric cut out with a slit up to her hip and she have her traditional puffy eighties style hair out, pretty Natural make up nothing to busy just maybe a brownish nude lip, sharp eyeliner and some simple eyeshadow. Tear drop diamond earrings that gambit "got" yall, it was a matching set the he saw between jobs one was pink and one was yellow. So he thought "it would make a lovely wedding present for his fiancees".
You I feel like it would be a sheath style halter top floor length gown with an open low back that reached around to the sides of your sides and the edges were decorated with floral applicays, instead of a veil you elected for a cape that extended from the bow tied at the back of your neck and split in two to drag behind you on both sides while leaving the back visible. You wore a high pony tail with ends flipped out and middle parted sweep bangs simple old Hollywood style make up and the pink tear drop earrings matched your bouquet (rogue had a white and yellow bouquet).
Gambit he let his hair grow out a little bit per his wives request he tried something new one year and just let his hair grow to see how long it would get by december and low and behold it got pretty long so long that he started wearing a man Bun during missions to keep it out of the way. You both found him super sexy like this and begged him to keep it long so he made the deal that he'd do it again eventually, secretly he new that meant the wedding. After trying on a few different suits he decided on a white one with silver iridescent lapels to match not only the theme of the day but you guys as well it would he would be wearing a man Bun with the classic bangs in front and his boutonniere was a half bloomed sunflower(yellow and pink).
If it wasn't obvious already it was a spring wedding some time at the end of April so it's alittle warm but not to hot pastel but not eastery and everything was fresh and regrown, and as a side bonus allergy season was almost over so no puffy eyes and little to no sneezing it think it would be outside in a garden not to big but no super small between 20-50 people there would be a small dinner for just close family and the bridal party then the ceremony followed but the biggest reception and then the following day before the honeymoon there'd be a huge southern barbecue complete with all three of yalls cultures in food (for me it'd be southern, southern, and southern) after that yall would go on a tour through a few places out of the country as the honeymoon and come home and get settled back in the house.
As always thoughts are mind characters are not
These three have been my fav for a long time so I love writing about em lookbook come soon cause duhhh lol
Anyway signing off for now 💋💋
Once lost
Gambit x Black fem mutant reader
Cw: death, imprisonment, blame for death, self guilt, angst,
You had just moved to the Xavier institute weeks after your father had been killed it was an accident that only you could have caused you thought to yourself he succumbed to the burns that you caused in your sleep. Unable to control you powers it was either the institute or a lab they were more fascinated with the reverse cremation and the government wanted to use your power as war weapons they tried to make you believe it was for the greater good of the humanity or whatever they said
And like a fool who blamed yourself you went into to there custody believing what your mother once said you are a monster and were born to be nothing more then a weapon. For seventeen long years they experimented on you day in and day out taking everything from bone marrow to skin samples making you out to be a broke human pin cushion. You would've stayed there initially wasn't for gambit and his thieving ways he was hired to steal some research from the facility and in the cross hairs of a mission gone sour he discovered you in one of the rooms in the basement. A soul prisoner he thought you were either useful in helping him escape this mutant sink hole and you also might need a hand out of there.
So he approached you with the offer you had been praying for, but you were hesitant to believe him because "what if my mom is right I'm a monster and I deserve to be a weapon" you said "aye yo look cher I don't know you but from the look on ya face you don't want to believe what you say is true so, I'll only ask once more are you want out or not?" Still a touch unsure you nod anyway and take his hand "great now how do we get out of here?" He questioned running in a direction with you in tow. "There is a stair case that they take me up it goes to the lab but but I'm always on the verge of passing out when they take me back here" "come on is there anything you remember sounds lights a vehicle perhaps?" "I do hear boats coming from underneath my room I've always heard stairs before the engine turns on" with time not on his side he draws a circle on the ground with his finger and it opens up a hole that drops right down Into a boat.
