itsawrites - Existence Outside the Domain, but Inside the Tummy
Existence Outside the Domain, but Inside the Tummy

Everything here will probably/most definitely be related to male vore and stuffing, and such. Please view at your own discretion

485 posts

Votes Are In And... Free Wins! I'll Try To Get To Work On Something Right Away!

Votes are in and... Free wins! I'll try to get to work on something right away!

Help me decide

Hey so I wanna try something! I’m pretty aimless on what I should work on/do next, sooooooooooo maybe I could get some help?

I’m making a straw poll so you guys can vote of what you’d like to see next! It might be a story, or a drawing, or even a belly canon maybe, depending on what it is and how I’m feeling

I put in a few options I like, but I left one option for if you’d potentially like something else. If you pick that one though then you have to leave me an ask and let me know what your “other” is, be it a different franchise or ocs (you can leave it anonymously)

  • audreymonette200
    audreymonette200 liked this · 5 years ago
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    zealousartisaneggsshepherd liked this · 5 years ago
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    nomdeplumestummy-blr liked this · 5 years ago
  • itsawrites
    itsawrites reblogged this · 5 years ago
  • itsawrites
    itsawrites reblogged this · 5 years ago
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    the-elusive-libbin liked this · 5 years ago
  • itsawrites
    itsawrites reblogged this · 5 years ago
  • bblaster310
    bblaster310 liked this · 5 years ago

More Posts from Itsawrites

5 years ago

Last chance. After today I'm gonna try to get to work

Help me decide

Hey so I wanna try something! I’m pretty aimless on what I should work on/do next, sooooooooooo maybe I could get some help?

I’m making a straw poll so you guys can vote of what you’d like to see next! It might be a story, or a drawing, or even a belly canon maybe, depending on what it is and how I’m feeling

I put in a few options I like, but I left one option for if you’d potentially like something else. If you pick that one though then you have to leave me an ask and let me know what your “other” is, be it a different franchise or ocs (you can leave it anonymously)

4 years ago

Rly little else is as hot to me as the thought of a boy leaned back on a couch rubbing their massive, stuffed, aching belly and completely helpless against the violent hiccups they have from eating so much so quickly

5 years ago

You know what's really good? Characters eating too much but not realising it until it's too late, gut all swollen and hard, and they can't do anything but sit there and wait for it to pass~

5 years ago

Help me decide

Hey so I wanna try something! I’m pretty aimless on what I should work on/do next, sooooooooooo maybe I could get some help?

I’m making a straw poll so you guys can vote of what you’d like to see next! It might be a story, or a drawing, or even a belly canon maybe, depending on what it is and how I’m feeling

I put in a few options I like, but I left one option for if you’d potentially like something else. If you pick that one though then you have to leave me an ask and let me know what your “other” is, be it a different franchise or ocs (you can leave it anonymously)

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5 years ago

Real question; what do people like about my blog? Is there anything in particular anyone follows me or likes me for? Just been curious lately