infiniteiram - mars đŸȘ
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apolloswords on ao3 | here (mostly) just for van der stoffels | they/them

322 posts

I Just Want To Have Time To Write Again. But Alas University Is Making Me Write Papers On Why People

i just want to have time to write again. but alas university is making me write papers on why people deserve basic human rights and i can’t even get past the intro paragraph.

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    pepethehobbit liked this · 3 years ago
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More Posts from Infiniteiram

3 years ago
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus
Gif Request: S1 + S2 Kesde Beus

gif request: s1 + s2 kes de beus

send me a gif request!

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3 years ago

this isn’t even my fave fanfic. there’s so many things i wish i could re-write or add or change or edit in it. the soundtrack isn’t even my favourite either.

but holy fuck do i re-read it and bawl so hard each time. like when jens moves to america and lucas hugs him one last time? brb CRYING

i’m at an airport rn and all i can think about is lucas visiting jens in san francisco :,)

gonna re-read home (love, vds) to cry on the plane

3 years ago


100 days ago marks the day SKAM NL was cancelled - but we won't ever stop fighting for it

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3 years ago

Fondly Yours, Lucas.

a vds one shot. you can find more on my ao3.

( @ apolloswords )

feel free to comment/message me any suggestions for one shot ideas!

Lucas is an aspiring artist, who gains inspiration from the musical works of a piano player who lives above his apartment. Too shy to say anything, he invites his mystery muse to his upcoming art showcase. 

Both Lucas and Kes didn’t say anything. They continued to study the set of paintings in front of them, the canvas sizes ranging and the colours all swarming madly together, contrasting and contradicting with each other. Both boys had on a similar expression. Lucas’ hands were on his hips and Kes’ arms were crossed, with a hand tapping on his chin. But their furrowed brows and bitten lips were exact replicas of each other which in the end only meant one thing.

Neither of them had any idea what to do.

“You don’t have to say anything you know. You could just leave it as it is. Which is nothing.” Kes suggested without taking his eyes off the set of paintings.

Lucas shook his head in disagreement. “No, I can’t do that. I’d practically be taking credit for someone else’s work.”

“But technically it still is your work. I mean, it is your work.” Kes defended. “Are you supposed to credit inspiration?”

He sighed. It’s not like most artists did credit inspiration- but this was different. It would be wrong of him to pretend all of this work was simply something he created on his own.

From his own mind.

“I can’t do that.” Lucas firmly stated, turning his body a bit to face Kes. “You know I have to credit this person somehow.”

Kes sighed, knowing he was right. Shrugging, he also turned away from the paintings to look at him.

“You know, you could just actually tell them.” He finally stated.

Frowning, Lucas gave him a weird look in response. Tell them? He thought to himself. Tell them what exactly? That the only reason he managed to get out of such an artist block for his upcoming showcase was because after one week of living in his new Antwerp apartment, he heard the most lovely melody playing from the apartment above him? That he spent countless hours listening to what was able to be heard from his own apartment, and thus eventually leading him out of the block to create art work based on the beautiful music? How he longed to wait for the beautiful piano keys to be played everyday, and being immersed in so much more? How he never thought his synesthesia could manage to give him more of a world than the one he actually lived in?

There was no way he was able to admit any of that to the musician upstairs.

“What would I even say?” He asked Kes, trying to make sense of the rambling of worried thoughts in his head.

“The truth? An explanation? A thank you?” He replied, huffing out a light laugh after every suggestion, subtly pointing out how obvious the whole situation was. “Face it Luc, you know this will eat you alive if you don’t do it.”

Kes was right. He knew Kes was right. But there was no way he was going to openly admit that.

“I am way too shy for that.” Lucas pointed out instead. “Besides, wouldn’t it be a little creepy? Some new neighbour of yours just coming up, knocking on your door and telling you they made not one, not two, but a whole painting series on some of your piano playing? I’m going to sound like a stalker.”

“No you wouldn’t. If anything, well if it were me, I’d be flattered. It’s not everyday someone makes a whole art collection based on the music you play. If it were a common thing, you would’ve made a collection to Jayden’s guitar playing right now.”

“Have you heard Jayden’s guitar playing? I think it’s the one time my synesthesia actually malfunctions and checks out.”

