ironwoodatl01 - James Ironwood Hangout
James Ironwood Hangout

Because I just remembered who was the best character in RWBY so far

915 posts

Atlesian Lien Will Do Fine:

Atlesian Lien will do fine:

"Atlesian Lien? For this?" the merchant said as he played with the furry tufts on his Caracal ears and considered the offer, "no. No, for Menagerie furniture of this quality? I need something more ... real."

General Ironwood, exhausted by a day of haggling with the cagey merchant, simply waved his hand and said.

"The Lien will do fine."

"No," the Merchant said, "they won't."

"The. Lien. Will. Do. Fine." Ironwood said with another wave of his hand.

"No. They won't!"

With the sense that a quick sale was further from his pocket than ever before, the Merchant poked Ironwood in the chest and said.

"What, you think you some kind of Huntsman, waving your hand like that?"

Ironwood then removed his glove and showed the Merchant his mechanical hand. He then placed the hand on a nearby boudoir and cracked the wood with a casual flex of the iron digits.

"On second thoughts," the Merchant finally said, "Atlesian Lien will do fine."

More Posts from Ironwoodatl01

1 year ago
This Meme Is From This Post By @intermundia But I Didnt Want To Hop On A Pro-jedi Post With My Slightly

This meme is from this post by @intermundia but I didn’t want to hop on a pro-jedi post with my slightly anti-jedi take so here we go

While I agree that they don’t kidnap babies, they do show up at people’s doorsteps telling parents that their children will only achieve their full potential being trained by the order and therefore being removed from their families, putting said parents in the very uncomfortable position of being either a selfish asshole by refusing or a kind enlightened soul by agreeing to give away their beloved child possibly to never see them again.

And while sure, you are free to leave, what life are you leaving to? You have been alienated from your people and homeland for years, can you just go back? What about the shame of being a failed jedi? What about being a young adult with no formal training other than military and being a swordfighting monk?

How are you gonna get a job? The years you could’ve taken an apprenticeship in some academy were replaced by learning battle strategies and meditation - very few job opening require those skills. Do you have to return your lightsaber? Are you “allowed” to use your skills despite being a non-jedi?

They pried that well of energy inside you open and now you don’t know how to contain it, will they be there when you stumble towards the dark side? After all, if it weren’t for them you wouldn’t have all this power to begin with.

And enough about jedi that leave, what about jedi that are expelled? Ahsoka was expelled (granted, to go to jail after the Jedi did fuck-all to help the child soldier that had been risking her life for them for years), and… what?

She clearly wasn’t good on cash - her shitty speederbike made it clear, as well as her inability to pay for having it fixed;

She had nowhere to go - she wasn’t roaming around lower Coruscant instead of being back in her homeworld for a reason;

Her only tradable set of skills was mechanical engineering and she learned that ONLY by virtue of havin Anakin as her master - besides that, all she knows is fighting and feeling a debilitating need to help everyone that consistently puts her life at risk.

Sure, you’re free to leave the order.

And then what?

1 year ago

I haven't watched the Wrong Jedi arc in a while because it's too painful, but I just saw a post (no offense to the OP if they somehow read this!) that I disagreed with... And being that this is the internet, I decided to write a post about it. Because.

So the post said -- I believe -- that Ahsoka let her emotions cloud her better judgment when she decided to leave the Jedi Order. And... no. I really disagree with that. Really.

Let's look at the situation. Ahsoka is roughly seventeen, and she's been fighting on the frontlines of a war with her roughly 22/23 year old master for three years. This is already a terrible, exploitive situation. That alone, had Ahsoka been made aware of how sick it was that she had been a soldier since she was fourteen, was grounds to leave the Jedi Order.

But in the Wrong Jedi arc we have Ahsoka framed for a crime she didn't commit, and then we have the Jedi Order expelling her from their Order -- a seventeen year old child who has very few connections and support outside of them -- with full knowledge that a) the Republic is probably more invested in cleaning up the mess than getting justice (I think this was said in the arc) and b) they will execute this seventeen year old girl.

Maybe the evidence pointed to Ahsoka. But the Jedi Order should have waited. They had the power to protect her, they had knowledge of her character, and they had people -- Anakin, Plo, and Obi-Wan -- who could testify to Ahsoka's character, that she would never do what they were accusing her of. They should have given people time to investigate, to make sure it wasn't a frame up job. She was a child, and she was under their protection, and they threw her to the wolves.

You want to know why I don't like the Jedi Council? Because only TWO of them voted to protect Ahsoka: Obi-Wan and Plo Koon. Yoda didn't. Mace didn't. Everyone else didn't.

Then, after Ahsoka goes on the run, they task Anakin -- if I remember correctly -- with finding her and bringing her in. That's a) sick b) traumatic for both of them and c) a conflict of interest. The whole thing was a dog's breakfast of an operation.

