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God I LOVE The George Lives Au Because Like George Waking Up In The Hospital Like A Day Or So Later And
God I LOVE the George lives au because like George waking up in the hospital like a day or so later and the doctors are trying to test his brain to make sure he didn’t get brain damage and stuff like “ok what’s the last thing you remember” and he’s like “I was running… someone was chasing me… oh my goodness- where’s B- Marie?! Is Marie Campbell here? Is she okay?” And the doctors are like “uh… she’s not the one who fell off a cliff and almost drowned. YOU were.” And he’s like “Never mind all that, where is she??”
When she hears he woke up and the Barrows are like “you need to come to the hospital he’s demanding to see you and he won’t take his medicine or answer questions until he does.” So she runs there and visits him and obviously sees him and he’s got a big bandage on his head and a cast on one leg and one arm in a sling and she’s like “oh my god are you okay??” And he chuckles despite his whole insides hurting like “oh, you don’t need to worry about old me. I’m fit as a fiddle. How are you?” And she’s just like “don’t you do that to me, George Barrow, you could have died if I didnt pull you out of that river. You were unconscious for a whole day!” And he’s like “oh. Well. I’m sorry I couldn’t walk you home, Bean.” And she’s like “literally who gives a shit, I’m just glad you’re alive!” And he’s like “well I could say the same about you, I thought the whistling man gotcha.” And then she goes “oh- yeah- no, Georgie, it was all an act, see. Teddy was just messing with you. I wasn’t in any danger. Jason’s okay, I’m okay, it was all fake.” And George just sits there in his hospital bed for a second like “….oh, he’s done it now. No one messes with my girl.” And Marie just laughs like “oh yeah? What are you doing to do? You can’t even walk.” And George is like “I’ll think of something!!”
And she just visits him all the time and takes care of him and is as instrumental in his recovery as the nurses are and he looks forward to seeing her every day
And obviously eventually he can leave and go home and stuff. But he also gets the news he’s gonna be a dad and stuff and he’s hyped
It’s just so cute
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The absolute karma of Marie having to stay on earth as a ghost without George is kind of delicious especially if Forrest is mouthing off at her because he doesn’t think she’s real
Like she is absolutely miserable and hates GC and Forrest has to go and make it infinitely worse by sassing her
the concept of forrest being integrated and adopted into the town without really realizing it. getting specific and having him be unknowingly adopted into the weaver-campbell-barrow family. starting out with him staying close friends with peggy and helping her get through post-whistling night & extending the olive branch to her nephew. not having it register for forrest that he's continuing his role of support for the town and this family bc it happens as suddenly and organically as it did on whistling night. having marie come back into the picture somehow and running interference/referee btwn her & her sister/the town. driving with peggy to wherever henry is kept and bringing anyone henry can stand to be around along to help smooth things over. if all of them are inevitably alive and released then forrest finds himself helping run a rare get-together in someone's home where everyone promised to make a real effort to get along this time. the idea of this character who, back in his hometown, might've been known as charming but admittedly weird now still That Guy but compared to everyone he's found himself spending so much time with, it almost feels like he's the straightman of a comedy duo who tries to keep things in order. and in some stupid-crazy happy ending, it fucking works. he's baking. there's 2 slashers and at least 2 other people they tried to kill bickering at the table, and he's baking.

Some sketches of George and Marie getting to go to their senior prom. Long live the class of ‘69! (Nice)
As requested by @eating-plastic lol
Piggybacking off of this
in the GLAU I can totally imagine him being like “hey bean I’m gonna take Henry back down to my neck of the woods for a special father son hunting trip” and Marie is like “oh okay have fun boys” and like they’re in the car on the way down and Henry is like “I’m excited to go hunting with you, pa” and George goes “oh I’m also gonna teach you how to make proper moonshine but don’t tell your ma or she’ll kill us both.”
More George headcanons because yea:
- Fucking loves spicy food. His mom definitely made the best chili when he was younger.
- #1 menace to a tall tree. Grew up sporty, started off with menacing the local wildlife.
- You're tellin me this kid didn't race the deer near him?
- SOMEHOW wrestled a coyote and won without getting rabies. Still amazes his family and the town he grew up in.
- Got his ass kicked yeah, but no rabies. That's all that really matters.
- Had a little old woman who ADORED him, always dropped him by gifts as a reward for him being the town helper.
- It was impossible to get him to stay inside. If he were ever grounded, they'd make him stay inside and do nothing. Couldn't even make him clean because he liked doing that.
- Vulture Culture kinda kid. His room and back deck were a mess of animal bits and bobs.
- Has random sticks just chilling in his room decor. [I have some chilling in my Non-Christmas-Christmas lights. + A random bone we found in the creek a while back]
So I saw a photograph of an actress in 1964 wearing Jean shorts that were quite short (tbh shorter than I would’ve thought for the time) and then I just thought of Marie wearing herself a pair in the summertime and George trying to be a gentleman and not look but like having a peep before tearing his eyes away
But then like if you know what old basketball shorts looked like (hint: they were short), imagine George Jason and Marie going to hang out and play basketball and enjoy the nice summer day outside and Marie is just like “damn”
Peggy: Forrest, can you tell me more about your friendship with Roddy???? I’m sooo curious.
Forrest: he makes good music. I like to play good music. We hung out. Thats about all I have to say on that.
Peggy: ugh that must’ve been so fun- he seems like such a fun person. You must’ve had so much fun in the 70’s.
Forrest: *narrowing his eyes* ….im not telling you what i did in the 70’s. That’s between me and God.
Peggy: well now I HAVE to know.
Forrest: sorry. It’s in the vault.
Peggy: you’re no fun.
Forrest: you wouldn’t say that if you knew me in the 70’s.
Peggy: Asshole. Why do you torture me?
Forrest: torturing you is literally my job.