irenemarkone - irenemarkone

current hyperfixation: ✨star trek✨ - they/them, 18 - f/o hypebeast - nonsense blog: irenetheboredomslayer - f/o blog: jean-rambles

560 posts

Irenemarkone - Irenemarkone - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago

the q/picard/vash dynamic i think is so fun and its so underappreciated i just think it would be fun to see picard try not to get a stress ulcer from keeping his space jester boyfriend and evil indiana jones girlfriend from killing each other or committing an interstellar diplomatic incident

3 years ago
irenemarkone - irenemarkone
3 years ago

First Teaser for Season 2 of Star Trek: Picard! (And yes; he’s back!)

3 years ago

yall look at this shit ad*be is tryna pull now on ppl who have outdated software:

Yall Look At This Shit Ad*be Is Tryna Pull Now On Ppl Who Have Outdated Software:

(note for context: i’m all for piracy, but in this case my copy of CS6 was downloaded years ago when they were giving it away to students. i got it totally legally.)

3 years ago

Reblog if your blog is a MAP NEGATIVE space

Reblog If Your Blog Is A MAP NEGATIVE Space

p e d o s   g e t   o u t

3 years ago
Got Em!!
Got Em!!

got ‘em!! 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛

3 years ago
irenemarkone - irenemarkone
irenemarkone - irenemarkone
irenemarkone - irenemarkone
3 years ago
Its Trans Day Of Visibility - United Federation Of Planets Says Trans Rights!

it’s trans day of visibility - united federation of planets says trans rights!

3 years ago
[ Id: The Silhouette Of The Space Station Ds9 In Trans Colors, First On A Transparent Background And
[ Id: The Silhouette Of The Space Station Ds9 In Trans Colors, First On A Transparent Background And

[ id: the silhouette of the space station ds9 in trans colors, first on a transparent background and then on a black one with small white hearts. end id. ]

happy trans day of visibility ♡ !

3 years ago
Its A Lovely Morning On The USS Enterprise, And You Are A Horrible Q.(for DrWho42 On Twitter)
Its A Lovely Morning On The USS Enterprise, And You Are A Horrible Q.(for DrWho42 On Twitter)

“It’s a lovely morning on the USS Enterprise, and you are a horrible Q.“ (for DrWho42 on twitter)

[ twitter | ko-fi | commissions ]

3 years ago

Head cannons about what the crew was like as teenagers?

Picard: He was an unreasonably suave little shit, who got himself tangled up in flings for the brief sensation of being wanted, because he never got that validation at home. He also threw himself full-force at every available father figure to try and fill the void that his own father left by being coldly cynical of him at every turn. This kid just really wants to be NOTICED and VALUED.

Beverly: She was a goal-oriented bookworm, who threw herself into her studies wholeheartedly with genuine interest in every subject. People who mistook her for a wallflower would be in for a surprise, though, because she had a sharp tongue and could cut anyone who tested her patience down to size.

Riker: He worked really hard to project the image of a casanova. He WANTED to seem effortlessly cool and likeable, but underneath he was constantly terrified because he grew up in isolation after his father left and his family home didn't have a lot of the technology that most people had access too. He's bluffing his way through everything, constantly, and somehow getting away with it.

Deanna: She was a sensitive teenager who could be easily reduced to tears by the smallest of things. Because she didn't have total control of her empathic abilities yet, she was constantly overwhelmed by the emotions of others and tended to keep to herself, up until she hit the age of seventeen and decided to use this disadvantage for good and started fighting to understand and control her abilities, helping her develop a quiet strength. She was definitely sweet and kind, if sometimes distant.

Tasha: Angry, untrusting, and fierce. All the things that women aren't "supposed" to be is everything Tasha is in order to survive. She's not a child who's lost their innocence, but one who never had the luxury of having any. She can, has, and WILL endure and survive things that some people three times her age would have never imagined. Definitely the kind of girl you don't want to fuck with.

Data: He was never really a teenager, but in the years soon after his activation on Omicron Theta, he looked out into the world with even more wonder and interest than he does in later years. Everything is new and exciting to him. He's eager to share information and make friends, but often isolated because the people around him are wary of him. He often writes scripted conversations in his head to offer anyone who comes near, certain that he'll make a friend if he does it right, but no one gives him the chance.