He jumps down first you follow suit into his catch, as soon as your safely on the floor her starts the boat and guns it for open waters. Freeing you from your prison. He advised you to hide until you were at least outside of "company waters" he put it, with the hum of the boat and the sound of the waves this made you drift to sleep real sleep for the first time in a while.
His only fold
Gambit x black fem mutant reader
Part two
When the car stops he realizes that he lost track of time in you, so he came up with something that would get yall out of here, hopefully...
"Listen I explain everything later but right now I need you to attack me?" You look him up and down alittle confused by this request but feeling the pull of the slowing down vehicle, and not wanting to pass up the opportunity to get your licks back from the man who got you in this mess in first place you give him a "hmph aight" nod and used the recoil of the stop to propell yourself forward into his lap from there you went to work slamming your fists Into various places from chest to stomach careful not to scratch up that pretty face of his to much.
He didn't do anything to fight back he just made exaggerated noises screaming out "can I get some help back here?, she's gonna kill me and I wouldn't like to die that way". The guards not paying to much attention just giving the *bang* "keep it quiet in there love birds" quickly picking up on his plan you decide to take a different approach "so your really not gonna hit me back what a joke" saying this she pushes his hand in in her hair directly on to a Bobby pin giving him a pointed look to pull it. "Aaow" she pushed his head in the wall yet again making a exaggerated noise. Hoping one of two things would happen he'd either uncuff us first and get out or the guards would come back here to separate us and we'd escape that way, "which ever happened first" she thought.
*click* off comes one pair of hand cuffs *click* off comes the other pair they slip both pairs into his pocket to prevent the *thud* of the fall. Out of the corner of your eye you see one of the guards pier back not wanting to draw there attention now "mmph" you kiss him hard keeping both your freed hands hidden from view "that's better I knew yall could get along" he says through a breathy chuckles. "Shouldn't we stop them" you hear the driver say to the passenger "why they finally stopped fighting and were almost there might as well let them have this especially where she's going." Realizing this would be your last opportunity to get away with out threat of back up you quietly pull back giving a pointed stare to the door he nodded.
Taking the bumpy road as and the cover noise needed, *bam*,*BAM* two good kicks to the door and it flies open "hey, shit do not stop this truck?" The passenger says the driver before he slides the door median door open to reach you two. But he was to late you both jumped out moments before her could grab either of you and with a tumble you were on your way.
High tailing it into the near by brush you make your way through the trees, down a hill into an abandoned church for cover. You make your way to the bishops office to sit down and catch your breath. "Phew, thought we never get away" he says leaning up against the desk across the love seat you had stretched across.
"Yea that did have me for a minute, now might I know who I have to pleasure of speaking with?" You say readjusting your fringe as you await his answer "people call me gambit but you ma cher my call me remi, remi labeau." He says in a slight bow "and who may you be ma cher?" You debate telling him your name but ultimately decide to because why not yall did escape together "y/n, is what my momma named me but the streets call me pinky, reasons being obvious." You say flashing your eyes which happen to be glowing now due to the darkness.
Gambit x fem!blackReader x rogue
I'm upset so cuddles and wholesome
After a long days work one thing gambit likes to do is cuddle with his girls on the couch and lucky for him you two were already on the couch flipping through channels cuddling under a blanket. "Hey baby" you say as you hear the door close and keys hit the bottom of the bowl. "Hey mon chers, how are my babies today" you run over to him practically climbing up into his open arms "I'm alright just missed you quite a bit, you've been gone all day" you say as he carries you back to the couch sitting beside rogue with you in his lap. "Hey sugar *mwah* I'm alright, I really missed you too honey" Rogue says as she lays across your lap while you pet her hair.
