Angewomon - Tumblr Posts
Am I the only person who thinks this looks almost exactly like Angewomon from Digimon?

Ultra level digimon signature moves! Champeon level moves here!!
Digimon Adventure (1999)
Featuring from top to bottom: MetalGreymon, Weregarurumon, Garudamon, Atlurkabuterimon, Lilimon, Zudomon, Angewomon & HolyAngemon.
Hey, y’know that crazy-ass video that was recently making the rounds. yeah. that one. You know the one. Turns out it’s not the whole thing.
Manifest it
still manifesting for Digimon x Fortnite collab soon so I can’t wait to see Beelzemon, Angemon, Angewomon and Lilymon doing the building like the pros, playing Buddy Holly by Weezer on Fortnite Festival mode and doing the griddy emote around the battle royale map 😂🫶🏻❤️

TNS: Angewomon
Done for Lisa Price's "DigimonCollab" over on Twitter! Hope y'all enjoy <3
Speed art HERE
Elizabeth B.
mastemon yuri
a digimon yuri manga/anime/web-series with the 2 leads having a gatomon and a blackgatomon, then ladydevimon and angewomon, and then mastemon as a symbol of their love

Shout out to these ladies and their male counterparts for making me bisexual
I’m sure I’m late to this meme. The way Tumblr works held me back for not letting this appear in the recent results.
A random video I made on my take on those Ruler of Everything memes that’s been going on.
Yes, I made the whole thing in Windows Movie Maker
Models used for the renders seen in the video
Andromon and Angewomon by GuilTronPrime (HD textures for Andromon were by me from using waifu2x along with edits for his mouth)
Metal Wooden Crate from Torisoba’s Wooden Box set
Flowers from 佐久間 風 ‘s Rain set
Full-Length Mirror by ろっし
MMD Boy's Room - Otoko no Heya by arisumatio
PDFTDX Clearing in the Forest Stage Dl by Kneko988
Old Town Square - MMD stage DL by DiemDo-Shiruhane (Archived download link provided by sswafflecone
Fan Art and Images used in the video
Footage and Manga Panels
Monxp’s gameplay Digimon World - Day 205 - Andromon in Humanoid Cup
Digimon Tamers Episode 31: Kazu’s Upgrade
Digimon Adventure Episode 5: Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker
Digimon Adventure Episode 49: The Crest of Light
Digimon Next Chapter 14: Reunion! Page 1 and 8

The starter packs we can pick from. Each comes with two Ultimates and the mascot Rookie of the game. It’s worth restarting a few times to see what the Digivolution line of each one looks like, for what it’s worth.
I like how the concepts of each one are Balanced, Attack, Stat Specialty and Aesthetic.

wholesome texts

ah yes, fresh farm-grown Friendship

protecc the player
I find it funny that the Angel Digimon have somewhat of a strong resemblance to Robocop more than Andromon, but then we have his Mega form HiAndromon and the resemblance is more stronger in that Digimon than himself.