La Forge: Awkward. Awkward boy. He didn't grow up with anyone his age to talk to, since most of his life was spent aboard Starships, so he has trouble relating with people -- especially since his interests lie in Engineering, even from a young age. He's studious and mostly keeps to himself because he's paralyzed with anxiety about putting himself out there.

Worf: He is LARGE and INTIMIDATING and he knows that's what a Klingon should be... but he was raised by humans and part of him yearns to be accepted and understood. He squashes that part as best he can and stays away from the humans who mock his appearance and bait his temper so that they can shout and prove every prejudice they have against him as being correct.

Ro Laren: She's tired and angry. Tired of living in rags, of hearing children cry out from hunger pangs and loneliness when their parents don't come home. Angry at the Cardassians who taunt them and hurt them. Angry at Federation who looks away from the hurt so they don't have have to sacrifice an uneasy alliance with the Cardassians. She wants justice so badly that she can taste it like blood in her mouth and she counts down every day until she'll have the ability to make a real difference for her people. Ro Laren is fourteen when a child dies of starvation and fever in her arms and she vows on that child's life that she'll use every second of her own to make a difference.

Guinan: She was a whimsical and carefree teenager. Equal parts childlike wonder and ancient wisdom. An enigma and the apple of her father's eye. Full of a quiet strength that promises her survival. She never cries.

Lore: He's a hellion in his first few years of existence. He doesn't collect knowledge as gently as his brother will -- he consumes it. And when he tries to share the kill with the people around him, the people who resent his artificial existence, their disgust tells him that he's going to have to get used to being alone. Lore wasn't EVIL. It wasn't a flaw in his programming that started to harden him against humanity. It was his father's blind trust in his own genius and the man's unwillingness to believe Lore when he tells tales of the Colonists hissing insults at him. He's the blueprint of mistakes that Noonian will learn from when he starts again. And knowing that sows the first seed of hatred in his artificial heart.

Q: He was never a teenager, but he was once a young Q. He won't speak on the subject, but maybe there was something a little more gentle in him then.

Barclay: He had more imaginary friends than real ones, because everything goes right in a daydream while reality is just too harsh for him to adjust his eyes too. He's a walking ball of anxiety, but he dreams of a future where social shortcomings won't matter and that gives him something to look forward to.

Lwaxana: She's loud, daring, and delighted by existence. She's the prototype for every quirky best friend trope, except no one has ever stolen the spotlight from her. Being around her is like entering a pocket of the universe where everything is fun and endearing.

3 years ago

do you have any modern au headcanons? like what do you think the crew would be doing if they were alive rn and had average lives?

Picard: He teaches a course on archaeology at your local community college and seems to genuinely enjoy the subject, even though he has the vibe of someone who could and SHOULD be teaching somewhere more prestigious. Freshmen who take his class are terrified of him and his incredly lengthy syllabus, but seniors have known him too long to be afraid of him, even though they maintain a healthy amount of respect for him. He's the kind of teacher who you know absolutely no personal facts about and the entire class loses their mind when Professor Picard mentions his husband in passing.

Beverly: She's still a doctor, but she specializes in brain surgery. No one she works with takes her seriously when she says that she directs plays in her free time until she starts putting up flyers about her rendition of, "The King and I."

Riker: He says he's a Jazz musician if you ask, but he only does that on the weekends. He's actually a gym teacher. He loves his job, but Jazz Musician sounds cooler.

Deanna: She's a psychologist, still, who specializes in PTSD. She offers in person or online appointments so that people who don't feel comfortable leaving their home can still have someone to talk to.

Tasha: She's a security guard who teaches self-defense classes to women on the weekends. She's the type of coworker to walk you back to your car at night when you feel unsafe.

Wesley: This kid dropped out of college to develop an app and became an overnight sensation. He's a nice guy but you still resent him.

Data: He's a Harvard Professor, but he's REALLY known for his art and its startling hyper realism. He gets most of his exposure on TikTok, even though he has no idea how that app works. His daughter posts photos of his work AND videos of him reacting to the number of comments on each piece. It's very endearing.