"So, what movie are we watching tonight mon amors?" Gambit says reaching for the remote glancing down at rogue "dealers choice, I'm down for anything?" She answers. "What about you sweetness, don't matter?" He coos down at you. "Yea it doesn't matter to me so long as yall are here with me" you answer giving him a Eskimo kiss. He ends up choosing some old reality show that yall are watching right now. The rest of the night is spent under a few blankets while yall talk about the show and figure out what that nights dinner would be. You end up falling asleep a few hours later on the couch until four or five in the morning until one of you wakes first and proceed to wake the others up and guide each other to bed.
As always thoughts are mine characters are not
I hope yall are doing well mental physically and emotionally take care of yourselves
Signing off for now 💋💋
Gambit x fem!blackreader x rogue
Sleeping positions
I feel like remi would be in the middle most nights one because he likes the duel warmth that he's getting on both sides and two because he has two beautiful women by his side sleeping soundly, but all jokes aside he loves hearing you both snore it gives him the feeling that yall are comfortable enough to find a deep sleep and the knowledge that no one else gets to see his princesses like this in some state of undress and complete vulnerability. He takes pride in knowing that you've not only blessed him with the sight of you peacefully expression but given him the honor of protecting you from harm and bad dreams. It also makes him feel needed so it puts the fear of abandonment to rest and if need be you both are there to remind him at a moments notice.
sis like the corner side of the bed between remi and the door. It makes her feel safe and secure at the same time as making her feel free to leave at when ever and if ever she wanted to, it also gives the sense that she can also protect her beloveds from harm at a moments notice so it dashes the damsel in distress that she has been battling. With gambit being in the middle it makes her feel not only included but just as loved by you and him equally and as an added bonus he sleeps on his back so she can see both of your sleeping faces when she wakes up in a panic and just needs to gaze upon her lovelies to give her a sense of peace to fall back into slumber.
I feel like you would like the side between the wall or inside of the room and remi It gives you a sense that they both want to protect you and you can safely let your guard down without fear of repercussions or rejection. This puts your brain to rest so you're not so easily able to overthink about why they are cuddling away from you or if they don't love you as much as they once did. Remi sleeping on his back gives rogue a chance to hold your hand and across his chest or stroke you hair coaxing you to sleep and giving you a sense of connection which you find necessary to get the best possible sleep, and as a plus your closer to the bathroom so you can just slide out of bed and go and not worry about waking them up.. most of the time, but on the chance that yall are in a pretty tight embrace it makes it alittle easier to just shimmy out of the cuddle huddle and answer nature's call before you slide back into bed before you think anyone notices(they always notice)
As always thoughts are mine characters are not
Stay warm/cool get some rest and I'll see yall soon signing off for now 💋💋
Cw:arguments separation regrouping
How they recover after an arguement
I feel like rogue would go for a bike ride(as in motorcycle) getting out of the house and on the open road is a pretty good way to get perspective. She would leave a note or a text in the chat saying she would be going to clear her head and she'd be back(because we communicate in this house) and Yes I know she can fly but sometimes a good ride is what's needed to clear your head with the roar of the engine and the vibrations of the handles as she riding I feel like it will help turn her brain off for a little bit as opposed to being in the air, it would give her a sense of grounding that would help in not only regaining her composure but also finding a solution to the problem so when she does return to the house yall can have that productive regroup that would be necessary.
I feel like remi would escape to the roof top or the balcony. So he could gripe and yell about the situation and he would want to do that in a kind of secluded area so he doesn't hurt either of your feels any further because he knows somethings don't need to be said and if he is going to vent some of these sometimes hurtful thoughts he'd do it away from earshot because even when he's mad he would always respect his girls and not saying things that can brutally hurt yall is one of the ways he does that. After the screaming faze his over he'd calm down and be able to hear the city noise and feel the wind blowing across his face this makes it easy to think and sort through what was said and gives him an opportunity to step back and see the bigger picture of what was said and what the resolution can be so when table time comes he has a well rounded view and is ready to listen and be listened to.
