ineeddream25 - Wishes Through The Nights
Wishes Through The Nights

Wondering in the wonderland of imagination. Let us fly and embrace the warmth from the moon~ -- 20 || Nice to meet cha! --

460 posts

Ineeddream25 - Wishes Through The Nights - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago

I took this screenshot before the end of the quest yesterday. LET ME TELL YOU WHEN THE END PLAYS OUT I'M JUST CRYING AND SOBBING.


I Took This Screenshot Before The End Of The Quest Yesterday. LET ME TELL YOU WHEN THE END PLAYS OUT

This quest hits hard like a truck and I'm thanking Hoyoverse. This quest will be in my heart forever. Brb gotta go crying again in the new yaksha video hoyoverse just posted.

I Took This Screenshot Before The End Of The Quest Yesterday. LET ME TELL YOU WHEN THE END PLAYS OUT

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2 years ago
Reminder That Albedo Eats Spiders, Knowing That He Could Enjoy Other Bugs Too
Reminder That Albedo Eats Spiders, Knowing That He Could Enjoy Other Bugs Too
Reminder That Albedo Eats Spiders, Knowing That He Could Enjoy Other Bugs Too

reminder that albedo eats spiders, knowing that he could enjoy other bugs too 

2 years ago

genshin characters in f/go (assorted headcanons)

eula is a berserker — I’ve just met her and i’m already making that assumption — she has a relatively low madness enhancement

itto (berserker) and beowulf are friends canonically

while tartaglia is normally an archer, foul legacy!tartaglia is an alter ego class

signora is an alter ego class as well. maybe scaramouche too, considering his background…

caster ningguang and semiramis get along & have my room lines for each other talking about the jade chamber and the hanging gardens lol

ruler zhongli.

assassin xiao.

klee fits right in with the chaldea kids club, chaos ensues

archer venti and saber kaeya join the chaldea drunkards, hell for diluc (also a saber) ensues

mephistopheles and klee were definitely a source of a singularity where they tried to make the holy grail a bomb

moon cancer traveler is a 4* welfare servant

the first event would likely be aether/lumine stumbling into meeting chaldea now that the world is bleached. which traveler is in the event’s story & event shop matches with the player’s gudao/gudako

but at the event’s end, like with the mecha eli-chans, you can choose to bring home aether or lumine!

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2 years ago

Geo dad, watching his son meets his other self, while his son's bestfriend and his adopted kid from mondstadt tag along and get stuck in a cave. Then, they goof around and play with beefcakes (Ushi's nickname).

Geo Dad, Watching His Son Meets His Other Self, While His Son's Bestfriend And His Adopted Kid From Mondstadt

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2 years ago

Discussion plan gone wrong

 [SAGAU! Imposter Reader]

Veritas Inter Astra


Tw : Contains Violence

Welp, this is it. This is the continuation. Have it folks. I'll surely be updating this in the future but IDK how long. cuz currently, I'm still preparing for a college entrance exam. Hopefully, this will suffice for now. If you have any ideas, complain, or brain-rot, feel free! Oh, Ayato simps be winning in this chapter lol.

Faith is a sacred thing. It is holy, full of loyalty, and something that roots deep within people's hearts that serves as a guide. Guide on how they live their life. Guide on how they choose their morality and how to treat someone. Like how to treat a person like you! Who is mistaken as an imposter?

You are aware of the looks given to you. Those Shuumatsuban ninjas didn't even hide their glare while escorting you and Ayato. You grumbled. All this ordeal has left you very exhausted. Waking up in the middle of the storms, getting attacked, and now having to walk a long way to The Kamisato Estate. Yeah, you'd like to take a bath and maybe some warm food.

After navigating through the Chinju forest, your group arrived at the gate of The Kamisato Estate. You heard comments from the NPCs about how beautiful this place is. It seems they are not exaggerating after all.

You gasped. The sheer luxury of this place is up a notch. The soft glow of the lantern as the sky slowly turns to dark blue is beautiful. As if they are guiding you to this fine architecture. The soft blows of the wind with a hint of saltiness from the sea are also very refreshing. You stood in awe. Your ordinary self feels intimidated by the presence of this place alone. You, whom some moments ago, are just someone who tries to pay the rent of your apartment. You backed up a little, discomfort and insecurities filling your heart. Are you allowed to stay in this place? Your mother once look at you apartement and literally said “Damn you lived like this?” Once. Hey, That time it’s because exam week, you’re way too busy with your grades to care.

"Ayato, are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" you asked in doubt. Sure, when you played the game, you have always wanted to visit this place yourself. Honestly, who wouldn't? If you're honest, sometimes you would think, "How does it feel to live in such a luxurious place?" The thought always made you giddy and smile from the excitement. But now, after seeing the real thing, you're not so sure. Ayato smiled, not his usual political smile, but one genuine, full of love and adoration. It makes you uncomfortable. You didn't feel... worthy.

Before he could answer, one of his ninjas, though scared, snapped back at you. "You dare refer to Lord Kamisato so casually like that? Filthy imposter, you should know your place!"

You flinched back. You don't have enough energy to bicker back, and your anxiety's spiking up. The wind blows fast and harsher. You squeezed your hand so hard it turned white. You can handle people being mean to you, but that doesn't mean you don't feel hurt. You ignore the wind that starts getting restless, the trees trashing around along with the wind.

