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Ruby: Ok, I get me and Jaune may be more close than regular friends normally are-
Blake: Understatement of the decade.
Ruby: But! I don't see why everyone thinks we're together! We are simply a boy and a girl who platonically enjoy being around the other.
Blake: Ruby, I literally caught you getting railed by, and riding, Jaune around the academy 5 times in less than 2 days.
Jaune: *Leaving Yangs House* Alright, see you later, Alligator.
Yang: *Chuckles* After a while, Crocadile.
Jaune: *Also chuckles* Okie-dokie Artachokie.
Yang: *Keeps chuckling* Alright, time to go, Buffalo.
Jaune: *Chuckles harder* I'm out the door, Dinosaur.
Yang: Hang loose, Mongoose.
Jaune: ...
Yang: You know what I mean, Jelly-bean?
Jaune: ...
Yang: *Smirks and turns to walk away*
Jaune: Take care... Teddy-bear.
Yang: *Glares* Bye bye, Butterfly.
Jaune: Too-da-loo, Kangaroo.
Yang: Hit the road, Jaune.
Jaune: Oh, that one doesn't rhyme!
Yang: No, Jaune. I'm telling you to get out of my house.
Jaune: Oh, okay.
Yang: *Chatting with Weiss*
Ruby: *Runs into room* Yang! Yang! You've got to see this funny faunus trait Jaune has!
Yang: *Shoo's her away* Now now Ruby, the adults are having a conversation.
Ruby: Suit yourself. *Shrugs and runs off*
Yang: So like I was saying...
Ruby: *From other room* Red rocket! Red rocket Jaune!
Yang: *Sudden realization before immediately leaving* Ruby no!
Weiss: ...
Weiss: Am I not allowed to have a relatively normal day?
Arc Sister's: Now, which of us will be the object of your attraction?
Whitley: Hmm... Wow, what great options. This is going to be so hard. 🙄
Jaune: *Walks in* Oh sisters, I'm back from war.
Whitley: Hello sailor!~ 😍
Jaune: Ruby, it's alright. Your... assets simply lie elsewhere.
Ruby: Oh yeah? Where?! *Hits table in frustration, causing a plate of cookies to fall over*
Ruby: Ah nuts! *Quickly turns and bends over to pick them up*
Jaune: 😳
Yang: Hm? Did you just bump the table with your leg?
Jaune: You could say that, yes.
The Bigger Win

Yang: Ha! I win~!
Ruby: Grrrr! So what I have small boobs! Jaune doesn’t like me because I have a big boobs; He likes me for my adorable personality~!
Yang: True, but I can get him hard in a minute without touching him with these girls. Can you do that?
Ruby: …
Ruby: Jaune, that’s not true is it?!
Jaune: Let’s just say I’m sitting down, behind this table for a reason. Okay?
Yang: Ha, that’s one for me~!
Ruby: Ahh nuts…
Ruby: *Hand smacks nothing but air*
Ruby: Wha? B-But how? *Feels an intense presence behind her*
Jaune: Oh, sweet, naïve Ruby...
Jaune: *Raises an aura enhanced hand* Dat ass compels me with power beyond your comprehension.
Ruby: *Walking down a path* Ooh, look at those pretty flowers. *bends over to pick them*
Jaune: ...
Ruby: *Wearing a skirt that's a bit too small, giving Jaune a great view of the Rubooty.*
Jaune: *thinking* Must not slap Ruby's butt.
Ruby: *sways a bit from side to side, giving her butt a nice little jiggle*
Jaune: Please forgive me Ruby. *Raises hand* Becaus I know Yang won't.
Hm... What about a double lancaster? Jaune x (female)Ruby and (male)Ruby
(wanted to try an outlandish one and came up with this)

Are these twins Rubes? Is one Ruby from a parallel world?
Might as well do the inverse, right?