I feel like you retreat to your music. You'd pick a spot in the house that is quiet with a door so either the bathroom, bedroom or basement so you can just shut out the world for a minute and distress from what just transpired. You lay down place both headphones in, turn the music all the way up and just process through your feelings, centering your mind and taking the opportunity to just be. Being in a space that's away from where the argument took place gives you the time to think, think about what they said why they would say that and as this session continues those thoughts turn to I can understand why they said that and how my words hurt them and by the time your walking out of the space your feeling better about finding a common ground and are ready to be seen and see as well.
Aftercare for the argument/disagreement
Food, cuddles or dancing. It depends on the mood because sometimes it's all three, sometimes yall feel like going out after all the tension and just Wanna get cute go the the club or the bar and just dance the night about get some drinks and then go home order pizza and cuddle the night away. And then the following morning hangover cures and breakfast is served along side a "let's never fight again*mwah*"
Gambitxblack bimbo fem!reader

Cw:choking,spanking,ddlg, mention of orgasm denial, praise kink, aftercare 18+
If he had a bimbo girlfriend the man would be putty in your hands he would be enamored with her everything from your thick thighs and brown skin to the way you twirls her hair around your finger when youre nervous or "introuble" with him and the way your hair naturally curls up you are a princess in his eyes so I feel like he'd take on more of a daddy role in their relationship he'd have certain rules for you and if she doesn't abide by them(probably because you forgot a few or how to do it) he'd take immense pleasure in your punishments, punishments would include but are not limited to:spanking, over stimulation, orgasm. Denial anything to make you beg really. I feel like he'd use phrases like "awh what was that my darlin? I can't hear you come on speak up for daddy." When he's three fingers deep in you, you on your third orgasm and barely able to complete a word let alone a sentence.
Or "sense youre so set on using your mouth for something, get on your knees and tried to talk while you choking on my dick" if you started mouthing off to him and only after youre a fucked out drooling mess does he feel like you learned your lesson. When you are a good girl however he would spoil you with all the things in all the world pretty gifts, fancy meals and unforgettable experiences.
I feel like he would be the type to praise centric while he's helping you ground yourself he'd say things to bring you up like "you made daddy feel so good baby", "thank you for taking your punishment so well", "you did so good", "I'm really proud of you" "youre so pretty baby" all while you're in his lap cuddling with you and when you feel like you've started to return would he go and get supplies and clean you up weather it be your make up, dressing your bruises, or wiping you down from sex he'd make sure you were stable before thinking even thinking of himself because to him you are his everything
Ayo this is a random imagine that just 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 part one
Gambitxfem reader
First up gambit THIS MANNNNN just DAYUM first it's his voice like that Louisiana type of southern accent just has me WEAKKKK in the knees. Bro,
IMAGINE: if this man EVER SAID "for the right price ma cher. Or is there something else you want?" I would just AWHHHH melt into the floor. Like I feel like he would just gaze down at you as you are pressed against the the wall not really saying anything just keeping eye contact waiting for you to answer his questions "ma cher, do you want me?" He says ghosting his lips close enough to feel his breath on your own. "Uh huh" you say as you nod "then just*kiss* say*kiss* yessss" he says kissing your left cheek then your right cheek then dragging his tongue across your bottom lip and just as he pulls back you give in with a breathy desperate "yes".
As always thoughts are mine characters are not
Hope you guys enjoyed it let me know if there is something you'd like to see
Signing off for now 💋💋
Gambit x blackfem!Mutantreader x rogue

First meet: Love in the club
When he met you he had three thought southern loud and sexy. You were a bartender that knew her way around the bar and how to entertain large crowds from the door all he could hear was loud woos and "come down on the left", "what can I getcha boys?", "alright alright two beers and six shots haha, guess we have a big night tonight huh 😁". He was alittle star struck almost to the point of drooling and had it not been for rogue nudging him out of his trants he'd still be standing at door mouth agap watching you twirl and dazzle the room as you shake cocktails all from behind the bar.