"Look, Ayato-- Lord Kamisato. I appreciate your thoughts." You bowed, apologizing. "But it seems that I won't be received well in your place. I'll go back with Nobu and continue my travel with them--"

"Shut up." You flinched, not daring to look up. Ayato's voice is devoid of any warmth.

Did you mess up somewhere? Did your bow is disrespectful? You heard little gasps behind you as well. Oh no, you definitely messed up.

But I don't want to die. 

An idea pops through your head

Hey, I can apologize! He will forgive me, right? 

You stand up straight, expecting Ayato to glare at you.

Only to see a body stumbles in front of you and fall to the ground. His face was pale as paper. You scream and walk back. The sight of it scares you, but you can't help your sense of morality to help him.

"IS HE DEAD?!" You scrambled to him, grabbing his hand to check any pulse left. In the past, your school has given you some first aid lessons. It's time to practice your knowledge. You reached to the area on the side of his neck. You are relieved when you feel the weak pulse there. After calming yourself, you realize that the unconscious man was the one who mocked you before.

You feel someone's hand gently caressing your cheeks. You startled, whipping around your head to see Ayato looking at you worriedly. You felt relieved that he's not angry at you, but can't he sees the man being unconscious in the dirt? Sure, he is a jerk. Maybe he deserves it a bit. But he looks like he is on the verge of dying!

"T-Thank you for your concern Ay-- Lord Kamisato. But, um, the soldier, Shouldn't he get some treatment?" you asked hurriedly. Ayato squeezes your arms gently once again.

"Just call me Ayato, Dear creator." He said while longingly looking at you. He wanted your attention on him, but the man, who offended you oh so greatly, is diverting your attention from him.

Ayato glances at him. His eyes turn cold and emotionless. How dare this man belittle you, the great creator. How dare he mock you. It seems that the education instilled in them is still not working effectively. He needs to note that for his plan.

The samurais in the back are frozen stiff. They've seen how Lord Kamisato creates a bubble around the ninja's head, mercilessly drowning him, slowly and silently crushing it with water pressure whirling inside the bubble. They've seen the anger and fury gleaming in the head commission's eyes. They've seen it before, anger so primal but so concealed. They wouldn't have noticed if they'd never experienced it before.

Nobu walks forward intending to tell you what has happened. You need to know what happened. The leader, sensing one of his youngest member's intentions, grabs his shoulder harshly. Nobu jerked back, head whipped around to glare at him. The leader motions to Lord Kamisato, who is glancing at them. His eyes filled with hidden messages.

"You don't want the same cruel thing to happen to you right? Don't intervene."

The leader got that message clear. He wants to help you, but he is still powerless in front of the commissioner and his army. Lord Kamisato called you the creator, but to him, you are just a clueless person who doesn't know anything. He will make you one of the group, but now, he hopes your fate there will be lucky, even if his gut was telling him otherwise. If there's another chance to help you, he will repay this sin.

You are still waiting for Ayato's response. Quietly tugging his arms, you called out to him. Ayato's attention is back to you now. His eyes change forth between fury and adoration, which unsettles you. He looks at one of your hands on the unconscious soldier's head.

"No worries, My grace. He is a little bit exhausted from today's mission and hasn't been resting. I'm sure enough rest will make him better the next day." He lied smoothly. The ninja gets the messages and takes their friend back to their living quarters.

You stood up awkwardly. Ayato is still holding your arms. His eyes are still soft with adoration and another emotion you can't pinpoint.

"You can let me go, Lord Kamisato." Ayato looks partially hurt. "Just Ayato, Dear creator. Call me Ayato, like how you used to call me before coming here."

"But, I just met you! What do you mean how I used to call you?"

Ayato looked confused. It seems that something happened when you were transported here. Ayato once again invited you to come inside. You tried to deny it because you don't want to see or hear other people mocking you again. Ayato reassures you, but you still doubt it.

You looked back, but the samurai group was already nowhere to be seen. Your feel your hearts break a little. They don't care about you, huh? You have no other choice but to go with Ayato.

You glanced at him. His expression brightens when he realizes you're looking at him. His lips go full of smiles and his eyes crinkle with mirth.

Maybe, living here for a while is not so bad.

You are guided to the front door of the estate. The Zen garden stretched beautifully across the manner. The white sands look soft and fresh. The lanterns glow warmly in the dark.

You felt yourself relax a little. The guards salute in their Lord's presence. They can't help but notice another person who is tagging along with their Lord. They wanted to converse but their Lord send them a warning gaze while covering the mysterious person's face with his sleeve, resulting in him half hugging the figure to himself.

Ayato suddenly feels his heart thudding fast. Warmth spread all over his body and he feels so bashful. Who knows being this close to the creator feels so comforting. It's similar to the aura enveloping him when he's in the vessel mode but way more powerful.

You are clueless. When Ayato obscures your vision with his sleeve and hugs you, you feel flustered. He smells of wood and weirdly, milk? It is soothing, but still, you're flustered.

"Ayato?! What are you doing?" you squeak. Ayato looks even more bashful. His face flushed even redder. The guards look stunned. Is someone calling their lord on a first-name basis?

