insomniac-dormouse - Dori🐁

I’m just dumping whatever here~Any pronouns~They/Them preferred

672 posts

Woke Up And Remembered That I Will Never Have Eyeballs In My Palms, And Four Arms, And Massive Waist

Woke up and remembered that I will never have eyeballs in my palms, and four arms, and massive waist length hair, and sharp teeth, and now my day is ruined

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More Posts from Insomniac-dormouse

1 year ago

You are kenough. You might sometimes feel like you shouldn’t kengage with others, like you’re unkenny…

(Not that you can’t be as much of an abnormal kenigma as you want; I don’t want to kenforce that sort of negative kenergy here. Be all the Weird Barbie you want to see in the world.)

You are a unique and kenchanting individual. You are the Allan of Kens. You’re special and unique and perfect, and don’t let kenybody ever tell you otherwise.

You kenrich the lives of the people around you, and if you don’t see that yet, don’t let yourself be consumed by false kenvy.

You might feel like everyone around you is a Barbie and you’re just Ken. But there is no just to Ken. And there is certainly no and Ken. That “and” is the kenemy.

You are your own Matteldamned person.

You are kentitled to respect.

You deserve good things, and shouldn’t have to kendure the horrors that come your way, you beautiful, powerful kentity.

You are Kenough.

You are Kenough.

You are Kenough.

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1 year ago

I told my brother to watch my oranges. Two minutes later he said they ran away and are probably dead in a ditch somewhere

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1 year ago

Decided to pull up one of my old original works, and I was having fun working on it, refamiliarizing myself with the characters and world. It was great. But I am now into turtles and thus have noticed my main characters’ names are Othello and Leo-

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