Rogue thought you were a raging fire but knew what she wanted soon as she seen you. She sauntered up to the bar through the sea of men sat right now in the center and said "hey sugar how's about me and you take a shot of your choice when you get a minute,hm?". You standing in her perfect line of sight say "well I hope you can shoot something sweeter than you accent darlin?" Without missing a beat she replies with "tell ya what, I'll take as many shots as it takes to get you to come home with me?" You, muddling limes into the bottom of the tin say "well, lucky for you I don't have any plans tonight and I get off in an hour. Soooooo if you can down ten shots of my choosing without throwing up or keeling over I'll take you...and your friend there up on your offer. And?" You place the muddler down grab a bottle and turns around to face her with the bottle still out of view "I'll tell you the name of your poison just cause im so nice." She place the bottle on the counter between yall "100 proof jack, so, do ya really wanna take me home?"
Five minutes later
Yall are down to the last shots of whiskey. Rogue takes her ninth shot and then you follow both your tummies are churning proof that both of you have CLEARLY over estimated the integrity of your stomachs, gambit is in the middle of yall already guessing the outcome if this battle is finished as intended "Listen ladies, I'd suggest we fold this round." both you and rogue say in unison "hush it Cajun!" Realizing yall both made a jinx burst into laughter before you say "you sure you wanna finish this?" She doesn't say anything accept "to our night together." She raises her shot glass up awaiting for you to do the same you chuckle raising your shot glass and doing your best to maintain eye contact through fuzzy vision "night ha *hiccup* try life" *clink* yall slam the glasses on counter and down them hearing the crowd roar in drunken cheers was the last thing you heard before blacking out.
The next morning.
You wake up to bright Sunrays shining through the window next to your bed..... only you don't have a window next your bed. It takes a few seconds to feel an arm squeeze around your tummy and a "mmm" in a slightly familiar voice. You softly and slowly turn to get a glimpse of your bed mates face when you realize you are naked, this makes you spring to a Sitting position trying desperately to remember what happened. "Well good morning cher, helluva night you had huh?" Surprised by the southern male voice coming from the fuzzy figure coming from the doorway. Squinting to get a better view of this person he says "your specks are on the night stand on ya right" you smile silently in thanks and retrieve your second eyes. After a few seconds your pink irises start to focus and you see the man from the bar "names remi but you may know me as 'cajun' I believed you called me last night" you nod "y/n". "Awh, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady. Your bedmate is.." "rogue?" You cut him off, you remember her saying that was her name on the way out of the bar.
"The very same, may I?" He gesters to the spot on the end of the bed trying to be careful with his movement not to frighten you you nod and he sits down before you ask "we didn't do..???" "No cher nothing like that, you two kissed alittle on the couch got naked because it was two hot in here wondered through the house to this very bedroom and watched TV until you both passed out on top of the covers. From there all I did was place a blanket atop both of you, remove your glasses shut the door and went to go sleep on the couch." Seeing the slight skepticism written on your face he says " listen i understand how it sounds but scouts honor im not made that way and There are security cameras in the living room and the hall if you wanna check for ya self."
For your own sanity you decide to take him up on his offer and Lou and behold he is telling the truth you both stumbled in the house threw your keys on the table near the door splayed on the couch where rogue atop of you where a make out session followed as yall are preoccupied with each other remi is seen in the back chuckles shaking his head taking his coat off, locking the door and going down the hall to the room where we ended up. Going back to the living room camera yall break from. The kiss turn on the TV say something in audible to each other and proceed to ditch clothes left right and center until nothing but skin remains yall cuddle on the couch for a sec before saying another sentence to rogue and her reply makes you rise from your position of your head on her belly to walk/stumble through the hall opening doors left and right until you found the bathroom following your departure rogue meets you in the hallway and guides you to the bed room as you both enter remi leaves shutting the door behind him and going to lay down on the couch.
