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Compliment them. That person you think has their shit together and wouldn't need it or want to hear it. They do. They absolutely do. Their shit is dispersed. I promise you. It is a shambles.
I've had someone tell me to my face that they would compliment me, but for the fact that I already know this or that about myself. Huh???? No. Sorry.
No I don't. In my weaker moments I become an ungrateful mud monkey that has never once internalized a compliment
I adore being told you like me or something I've done. It sustains me, and in my weaker moments when I forget that life is good and happy, you might catch me before I fall.
You ever had someone catch you like that? You can do it too. The ones that catch you have been you in that moment before and know they will be again.
i love saying “i’m being normal about it” bc i’m actually a filthy fucking liar and i’ve never been normal about anything a single day in my life
random gravity falls headcanons (mostly the Stan twins) because I can't keep it in anymore
Stanley has a learning disability. I don't have a hc for the specific disability, but Stanley has proven on multiple occasions that he isn't stupid (fixing the portal, running a business for 30 years). Instead, his treatment as a child was most likely because he had a learning disability in the 60s and 70s, and he had a father who obviously didn't care for anything less then perfection. It was just easier for schools and family to label him as stupid, then to take the time to actually work with him.
For Stanley, it was also easier. Instead of trying to acknowledge that there was something "Wrong" with himself, he fell into the archetype of "a stupid bruiser" because that's what all the adults in his life expected from him.
Stanley is actually slightly shorter then Ford. This is because people usually stop growing taller at 19-20, but things like stress and malnourishment can stunt growth.
Ford bulked up in college when he learned he wanted to do field research (in order to be fit enough to actually properly do the research!) Consequentially, a large chunk of the BMU students had a massive crush on him (he never noticed because of his self esteem issues)
Stanley curses a lot more then Stanford, but Stanley is a lot better at watching his tongue around the kids, so Dipper and Mabel have the false impression that Stanley basically never curses while Stanford curses like a sailor (in comparison)
The main reason Ford showers regularly is that Stan threatened to hose him down if he didn't and actually followed through with it.
An episode of Gravity Falls where Grunkle Stan finds out what Pride Month is and immediately tries to capitalize on it by making cheap snow globes and magnets.

hello! so shutitdown4palestine is doing a fundraiser this month with the middle east childrens alliance, who even now is providing life-saving, on-the-ground assistance to families in gaza. the goal is $1 million, and they are currently at $214k. ive donated $50 - please give what you can. i really think we can make it to one million this month. thank you i love you
I am a firm believer that Stan and Mabel are not the "dumber" twins. They just aren't as interesting in 'nerd' stuff like Ford and Dipper are.
Stan was able to rebuild like 90% of the portal with only the 1 of the journals, most likely having to teach himself advanced mathematics and scientific theories to even understand what the thing is. It barely took him a few weeks to get the portal up and running after getting the other two journals. Not to mention how he was able to create a business and keep people entertained at his day job. The man is smart.
Mabel is able to create sweaters at the drop of a hat. If you don't know anything about knitting, it takes a lot of math and planning to be able to make a sweater, and Mabel is constantly making them for everyone around her. She made a full 2 act puppet shows with musical numbers and sets and well made puppets in like a week. She may not be interested in the 'nerd' stuff like Dipper, but she's creative and thinks in innovative ways.
Both of them are amazingly charismatic. They can make friends and bond with those around them easily, whether it be for business purposes like Stan or simply childlike positivity like Mabel.
They aren't dumb.
The beef between night owls and early birds is so silly. We complete each other. Evolutionary-speaking, wouldn’t it be useful to have people naturally alert at dawn to watch for saber tooth tigers and people alert at midnight watching for like, wolves?? Keeping us safe with internal clocks set to random.
All times of the day are beautiful.

Please sign the petition!!!
I lied. I don’t actually like sex. Put your clothes back on, I’m going to explain the entire cult classic 2004-07 nickelodeon cartoon "Danny Phantom" and then I'm gonna ask about your tolerance to gore.

ahahahaahhhhaa nooooooo me? i would. i would never. mhm. not me, you got the wrong angst writer i would never uhuhuh
*shoves casey behind me*
woah this character is so cool i wish they were covered in blood their whole body trembling with a look of absolute horror on their face as theyre struggling to breathe in panic

I was a fool, Stanley
I didn't realize what I had until I lost it
I didn't know I had anything left to lose

Meet when they hit bottom pit
all i want to do is write that one fic that takes people’s breath away and kinda lingers in the back of their minds. i want to write something that makes people want to make art and play with my versions of characters or in the universe i created. i want to be able to create worlds that feel real enough to walk into and write lines that stick with people until they forget where exactly they heard it because it lives in their bones now.
Hey can we queers please remember that the rural queer experience has unique challenges thanks

Sometimes I imagine Ford yelling "William Equilateral Cipher!" to put the fear of god in Bill when he is up to some shenanigans. I can picture Ford as the angry wife having to yell at her husband.
this is an intervention
Audio: Guys he's really nice

Reading amazing fanfiction, then forgetting to bookmark it

fun fact: any policy on drugs that isn’t harm reduction is going to cause addicts to suffer and die
We’re fanfiction writers, of course:
We’re going to use song lyrics as titles.
We’re going to check for comments 30 seconds after we post something.
We’re going to have more WIPs than days of the week.
We’re going to use any excuse to post snippets.
We’re going to use ask box games to procrastinate.
We’re going to hype up our writer friends.
We’re going to scream, cry and throw up reading our friends’ work.