So. To sum up, Ahsoka was scapegoated, betrayed, and traumatized by how the situation was handled. She was nearly executed. It was Anakin's 11th hour intervention that saved her. After that, maybe -- MAYBE -- the Jedi Council's actions could be forgiven. It was a bad situation and perhaps they did the best they could and acted according to their consciences.


They don't apologize to Ahsoka. They don't admit wrongdoing. Instead, they try to pass it off as the will of the Force. "Your trauma and pain was necessary to make you a better Jedi." It's not their fault. It's not that they failed to protect a child (regardless of what age is considered adult in this world, she's still a padawan, meaning she is under their care). It's not that they spat on everything she did for them. It's not that they immediately believed she did it, even if it made no sense. It's not that they pitted her and her beloved master against each other. No. It's the will of the Force.

And Ahsoka -- in a moment of stunning maturity and bravery -- sees right through their idiocy and dishonesty and calls them on it, which is something we see basically no else do. Ever. They offer to induct her back into the Order, as though nothing happened, as though everything they did was part of some grand plan they had, and she turns them down. She realizes that she is not safe in the Order. She's not protected. She's not valued. She is a tool and a resource, and they can and will throw her away if it is expedient. She realizes something that Anakin -- heartbreakingly -- never will. (He was a slave and he only stopped being a slave because Qui-Gon saw a shiny Force sensitive who he thought would be useful. He was always something of an object to Qui-Gon and to much of the Order, even if they didn't realize it.)

So she leaves. She leaves to discover who she is outside the Order. This hurts her. It hurts her a lot. She loves Anakin, she loves Obi-Wan, and she loves Plo. If she had let her emotions dictate her decision, she would have stayed with the Jedi. She would have stayed where it was familiar, where she knew what was expected of her and who she was expected to be. But she didn't. She chose to make the safer, braver decision to leave. To leave the cult she had grown up in.

It was not Ahsoka's job to remain in the Order and fight in a war she never consented to being involved in. It wasn't her job to be their soldier. To stay wouldn't have been selfless. It would have been stupid. It would have only hurt her.

So yeah.

1 year ago

As I get older, the more I find that globalisation is a scam.


Have you ever wondered how our future would look like ? What they would wear ? How they would talk ? How is social media and globalization gonna affect this generation which is exposed to everything and anything ? Will all of us become more and more introverted ? Will we stop feeling depressed ? Will people stop scamming ??

The young me would have said that globalisation would be an opportunity to meet new people learn about their cultures and beliefs . It would be refreshing to know about new things . But recently I think that the future generation will lack a sense of self. They will find it difficult to identify with themselves . It's easy to get lost in the " routines " of this world.

1 year ago

Now there are two of them!

"General," Amonico Glass said as he leaned forward and placed his corpulent elbows on the table, "the Audit you are asking for is inconceivable. The overtime alone I would have to authorize would be downright criminal! What you want from my company is out of the board's range!"

Through the holoimage, General James Ironwood leaned back in his chair and said.

"Not ... for a Schnee."

Two figures flickered into view behind Ironwood. Behind Ironwood Weiss Schnee, dressed in a white blouse with its sleeves rolled up her forearms and buttons loose at her throat and chest, placed a hand on Ironwood's left shoulder and struck Amonico a glare over her thin, wire-rimmed glasses.

Whitley Schnee, his plain white business suit making the young man sharper than his age would imply, hovered by Ironwood's right shoulder and stared sharply at his older sister's intimacy with Ironwood while Ironwood said.

"May I present my auditors, Weiss and Whitley Schnee, they will audit your firm's sheets."

The holoimage then faded out and shut off.

Across from Amonico, Bram Thornmane smashed a white-gloved fist onto the table and said.

"This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!"

Amonico sighed and fell back against his chair, he then took off his glasses and polished them before he said.

"Jacques should not have agreed to that arrangement."

Now There Are Two Of Them!

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1 year ago

So many of the plans to “save” the prequels require Palpatine’s plans to be static and generic, like let’s say Qui-Gon was a good master for Anakin (set aside whether you agree on this or not) and the idea is that he wouldn’t have had those specific fractures Anakin and Obi-Wan had, he would have been the father figure Anakin needed.  (Set aside whether you agree with this or not, too.) But that’s saying that Palpatine would have come at Anakin from the exact same angle, instead of playing to the fractures that Qui-Gon and Anakin would have developed, like Qui-Gon’s full throttled belief in the Chosen One prophecy would have been so easy to exploit, Palpatine would have hit those notes hard, “Oh, my dear boy, I’m simply afraid that your Master only sees you as the Chosen One, not who you are for you.” Palpatine’s plans were not static, he adjusted them for when Maul survived, he adjusted them when Obi-Wan just would not die, he adjusted them when Ahsoka came into the picture, etc.  Palpatine’s plans were not static, they were dynamic and would not have been the same, if someone else had trained Anakin, they would have been tailored to that specific relationship, too.