“Can it do that?” Kes asked curiously.

Lucas shook his head. “No, it can’t. But I definitely have never gotten inspired by it.”

Kes let out a loose laugh, which Lucas couldn't help but smile alongside it. When Kes was finished being so amused, he sighed and tried to give Lucas a small reassuring smile.

“Listen, maybe you don’t have to go up and exactly knock on the door. Maybe you could just go up there and leave a note. Alongside an invitation to the event.” He finally said, and Lucas nodded slowly, taking in the suggestion.

“What if they still think that’s a creepy? Think about it-“ He began to say before he was quickly cut off.

“They think you’re creepy because now you’ve left some invitation to some random event where their musical talents have been exploited by some random Dutch artist who is too paranoid for his own good.” Kes finished off, giving him a teasing smile. “Face it, everything is objectively creepy.”

He groaned, knowing he had made another point. Burying his face in his hands, he squeezed his eyes shut and let out a few deep breaths. As he did this, he could hear some rummaging going on around him, but Lucas wasn’t calm enough to deal with that just yet.

When he did eventually open his eyes, he wanted to shut them again and pretend he didn’t see Kes grinning at him widely, with a small poster with the information of the artist showcase at the museum in one hand and a pen in the other.


Hi, I’m your neighbour from down below. I’m an aspiring artist who just moved to the city, and after the first few weeks of living here, I was lucky enough to be able to hear you play such beautiful music on your piano. I managed to make my new art collection based on your music, and it is actually being showcased this week at this event. If possible, I would love for you to come and see the collection, as well as getting to know you. I hope to see you there.

Fondly yours, Lucas


Now, Lucas was a nervous wreck. He was constantly biting his nails and wiping his clammy hands on his dress pants, hoping it wouldn’t stain. But he couldn’t help it, it had been an hour since the showcase started and his mysterious piano player was no where to be seen.

“They aren’t coming.” He told Kes, as he bit his nails a little more. “They probably thought I was a creep and I bet you that they’re planning on moving out as soon as possible.”

“Would you stop that?” Kes replied, gently taking Lucas’ wrist and bringing it down, so he wouldn stop biting his nails. “You’re going to eat your whole hand at this point.”

“I told you it was a bad idea.”

“Maybe they were just busy. Busy with their own musical showcase.” He patted Lucas on the shoulder assuringly and tried to offer him a small smile. “Come on, let’s go over to the drink table to calm your nerves.”

They headed away from Lucas’ exhibit, and casually made their way to the refreshments. Along the way, Lucas got a few taps, nods and smiles, all actions to show they were clearly impressed by his work. He thanked them politely, but this only made his guilt overwhelm him even more. At one point, he almost considered backing out of the exhibit because he couldn’t handle it anymore.

Kes poured them both a glass of champagne and Lucas suddenly felt someone come up and throw an arm around him. Startled, his pressing thoughts escaped him as he looked over to the person dangling off his shoulder.

“Hello boys.” Jayden greeted with a wide smile. “Have we found Lucas’ mysterious muse yet?”

Snorting, Lucas swatted his arm off his shoulders gently. Kes just rolled his eyes and gave Lucas the glass of champagne, which he downed quickly. Jayden looked between them, still waiting for an answer.

“Doubt they’re coming.” He finally stated, after the champagne gave him a quick buzz. Jayden frowned and Kes just sighed.

“Cheer up Luc, you still got a great exhibit. Makes it look like I’m tripping on psychedelics without even doing so.” Jayden said.

He raised a brow at him. “Are you okay? My art doesn’t look like a psychedelic trip at all.”

“The blending off all the colours is kind of trippy.” Jayden shrugged.

“No? Jayden, the shades are much softer and so is the blend. And the art doesn’t even remotely look psychedelic-“ He began to explain before Kes quickly patted his chest to stop talking. Lucas gave him a confused look.

“Guys shut up.” Kes whispered, looking over into the direction of Lucas’ exhibit. “Look.”

They all turned their heads to where Kes was indicating, and Lucas felt a lodge in his throat. There was someone standing in front of his work, simply admiring it. But this boy had such an allure to him that Lucas found himself admiring him like he was the exhibit.