"A-Ah I see. it's some important guest to you. I'll call Thoma my lord." The guard rushes inside the manor. While Ayato, who now couldn't hold his desire anymore, decide to embrace you as a way to hide your face.

"Oi, Ayato. Is this necessary?!" You look up to him. Face red and flustered. Which led to Ayato feeling even more overwhelmed.

My creator is way too cute. How can I be calm?!

Trying to reason with himself. Ayato said, "Of course, we wouldn't want to see your face now, don't we? You don't want the same thing to happen again. Right, dear?"

Your confused expression is endearing, per se. One of his hands slowly caresses your cheeks. Both of your faces flushed red because of the situation. Ayato cups your cheeks. His smile is full of love.

"I'll explain everything to you later, dear. We need to find somewhere private--"

"Shall I prepare a special room My Lord?" an unfamiliar voice suddenly joins in. You and Ayato jolt in surprise. Ayato hides your face and you hug Ayato even tighter.

Thoma stood there looking awkward. Ayato is a little bit unhappy someone disturbs him, but he is also relieved that Thoma has arrived.

"Ah, Thoma. Prepare one of the most secluded rooms in the estate." It's a question with many meanings. But, with Ayato's flustered face and his wavering voice, its meaning took a big turn.

"Are you going to do that My Lord?" Thoma asked bashfully. You, who are frozen from meeting another cast of Genshin so quickly took alert at the question that Thoma gave.

"Do what???" Your question is left ignored. Ayato quickly replied. "Yes, Thoma. We will do 'that' private thing. So you all better don't disturb me for the rest of the night. You don't want to interrupt our... 'private' moments. Don't you?"

Thoma stood straight and almost saluted, which you think is funny. "O-Of course My lord! Er- Enjoy your time in intimate moments!" He stuttered.

You choke.

Intimate moments?! What is Ayato going to do with you?! You look at Ayato with a horrified expression. He looks panicked and quickly mouthed you "Trust me" before bridal carrying you through the halls and quickly ran to one of the rooms that has been recently prepared by the servants.

Ayato shuts the door and the servant quickly hurried away, afraid they'll disturb their lord.

Ayaka, whose just arrived at the scene walked to Thoma. She closes her fans. Eyes looking at the room his brother just went in.

"What happened Thoma, why do you look so pale?"

"His lord is doing someone,"

Ayako raises his eyebrows."You mean something?"

Thome is silent, looking at her with a serious expression.

"My apologies, Lady Ayaka. But did I stutter?"

"Oh my Excellency, The Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder!"

The gossip went wild that night.



But in reality both of them just awkwardly conversing. Help them

Thoma : Ayato have someone special!

Ladies in Inazuma : Oh no!

Creator : [No clue] Oh My God, You have someone special? Why didn’t you tell me?

Ayato : [Groaning] How can someone be so endearingly stupid.

TAGLIST!! : @kazuhira07 @karmawonders @ello-its-me-ya-boi @emperatris-rinaka

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2 years ago
Random Gifs Of Gilgamesh [10/?]
Random Gifs Of Gilgamesh [10/?]

random gifs of gilgamesh [10/?]

「☀️ /🌙」

2 years ago

— genshin men in a royalty au


INCLUDES : ayato ; childe ; dainsleif ; diluc ; kaeya

A/N : just some massive brainrot on royalty aus bc i love them so much and hhjhsdl

reader is gender neutral w/ you/your pronouns !!

likes & REBLOGS are appreciated if u enjoyed this !! <33


— imagine you’re in a royalty-esque au, but as like,,,, the personal guard for crown prince!diluc, who sometimes tends to take the title of “personal” a little too seriously at times (which includes, but is most definitely not limited to, keeping you in close company, even when your presence is by no means mandatory). but in spite of his sometimes overbearing need for you to be there beside him, you don’t mind his nuanced insistence; after all, it’s your sworn duty to look out for and protect the future king of mondstadt, right?

being brought up as the future heir to the throne isn’t as romanticised as he’s read his people make it out to be. constantly living on edge, wondering if there’s an assassination attempt waiting for him at the turn of a corner, anticipating a poisoned beverage from an opposer… all of these things are never depicted, and the loneliness that he’s forced to accommodate to certainly isn’t mentioned either. so when you’re hand-picked by his father as his personal guard, he’s even more agitated. it’s the perfect way to get close and get rid of him, right? but contrary to his inner fears, you never did anything of the sort, you merely trained and tended to his needs as you were instructed to. he was still skeptical, though that all changed when an assassination attempt occurred on the night he was to turn eighteen. he didn’t know how you had arrived so quickly, but in that moment all he could focus on was how ethereal the moonlight trickling in through his window made you appear. and it was after that incident he began to open up to you more, and the true nature of his feelings began to bubble within.

but if there’s one thing diluc makes sure to show in front of you it’s the countless marriage proposals he rejects, even going as far as burning the letters in a way he prays gets his message to you across. but no matter how many times he does so, you always regard him in neutrality — as though him openly rejecting marital opportunities from foreign lands had nothing to do with you. is it so hard to believe he would choose your hand to delicately hold and kiss instead? the notion pains him greatly. do you not see the way he stares so longingly? so desperately? so hopelessly??

