its-been-rose - Up Gallows Creek Without A Paddle
Up Gallows Creek Without A Paddle

The things I do for brain rot. Rose, she/her. 21.Join the KF community page, created by yours truly!

487 posts

So The Subreddit Is Getting Into A Bit Of An Argument Rn Cuz People Are Arguing If The Opening Credits

So the subreddit is getting into a bit of an argument rn cuz people are arguing if the opening credits scene is Clive or not

And someone is like “oh well there’s a note in Reggie’s office and a note at the end credits that tells you Clive is alive” and I’m like

Is this an excuse to go and do another playthrough because I think yes

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More Posts from Its-been-rose

5 months ago
Some Sketches Of George And Marie Getting To Go To Their Senior Prom. Long Live The Class Of 69! (Nice)
Some Sketches Of George And Marie Getting To Go To Their Senior Prom. Long Live The Class Of 69! (Nice)

Some sketches of George and Marie getting to go to their senior prom. Long live the class of ‘69! (Nice)

As requested by @eating-plastic lol

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5 months ago

I see a lot of posts about King Falls AM because that fandom uses the KFAM hashtag too, so it just winds up in my feed, and every time I’m always like “well howdy, fandom neighbor! Lovely dash we’re having this evening, huh?”

Also to anyone in the king falls am fandom wants these goddamn murder game weirdos off of your feed, I am terribly sorry.

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5 months ago


- Marie jumping into the river and rescuing him before he drowns

- Marie resuscitating him and helping him get the water out of his lungs and staying with him until help arrives but he is so concussed and out of it he literally does not remember

- George demanding to see her in the hospital, absolutely indignant that the nurses will not let him see ‘his woman’ because he needs to be focusing on resting

- The nurses eventually relenting and letting him see her and she scolds him for scaring her and for kicking up such a fuss before hugging him (it hurts him a lot cuz he probably got pretty banged up underwater but he does not care)

- Jason coming to visit him and George having to calm Marie down because she was still really mad at him. George felt no offense whatsoever (he was very understanding about Jason’s intentions and knew he would intentionally try to hurt him)

- Marie coming by every day he’s in the hospital recovering from the concussion (about 2-3 days after he wakes up) and teaching him what they learned in class that week (again he fell on a Monday lol)

- Marie helping him learn how to walk on crutches after his ankle/shin/leg got fucked up

- Marie and George and maybe Jason confronting Teddy about being an asshole

- Marie coming back from the hospital (no at home pregnancy tests at this time folks, you literally had to go and do lab tests like you would for the flu and stuff) and telling George about Henry while dude is literally still on crutches and feeling the effects of a head injury

-shotgun wedding where dude literally has walk down the aisle in crutches the poor thing

- basically the reverse of an above scenario where he is now taking care of her when she is suffering from bad morning sickness and nausea and fatigue

- basically a reverse of an above statement where George comes home (I assume they are either staying at his house or are renting a place of their own by this point) and teaches Marie what they talked about in school after she got too pregnant to attend

Just them constantly taking care of each other rrrrraaaaaaaaah

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5 months ago

I have been thinking about the GLAU all day and it’s so wholesome and sweet and lovely (can elaborate if desired) but I think my mind was like “you’ve had it too good time to suffer”

So now I’m thinking about an AU where Henry kills his mom before she can carry out her plan

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5 months ago


I rosesplained the puzzle too hard and they got offended because I insulted their intelligence

If someone could tell me politely when to shut the fuck up because I’m being an overbearing piece of shit that would be wonderful

Lmao someone was complaining that the only way you’d be able to save Ricky is if you believed Marie was untrustworthy so it was basically a crapshoot

And I was like



You get at least 5 clues that tell you outright she’s lying

That’s a lot more than other callers

The game REALLY wants you to save Ricky