La Forge: He's still an engineer, because that job exists in the 21st century.

Worf: He's a famous opera singer, something that NO ONE would have guessed by looking at him. He takes pride in that.

Ro Laren: She's a human rights activist who has been blocked by every major Republican on Twitter. It's her favourite accomplishment.

Guinan: Bartender! She's just great at that.

Lore: He's a hacker. The FBI hates him in particular because he keeps deleting his information from the Watchlist and they don't understand how.

Q: He's a lawyer with a superiority complex.

Lwaxana: She's an eccentric fashion designer who somehow looks great in everything and cameos in every show that's currently at the height of popularity.

3 years ago

shipment officers, gently nudging Ever Given with their 8 tugboats: Ever Given move out of the way please so you don’t block the entire global trade

Ever Given, her lamplights enormous: you SHOVE ever given? you shove her hull like the big boulder? oh! oh! no commerce for human! no commerce for human for One Thousand Years!!!

3 years ago

On a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about the TNG character's arcs? What do you think the writers could have done better?

This one took a while for me to get to because I needed to break out the laptop so that I could type as quickly as I could think...

Picard: It’s difficult to have any complaints about his arch (if you don’t count the movies) because it was really well done in terms of writing but also delivery. Patrick Stewart didn’t have to go as hard in this role as he did, BUT he did and I’m grateful for it. He started out as this very icy, distant, and very repressed man who was a very capable Captain, but not as good at being a people-person, which was required of him as the Captain of the Enterprise. He goes through a LOT without compromising his character's core, but still grows and expands on who he is. All in all, it’s a great arch. 

Beverly: I feel like we could have stood to see more of who she is outside of her role as “Doctor”, “Wesley’s Mom” or “Picard’s love interest”. We got tidbits here and there, in fleeting scenes with Deanna, but I would have loved to see more of her as a person in her own right. That episode where she ended up in her own pocket universe was AMAZING and we deserved to see more of her doing stuff like that. Otherwise, I’m pretty content with her arch.

Riker: Truly amazing how much facial hair can change a man’s appearance AND attitude. I loved the leap we made from season one to season two, in terms of personality. His steadfast loyalty to Picard, his passionate defense of his friends, and his genuine respect for women were some of my favourite parts of the show. I wish we’d gotten to see him be bisexual. But so does Jonathan Frakes, so. 

Deanna: I really wish her desire to ascend the ladder of command wasn’t thrown in at the last minute. It should have been something gradual that she struggled with for more than one episode. We’ve seen how her empathic abilities give her a leg up in most situations, I would have liked to see more of how they hindered her in terms of command and having to IGNORE feelings that she could feel as deeply as her own in favour of protocol. I wanted to see her struggle with the fear of losing herself in the role of command but still WANT to go for it. Also, maybe more of her acting as a therapist. I wish we had a “Deanna’s Day” episode where we see how she deals with counseling members of the Enterprise after their weekly trauma. 

Wesley: God, he had so much potential and then they just kind of spit all over his character at the last minute. I APPRECIATED that he realized the course that he had been working for his whole life wasn’t actually what he wanted, but what he thought everyone else wanted from him. That was real and relatable. But I wish it had happened SOONER in the series so we could see him working more with the Traveler, and maybe struggling with his time abilities. He’s so used to being great at everything he does, struggling with something would be a learning experience. 

Tasha: I wish that they had killed her off and let her stay dead. I know that’s very contrary to most people’s opinions, but HOLY SHIT that would be so much better than what they actually did with Tasha. They killed her off without warning and that was a message in itself: death happens and sometimes it doesn’t make sense, doesn’t serve a greater purpose, and leaves you without any sense of closure but your life still has to continue. And you know what? That isn’t a terrible message. TBH, I could even give the writers props for finding a clever way to bring her back and this time give her a death that would mean something in the grand scheme of things. That’s the closure for the audience. There she is, now watch her die as she lived this time; putting the good of others before herself. BUT THEN THEY FUCKED UP. THEY FUCKED UP SO BAD. They had her survive just to be taken prisoner, raped and then executed because the baby she had betrayed her. Excuse me??? Her half-Romulan daughter was bullshit. I hated it. 

