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Fock The Government.

Fock the Government.

a vds one shot. you can find more on my ao3.

( @ apolloswords )

feel free to comment/message me any suggestions for one shot ideas!

As the castle opens its gates for the people to attend the Prince’s Coronation Ball, Lucas stands in front of them, wondering if he has a shot at his own fairytale.

“You guys, check this out!” Lucas heard Jayden announce from a few feet away.

Directing his attention off of the conversation he and Kes were just having, Lucas nodded at Jayden, who was making his way over to the large fountain in the middle of the village square. People bustled about, trying to get the last bit of goods they could get their hands on before the marker would eventually close for the night. The early colours of the sunset began to pain the sky as Lucas felt its warm touch linger onto his face as he fiddled with the golden ring on his finger, the rose quartz stone glistening under the sunset’s colours.

“Whatcha got there?” Kes asked as he noticed the piece of paper Jayden was waving in his hand.

Sliding across the fountain’s rim to sit beside Lucas, who was now in the middle of his two friends, Jayden flicked the piece paper towards them, so they could read it themselves.

“Hither for the Coronation Ball for Prince Jens!” Kes dramatically read out. “To Happen in a Fortnight!”

They all snickered at the poster, an image of the castle imprinted onto it as it stated the times that guests could arrive and possible snag a dance with the Prince Jens himself.

“Where did you get this?” Lucas asked, trying to gasp for air in between his laughs.

“A bunch of them got delivered to the postal shop today and we have to hang them up tomorrow. I snagged one so I could give you guys an exclusive sneak peak.”

Kes snorted. “I can’t believe it’s time for someone else in that stupid Royal Family to take reign. As if anything is going to change and they’re just going to take all of the town’s money to feed their rich asses while we’re forced to starve.”

“Even worse because Prince Jens knows nothing about the town.” Lucas added.

The other two boys looked at him, raising their eyebrows in suspicion. Lucas looked at them, confused at their confusion.

“You guys don’t know? Prince Jens hasn’t even lived here since he turned ten. He left for some prestigious boarding school in another country to learn about how to run a kingdom and was to return in eight years to take reign.” He explained before muttering under his breath. “Sounds stupid if you ask me. How are you going to run a kingdom you haven’t even properly experienced?”

“The monarchy is a joke.” Jayden replied. “Nothing but flaunting their power and richness. You know what? I bet you this Prince Jens isn’t even all that. He probably looks like he’s part ogre or giant or something.”

“Please, let’s not disrespect the ogres and giants like that.” Lucas scoffed. “As far as I know, the ogres and giants I know hold more brain cells than the entire Royal Family combined.”

“Has anyone ever actually seen what he looks like?” Kes asked.

“Nah, he was only every really shown at birth and then practically locked up in the castle before he left. There aren’t any paintings of him either.” Lucas replied.

“Hey check it out.” Jayden said, looking back at the invitation. “It says it’s a Masquerade Ball.”

“Sounds even more stupid.” Lucas snorted.

“So I guess that definitely means we aren’t going.” Jayden laughed.

Kes shook his head. “Us? I think they would kick us out upon even entering the castle. Everyone knows how much we go against everything they stand for. We’re literally the face of every protest and resistance.”

“They wouldn’t even know it was us though with the mask on anyway.” Lucas pointed out. “Theoretically speaking, we could definitely get in.”

Hopping up from his spot, Jayden crawled over behind Lucas and Kes, careful not to fall off the fountain’s ledge and into the water. After shuffling around a bit to create space, Jayden crouched down and threw his arms around them. Pulling them in closer, Lucas noticed the mysterious smirk on his face before he lowered his voice.

“Well then we could get in no problem.” He snickered. “Come on, the whole kingdom is going to be there. Once they figure out how much of a joke Prince Jens is for the future of our kingdom, we can direct them into a revolution. Think of what this means for the people of the village.”

“You don’t really think that’s going to happen do you?” Lucas asked. “We can’t just start a revolution by sneaking into the palace. Plus it isn’t even sneaking in if we’re allowed to be there.”

Kes responded with a glint in his eye. “There’s only one way to find out.”

“Fuck the government though.” Jayden explained.

“Yeah,” Lucas said under his breath. “Fuck the government.”