— but even that righteous motive of protecting your homeland and future ruler takes unprecedented swerves, what with the way second prince!kaeya always seems to appear in front of you, regardless of the task you’re in the middle of. sometimes you wonder whether he just lurks around the areas you tend to frequent within the palace grounds, as him not being sighted for a day is more of a rarity than you would like (though begrudgingly you can’t deny the way his presence brings you a peace of mind within the typically monotonous days, even if his constant teasing gradually becomes more and more genuine when they most definitely shouldn’t).

though his illegitimate birth status may have been swept under the rug from the larger part of the population, it was by no means a privy matter to the old nobles of the court. kaeya had faced countless scorn and disdain, and he had expected the same disgusted look from you when you first met. but you did nothing of the sort. you merely regarded him with his royal status and paid no heed to his unbefitting background, even when he knew damn well you’re aware of it. but you carried on, minding your own business, performing your knightly duties while he couldn’t help but be drawn closer, and closer, and closer. so close he couldn’t bear to back away. and thus he began memorising your most frequented spots, betting on the odds that would allow him to encounter and approach you in a way more natural than just summoning you out of the blue.

his feelings hit him deep in the gut, the realisation of his curiosity-turned-infatuation catching him like a deer in headlights. he knows it’s forbidden — that he should crush these fleeting feelings stemmed from the sheer indifference you displayed at his birth status. he knows he should spare himself the heartache early on, so why is he showing you his secret spot in the back of the gardens? why does he insistently take the time to prepare snacks that caters to your taste when he knows you have a particularly grueling training that afternoon? just why… why does his heart seem to only grow fonder for you as the days pass, no matter whether it’s spent with you or not? deep inside kaeya knows his heart will beat so lovingly for you and you only, even if you love another.

— royal guard commander!dainsleif who always assigns you to go on patrols with him when organising the groups, regardless of whether the high frequency of it all begins to draw suspicion from his subordinates, especially when he still persists even after you’ve been promoted to be the crown prince’s personal guard. sure, you respect the man — in fact, you very well look up to him! — and you don’t mind going on patrols with him, but you’re pretty sure you’re not the only “tolerable” knight in the royal guards… (his subordinates never voice the blatantly obvious reason aloud though; not even when they’re frozen in place at their commander’s uncharacteristically soft demeanour and honey-dripping gaze when in your presence, his usual blunt and nonchalant self nowhere to be seen. well, all but a close knight by the name halfdan, at least).

Keep reading

2 years ago

— genshin men in a royalty au


INCLUDES : ayato ; childe ; dainsleif ; diluc ; kaeya

A/N : just some massive brainrot on royalty aus bc i love them so much and hhjhsdl

reader is gender neutral w/ you/your pronouns !!

likes & REBLOGS are appreciated if u enjoyed this !! <33


— imagine you’re in a royalty-esque au, but as like,,,, the personal guard for crown prince!diluc, who sometimes tends to take the title of “personal” a little too seriously at times (which includes, but is most definitely not limited to, keeping you in close company, even when your presence is by no means mandatory). but in spite of his sometimes overbearing need for you to be there beside him, you don’t mind his nuanced insistence; after all, it’s your sworn duty to look out for and protect the future king of mondstadt, right?

being brought up as the future heir to the throne isn’t as romanticised as he’s read his people make it out to be. constantly living on edge, wondering if there’s an assassination attempt waiting for him at the turn of a corner, anticipating a poisoned beverage from an opposer… all of these things are never depicted, and the loneliness that he’s forced to accommodate to certainly isn’t mentioned either. so when you’re hand-picked by his father as his personal guard, he’s even more agitated. it’s the perfect way to get close and get rid of him, right? but contrary to his inner fears, you never did anything of the sort, you merely trained and tended to his needs as you were instructed to. he was still skeptical, though that all changed when an assassination attempt occurred on the night he was to turn eighteen. he didn’t know how you had arrived so quickly, but in that moment all he could focus on was how ethereal the moonlight trickling in through his window made you appear. and it was after that incident he began to open up to you more, and the true nature of his feelings began to bubble within.

but if there’s one thing diluc makes sure to show in front of you it’s the countless marriage proposals he rejects, even going as far as burning the letters in a way he prays gets his message to you across. but no matter how many times he does so, you always regard him in neutrality — as though him openly rejecting marital opportunities from foreign lands had nothing to do with you. is it so hard to believe he would choose your hand to delicately hold and kiss instead? the notion pains him greatly. do you not see the way he stares so longingly? so desperately? so hopelessly??

— but even that righteous motive of protecting your homeland and future ruler takes unprecedented swerves, what with the way second prince!kaeya always seems to appear in front of you, regardless of the task you’re in the middle of. sometimes you wonder whether he just lurks around the areas you tend to frequent within the palace grounds, as him not being sighted for a day is more of a rarity than you would like (though begrudgingly you can’t deny the way his presence brings you a peace of mind within the typically monotonous days, even if his constant teasing gradually becomes more and more genuine when they most definitely shouldn’t).

though his illegitimate birth status may have been swept under the rug from the larger part of the population, it was by no means a privy matter to the old nobles of the court. kaeya had faced countless scorn and disdain, and he had expected the same disgusted look from you when you first met. but you did nothing of the sort. you merely regarded him with his royal status and paid no heed to his unbefitting background, even when he knew damn well you’re aware of it. but you carried on, minding your own business, performing your knightly duties while he couldn’t help but be drawn closer, and closer, and closer. so close he couldn’t bear to back away. and thus he began memorising your most frequented spots, betting on the odds that would allow him to encounter and approach you in a way more natural than just summoning you out of the blue.

