its-been-rose - Up Gallows Creek Without A Paddle
Up Gallows Creek Without A Paddle

The things I do for brain rot. Rose, she/her. 21.Join the KF community page, created by yours truly!

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God I Kinda Wanna Do A Run Rn

God I kinda wanna do a run rn

And what if I actually filmed it properly and wasn’t stupid and key bound it to my freaking movement keys

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More Posts from Its-been-rose

5 months ago

Peggy: Forrest, can you tell me more about your friendship with Roddy???? I’m sooo curious.

Forrest: he makes good music. I like to play good music. We hung out. Thats about all I have to say on that.

Peggy: ugh that must’ve been so fun- he seems like such a fun person. You must’ve had so much fun in the 70’s.

Forrest: *narrowing his eyes* ….im not telling you what i did in the 70’s. That’s between me and God.

Peggy: well now I HAVE to know.

Forrest: sorry. It’s in the vault.

Peggy: you’re no fun.

Forrest: you wouldn’t say that if you knew me in the 70’s.

Peggy: Asshole. Why do you torture me?

Forrest: torturing you is literally my job.

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5 months ago

God I LOVE the George lives au because like George waking up in the hospital like a day or so later and the doctors are trying to test his brain to make sure he didn’t get brain damage and stuff like “ok what’s the last thing you remember” and he’s like “I was running… someone was chasing me… oh my goodness- where’s B- Marie?! Is Marie Campbell here? Is she okay?” And the doctors are like “uh… she’s not the one who fell off a cliff and almost drowned. YOU were.” And he’s like “Never mind all that, where is she??”

When she hears he woke up and the Barrows are like “you need to come to the hospital he’s demanding to see you and he won’t take his medicine or answer questions until he does.” So she runs there and visits him and obviously sees him and he’s got a big bandage on his head and a cast on one leg and one arm in a sling and she’s like “oh my god are you okay??” And he chuckles despite his whole insides hurting like “oh, you don’t need to worry about old me. I’m fit as a fiddle. How are you?” And she’s just like “don’t you do that to me, George Barrow, you could have died if I didnt pull you out of that river. You were unconscious for a whole day!” And he’s like “oh. Well. I’m sorry I couldn’t walk you home, Bean.” And she’s like “literally who gives a shit, I’m just glad you’re alive!” And he’s like “well I could say the same about you, I thought the whistling man gotcha.” And then she goes “oh- yeah- no, Georgie, it was all an act, see. Teddy was just messing with you. I wasn’t in any danger. Jason’s okay, I’m okay, it was all fake.” And George just sits there in his hospital bed for a second like “….oh, he’s done it now. No one messes with my girl.” And Marie just laughs like “oh yeah? What are you doing to do? You can’t even walk.” And George is like “I’ll think of something!!”

And she just visits him all the time and takes care of him and is as instrumental in his recovery as the nurses are and he looks forward to seeing her every day

And obviously eventually he can leave and go home and stuff. But he also gets the news he’s gonna be a dad and stuff and he’s hyped

It’s just so cute

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5 months ago

Man I need to write and or draw some more live wire shit because every time I think about those silly mid life crisis havers shamelessly flirting like high schoolers I just smile and giggle and kick my feet

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5 months ago


I rosesplained the puzzle too hard and they got offended because I insulted their intelligence

If someone could tell me politely when to shut the fuck up because I’m being an overbearing piece of shit that would be wonderful

Lmao someone was complaining that the only way you’d be able to save Ricky is if you believed Marie was untrustworthy so it was basically a crapshoot

And I was like



You get at least 5 clues that tell you outright she’s lying

That’s a lot more than other callers

The game REALLY wants you to save Ricky

5 months ago

Marie: you’re so lucky I pulled you out of that river. You were out cold. You could’ve died.

George: and I am forever grateful to you for that, I really am.

Marie: imagine what would’ve happened if I hadn’t been where I was. If I hadn’t been able to find you. I think about it so often. *tearing up* I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you… I couldn’t make it on my own…

George: hey you can’t think of this stuff, you know. You’re just freaking yourself out. Just focus on what is here right now. I’m fine, you’re fine, th’ baby’s fine. We have enough to think about right here.

Marie: *crying* what would I do if you weren’t here? My parents wouldn’t want anything to do with me.

George: we will never need to know the answer to that question. Ever. ‘Cause I’m right here and I’m not going nowhere. Please just try to go to bed Bean, you’re gonna make th’ baby nervous and then he’ll be kicking you all night again. Just take a deep breath.

Marie: I know… I just can’t help feeling like this is the best possible outcome and that we got ridiculously lucky. Like it’s a fluke.

George: maybe we did. Maybe it is. That should make us grateful, not fearful of what wasn’t.

Marie: hm…

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