True to their words, the three of them found themselves staring at the large castle doors, open for people to enter. Many people moved pass them, eager to get to the ball in their gorgeous dresses and suits with matching masquerade masks. Lucas could hardly recognize anyone, except for his friends.

The blue mask adorned with silver detailing and jewels on his face seemed to give him a sense of confidence. While Lucas was one to speak his thoughts freely and feel secure with himself, there was something magical about people not knowing who he was. He could be anyone he wanted. While his friends and him had only intended to come to the Coronation Ball as a mere joke, he couldn’t help but start to think that it all started to seem like a fairytale.

Eventually, they had passed the guards and arrived to the actual ball, where the guests danced, converses, drank and ate gloriously, like this was their only night in paradise. Lucas would often take some glances around, spotting his friends dance with girls in their big dresses as their hair flowed past their shoulders. Trying not to feel like he didn’t belong, Lucas then made it a little game to see if he could figure out which person at the ball was Prince Jens. Was it the man in green, flirting by the table filled with cake? The man in a deep purple, twirling a lovely maiden all over the dance floor? Or maybe it was the man in a darker shade of blue, talking to some of the Lords and Lady’s that have travelled for tonight’s celebration?

Whoever it was, Lucas quickly realized he had no interest being here for much longer. Fancy celebrations and elaborate clothing? That wasn’t really his scene of things. Making sure to give Kes a look across the dance floor, he gestured his head that he would be out on the deserted balcony if they were to need him.

The night air gave him a sense of relief as he walked outside. There were no guards around and nobody seemed to have noticed his getaway. Granted, Lucas did slip out a window he had managed to open and the thick velvet drapes practically hid him already. There was nobody even remotely interested enough to be watching him.

Sitting down on the little stone bench on the balcony, he let his attention focus on the view. In the horizon, he could almost see the entirety of the village. The lanterns that lit up the street made entire place give off a soft glow and Lucas could even see some of the houses warmly lit up. There was a sense of love in his heart, as he thought about how much he loved the village and its people. How much he wanted the best for them and would stop at nothing to get it.

“Didn’t think anyone else would be out here.” A warm chuckle came from behind him and a very startled Lucas turned around.

The stranger who stood behind him was wearing a deep red suit with intricate golden details and a matching masquerade mask that covered the top half of his face. But despite the dimness of the night, Lucas still managed to make out some of the facial features. Soft dark pink lips, almost a muted mauve colour and looked like they felt like the thick velvet curtains. A structured jawline matched the smirk of the stranger’s lips and deep brown eyes seemed to take a liking towards him. Based on the lean bur obviously built structure of the stranger’s body, Lucas quickly figured he couldn’t be any further from his own age.

Lucas also quickly figured out that despite not being able to see the entirety of his face, there was no doubt that a handsome boy was behind the mask.

“I don’t think I expected to find anyone else here either.” Lucas said with a light laugh, trying not to let the sudden nervous feeling overwhelm him.

“Well mind if I join you?” The stranger asked as he pointed to the empty spot beside Lucas.

“Sure.” He replied, surprised him easy that answer had come to him.

Once the stranger sat down, Lucas felt a fuzzy feeling in his chest. While the stranger looked over to the horizon, Lucas took this chance to study him up close, the way his chest moved up and down with his slow relaxed breathing and the way his fingers tapped gently on his leg, like he was playing a melody to a song.

“What brings you out here?” Lucas finally asked, breaking their silence.

“Not too big on the whole ballroom scene.” He replied with a laugh. “I actually didn’t really want to come tonight.”

“Oh really? Me neither to be honest. My friends and I kind of came as a joke but at least they’re having fun.”

“And you aren't?”

Shrugging, he replied with another chuckle. “I mean, it’s not so bad. But I can only watch them dance for so long that I start feeling bad.”

“You don’t dance?”

“I mean I do, I can.” Lucas admitted. “I just don’t have anyone to dance with.”

The stranger stood up and extended his hand to him, as Lucas looked up at him suspiciously. But there was the same smirk on his face, one that seemed very sure and confident it what he was doing.

“Will you dance with me?” The stranger asked. “The music is much quieter but at least out here it is just the two of us.”

Biting his lip, Lucas shyly placed his hand in his. It was a bit larger but the grip he had on his felt safe and secure, like his hold was honest and pure. He followed as he was lead to a little open space, where the moonlight illuminated the both of them.