his feelings hit him deep in the gut, the realisation of his curiosity-turned-infatuation catching him like a deer in headlights. he knows it’s forbidden — that he should crush these fleeting feelings stemmed from the sheer indifference you displayed at his birth status. he knows he should spare himself the heartache early on, so why is he showing you his secret spot in the back of the gardens? why does he insistently take the time to prepare snacks that caters to your taste when he knows you have a particularly grueling training that afternoon? just why… why does his heart seem to only grow fonder for you as the days pass, no matter whether it’s spent with you or not? deep inside kaeya knows his heart will beat so lovingly for you and you only, even if you love another.

— royal guard commander!dainsleif who always assigns you to go on patrols with him when organising the groups, regardless of whether the high frequency of it all begins to draw suspicion from his subordinates, especially when he still persists even after you’ve been promoted to be the crown prince’s personal guard. sure, you respect the man — in fact, you very well look up to him! — and you don’t mind going on patrols with him, but you’re pretty sure you’re not the only “tolerable” knight in the royal guards… (his subordinates never voice the blatantly obvious reason aloud though; not even when they’re frozen in place at their commander’s uncharacteristically soft demeanour and honey-dripping gaze when in your presence, his usual blunt and nonchalant self nowhere to be seen. well, all but a close knight by the name halfdan, at least).

Keep reading

2 years ago

ohhhhhmygodd this guyyy

Ohhhhhmygodd This Guyyy
Ohhhhhmygodd This Guyyy
Ohhhhhmygodd This Guyyy

(rbs very appreciated ^-^)

2 years ago
ineeddream25 - Wishes Through The Nights
2 years ago
Constantine XI (5 Rider)'s Ascension Artwork
Constantine XI (5 Rider)'s Ascension Artwork
Constantine XI (5 Rider)'s Ascension Artwork
Constantine XI (5 Rider)'s Ascension Artwork

Constantine XI (5☆ Rider)'s Ascension Artwork


2 years ago
Gilgamesh To Gilgamesh: Look At Me. Do Not Blow This For Us!
Gilgamesh To Gilgamesh: Look At Me. Do Not Blow This For Us!
Gilgamesh To Gilgamesh: Look At Me. Do Not Blow This For Us!
Gilgamesh To Gilgamesh: Look At Me. Do Not Blow This For Us!
Gilgamesh To Gilgamesh: Look At Me. Do Not Blow This For Us!
Gilgamesh To Gilgamesh: Look At Me. Do Not Blow This For Us!
Gilgamesh To Gilgamesh: Look At Me. Do Not Blow This For Us!
Gilgamesh To Gilgamesh: Look At Me. Do Not Blow This For Us!
Gilgamesh To Gilgamesh: Look At Me. Do Not Blow This For Us!
Gilgamesh To Gilgamesh: Look At Me. Do Not Blow This For Us!

Gilgamesh to Gilgamesh: Look at me. Do not blow this for us!

2 years ago

Based on this lol

I didn’t expect to be waken up by a lightning strike next to me.

[Imposter!Sagau thing] / [This is literally my first time writing so yeah] / [I write this only for fun tho] / [Not some deep story, just some light comedy in this dark Imposter AU cuz we already has so many angst :’)]

Waking up in the middle of the storms are not one of the thing in your list of life that you expected to happen. Like, getting a spouse that is nice and caring? Yes. Waking up in the middle of nowhere in a fucking storm?? Nope.

Yeah, You’re sure you didn’t register to anything that has anything to do in trying to survive in the unknown. Maybe God was playing with you in your dreams?? Maybe that’s what happened. Maybe you can continue to sleep. A lightning lands beside you

or not.

Groggily (and fearfuly), you opened your eyes, tries to get away far from there and clear your head from the ringing of the lightning. It’s not the best ringtone for an alarm if you ever set one, to be honest. Looking around, you realized that  the wilderness around you is kinda familiar looking. A sweet flower? Three lavender melons in the ground? Kaburagis in the distance training despite one of their teammate get hit by the lightning and continue to stand like nothing has happened? Oh you know where this is.

Or what you assumed this place must be.

Genshin Fucking Impact.

Are anyone has the contact to celestia right now? Cause I’m about to complain!

A lighting strike again near you.

Or maybe after we get out of this place.


You tried to go to the samurai.. er- ronins?, seeing that they are the only intelligent creature near here. You tried to ask some question, maybe you could have some answer! But nope, one of them really just rush to you and you do your best to dodge so you wouldn’t be sabitonare’d by some random ronin. You’re very much still wanted to be alive.

”WHY DO YOU SUDDENLY ATTACK ME?! I DON’T BRING ANY WEAPON!” “Because, you look like the creator!”

Excuse me who?

You tried to ask them again. But one of their friends just suggested that they try to sell you to the black market! Something about your face and your likeness to the creator that may have gotten them some fortunes! And maybe some money to heal their friends that just got hit by a lightning strike. “Hey man, dude, samurai, whatever. It’s rude to plan about kidnapping someone when the someone you plan to kidnap is right in front of you. Anyway, I’m not that worth kidnapping, brodudes. Even I’ll be surprised if someone see some worth in me. My price could be only one potato chips! Plus who is this creator you talkin’ about?”