"See a perfect gentlemen." He says in a matter of fact tone "alright I, ahhhh" you say feeling a sharp pang ring through your head "so you want Tylenol, ibuprofen or advil?, and what would you like for breakfast I got waffles eggs and sausage." (Insert medicine and breakfast of choice here) "That'd be great, thank you" he gives you one of his shirts to put on before breakfast is ready and points you to the hall closet with all the spare rag,towels, toothbrushes and etc are he tells you food will be ready in a second and to take all the time you need. Between that time rogue wakes up and is in the dining room where the food and remi are.
After this your relationship would start off and the rest would be history.
As always stories mine characters belong to who they belong to
Let me know your thoughts and ideas
Signing off for now sleep well yall💋💋

Hey yall it's my birthday soooooo if you have any birthday themed ideas that you would like to see or read any characters I've done so far are fine bit if you want to see anybody else be my guest my asks are always open but if you reblog this with your ideas feel free
💋stay sweet stay safe stay watered💋
Signing off for now 💋💋
Title: Hurtin’
Fandom: X-men TAS/X-men 97
Rating: Teen+
Warnings and major tags: Talk of self harm, mental hospital (talk of), swearing, hurt/comfort,
Relationship(s): Gambit X GN!Reader
Summary: Reader gets home from the mental hospital and Gambit is there to greet and comfort them. Gambit was the one who discovered them hurting themselves and wants to be there for them.
Notes: Hey guys, gals, and NB pals! Hope you are doing good. I am not doing great at the moment. But what can you do? Life moves on. I recently got out of the mental hospital as I needed some help. So I wanted to write this work as a comfort piece for myself. Let me know if you want a part two where the reader talks with him about her stay at the hospital.
Word count: 431
You stood outside the mansion and took a deep breath. The others were expecting you home and would worry if you didn’t show up. You just needed one more breath of fresh air. You close your eyes and take one last deep breath, letting the air fill up your lungs. You exhale and open your eyes, moving your hand to the door handle. You turn the handle as slowly as your body allows you to and drag open the door. At the threshold you see two feet in silver boots.
You know it is Gambit before dragging your eyes up his body and to his face. He had a genuine smile on his face as if he were happy to see you. But you don’t understand how he could be. Not after the way he found you a week and a half ago. Last time you saw him you were having a breakdown. Scratching at your arms until you bled and cursing and hissing at him that you hate him as he called the professor and 911.
He stepped aside so you could walk in but you stayed planted to the front steps.
“Hey, Chere,” Gambit said softly, “How are you holdin’ up?”
You switched hands that held the paper bag with your change of clothes and pajamas.
“You’re not…You’re not mad?” You were barely audible, but he heard you as if you were shouting.
“Now, Y/N, why would I be mad at you?” He took the bag from you and guided you up into the house.
“Because of what I said. What I did.”
“You weren’t you in that moment, you were hurtin’”
“But.” you sighed, “you should hate me.”
He put your bag down next to the table in the foyer. And next thing you knew his arms were around you, enveloping you in a smothering hug.
“I could never hate you, Chere. Especially not now. You needed help is all. You didn’t see it at the time, but you needed help.”
You could feel your tears seep into his shirt.
“Remy, I’m sorry,” you said with a muffled voice.
“There is nothin’ to be sorry ‘bout, Y/N. I was worried ‘cause I love you. I want to help you get through this. But I’m not sorry for calling Xavier or the rescue. You needed them.”
“Thank you” You sobbed into his chest.
He held you like that for what seemed like forever. Then when he broke the hug, he looked to you and smiled.
“Follow me to the kitchen, I have warm beignets with your name on them!”
Requests are open. I am currently focusing on Marvel, Star Wars, and the 100. But I can do others.

Ahhhh! You all are amazing! Thank you to everyone who got me to 100 likes!
Request Remy Smut
Someone please request a gambit/Remy smut. I want to write one for you all.