The other boy placed his hand gently on the dip of Lucas’ back as he extended their hands out. Trying not to let his hand shake, Lucas placed it gently on the stranger’s shoulder, trying to ignore how one, sparks instantly flew this body at the touch and two, his much Lucas was beginning to enjoy his touch.

The two of them quickly began to move in the flow of the music, twirling and spinning under the light of the moon and the shadows of the night. Their bodies seemed to be made for each other, as they moved with such grace that they hardly even seemed like they were two separate people. Lucas could start to feel his heart race at this connection, and based on the smile on the stranger’s lips, he assumed he felt the same. The smile was also beautiful under the kiss of the moon, a sort of radiance that Lucas would find impossible to forget.

“Are you from the village?” Lucas asked, as they continued to dance.

He shook his head. “Not really. I lived elsewhere for many years.”

“Do you come from far away? Do you have a title I must refer to you by?” He didn’t think any other commoners came from the ball, but maybe people of other villages made the trip for the royal night.

A low laugh escaped the lips of the stranger. “That doesn’t matter. Let’s just enjoy this night for what it is. Are you from the village?”

A bit confused by the rather vague answer, Lucas decided just to ignore it. After all, it wasn’t like any connection between them would disappear after tonight. Nothing but a mere memory.

“I am.” He replied with a nod. “Born and raised.”

“Ah, so I take it you know the people and place very well?”

“Like the back of my hand.” Lucas said before he frowned.

“Why do you frown at that?” The boy asked, instantly taking note at the change of behaviour.

“The Royal Family.” He sighed. “They often forget their own people and leave us fending for their scraps. We deserve better than that.”

“And you think you could give them better?”

“No. I am nothing but one of them. I hold no title, no power. But it is in my best interest to try.”

“And would you? If you were given the chance?”

“With my whole heart.”

This answer seemed to please the stranger, as he opened his mouth to speak as though he was admitting a secret. But they were quickly interrupted with a familiar voice shouting out to Lucas.

“Hey!” Kes hollered from behind him. “We have to go. Now! The guards think there are people against the monarchy and we are not going to wait until they find out we can be associated.”

Turning to face the stranger, Lucas quickly released himself from his grip. “I’m sorry I have to go.” He apologized, before turning away and running after Kes.

“Wait!” The stranger called out, grabbing onto the cuff of Lucas’ suit, pulling him in. “How can I find you?”

Scared to give out his name, in case it would ruin his chance at a good alibi and quickly blow his cover, Lucas slipped off his rose quartz ring and placed it gently in his hand.

“Keep this. If you go to the villages’ book shop tomorrow, present this ring to me. Then I will know it is you.” He whispered.

“But-“ The other boy began to say before Lucas cut him off.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized as he began to walk away. “I have to go.”

No matter how much he wanted to, Lucas didn’t look back. He didn’t want to see what he had left behind.

A beautiful night and a beautiful dance with the most beautiful person his heart had come to known.


“Rumour has it Prince Jens is coming to town today.” Jayden laughed as Lucas and Kes stacked a new set of books onto the shelves.

“Where did you hear that?” Kes laughed, like that statement was very far from the truth.

“Whole town is talking.” He shrugged. “Rumour also has it that he met someone last night. One of us, which is why he’s coming. To look for them. Can you believe it?”

“No.” Kes laughed again, shaking his head in pure amusement. “To be honest though, nobody seemed to know who he was last night. The whole mask thing seemed to make everyone a stranger.”

“Speaking of strangers,” Jayden noted, gesturing towards Lucas, who was only halfway listening to the conversation. “Who were you dancing with last night?”

Not bothering to turn around to face Jayden and continue shaking the book shelf, Lucas just shrugged.

“I don’t know.” He mumbled. “It doesn’t really matter now though.”

It wasn’t that Lucas didn’t want to admit it happened, but it was that Lucas couldn’t even believe it had happened. The whole night felt something out of a dream, a sequence too good to be true. However, even though he knew it really happened, Lucas didn’t want to think about how it may never happen again.

The book shop’s door suddenly opened, taking all three of them by surprise. The figure quickly closed the door behind him, and it was then Lucas realized all the cheering and hollering coming front outside. Even though Kes and Jayden seemed just as confused at the situation, Jayden got up from the desk he was sitting on and shut the shop’s window shutters in attempt to drown out the noise from the crowd.