The samurai’s look at you as if you’re an idiot. You felt offended. “Hey! I just arrived here with no memories on how do I get here. Cut off some slack will ya?”

To your surprise they really considered that. Huh, maybe they really aren’t as bad as you think they would be. Maybe you should try to reduce the amount of time you farm for their handguard.

One of the nobushi in the back suddenly go forward to you. His face looking weirdly somber. “You… didn’t remember anything? Poor one, I know how that feels…” Choruses of ‘Not this again…’ can be heard in the back. The leader smacked his forehead in some tired resignation. “Nobu, you know we can’t…” But ‘Nobu’ who you assumed was the one standing in front of you, yelled back. “No, We can leader! This poor little one right here is amnesiac in the middle of the storm! You know how we all started right? We have no one and no where. We stays and recruit people and we survived together until today! Are we really going to abandon them?!” Wow, uh… this is really turning into some anime sad moments right now. Well, this is one of your chance to survive. “Hello Mr, Leader sir! I really have no idea how I get here. Can I stay with your group?? I promise, doing something nice will bring you great luck today!” You hoped it would convince him, with the nobushi in front of you making a weird begging face too. Man, you didn’t know these npcs are so expressive. The leader sighs. “Right, you wouldn’t listen to me anyway. Alright brat, you win. Okay now, what’s your name kiddo?” 

The towering height of the leader is unnerving you. WHAT DID THESE PEOPLE EAT? And how about your name? Is it save to give them your real name? Not worth the danger.

“I’m… Bob.” The leader looks at you with more suspicion. “Family name?” “Uhm… The builder?” Sweats are rolling to your jaws. Curse you and your stupid naming sense in the middle of danger!

“Right… Bob the.. Builder. We are going somewhere urgent. You follow us and maybe we’ll find a role for you. Let’s see if your so called speech in me doing nice thing will give us some luck,” says the leader sarcastically. You laugh in a nervous way, praying to whatever deities or Gods in this place that your bullshit was going to go smooth. “Aye aye sir.”

What you didn’t expect was the bullshit, it was working. Not long after you followed them, no bad thing have happened to you all. In your journey. There is no monster who is getting close to your group. The leader even said maybe you’re quite the lucky charm. You grinned, and quickly try to establish some kind of friendly relationship with them. Especially the nobushi who tried to rescue you. He is just some amnesiac kid in the past and the leader saved him too. That was the reason he tried to take you and you really appreciate that.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

I didn’t expect to be waken up by a lightning strike next to me.

[Imposter!Sagau thing] / [This is literally my first time writing so yeah] / [I write this only for fun tho] / [Not some deep story, just some light comedy in this dark Imposter AU cuz we already has so many angst :’)]


Waking up in the middle of the storms are not one of the thing in your list of life that you expected to happen. Like, getting a spouse that is nice and caring? Yes. Waking up in the middle of nowhere in a fucking storm?? Nope.

Yeah, You’re sure you didn’t register to anything that has anything to do in trying to survive in the unknown.

Maybe God was playing with you in your dreams?? Maybe that’s what happened. Maybe you can continue to sleep.

A lightning lands beside you

or not.

Groggily (and fearfuly), you opened your eyes, tries to get away far from there and clear your head from the ringing of the lightning. It’s not the best ringtone for an alarm if you ever set one, to be honest. Looking around, you realized that  the wilderness around you is kinda familiar looking. A sweet flower? Three lavender melons in the ground? Kaburagis in the distance training despite one of their teammate get hit by the lightning and continue to stand like nothing has happened?

Oh you know where this is.

Or what you assumed this place must be.

Genshin Fucking Impact.

Are anyone has the contact to celestia right now? Cause I’m about to complain!

A lighting strike again near you.

Or maybe after we get out of this place.


You tried to go to the samurai.. er- ronins?, seeing that they are the only intelligent creature near here. You tried to ask some question, maybe you could have some answer! But nope, one of them really just rush to you and you do your best to dodge so you wouldn’t be sabitonare’d by some random ronin. You’re very much still wanted to be alive.


“Because, you look like the creator!”

Excuse me who?

You tried to ask them again. But one of their friends just suggested that they try to sell you to the black market! Something about your face and your likeness to the creator that may have gotten them some fortunes! And maybe some money to heal their friends that just got hit by a lightning strike.

“Hey man, dude, samurai, whatever. It’s rude to plan about kidnapping someone when the someone you plan to kidnap is right in front of you. Anyway, I’m not that worth kidnapping, brodudes. Even I’ll be surprised if someone see some worth in me. My price could be only one potato chips! Plus who is this creator you talkin’ about?”

The samurai’s look at you as if you’re an idiot. You felt offended. “Hey! I just arrived here with no memories on how do I get here. Cut off some slack will ya?”

To your surprise they really considered that. Huh, maybe they really aren’t as bad as you think they would be. Maybe you should try to reduce the amount of time you farm for their handguard.

One of the nobushi in the back suddenly go forward to you. His face looking weirdly somber. “You... didn’t remember anything? Poor one, I know how that feels...” Choruses of ‘Not this again...’ can be heard in the back. The leader smacked his forehead in some tired resignation.

