Saw This In My Textbook And Found It Very Interesting That Its VERY Clear Who Is Hurting The Environment,

Saw this in my textbook and found it very interesting that it’s VERY clear who is hurting the environment, the developed countries, by a lot.
More Posts from Ishallcallyousquishy
Okay, okay
I’ve binge-watched The Owl House, and I absolutely love it, it’s cute, funny, got soul, original, there’s magic and demons and monsters, it’s great. However, I have a beef to settle. I know the latest episode is a lot, Amity.exe stopped working and Luz is Goku levels of oblivious. Amity’s crush being as subtle as a drunk truck driver is so important for LGBTQ+ rep, and it’s worth talking about as long as possible. Also people are simping on Bosha for some reason?
I know this is all worth taking most of the conversation. However, I cannot believe
I repeat
That this kid’s face

… Is not a meme yet !
I expect BETTER from you!
Here, I’ll give you a few examples. Wanna talk about Luz’s obliviousness?

Here we go! Too classic? Too “old school”? Let’s spice things up a bit shall we?

Wanna talk about something other than the show? I gotchu fam!

Too basic again? I know, depression and anxiety memes are where it’s at! (TW: existential crisis)

And finally, guys, gals, and non-binary pals, let us not forget the classic lens flare

Come on, folks, help me out here, I’m not gonna do your job for you! Make me proud! This needs to become a meme!!!!!
School’s starting! You know what that means!!! *slithers deeper into the abyss*
OK So with the shit with the USPS going on:

1. Check your Voter registration to make sure everything is up to date. If you can, request a Mail-In Ballot. I live in CO, where all elections are Mail-In only now, so I get one anyway.
2. Fill out your ballot per the instructions on your Ballot. Some Notes:
Read Instructions thoroughly, and fill out your Ballot in private.
Do NOT post pictures of your Ballot as this may invalidate it. DO Post pictures of your “I Voted” sticker.
Make sure to vote for all the offices up for election- as important as the presidential election is, your mayor, governer, local school board and sherrif have a MUCH bigger impact on your immediate safety and quality of life. Google your candidates, look up the Leauge of Women Voter’s Guides for a reliably Impartial rundown of your local candidates.
Remember also that it is better to have someone in office that is only moderately incompotent, than it is to have someone that actively wants you dead. It is the first step to having someone worthwhile next time.
If you wanted a third party option, your local elections are the best place to do this- my own city council has several Green Party members and it got me city-sponsored single-stream recycling! Its also moving the state legislature significantly farther left.
They’re boxes you drive or walk or bus or bike or whatever up to and drop your ballot in, and the elections officials will have it that evening. Pros of Ballot Drop-Off:
Can be turned in the same day you reccive your ballot, if you want to get this over with ASAP
Open 24/7, so you can drop it off whenever
Absolutely guaranteed to get your vote counted, regardless of what Donald does with the Post Office.
No waiting in line
No exposing yourself to the coronavirus
Most cities will have several ballot Drop-Off locations, at places like the grocery store, the county courthouse, city hall, at high schools etc. Google your town or county name and “Ballot Drop Off Locations” and it’ll give you directions even.
Absolutely Save the USPS, but this is the BEST way to make sure your vote gets counted this
jacob blake was shot seven times in the back by cops in kenosha, wisconsin, on 23 august 2020. he is currently in critical condition and fighting for his life. here are a few links to support him and aid the pursuit of justice:
gofundme for jacob blake and his family
petition to charge the cops who shot jacob blake
milwaukee freedom fund: bail funds for protesters in kenosha
call or email kenosha state officials, compiled by twitter user @ankita_71
split a donation to bail funds across the country
feel free to add updated information or other links!
I want Luz to do and Olaf type recount of what happened and Amity the entire time is just 😦
Okay, but like imagine them trying to recap the events of ep. 18 and ep 19 to Amity.
Spoilers for Owl House finale
Amity: So in the days I was gone, you tried to steal a relic from The Coven to heal Eda.
Luz: Yep.
Amity: And you two helped her.
Willow and Gus: Well,duh.
Amity: And then YOU caught them and used Luz as bait.
Lilith: ...yes...
Amity: Which lead to a battle between you and Eda.
Eda: I would've won.
Amity: And during the battle you let slip that you cursed your sister.
Lilith: Not my finest moment.
Amity: Then you tried to murder Luz.
Lilith: Okay, definitely not my best moment.
Amity: So Eda turned into the Owl Beast.
Eda: Yep.
Luz: I cried.
Amity: Then you and King decided to save her and got arrested to break Eda out of being Petrified.
Luz: Yep.
King: Sounds about right.
Amity: So if I'm right, you were almost turned to stone.
Eda: Yeah, that wasn't fun.
Lilith: It really wasn't.
Amity: You betrayed The Emperor and shared Eda's curse.
Lilith: Correct.
Amity: You lost your magic.
Eda: It'll take some getting used to.
Amity: You faced The Emperor and destroyed the portal to the Human World.
Luz: And managed to break off a piece of The Emperor's mask!
Amity: And you two more or less organized an accidental rebellion in hopes they wouldn't turn Eda to stone...
Willow: But it worked.
Gus: They all agreed.