The boy was nonetheless, beautiful. He radiated both an enticing yet soft feel but his features and expression made him look quite mysterious. Lucas could only make out what he saw from the boy’s side profile, but he didn’t need much to look at to know he was beautiful. Dark raven hair flowed down over his eyes, with dark brown eyes wandering over the artwork with such focus. His skin had a warm olive tone to it, but to Lucas, it reminded him of a braze touch of gold. He wore a black button down shirt he wore fitted over his body accentuated his broad shoulders and chest, and Lucas could practically feel his face turn red as he tried not to gawk at him.

“You should definitely talk to him.” Kes suggested, and Lucas was surprised to also see him and Jayden equally starstruck.

“Are you crazy? What would I even say?” Lucas whispered-yelled at them, shaking his head.

“What if that’s your mystery muse?” Jayden suddenly said, and Lucas could feel himself begin to panic again.

“Then there is no way I am going over there. He can read my artist information on the postcard.” He said, but his friends only shook their heads.

“You have to go over there. Even if he isn’t your mystery muse, he is arguably very cute and I know you’re going to regret not making a move.” Kes mentioned, and Lucas just sighed.

“Must you always be right?” He mumbled, hoping it was out of earshot.

“Took you long enough to admit.” Kes winked as he gave him a playful smirk.

“Luc! Go!” Jayden whispered-yelled, lightly pushing him out of their small circle.

Stumbling a bit and feeling his face go hot as a few people looked at him, he straightened himself up and took a deep breath. When he felt rational and calm enough, he slowly made his way towards the boy. The boy still hadn’t taken much notice of him, as he was still very focused and captured by the series of paintings in front of him. Lucas could feel a leap in his chest. There could be two reasons the boy was so focused. One, the paintings were questionable at best and he was wondering how a showcase could even choose an artist like him to have an exhibit worthy enough to be presented in the spotlight. Or two, the paintings were actually endearing enough to a decent level of adornment, and the boy was just simply captivated by it.

Please let it be the latter. Lucas pleaded in his nervous thoughts.

Finally, the moment came. Lucas was only a foot away from the boy, and they were both the only ones standing in front of the exhibit. He studied him a bit closer, wondering how he should go about this.

Should I say something? Tap him on the shoulder? Wait until he notices me? I wonder what he thinks of the paintings. Lucas thought to himself.

“Good.” The boy spoke suddenly, startling him. When Lucas didn’t reply right away, the boy lifted his head up and turned to him, flashing him a rather charming smile. “They’re really good.”

“Holy shit,” Lucas gasped. “Did I say that out loud?”

The boy huffed out a laugh, which was warm and light. Lucas could feel his face go hot all over again and he wanted to bury his face in his hands.

“You did actually. But it was rather cute if I say so myself.” The boy assured, his voice soothing and sweet like a spoonful of honey. “Are you the artist?”

“Yeah, that’s me.” He replied shyly, biting his lip and trying not to stupidly grin at the compliment.

He watched the boy smile widely, then shaking his head lightly before looking down. “That is really good to know.”

“It is?” Lucas asked, tilting his head and feeling rather confused.

The boy lifted his head back up, with another charming smile. “Yeah, actually, it is. I was looking for you.”

“You were? Why?”

“Well,” the boy began to say, as he reached into the back pocket of his dark dress pants and pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper. “I am the recipient of this invitation.”

As he watched the boy unfold it gently, Lucas widened his eyes upon recognition. It was the small poster advertising the showcasing, and when the boy flipped it around, Lucas noticed the familiar blue ink and his own handwriting at the back.

“Oh my god, you are my mystery muse.” He mumbled, still rather shocked and overwhelmed at all of this.

“Mystery muse?” The boy asked with a light laugh, and Lucas felt his face go red for the millionth time tonight.

“Sorry, it was a dumb nickname my friends and I gave you. When we didn’t know who you were.” He stuttered, trying not to trip over his words while also deliberately trying not to pass out.

“Ah, a nickname.” The boy winked. “Well, if it interests you or your friends, my name is Jens.” He reached out his hand to offer a handshake to him. “It’s nice to meet you Lucas.”

“Likewise.” Lucas replied, shaking his hand back. He couldn’t help but let out a small grin when their hands touched, and especially with the way Jens squeezed his own with a rather affectionate feel.

