Fortnite Competitive (Ranked Rocket Racing) | Virtual Photographer for Horizon series and Fortnite | 4x Featured | July 25 2024 🫶🏻❤️ | Use code PinkyBritey in Fortnite item shop and Epic Games store #ad #EpicPartner
32 posts
Itsabritestorm-fn47 - Pinky (Drop Dee Main) - Tumblr Blog
fun fact: Recently Jihyo (TWICE) revealed than she liked to watch Digimon and ofc Angemon made her fall into love :)))
Angemon from digimon in D4? Please? 🥺

everytime I draw Angemon it goes wrong lol
plot twist: He can lift the star wand pickaxe 😂😂
Of course I also need to add in Angemon as well, the OG!

Disguise!Crisostomo I feel like he would love comfy and soft clothes and he would rock the khaki pants. Esther's rosary would always be somehow on his person even if it's not showing.

Rosemon! *-*

Aboslute Queen

Digimon Adventure 2020: Episode 55 | The Digimon School Under Attack

lilimon ➜ rosemon

The process:

Season 1 Chapter 5 gang

Use code PinkyBritey in Fortnite item shop and Epic Games store #ad #EpicPartner

All outfits from the last challenge in one post

I feel so bad when someone sounds so enthusiastic when requesting something. Like, there is no way I can deliver.

I feel so bad when someone sounds so enthusiastic when requesting something. Like, there is no way I can deliver.
Angemon from digimon in D4? Please? 🥺

everytime I draw Angemon it goes wrong lol
I wanna see him with this style next 🥹🥹🫶🏻

quick doodle of angemon he is a trainmon otaku!
This guy 😻🫶🏻

quick doodle of angemon he is a trainmon otaku!
Manifest it
still manifesting for Digimon x Fortnite collab soon so I can’t wait to see Beelzemon, Angemon, Angewomon and Lilymon doing the building like the pros, playing Buddy Holly by Weezer on Fortnite Festival mode and doing the griddy emote around the battle royale map 😂🫶🏻❤️
It’s been awhile not using this app and finally I’m back and I’ll start to do posting for Fortnite and Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West photography (maybe art too)
Also check it out my other social platforms:
X: PinkyHarmonizer
Instagram: itsabritestorm_fn
TikTok: dropdee.simp

Battle ready blorbos 💪

I've even received some very, um, succinct combat advice from Kotallo.
blessing my eyes seeing my homie Angemon in casual 🥹🫶🏻

Copic doodles inspired by the fanfic Married Name by @sunshineyr because I’m a sucker for fluff and it was an excellent read.