its-been-rose - Up Gallows Creek Without A Paddle
Up Gallows Creek Without A Paddle

The things I do for brain rot. Rose, she/her. 21.Join the KF community page, created by yours truly!

487 posts

I Love My Marie Roleplay Blog Because Most Of It Is Just Her Thoughts Abstractly But Sometimes I Like

I love my Marie roleplay blog because most of it is just her thoughts abstractly but sometimes I like to pretend she’s literally typing on a phone and she was literally born in 1950 she is a BOOMER so sometimes I just imagine her like like

I Love My Marie Roleplay Blog Because Most Of It Is Just Her Thoughts Abstractly But Sometimes I Like

Like she posts shit thinking it’s Google because dude she grew up with a ROTARY PHONE in her house and spent her toddler and young child years watching a BLACK AND WHITE tv

  • im-ok-i-swear
    im-ok-i-swear liked this · 5 months ago
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    eating-plastic liked this · 5 months ago
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    slythepuffle liked this · 5 months ago
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    roxanneslosteyes liked this · 5 months ago
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    mightntbethebest liked this · 5 months ago

More Posts from Its-been-rose

5 months ago

I saw an article about a female serial killer that came up in Canada recently and everyone in the comments was arguing that because the deaths occurred in such close succession that she should be classified as a spree killer and not a serial killer, as serial killers are classified as having “cooldown” periods where they assume a normal “cover”, not just referencing the amount of kills.

So I was like oh then Marie would probably be classified as a spree killer

But then I was like no

It’s established that in the weeks leading up to WN87, there were murders. There were probably a few days in between them due to driving.


the motive is also a factor. One of the defining factors of serial killers is that they derive some form of inherent pleasure from killing- not to get revenge or any other motive. The victims are also generally random (besides the first one). Marie was planning this shit for YEARS, and every single target was intended (except the ones she added during the night like Murphy and Jimmy and the teens), so it’s honestly more akin to a targeted spree than a true serial killing incident.

But we all know serial killer sounds much flashier than spree killer, so who REALLY cares?

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5 months ago

“Hey sweetie (not in the endearing way but in the I’m-an-older-man-condescendingly-addressing-a-woman way), if you’re listening, you’re really scary and everything and I can’t wait to hear you call up again but before you do can you just pop on over to Ponty’s Pizza and give him a few quick shanks? Yeah he’s over on Jones road next to the fire station. Can’t miss it. Thanks so much sweetheart you’re a doll”


“Peggy this is for the greater good”

if i were forrest nash i would tell the whistling man ponty's location over the radio

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5 months ago

Yall I hit a new low

I was sitting in my library with my textbook open, eyes filled with tears like

“*comically loud sniffle* MARIE NEVER GOT TO SAY GOODBYE TO GEORGE-”

I was LOSING MY MIND over a fucking video game

Everyone at my table probably thought I was having trouble grasping a concept in the textbook

No I was crying about the death of a fictional character

Literally sniveling

Like I was so sad my whole chest hurt

Girl you’re gonna graduate in 8 months BE FOR REAL

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5 months ago

George and Marie showed up in my dreams last night and I’m blaming you 😂

George And Marie Showed Up In My Dreams Last Night And Im Blaming You

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