Photoshop - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Ca Faisait Longtemps Que Je Navais Plus Fait De Fan Art ! Du Coup, Un Petit Truc Rapide De Luke Skywalker

Ca faisait longtemps que je n’avais plus fait de fan art ! Du coup, un petit truc rapide de Luke Skywalker !

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1 year ago

I love your Starscream so much I’d like to give him a crown and a throne to sit on, anything for him.

I Love Your Starscream So Much Id Like To Give Him A Crown And A Throne To Sit On, Anything For Him.

Ty <3

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7 years ago
Myahm Shrine Adventures

Myahm Shrine Adventures

Legend of Zelda! Breath of the Wild! Best game ever!!!!

This is based off of my true “real life” experience... of playing this game... it was hilarious.

Of course, I’m not quite done yet. But I thought I’d give you a sneak peak of the start of it before I finished it off. Hopefully it will be up tomorrow.

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7 years ago

I’m not the only one.

That moment when you’re drawing on your new tablet or surface or what have you-- it’s a beautiful moment.

But please tell me I’m not the only one who has tried to brush away eraser shavings after using the electronic eraser before realizing that there are none....

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7 years ago
Adventures In Myahm Agana Shrine

Adventures in Myahm Agana Shrine

Yay I finally finished it! And the great hero of time wins again! (I figure “hero of time” is the best title for him now that he’s been teleported through time who knows how many hundreds of times.)

Just so you know, it’s been a LONG time since I’ve played a video game... and Breath of the Wild has been the first once since I’ve gotten back. So I’m rusty...

No actually I lied, I was always this bad. XD Makes for fun comics though.

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7 years ago
Raz Page 3

Raz Page 3

Tried a slightly different color scheme, and some different styles. Didn’t spend quite as much time on this page. But I do really love it. His face in panel 6 is my favorite.

(c) Raz and RazzleDazzle are my original ideas :3


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7 years ago
A World Map I Created For A D&D Campaign. That, And Just For Fun. Looking Up Tutorials Online For Silly
A World Map I Created For A D&D Campaign. That, And Just For Fun. Looking Up Tutorials Online For Silly

A world map I created for a D&D campaign. That, and just for fun. Looking up tutorials online for silly reasons can help you learn some really useful things!

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7 years ago


Honestly I think I could have done more edits, but I have already been working on this for a few weeks. So I figured “eh why not”

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7 years ago
I Should Start Logging My Hours With These Projects. This Was Quite A Joy To Make! I Learned A Lot Of

I should start logging my hours with these projects. This was quite a joy to make! I learned a lot of techniques for creating ice effects... However, none were to my liking, so I had to create my own. Ah the joys of Photoshop. It wasn’t meant to be one of my characters, but he suddenly transformed into a revamped version of my old friend: Frazier. He usually wears a blindfold over his difficult-to-create-in-photoshop-eyes. But despite my complaints, it was fun to figure out exactly how they look.

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7 years ago
It Was Fun Trying To Figure Out How To Make A Decent Sandstorm.

It was fun trying to figure out how to make a decent sandstorm. 

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4 years ago
Fleabag Character Illustration With Adobe Sketchbook.
Fleabag Character Illustration With Adobe Sketchbook.
Fleabag Character Illustration With Adobe Sketchbook.
Fleabag Character Illustration With Adobe Sketchbook.
Fleabag Character Illustration With Adobe Sketchbook.
Fleabag Character Illustration With Adobe Sketchbook.

Fleabag character illustration with Adobe sketchbook.

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Guy Who Takes Photoshop Requests Literally Strikes Again (part 2) (x)
Guy Who Takes Photoshop Requests Literally Strikes Again (part 2) (x)
Guy Who Takes Photoshop Requests Literally Strikes Again (part 2) (x)
Guy Who Takes Photoshop Requests Literally Strikes Again (part 2) (x)

Guy who takes photoshop requests literally strikes again (part 2) (x)

Here’s part 1 (x)

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4 years ago
Here Is My Drawing Of My Dragon That I Designed. It Is A Bit Of A Mix With A Eastern And Western Dragon.

Here is my drawing of my dragon that I designed. It is a bit of a mix with a eastern and western dragon. Also my inspiration came from one of my favorite shows, Avatar the Last Airbender.

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8 years ago
My OC.

My OC.

His name is Hoder :^

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