“Nobu, you know we can’t...” But ‘Nobu’ who you assumed was the one standing in front of you, yelled back. “No, We can leader! This poor little one right here is amnesiac in the middle of the storm! You know how we all started right? We have no one and no where. We stays and recruit people and we survived together until today! Are we really going to abandon them?!”

Wow, uh... this is really turning into some anime sad moments right now. Well, this is one of your chance to survive.

“Hello Mr, Leader sir! I really have no idea how I get here. Can I stay with your group?? I promise, doing something nice will bring you great luck today!” You hoped it would convince him, with the nobushi in front of you making a weird begging face too. Man, you didn’t know these npcs are so expressive. The leader sighs.

“Right, you wouldn’t listen to me anyway. Alright brat, you win. Okay now, what’s your name kiddo?” 

The towering height of the leader is unnerving you. WHAT DID THESE PEOPLE EAT? And how about your name? Is it save to give them your real name? Not worth the danger.

“I’m... Bob.” The leader looks at you with more suspicion. “Family name?”

“Uhm... The builder?” Sweats are rolling to your jaws. Curse you and your stupid naming sense in the middle of danger!

“Right... Bob the.. Builder. We are going somewhere urgent. You follow us and maybe we’ll find a role for you. Let’s see if your so called speech in me doing nice thing will give us some luck,” says the leader sarcastically. You laugh in a nervous way, praying to whatever deities or Gods in this place that your bullshit was going to go smooth. “Aye aye sir.”

What you didn’t expect was the bullshit, it was working. Not long after you followed them, no bad thing have happened to you all. In your journey. There is no monster who is getting close to your group. The leader even said maybe you’re quite the lucky charm. You grinned, and quickly try to establish some kind of friendly relationship with them. Especially the nobushi who tried to rescue you. He is just some amnesiac kid in the past and the leader saved him too. That was the reason he tried to take you and you really appreciate that.

And not after long, your group was stopping. They said they need to meet some important client. Nobu, the chad, explains their transaction.

“We kinda work with the Kamisato family to keep eyes on the more rough and aggressive ronins. We are going to give the reports to them right now. He said, if we do this job for them for a long time, They will guarantee a living quarter for all of us when we turned old! It was such a great deal. We thank him for that!”

Oh this group is kinda nice. You do are lucky, also it seemed the storms are already ending. Huh, that’s quite fast considering when you’re scared a moment ago it’s still raining heavily. Meh, maybe it’s the raiden shogun and her mood swings.

“Uh... Konnichiwa?”

‘Wait, Nobu, who is him?” You notice this mysterious figure mentioned in the line of someone who is working with your group. Nobu opened his mouth, but he’s interrupted by some man just poofing into existence from out of nowhere and it scared the bejeebus out of you.

“Kai’s group, you bring those reports?” The leader rolls his eye. “You guys are always dramatic. Here,” He give them a stack of rolled paper, each one with the information of ronins around kamisato estate and Konda Village. 

The ninjas immidiatelly secured the scrolls. “we thank you for your cooperation...” He suddenly became quite. The ninjas are looking right into you. You squirmed in your place, slowly goes behind Nobu to hide from their stares. 

They wield their weapon at once. ‘WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU IMPERSONATING THE CREATOR?!”

The ninjas stopped. The fearful look in their face as the cloud began to surround you and lightnings trying to hit them. They are terrified and starting to doubt their accusation. You, who was not aware of everything happening around due to the adrenaline, only smiles in satisfaction seeing they finally listen to you.

Oh fuck. The group hasn’t explained who is this fucking creator. One of the shuriken lands near your feet. And you leapt back. 

“HEY! I’m not this-” You dodge a shuriken. “--Creator you talkin about--” another shuriken, “--LISTEN TO ME YOU NARUTO RIP OFFS” The thunder and storms is already coming back. Clouding the area where you all was staying. 

“Now, that’s a good manner. Don’t go around swinging those weapon at some random people will you? I don’t like getting hurt,” The ninjas nodded quickly. Some of the nobushi, in the command of the leader who sense there are something peculiar about you, made a formation to protect from any further harm.

Then, you heard someone walking from behind. The sound of rustling clothes and you heard the sound of someone sipping something. Oh no, there is only one man in the entire Genshin cast that drinks in the middle of the road.

The leader walks up behind you, “Ya sure ya ain’t someone kid? Weather don’t react that way when someone ordinary is angry,” He said while pointing the clouds that has began to disperse after circling you. 

“Huh, no idea. What I remember I’m just an ordinary someone,” you shrug. Hey, you already need to deal being isekai’d to Genshin. You have no other reason to think why the weather is stormy. You’re not a forecaster. 

“Gentlemen, Is there something I can help you with?”

Look and Behold! The famous Mr, Kamisato is here! The man himself is sipping the boba tea that he just took out from his sleeve.

How the fuck the does that is still unknown to you.

One of the ninjas that previously attack you is already beside him. He is whispering something to the Kamisato Lord, while eyeing you disdainfully. Which earned a middle finger from you.

“Wow, great, I’m being accused. So fun.” “Shut up, Bob the Builder!” The leader whacked you in the head for talking disrespectfully in front of the Kamisato head, which make you yelp in pain.

