Because I just remembered who was the best character in RWBY so far
915 posts
Everyone Makes It Sound Like Zaheer Caused The Rise Of Kuvira.
Everyone makes it sound like Zaheer caused the rise of Kuvira.
Everyone forgets that Kuvira came to power under Korra's watch.
Also, everyone thinks Zaheer and the Red Lotus wouldn't depressurize Kuvira's lungs the moment she gets uppity.
The Red Lotus is the natural predator of dictators, and Korra's ham-fistedness ruined the balance of the ecosystem.
So much for the Avatar and the balance of the Kingdoms.

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More Posts from Ironwoodatl01
harry saw sirius being tortured and was deadass like “ok i’m going straight to the ministry alone and take on the most powerful dark wizard in history even though i’m a fifteen-year-old barely trained boy”
like uhhhh what the fuck did he expect to do even if sirius WAS there?
harry: oi, voldemort! stop torturing my godfather!!
voldemort: avada kedevra
harry: dies
You can say that "death threats towards the writers are bad" as many times as you want.
At the end of the day, it is due to RWBY critics on social media who have led to the toxic culture that believes in such harassment.
Vic Micnogna being innocent? Adam Taurus being "retconned"? Ironwood being "forced into villainy?" Bumbleby being "forced?" Roman Torchwick being "forcibly" killed off?
These beliefs came from your community. Toxicity. Hatred. General slander against the writers.
You can say that this doesn't represent the critics of RWBY, but without haters like you, those people would never have gotten this toxic.
After all , you harass people like Lilith on a regular basis. But permitting harassment of Xel Writer?
twitter.com kiersi status 1530374563636252672
This is the fault of RWBY Critics, for you people are toxic.
I have always found the concept of "guilt by association" fascinating, especially when one is not associated with the people in question.
According to you anon, it does not matter what i say or do, that being arguing against and banning anyone who would ever think about sending death threads. I am still guilty, because you think i am guilty.
Should i then call the entirety of RWBY community sexist? Ableist? Homophobic? Racist? Because the RWBY fandom has had people expressing these kinds of views before. Do i then have the right to paint the entirety community based on these morally repugnant individuals?
I also have to be surprised at your examples of RWDE beliefs. Most of the beliefs you mentioned have nothing to do with death threats or toxicity. They are just opinions.
I would like to believe that i have curbed toxicity with my presence in the fandom, especially since as a moderator i can ban and remove content that for example intentionally targets the writers personally. Which i have done.
I will take no blame for random people and their actions, just like i dont expect the fandom to take blame for random people and their actions.
But i do thank you for a very clear example that it does not matter what we in the RWDE community do. You will still find reasons to hate us just for existing. I would suggest you to let go of your hatred, it never does a person good.
Have a good day my friend.

How Jaune should’ve responded.
You got people going onto anon to admit they're too scared to voice their negative opinions on their own blogs because the Rvvby fandom created a culture where if you don't love every single flipping second of the show then you're a hater. But the Rvvby fandom is totally a safe space right?
The only justification I can truly give James Ironwood (who, despite everything, I still want to hug) for what he did today, is that there is no justification for CRWBY making him do it, because nothing in the volume led to it. They just decided that in the last episode he was going to be a villain, with no way for him to come back from it. There is nothing but blatant character assassination that they put on him, and that's the thing that's unforgivable here.
CRWBY, stop destroying the only good characters you have left. You did it with Ozpin, and now you've done it with James. I hope you're happy with what you've accomplished.