A whole mess of'em
Yang: Did you have sex in our dorm?
Blake: ...
Weiss: Ugh, seriously? Where?
Blake: ...
Weiss: Where?
Blake: ...
Weiss: ... W-Where Blake?
Blake: ... Seems like you already know where.
Weiss: *Covers her mouth in disbelief*
Blake: So... Who tops?
Ruby/Weiss: Me.
Blake: ?
R/W: ... Weiss/Ruby
Blake: ??
R/W: ... Jaune
Blake: ???
Jaune + Ruby: *Resting in the shade*
Nora: *Racing towards them* JAUNE! RUBY!
Jaune: Huh?
Ruby: So loud. It's way too hot for your craziness, Nora.
Nora: Ren's getting hit on!
JNR: *Running through the streets at top speed*
Jaune: Formation B!
NR: Roger!
Ren: *Talking to a girl*
NR: Renny!
Ruby: *Latches onto him* Who is that woman?! Have you forgotten the night you toasted to my eyes?! That night!?
Nora: *Also latches onto him* Was it all a lie when you said your time with me was the most enjoyable of all?!
Ren: ... What?
Jaune: Could you not touch him so casually, please... YOU HOMEWRECKERS?!
Ren: ?
Jaune: Renny has guitar practice with me now. Let's go home, Renny. Today, I'll have you master "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star~." *Wink*
Ren: *Turns to the girl* Please, don't mind them. Keep going straight ahead and you'll reach the station.
Random Girl: Thank you so much. *Bows before leaving*
JNR: Huh?
Ren: Alright, seriously, what was that? Could you guys not, please? You're embarrassing me.
Ruby: Uncle Qrow, if you die, do you want to be buried or cremated? Like, if you were hit by a bus today, what do I do?
Qrow: Go after the bus driver and make him pay for what he did to me. Avenge me, Ruby. Avenge me!
Oscar: So there's no way to prevent us from merging?
Ozpin: I'm afraid so. After all my time between hosts, I've just about given up finding a way to separate my soul from another before the merge.
Oscar: *Sadly looks down* Oh...
Ozpin: Brighten up Oscar. Let's focus on the new friends you'll be traveling with.
Oscar: I guess... Who's that?
Ozpin: That's Mr. Jaune Arc. A young man of similar farmland origins as yourself I believe.
Oscar: *Blushes* Wow... That guy has some nice, strong arms.
Ozpin: ... On second thought.

Wolf Ruby: *Whispering* Do you hear that, Jaune?
Jaune: No, is it a grimm?
Ruby: No, it's just the sound of my undying love for you. *licks Jaune's face*
Jaune: ???
Jaune: Hey Neo, mind if I get some of your popcorn?
Neo: *Smiles at him and holds up her scroll* Go right ahead. Get yourself a good handful~
Jaune: *Reaches into popcorn, but feels something odd* Oh ha ha. Real funny Neo. This a hotdog or som- *Grabs hold of it*

Jaune: ...
Ozpin: *Hands newborn to Summer* Ms. Rose, is there someone you want to cut the cord?
Summer: H-Her daddy.
Qrow: But Tai's not back yet.
Summer: Qrow, Tai had a vasectomy after Yang. Come here.
Qrow: What are you saying woman?
Summer: This baby's yours.
Qrow: I still don't understand.
Summer: Qrow, we had sex and you knocked me up.
Qrow: Slow down, slow down!
Summer: This baby is your hatchling.
Qrow: Aww!
Qrow: ... Wait a minute. What do you mean?
Summer: You're a daddy!
Qrow: From when?
Summer: Sometimes, the one you slept with 9 months ago was right in front of you all along.
Qrow: Aw Short-Stack. Gimme that cord. *Pulls out scythe*
Nora: *In detention for Nora-related shenanigans* ...
Jaune: *Also in detention for Nora-related shenanigans* ...
Nora: Last night, I dreamed I was a bottle of ketchup. And you were mustard.
Jaune: ?...
Nora: Which is weird because usually you're mayonnaise in my dreams. Why do you suppose that is?
Jaune: 🤨
Ruby: What? The two us alone for a long stretch of time, something's definitely gonna happen.
Jaune: Ruby, I assure you, I would never do something like that to you.
Ruby: Who said you'd be the one to initiate it?
Jaune: ...
Nora: ... You go girl.
Nora: If you went on an adventure with only Jaune, what would happen?
Ruby: I'd come back pregnant.
Jaune: You'd what!?
Ruby: Was it good for you?~
Jaune: I can't feel below my waist.

Loud continuous squeaks could be heard from upstairs, the ceiling lamp shaking violently from the impact.
Tai: ...
Summer: ...
Raven: ...
Yang: ... So we're just pretending this isn't happening? I'm not saying it's a bad idea, just asking.
Tai: Raven, why would you let Ruby bring that boy into our house?!
Raven: I don't know, what do you want from me? She thought that Arc kid was cool, for some reason, and asked if he'd like to come over with us.
Ruby: *Races down in just her tank top and shorts, before grabbing and quickly downing an entire quartan of milk.*
Ruby: Ahh~ Alright, back to uh... Back upstairs. *Disappears is a burst of roses*
Squeaking continues
Tai: ... Well I'm intervening.
Summer: Intervening with puberty? She's at that age, lets just be proud the first boy she's into seems nice.
Yang: Jeez, did I really set the bar that low?
Jaune: *Excited* I can't believe we're really doing this!
Weiss: Shh! Don't let the others hear you. You go in first, I'll go in when the coast is clear~
Jaune: *Nods before casually walking to the bathroom*
(5 minutes later)
Jaune: *Zips his pants as he walks out over to Weiss with a satisfied smile* You dirty girl~.
Weiss: Jaune, I've haven't left yet.
Jaune: Huh?
Whitley: *Limps out of bathroom, clothes disheveled, as he makes his way to Yang*
Whitley: You sick whore~
Yang: What?