Data: The goal for Data should have been for him to get as close to humanity as possible, but still fall short and have him realize that it’s OKAY. That he’s fine the way he is and doesn’t have to keep flying steadily closer to the sun to be accepted. The emotions chip was a cop-out. He should have accepted himself as he is. 

La Forge: He honestly didn’t get much of an arch. I wish we had gotten more Geordi-centric episodes that let us get to know him outside of romance and Engineering. He was pretty similar to the Geordi we met at the beginning when the series ended. He deserved more. 

Worf: I would have loved to see more of him as a father. What we did get to see painted him in a less than stellar light. I feel like we were really robbed of Worf/Alexander interactions. Worf was just the “Klingon” for so many seasons, we deserved to see beyond that. 

Ro Laren: Hm. Her ultimate betrayal of Picard made sense, in terms of her character, but I didn’t love it. 

Guinan: She was perfect as she was. That’s why nothing ever really changed. 

O'Brien: Mike Mike was not given enough love on TNG. 

Lore: HE DESERVED A REDEMPTION ARCH. He did, he deserved it. I hated that we got Descent instead because it would have been so much better if he had been given the tools to recover from his trauma. Please, god, someone fix him with the power of friendship. I really relate to his anger about how Noonian just threw him away and started over instead of putting in the work to help him overcome his flaws. 

Q: He never made out with Picard on screen and that was deeply unfair. Especially since there were so many chances in the last episode. 

Barclay: I know he’s like a fan favourite because his anxiety is relatable, but I actually never liked him much. The episode he was introduced in left a bad taste in my mouth. Like, I felt for him in the way that he was treated by the crew but HOLY SHIT I WANTED TO THROW UP when I saw how he was sexualizing every woman who smiled at him. He got more tolerable in Season 7, but I never wanted to see more of him. His actor was great, though. 

Lwaxana: Queen shit. Nothing was wrong with her ever. You guys just hate to see a girlboss winning. 

3 years ago

all the star trek related songs I know

star trekkin’ - the firm

where’s captain kirk? - spizzenergi

mr. spock - nerf herder

y’all know anymore? these songs give me life tbh

3 years ago
irenemarkone - irenemarkone
3 years ago
I Made This Comic About The True Meaning Of Friendship.
I Made This Comic About The True Meaning Of Friendship.
I Made This Comic About The True Meaning Of Friendship.

I made this comic about the true meaning of friendship.

3 years ago
YOU Hates Terfs

YOU hates terfs

4 years ago

Picard: Do you think before you speak?

Q: I have never thought about anything ever. Fuck you.

4 years ago

Non-binary Q icons for @thesadchicken !

Non-binary Q Icons For @thesadchicken !
Non-binary Q Icons For @thesadchicken !
Non-binary Q Icons For @thesadchicken !
Non-binary Q Icons For @thesadchicken !

please reblog this post if you would like to use one of these icons 💙

if you would like me to design you an icon, drop a request in my inbox with the character and flag/background image you want!

4 years ago

pick some star trek men and i'll try to guess your sexual orientation

4 years ago
Being A Trans Ally Really Is That Simple
Being A Trans Ally Really Is That Simple
Being A Trans Ally Really Is That Simple

Being a trans ally really is that simple

4 years ago

Learning that Voyager was Captain Janeway's first commission as captain really changed my perspective of her. Sis was really supposed to go on a 2-3 week mission, come home, get married, send begin her career as a captain.

Instead, on her first fucking commission, she's stranded in the Delta Quadrant, folds in a crew of Maquis, discovers a cardassian traitor in their midst, adopts a few aliens along the way, gets into a fight with the most feared Federation enemy, adopts one of them, fights aliens living in another dimension, gets assimilated by those feared Federation enemies, supports a whole host of aliens on the way home, all the other shit that happens to them, and returns home 7 years later with her ship--that was hiding in a borg ship that imploded upon entering the Alpha Quadrant no less-- held together with duct tape, spite, and B'Elanna's love of the warp core.

Janeway is smart as fuck. She always has been, and she grows. She is such a good captain.

4 years ago
irenemarkone - irenemarkone