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Guys I’m sorry I haven’t been drawing the Henry’s Trial art I said I would a while ago, I’ve gotten busy with other projects like the animatic and school just started up again
But I promise I will draw Henry having his day(s) in Court
MAN I need to start writing that Stepdad Jason AU cuz it’s keeping me up at night thinking about the sweet sweet angst and also the wholesome stuff
Like at first she wouldn’t let him touch her, not even to hold her hair back for her if she was sick, or massage her aching back or feet, or snuggle up through the pretty nasty Midwest winter
But after Henry was born and she was absolutely thrashed from lack of sleep and New Mom responsibilities she would find herself falling asleep in his arms, desperate for comfort. Sometimes she’d fall asleep with Henry still in her arms, leaning on Jason’s shoulder, and he would have to pick Henry up and put him back in his crib.
They’d make frequent trips to the cemetery, which at first would make Marie obviously very upset while it was all still fresh and she’d scream and cry and Jason would have his guilt thrown in his face again and again until eventually she started crying less and less as the wound got small enough to withstand the pain and Jason felt like he was finally atoning for what he’d done wrong.
A few years pass, they’re in their own house, and they’ve both made substantial progress in healing, in no small part because they’d built up enough trust to talk through their feelings and experiences in truth (without the influence of teddys lies) and from sharing stories that keep George alive in their hearts.
Then things start getting interesting. Marie’s smiling more. A lot more. She doesn’t know why, but he always makes her smile. She doesn’t protest anymore when she wakes up to find his arms around her waist. She starts looking forward to getting up and making him his favorite breakfast before he heads off to work in the morning. And then one morning she’s cleaning and she hears soft little footsteps and turns around to see precious little Henry and she looks at her son and collapses into an inconsolable heap on the kitchen floor because she can’t believe she let herself move on from George.
At the same time Jason found himself settling in well. He liked coming home from work and asking Marie about what she and Henry got up to that day. He looked at her for a split second longer than necessary. He adored Henry and saw him as nothing less than his own son. He liked watching Henry play and learn. He’d catch himself thinking about whether Henry would like a baby brother or baby sister more, and then kick himself for thinking of something so stupid and selfish. His mind would picture George’s grave and he’d get that twinge of guilt because he could’ve believe he’d let himself forget why all of this happened.
And then things would get even weirder. But maybe that’s a good thing.
Purely a hypothetical but imagine Marie decides to chop all her hair off before they go on the hunt so she looks even more like her son to throw people of that there’s two
But like Henry gets really sad about it and just sulks around the house more than he usually does, just pouting and scowling cuz he’s always loved her hair and thought it was beautiful and it comforted him because it reminded him of when he was little
And shes like “oh get over it, it’s just hair, it’ll grow back” and he’s literally like

Nothing is more depressing than thinking about Henry sitting at the back of his classroom watching his peers excitedly talking about their futures.
“I got a scholarship to Yale!”
“I’m going to study biology in San Diego!”
“My dad is gonna teach me how to run our family business!”
“I’m going to go study in France!”
“I’ve got an internship with a computer company! I’m going to learn programming!”
“I am gonna work all summer so I can go vacation in Mexico!”
And he is just sitting there in silence, trying to convince himself that he’s fine with the future that was written for him before he was even born.
Imagine Marie is like driving Henry to school one morning or something, they’re just in the car together, and he looks over at his mom and goes
“….Mama? Can I be Henry Campbell?”
And Marie scoffs and shakes her head chucking softly before going “you don’t want to be a Campbell.”
And he knows better than to argue with his mama but he just kinda looks out the window and says softly “well, why not?”
And she just sighs and grips the steering wheel harder and goes “‘cause your grandparents were terrible people. You don’t want to be attached to their name.”
And he looks over at her face like “you’re a Campbell. You’re not terrible.” And he watches her eyebrows furrow and she goes
“I gave you your father’s name for a reason. Remember that. When you’re grown, you can do whatever you want with your name. But I can’t see any reason why you’d want to stop honoring him just to take the name of those monsters. Just drop it. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. “
And he just looks down because there’s no way he can possibly explain that she matters to him more than both George and his grandparents combined without severely pissing her off
He’s doing that teenage boy thing where he’s like “I’m not mad about it. That would be stupid.” But he’s like holding back tears and sniffling
There really is something about when your parents change their appearance so drastically that rocks you a little bit, I relate
Using my limited online time for the greater good

