Doodles - Just Keep Practicing ! :)

doodles - just keep practicing ! :)
More Posts from Isilart

Little painting for a contest on Facebook, with 'complicity between a human being and an animal". I choose a blind person and his dog guide. Because these dogs are wonderful.
Petit painting du soir pour un concours qui avait pour thème "La complicité entre un être humain et un animal" J'ai choisi de traiter sur un aveugle et son guide. Car ces chiens sont merveilleux et courageux !
Photoshop CC - Intuos 5M
Just a freestyle speedpainting :D

Hi ! Here some researches for my short film for the end of my studies ! CharaDesign and animations studies
That call " My Kingdom for a dog " for the moment, but I think it's temporally. I hope have a better idea.
I don't want to talk about the story, but I will post a synopsis soon. I think post some researches and work in progress until the next month
That's all !

Some background of my short film, for the end of my studies at Albert Jacquard - Namur. (Belgium).
Quelques décors de mon film de fin d’étude ! :)