Terrible Puns - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

History memes #45

History Memes #45

Happy Valentines my dudes. And extra fun fact, this has been the first meme I have posted that I have actually made myself (all previous ones were “liberated” from elsewhere, so I guess I’ll come clean on that)

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7 months ago

Your choice, the SLR, or the honey badger

Proficiency in both ranged and deranged combat

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6 years ago

So, I thought of this after going to the dermatologist the other day and I’m very very proud of it:

If you have foot fungus

Does that technically mean

Y o u ‘ r e t r i p p i n g o n

s h r o o m s?

So, I Thought Of This After Going To The Dermatologist The Other Day And Im Very Very Proud Of It:

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6 years ago

The SexuWHALEities

Here are eight sexualities in the form of whales (because my existence is a pun XD) I hope these eight cover the general branches of sexualities, I'm sorry I didn't get to every single one of them. Enjoy ^-^

The SexuWHALEities
The SexuWHALEities
The SexuWHALEities
The SexuWHALEities
The SexuWHALEities
The SexuWHALEities
The SexuWHALEities
The SexuWHALEities

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5 years ago
My Beautiful Mustang And Me Just Hanging Out :)

My beautiful mustang and me just hanging out :) 

And there is some smelly yeehaw on the right. Do people still ride those? Like, give me a brake. Move on, yeez. Mazda been cool in medieval times but this is 21. century, guys.

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5 years ago
Tin-Can Looks Like He Just Told A Really Terrible Pun And Is So Smug About It
Tin-Can Looks Like He Just Told A Really Terrible Pun And Is So Smug About It
Tin-Can Looks Like He Just Told A Really Terrible Pun And Is So Smug About It

Tin-Can looks like he just told a really terrible pun and is so smug about it 🥺

Tin-Can: Yeah getting here was fun but it’s going to be real downhill from here,

Literally everybody: Tin-Can sto-

Tin-Can: Camping is intents, haven't you noticed? But it's hill of a fun.

Alex: I disown you. You are unbeliefable.

Maya: *windows error sounds*

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so yesterday in geometry class, my teacher was going over how to use a compass to draw a circle. He said if there was anyone struggling, he’d help them. I raised my hand and waited for a bit (I’ve been in and passed a geometry class before so I needed no help). When he finally called on me I said “So you are here to help us with our compasses if things go south?” He laughed and said to never keep my puns to myself cus he loves dad jokes.

this class is shaping up to be fun

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What do birds call the second coming of Jesus Christ?

The raptor

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1 year ago

Here are some october art prompt ideas, pick your favorite. I kept making puns until I couldn't think of any more puns to make.

Honorary mention to locktober because what would that even be. How you gonna make a art pronpt out of literal locks.

Also artober (characters doing art) because I ran out of space.

Also bonus! You get to see a bizzare glitch that deleted my pun progress and made me have to do it all again (though as you can see it didn't hinder me too much)

Here Are Some October Art Prompt Ideas, Pick Your Favorite. I Kept Making Puns Until I Couldn't Think

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6 years ago

Anybody else watch that one episode of Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja: Sick day, and notice the amazing pun they chose not to use. I mean, Randy says he got “Nomi-played”, but the pun was already there; I know the show’s thing is bad puns, but come on, Nomi-conned! How could they not!

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1 year ago

You are kenough. You might sometimes feel like you shouldn’t kengage with others, like you’re unkenny…

(Not that you can’t be as much of an abnormal kenigma as you want; I don’t want to kenforce that sort of negative kenergy here. Be all the Weird Barbie you want to see in the world.)

You are a unique and kenchanting individual. You are the Allan of Kens. You’re special and unique and perfect, and don’t let kenybody ever tell you otherwise.

You kenrich the lives of the people around you, and if you don’t see that yet, don’t let yourself be consumed by false kenvy.

You might feel like everyone around you is a Barbie and you’re just Ken. But there is no just to Ken. And there is certainly no and Ken. That “and” is the kenemy.

You are your own Matteldamned person.

You are kentitled to respect.

You deserve good things, and shouldn’t have to kendure the horrors that come your way, you beautiful, powerful kentity.

You are Kenough.

You are Kenough.

You are Kenough.

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6 months ago
I Cant Take Credit For This! (But I Wish I Could!)

I can’t take credit for this! (But I wish I could!)

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10 months ago



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3 years ago

Guess Duo wanted to be owl by himself.

3500 years ago a bunch of people decided to build a tower to the sky and now I have to worry about keeping up my Duolingo streak

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