Based off of @its-been-rose 's [Sorry to tag lol] post about Marie cutting her hair
because I did the exact thing when my mom asked me to cut her hair
Omg yallll it’s finally done!!!!!
It honestly could use some more cleanup but I am so tired and just want it done and I’m pretty proud of where it is.
Let’s hope the copyright gods don’t smite me
Edit: yeah lmao tumblr kinda fucked up the audio sync
That sucks
Imagine Henry goes mute basically from his arrest to his trial and at the trial they give him something to write with and a piece of paper so that he can answer questions if needed
And throughout the entire trial hes scribbling down something and then at the end he just kinda sits back and the judge is like “it seems the defense has prepared another statement. Could the attorney of the defendant please read the statement of the accused?”
And his attorney picks up the piece of paper and it’s literally just a drawing of Marie
Like a really good drawing
No words just a picture of his mother’s face
I am laughing so hard because even like a year and change out from the fandoms creation; the VAST majority of thirst posts are about Henry
And like I get it. Masked man. Stabby stabby kissy. Why do you think I like his mother.
But he just…. Seems too young for me. Hes not really, I mean he’s 18 and I’m only 21. There’s people in my university courses that are his age. But I just… I see him less as a masked man hottie and more as this sad misguided youth who had to grow up too fast.
But like
Now I’m thinking
…am I just old??? It can’t be that right??? Am I too old to be in on the Henry hype????
…or I might just be way gayer than I thought I was.
I imagine that in the George lives au Henry is still really attached to his mom just not in the really unhealthy way he is in canon, but like I would assume George would be the one working all the time leaving Marie to be home more often than he is and so that’s who Henry mostly grows up around
But like this means that as a youngster Henry is always going to her to ask for stuff or talk about stuff or ask questions or just generally to engage with and like what if one night he is just going up to her constantly to tell her things and ask questions and George sees she’s kinda getting annoyed cuz she’s tired and just wants to relax and he just laughs and goes
“Would you stop bothering your mama, boy? You’ve got two parents, dontcha? Let ‘er be.” And she just looks over at him and mouths “thank you”
I imagine George to be the kind of parent that’s never angry but still has a way of making Henry do what he wants just by nature of asking him nicely and taking advantage of his eagerness to please his parents.
Like if he’s playing guitar in his room (hi @mightntbethebest ) and it’s loud enough to hear on the other side of the house and obviously Marie is not the biggest fan of rock music and all the new styles to come out of the late 70’s and 80’s and so it’s not particularly pleasant for her so when he’s done practicing and he comes out of his room George is like
“Henry you play really nice, boy, but could you please turn it down a little? It’s hurtin your poor mamas ears cus it’s just going through the whole house.” And Henry just nods and goes back into his room to turn his amp down
And like when they all go out in public all the other parents are like how the hell is your son so courteous and obedient
And they’re just like “well he’s just a little (not so little anymore haha) person, right? You can just talk to ‘em like people, they’ll understand. Don’t need to shout at em or put your hands on em or anything. It’s easy really.”
He would just be a really good dad even though they were wholly unprepared for parenthood and he’s just riding 100% on instinct. Helps that they both love him so much and think he’s the universe’s personal gift to them they now get to share with everyone else
(Crawls out of a shallow grave)
Five whistling men. Five of them. Marie, Henry, Peggy (thx last ask for the idea) and Shitface (wants to make the current mayor look bad)
The town is doomed.
Forrest doesn’t have a chance
I will say the thought of Teddy being the whistling man in what is essentially a Scooby Doo ass plot to make the mayor look bad is a HILARIOUS idea
I just thought of George taking Henry down into the mountains for a father-son hunting/fishing trip and damn near just fell out of my chair from the sheer cuteness
He missed out on so many things 😭
The Trial

Obviously I had to go full 80s cuz what’s the point. Like the shoulder pads?? Hello??