Now all three of them states at the figure in front of them. He was tall, lean and built with a strong structure. Although his clothes seemed rather ordinary, a white flowing top and brown pants, he seemed to stand with as though he was of royalty.

“Hi.” The stranger finally spoke, only to lay his deep brown eyes straight towards Lucas. “I’m Jens.”

“Prince Jens?” Kes asked in disbelief.

“Yeah,” He confirmed, still not looking away from Lucas. “Prince Jens.”

For some reason, Lucas found himself speechless. It wasn’t because the literal prince of the kingdom was right of him and he didn’t ever prepare for actually meeting a member of the monarchy, but that there was something eerily familiar about him. The way he stood, the way his words sounded like a harmonious melody, the way his mauve lips turned upwards to a small smile and how his deep brown eyes looked into Lucas’ blue ones, like he was the only one in the room.

Like it was just the two of us. He suddenly thought.

And suddenly, Lucas realized where he knew him from.

Prince Jens was the stranger from last night.

“Your Highness.” Lucas breathed out as he dropped the book from his hands and approached Jens slowly. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean-“

“It’s alright.” Jens answered with a smile. “There are no need for apologies. I only came here to ask for your name.”

“Lucas.” He replied quickly. “Lucas van der Heijden.”

“Well Lucas,” Jens said with a warm smile. “It is a pleasure to see you again.”

“You too.” He breathed out again, still in a state of shock. “May I ask what you’re doing here Your Highness?”

“Please, it’s just Jens.” He assured, stepping a little closer and lowering his voice. “I came looking for you?”

“Me?” Lucas squeaked out.

A laugh escaped Jens’ lips as he let his eyes wander and marvel at the boy in front of him.

“You’re so much more beautiful than I envisioned.” Jens whispered. “I knew you were beautiful from behind the mask, but I never thought one could be as beautiful as you are in front of me.”

“You’re beautiful too.” Lucas softly admitted. “A lot.”

This answer seemed to make Jens beam. “My Lucas, I came here not only to find you but to also tell and ask you of something.”

“Of course. Anything.”

“After speaking with you last night, I finally found clarity in what I plan to do now that I have a say in power. And it is that I am not yet ready or worthy to lead a great nation such is ours.” He explained. “I have decided to set my reign back one more year, in hopes that I can prepare better for it.”

“And what will you do in the mean time?”

“Well, I plan to be more connected with the people, especially those of this village who live so close to the kingdom. And I would like you to help me with that, to teach me the ways of life here.”

“Me?” Lucas squeaked out again.

“Yes, you.” Jens nodded. “All my life, I have been taught how to be a King, to rule and to lead. Bur anyone can be taught the legalities of ruling, the mechanics and principles to lead with power.” He looked at Lucas gently. “But not everyone can be taught to lead with their heart.”

“Are you sure I’m the right one to help you with this?”

“You are the right one for me.” Jens assured.

“What would I have to do?”

“Well every day, you would show me what should be done better. What needs change and reform. How better we can distribute the wealth. You can show me what you people treasure most, what we should pay more attention to and what we should aid to.”

“How do I know your words are true?”

Jens smiled. “Because, every night, when we are done learning about the people, I would like to learn about you. Who you are, where you came from and where you want to go.” Pulling his hand out of his pocket, Jens held up a dainty rose quartz ring that glistened in light of the shop. “And if you would like to dance with me, under the moonlight. Just the two of us.”

Even before seeing the ring, Lucas knew deep in his heart that Jens’ words were true. Stepping forward, leaving only a few inches between them, Lucas nodded.

“Okay,” He decided. “When do we start?”

“Whenever you finish putting those books on the shelves.”

“Oh.” Lucas snorted. “That’s easy.” Turning his head around, he hollered at Kes, who had been watching the whole interaction happen in front of him as he leaned against the book shelves. “Kes! Finish up for me okay?”

Rolling his eyes, Kes huffed some air out of his mouth. “Whatever happened to fuck the government huh?” He teased playfully.

Grinning, Jens winked at all of them, but mostly at Lucas as he confidently flicked his thumb and Lucas’ hands quickly caught the ring with ease.

“Don’t worry.” Jens assured. “I’m sure we can still make that happen.”

  • lockerfivethreefive
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