“So how did you manage to have my piano playing inspire all of this? Considering we’ve never actually met.” Jens asked, gesturing towards the collection in front of them. “I’d read the information on your post card but, I think it would be much better to hear it from you personally.”

“Oh well,” Lucas began to say. Usually explaining his artwork didn’t have him feel so shy and reserved, in fact, it was probably the time he felt the most confident. Trying to ignore the emerging blush on his cheeks and the racing heartbeat in his chest, he turned away from Jens to look at the artwork.

“I have synesthesia.” He began to explain. “So that means I can perceive some senses through another sense. One of which is where I can perceive music not only by hearing it, but by seeing it as well. When I moved into the flat underneath yours, I was able to hear your piano playing quite often. It was usually rather faint, but something about it triggered my senses to see all these shades of colours working together.”

“How did you manage to depict that through your art?” Jens asked, pointing out at the intricate detail in the paintings. “It looks like a series of events.”

“You’re right, it is.” Lucas sad, brightly nodding his head in excitement. “A lot of the music you played managed to remind me of some certain memories in my life. Though I kind of altered it as a whole experience, so the audience can sort of view it as if it was their own experience as well.”

“I can’t believe you managed to make something out of a few random melodies. Like, I can almost tell which pieces I played and which painting resembles it.” Jens said in awe. “You are extremely talented.”

“Thanks.” He replied shyly. “You’re also extremely talented. I never perceived music this intensely before.”

Both boys smiled at each other, silently showing that neither of them had experience this. Lucas couldn’t help but notice that Jens was an art work in himself, one that Lucas’ senses would never fully perceive. He was just too ethereal to be seen that way. Jens was more than just a pretty face, with every turn of his head, flicker of his eyes and the slight movement of the upturned corners of his lips, Lucas began to believe he was illuminated by every star in every galaxy.

“Oh honey, read this.” An older woman said to who Lucas assumed was her husband. The couple weren’t paying much attention to him or Jens, just the paintings themselves. And the postcard that held all of Lucas’ information.

“It says that this artist has synesthesia and was inspired by the sound he heard from his neighbour upstairs in their apartment building.” She explained, quite excitedly.

The older man smiled softly at her. “Well, that sounds like a story for soulmates doesn’t it? How one’s music managed to intertwine with the memories and artistry of another’s. How lovely that their souls have danced together before they have even met.”

After sharing a few more adoring compliments at the work, the couple shyly headed along to the next exhibit. Lucas knew Jens had heard what they had said, and he hoped it wouldn’t scare him away. It’s not like it really meant anything, considering they had just met and soulmates was a rather broad description for them.

They both blushed at each other and let out awkward laughs.

“Soulmates huh?” Jens asked, with a small smirk. “I think that’s a lot to say for our first meeting.”

“I agree. We’ve only been talking for a few minutes.” He replied.

“We could change that.” Jens said, dropping his voice a few octaves so Lucas was the only one who could hear him.

“How so?” Lucas asked, his voice almost in a whisper ad he tilted his head in confusion.

“Well, maybe after all of this, you could come over to my place. You know, the apartment right over yours?” Jens replied with a smirk.

Lucas couldn’t help but beam. “Yeah? And what would we do?”

“Chill, you know. Talk paintings, music or whatever. Whatever soulmates talk about. But I’d like to get to know you before I agree that the couple was right.” He suggested, shrugging nonchalantly. Lucas couldn’t help but beam even more, which only made Jens smile wide with the tip of his tongue rested between his teeth.

“I could do that. I’d actually very much like that.”

“Good.” Jens smiled. “I’d give you an actual formal invitation, but I think it’s nice being able to see you smile as a response.”

He watched as Jens turned around, looking over his shoulder. Jens reached out a hand, indicating that he was about to take Lucas somewhere.

“Oh, I can’t go now. I still have to stay until the showcase ends-“ He began to apologize but Jens only shook his head and let out a small laugh.

“No, I get that. I’m just wondering if you’d like to show me around more of the exhibits. I came late because I was trying to read up on art and shit but, none of it really sunk into my brain.”

“Would you like me to show you around?”

“I would love that. It’d be my pleasure.” Lucas said, gently taking his hand. “You seem rather fond of this whole soulmates thing.”

“I am fondly yours Lucas.”

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3 years ago


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