Witness Testimony Weggy

Courtroom ink sketch of chikkin nuggit

A collection of unhinged fan mail that serial killers get sent for some reason (???)
I honestly love the idea of Henry being semi mute even in the universe where George lives. Like he CAN and DOES talk, he just prefers not to most times. But like his dad loves him to death anyway.
“That boy don’t talk much but I’ll bet he’s smarter and more talented than anyone you’ve ever met.”
I think it would be really funny if in the Poltergeist AU, instead of George being forced to stick around on the living would for some reason where he’s unable to move on regardless of he wants to or not, he stays in the land of the living by choice.
Like his ghost is just standing by the riverbank where he drowned and Death comes in it’s black cloak and scythe and everything like “come my child, your time on earth is done. You can go and take your place in the great beyond, where you will never know suffering or pain or fear again. You’ll be able to run and play in a never ending sunny field, swim in the clearest lakes, climb the tallest trees, and sing with the birds. It is calling to you.”
And he’s like “is Marie still alive?”
And death is like “uh… yes?”
And he just sits down on a river rock like “then I’m good I’ll just stay here then.”
And Death is like “stay… in the land of the living? But you’re dead. There is nothing left for you here. Your body is cold and blue. Your friends and family mourn your loss. You are not of this land anymore. Come with me where you belong.”
And he’s like “no thanks I’ll wait here til Bean dies an’ then we can go together.”
And Death is like “you don’t know how long that will be. Wouldn’t you like to wait for her in paradise instead of this lonely old forest?”
And George is like “nah I’m good I’ll just wait here”
Then obviously he finds out what happens to her after his death and why he REALLY died and he is irrevocably peeved for the next 20 years
Hi, I really like your posts & art! Killer Frequency is super fun on so many different levels, & I like your different AU ideas. Is it alright if I ask your thoughts on a spin-off/sequel idea I have? It's lightly based off of a Henry x reader fic I found.
This would follow Henry. Reese (random placeholder name) is close in age to Henry & is from a different town that's a fair distance away from Gallow's Creek. She's like a journalist/Nancy Drew type. She met Henry & Marie while they were on their killing spree road trip, & while she found out something was wrong she wasn't able to learn about them being the Whistling Man. Henry & Reese developed feelings for each other, her being more upbeat & him being more broody for example, but they accept that they can't be together at the moment because of Henry traveling (& Henry thinks she deserves better). Fast forward to after the true ending of the game, Reese visits Henry in jail to talk with him & get his side of the story. There's more to this, but I feel like this is long enough (sorry). I like doing creative writing stuff, so I had this idea & just couldn't help but write it down. Like I said, I like your work & was curious on your thoughts/interpretations. You don't have to respond to this. Have a nice day/night!
Hi! Sure ill let you pick my brain!
I think it’s cute! To be perfectly honest I don’t think KF really needs a direct sequel, I think the story of Gallows Creek ends with that night. But if there WAS going to be one, this wouldn’t be a bad idea. I really like the idea of a journalist or PI or investigator digging around.
I also really like the idea of someone knowing Henry before that night and knowing something is up with him but not knowing what until the news comes out. It’s true a lot of times with violent offenders. Plus I think Henry deserves to have friends. And more. I think he’d be just like his dad - the type to fall head over heels - if he was raised better and got the chance to love.
Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it! If you guys have any more questions for me about my AUs or headcanons or want to run more ideas by me, my asks are open!
Listen if I do a Halloween piece, Forrest is going to be an angel (a very disgruntled angel), Marie is gonna be a sexy devil (because hi) and Henry is gonna be the grim reaper because i would expect nothing less from that mopey emo sonofabitch
Jury is out on Peggy
Because my younger sibling just got Dead by Daylight I had this thought: A Killer Frequency chapter. The killer is the Whistling Man (probably Marie), the survivor being Forrest Nash, & the location being the entire studio. I think it would work pretty well!
I’d actually sell my left kidney for a DBD KF crossover chapter. They’d probably put Henry in just cuz he’s got the model and everything but I’d want it to be Marie lol. More female killers please
Might need to write a George Lives AU Henry x Eugene childhood friends to lovers fic just to feel something
Idea: Henry does NOT know how to interact with people, at all. He’s at That Age™️ so he decides to ask Grandpa Mooney for advice
Henry: How do you ask someone out, like on a date?

That’s kinda cute, I love that. At least he gets someone to ask since his Dad couldn’t be there to help him out.
I am so torn cuz on one hand I love the idea of Henry being an aroace king but on the other hand I love the idea of Henry being so full of love like his father was and just desperate to find someone to share it with but his mother drained all of the hope for love right out of him in favor of their goal