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I Have Been Making My Way Through Another Run And Something That Stood Out To Me As Really Interesting.
I have been making my way through another run and something that stood out to me as really interesting.
So if you’re in the Maurice puzzle, you get to choose what you’ll say when Maurice turns his radio on up to full blast. The intuitive option is to impersonate Maurice, as chicken nugget clearly knows who he is there for (a plan as detailed as theirs would be very specific). Theres two other options, one of which is to just call Henry a jackass. I don’t remember the third.
For some reason I chose this option, even tho I wasn’t sure if it would succeed. However, it did. I called that barely-an-adult child a jackass and he came running.
I was like “oh of course it works. I don’t think you could get Maurice killed after succeeding to wait until he hides. That would be poor game design.”
But then I gave it three more seconds of thought and realized that choosing the jackass option was a fantastic way to reinforce (or enforce I guess, because the Maurice puzzle is in the early game) Henry’s character. He knows that Maurice is an older man, and maybe even heard him talking when he broke in (Maurice called Forrest). He knows who he is there to kill. But he just couldn’t resist going to confront someone calling him names and risk the target getting away because it’s that important to him. We see this happen AGAIN with the Murphy call- Murphy mocks him and asks him to prove his might, and Henry CANNOT resist going over there and showing him what’s what, even though it was not in the plan at all. In fact he could’ve even done this a THIRD time with the teens, since Jimmy made a mockery out of the whistling man moniker and was generally an annoying brat pretending to be the real thing (which, for all intents and purposes, is actually Henry). I personally think this one was Marie and it just happened to strike a very personal chord with her which is why she deviated from her plan, but I mean it’s not confirmed it’s her so.
In short: Choosing the jackass option is actually a great way to demonstrate that Henry takes himself very seriously and will not hesitate to cut a bitch if they disrespect him. And the best thing is that I’m not reading into it- Marie spells out that the game characterizing him as a hot-head who will go out of his way to fight people if he thinks they challenged him is ENTIRELY ON PURPOSE because Marie RAISED HIM TO BE THAT WAY.
Just another way this game’s writing is genius
I guess it could also be interpreted as curiosity, as he is also a very curious character (evidenced by him going to the window to investigate the police sirens instead of just booking it out of KFAM), but both work.
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More Posts from Its-been-rose
Omg this is adorable hahahaah

“Some stupid teen just broke in downstairs”
The irony of both Forrest and Maurice being half right- the trespasser IS a teen, but is ALSO the real thing- is so delicious lol
Also gotta include that completely physically impossible blue underlight that makes no sense but looks cool as fuck for game accuracy
One of my favorite things is that whole Wandavision quote about “what is grief but love persevering?” Because it implies the greater the love, the more grief you have, and it makes me think about Marie and George. Her love for him was so great that when it transformed into grief when he died, her grief was so strong and so unbearable to the point that it, combined with her lack of support and struggles, corrupted her and plunged her deep into madness.
Anyways here’s Marie wearing George’s jersey

Okay now I’m pretty solidly in the “George is from Appalachia” camp
No reason for the headcanon I just think it’s neat lol
A good ol’ southern gentleman
Which means we all missed out on chicken nugget having a southern twang after spending time with his dad lol
So I’m watching someone react to a true crime video on the troubled teen industry but the guy who is reacting to the video started talking about just general parent child relationships in the past and he goes
“The 70’s were so weird. You couldn’t talk to your parents. You couldn’t tell them your problems. When they came home you greeted them with a smile. You couldn’t be a human to them.“
And it really just reminded me of Henry, who grew up in the 70’s. Obviously I don’t think Marie was one of those “you’ll speak when spoken to, brat” parents as she was pretty much a kid herself, but I do think that Henry got the impression he was not allowed to have any sort of input in his life and even though he loved his mom very much and hung onto every word she said, she did not have the emotional capacity to treat his words with the same importance.
I mean- Marie seemed to be treated the exact same way by HER parents. Seems a bit of a generational trauma thing if you really read into it.
Listen I headcanon Marie as straight but that DOESNT mean she doesn’t have queer girl energy
She puts the camp in Campbell