its-been-rose - Up Gallows Creek Without A Paddle
Up Gallows Creek Without A Paddle

The things I do for brain rot. Rose, she/her. 21.Join the KF community page, created by yours truly!

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One Of My Ideas For Another YouTube Video Is Just A Supercut Titled Marie Campbell Being Hot- I Mean,

One of my ideas for another YouTube video is just a supercut titled “Marie Campbell being hot- I mean, “femme fatale” for X minutes and X seconds”

And it’s just clips of the very thing

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More Posts from Its-been-rose

5 months ago

Not-Canon Canon voice hcs (basically if they didn't have the voice actors they did, what voices would fit them best) Gaslight gatekeep girlboss: Beatrice Horseman The dead guy: The Lich Lovable and puntable: Bojack Horseman Beautiful baby boy: The guy that sung Digital Silence (S tier song) The other dead guy: Albert Hammond Bitchass McGee: (In a perfect world he'd be dead before he says a single word) J Jonah Jameson: J K Simmons

I also feel like Forrest could easily be voiced by Andrew Rea (binging with babish)

Like idk to me it’s really damn close to his in game VA

I wanna do an animatic of Forrest to the one short of Andrew drinking Gatorwine and getting progressively drunker

Also I’m glad you brought in someone with a bit of gravel in their voice for Marie because when I see other like singing voice claims and stuff for her they’re usually very smooth and more soprano but she is definitely an alto and she has some grit in her voice that makes it so beautifully rich like dark chocolate from the Netherlands

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5 months ago

So I’m watching a review of Paranorman and apart from the town motto of Blithe Hollow being “a great place to hang!” (Because a witch got hanged lol) And Gallows Creek’s being “a great place to rest your bones” (get it because George’s body was found resting on the riverbank HA ha)

The message of “treating someone unfairly and unkindly due to your own fears and instincts of self preservation could turn them into a monster” rings LOUD AND CLEAR in both media.

The judges (and townspeople) who sentenced Aggie to death were scared because they didn’t know what she could do with her powers and wanted to preserve themselves and protect them from her.

The townspeople of gallows creek didn’t help Marie out of fear of retaliation from the Gallows family and a desire to preserve the status quo and put this event behind them (especially the gallowses themselves, who feared losing social standing and power)

I’m not saying Paranorman was one of the inspirations for the game but I’m not NOT saying that. Especially with the goofy horror-comedy tone of the film.

Addendum: the line “soemthing in <the little girl> came back, and the longer it stayed, the less there was of the little girl. All that’s left of you is mean and horrible. You’re a monster! Stop! This is wrong and you know it!” Is scarily relevant

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5 months ago

I really hope for George’s sake he just stopped existing when he died because the alternatives are terrible

First: he becomes a ghost and has to wander around completely alone thinking his best friend died and his girlfriend may or may not be alive. Depending on if this goes by Beetlejuice rules, he may have to spend all of his time as a ghost dripping wet and cold too.

Second: he goes to some sort of afterlife where he is aware of everything happening on earth (Y’Know the traditional ‘he’s looking down on you’ type stuff) and therefore would find out that Marie was kicked out and he had a kid he could not help her take care of. It would be the most cruel thing ever to make him watch them both suffer where he can’t help.

Third: he went to an afterlife where he CANT know what’s happening on earth, but he would still be unhappy because Marie is not with him, and even if he was told she was fine it would have been a lie. And he would have basically spent his eternity just sitting and waiting for her and not Y’Know enjoying being dead.

All horrible existences, some worse than others but still

OR I mean he could just be automatically put somewhere and his memory is just completely erased but then that’s not really him is it?

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5 months ago

God I LOVE the George lives au because like George waking up in the hospital like a day or so later and the doctors are trying to test his brain to make sure he didn’t get brain damage and stuff like “ok what’s the last thing you remember” and he’s like “I was running… someone was chasing me… oh my goodness- where’s B- Marie?! Is Marie Campbell here? Is she okay?” And the doctors are like “uh… she’s not the one who fell off a cliff and almost drowned. YOU were.” And he’s like “Never mind all that, where is she??”

When she hears he woke up and the Barrows are like “you need to come to the hospital he’s demanding to see you and he won’t take his medicine or answer questions until he does.” So she runs there and visits him and obviously sees him and he’s got a big bandage on his head and a cast on one leg and one arm in a sling and she’s like “oh my god are you okay??” And he chuckles despite his whole insides hurting like “oh, you don’t need to worry about old me. I’m fit as a fiddle. How are you?” And she’s just like “don’t you do that to me, George Barrow, you could have died if I didnt pull you out of that river. You were unconscious for a whole day!” And he’s like “oh. Well. I’m sorry I couldn’t walk you home, Bean.” And she’s like “literally who gives a shit, I’m just glad you’re alive!” And he’s like “well I could say the same about you, I thought the whistling man gotcha.” And then she goes “oh- yeah- no, Georgie, it was all an act, see. Teddy was just messing with you. I wasn’t in any danger. Jason’s okay, I’m okay, it was all fake.” And George just sits there in his hospital bed for a second like “….oh, he’s done it now. No one messes with my girl.” And Marie just laughs like “oh yeah? What are you doing to do? You can’t even walk.” And George is like “I’ll think of something!!”

And she just visits him all the time and takes care of him and is as instrumental in his recovery as the nurses are and he looks forward to seeing her every day

And obviously eventually he can leave and go home and stuff. But he also gets the news he’s gonna be a dad and stuff and he’s hyped

It’s just so cute

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5 months ago

People: wait why did Marie make you get the song from outside if she wasn’t going to kill you when you got outside

Me: it’s almost like… it’s almost as if she wasn’t lying to you for once and just genuinely wanted to listen to her favorite song

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