“Hey Leader, he started it!” You pout. You have your pride and there is no way you would let somebody accuse you of anything. 

Ayato looks at you. A weird clothes. Disheveled and messy. Also a bit damp from the rain. But the fact that your face literally looks like the creator is also unnerving. But your name, Bob the Builder? Huh...

“Excuse us, it seems that our ninja here mistakes you impersonating our creator. We deeply apologize,” Ayato took another calculating look towards you. The warmth of the creator vanished moments ago. Lots of people are trying to investigate what happened, Ayato included. But then, you came. Someone who resembles the creator. Ayato also see what happened when you got mad before. He sees the cloud’s that’s circling you. He needs more information.

“Our creator, [Name], is the divine god all of us worship. Surely you understand why we have gotten suspicious, right, Bob the Builder?”

The confused expression in your face is the answer he’s looking for. You mouthed something along “How does he knows my name?”. Ayato smiled deviously. If his assumption is correct, “Our creator last mention about how they are happy at getting the Haran Gepakku Futsu sword after getting me as their vessel in 50 pulls. maybe they are celebrating that so that’s the reason they get away...” Ayato looks at your offended face.

“HEY NO WAY. I GOT SPOOKED WITH A FUCKING ELEGY! AYATO’S AWORD IS BLACK CLIFF NOW---” You eyes widen and you suddenly closed your mouth with your hands. Ayato smiled, he then once asked again, now with his black cliff sword out in the open. “Oh my, How do you know that? That information is only known by me and the creator,...” 

All attention now on to you. Nobu is looking for you in astonishment. 

“Bob... Are you?” 

“On my defense, I still don’t know who is this creator you talking about.” You slowly walked away from all of them. But some of the ninja’s restrained you. Your face is getting paler.

Kamisato Ayato’s eyes gleamed. Is this the reason their creator’s warmth is gone? So they chose to ascend to teyvat? Ayato walks forward. He kneels in front of you and slowly took your hand and kissed it softly. A strong possessive looks in his eyes makes you flinch. What is happening?

“Oh my lovely creator... Welcome. Such an honor to be the first vessel who meets you in this form...” You looks even paler. Your character knows you? You’re their creator? The sudden influx of information is making you dizzy. You looks at the samurai group that has been your traveling company. Eyes pleading for help but they look frozen. Nobu suddenly shouts.


Or Maybe, this is all real?

Kamisato Ayato chuckled. How fortunate. It seems this group is really worth the investing. He never knew this little plan of his would result in something so fruitful. 

Your head is spinning. You don’t even know where to start thinking. Ayato took this as a chance to whisk you away to the Kamisato estate. “Oh estemeed creator, you seemed tired. How about we go to the Kamisato estate. I’m sure you will be delighted there!” You look at the men who surrounds you. Yeah, this is really confusing, but hey, a chance to rest is something you need right now. Maybe all of this is really just a surreal dream. Maybe you will wake up after this in your cozy bedroom.

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2 years ago

Oh! I wanna try this!!

So, I spawned in Inazuma... (Yikes, gotta survive from the numerous storms).

And the characters that will try kill me is... Lisa, Noelle, Amber, and Xinyan? (Sorry Noelle, Xinyan, I have no claymore things left to build you :'()

My connection to the land... Well, I already cleared floor 11 so I'm kinda powerful! MUAHAHAHA (Cough in can't finish floor 12 because those 3 abyss lectors. So hard ಠ_ಠ)

How many times I've almost been killed?? My frostbearing tree is max honey~ ... That's quite terrifying actually.

People who protects me from other character? Oh! I kinda like my team one now! Zhongli, Ayato, Kaeya, and Kazuha :D

The region who welcomes me is mondstadt! Hahaha, quite weird if knowing that Lisa, Amber and Noelle are the one trying to kill me... Whoops.

And the character most devoted to me is... ZHONGLI!!! My man came home to me in 1.1 version and he's been on the team ever since. I love this old man. He's my pride and joy. Even now I'm still trying to get a nice artifacts for him and try to level up his talents! (Cry in almost no mora).

I might try to write some story according to this lol.

Your Imposter! SAGAU Life

Your spawn region:

AR rank 1-20 = Mondstadt

AR rank 21-40 = Liyue

AR rank 41-60 = Inazuma

People who first try to kill you:

First 4 of your lowest leveled characters

Your connection to the land, nature and creatures:

(Highest 3-stared spiral abyss level clearance)

Floors 1-4 = Nature is not kind to you and the creatures of the land actively try to kill you

Floors 5-8 = You have no effect on the land and the creatures largely ignore you

Floors 9-12 = You can manipulate the land and nature, creatures actively try to protect you

How many times you’ve almost been killed:

Frost bearing tree level

People who try to protect you from other characters:

Your Team 1 slot

Region who welcomes you and doesn’t try to kill you:

The place with the highest city reputation OR if all cities are level 10, then the city you maxed out first

Character MOST devoted to you and is your protector:

Whoever is your highest leveled character AND talents

Feel free to share how your life pans out in Genshin Impact 😄

2 years ago
ineeddream25 - Wishes Through The Nights
2 years ago
*offers U A Joltik*

*offers u a joltik*

(incredibly rough because I hate cleaning up my animations ,,,)

2 years ago
ineeddream25 - Wishes Through The Nights
2 years ago


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