ineeddream25 - Wishes Through The Nights
Wishes Through The Nights

Wondering in the wonderland of imagination. Let us fly and embrace the warmth from the moon~ -- 20 || Nice to meet cha! --

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Ineeddream25 - Wishes Through The Nights - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago

I felt like I learned history more from MEMES in tumblr than my own school. Like, I found out that Emperor Caesar died on March 15 from a MEME of a knife stabbing through a bottle of caesar sauce.

Internet is such an amusing place man.

2 years ago

For you folk wondering out there. No, I don't open twitter in the last 2 month.

Honestly, I just went back to tumblr after entering my college and preparing to write for new stories until I look at the trending page. I'm so shocked and confused like.

What's wrong with Reigen, Sans, and Queen Elizabeth and how the fuck are they connected.

2 years ago

Writing Tips

Punctuating Dialogue

➸ “This is a sentence.”

➸ “This is a sentence with a dialogue tag at the end,” she said.

➸ “This,” he said, “is a sentence split by a dialogue tag.”

➸ “This is a sentence,” she said. “This is a new sentence. New sentences are capitalized.”

➸ “This is a sentence followed by an action.” He stood. “They are separate sentences because he did not speak by standing.”

➸ She said, “Use a comma to introduce dialogue. The quote is capitalized when the dialogue tag is at the beginning.”

➸ “Use a comma when a dialogue tag follows a quote,” he said.

“Unless there is a question mark?” she asked.

“Or an exclamation point!” he answered. “The dialogue tag still remains uncapitalized because it’s not truly the end of the sentence.”

➸ “Periods and commas should be inside closing quotations.”

➸ “Hey!” she shouted, “Sometimes exclamation points are inside quotations.”

However, if it’s not dialogue exclamation points can also be “outside”!

➸ “Does this apply to question marks too?” he asked.

If it’s not dialogue, can question marks be “outside”? (Yes, they can.)

➸ “This applies to dashes too. Inside quotations dashes typically express—“

“Interruption” — but there are situations dashes may be outside.

➸ “You’ll notice that exclamation marks, question marks, and dashes do not have a comma after them. Ellipses don’t have a comma after them either…” she said.

➸ “My teacher said, ‘Use single quotation marks when quoting within dialogue.’”

➸ “Use paragraph breaks to indicate a new speaker,” he said.

“The readers will know it’s someone else speaking.”

➸ “If it’s the same speaker but different paragraph, keep the closing quotation off.

“This shows it’s the same character continuing to speak.”

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2 years ago

God this offical art lives in my head rent free

God This Offical Art Lives In My Head Rent Free