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You Know What's Really Good? Characters Eating Too Much But Not Realising It Until It's Too Late, Gut
You know what's really good? Characters eating too much but not realising it until it's too late, gut all swollen and hard, and they can't do anything but sit there and wait for it to pass~
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More Posts from Itsawrites

The Trick™
Rly little else is as hot to me as the thought of a boy leaned back on a couch rubbing their massive, stuffed, aching belly and completely helpless against the violent hiccups they have from eating so much so quickly
A short little story I did for S/ousuke just because I had a strong urge to give him a belly~

Sousuke lay in a hammock, drifting back and forth on the border between the waking world and the sleeping world. It was wonderfully sunny and warm, an excellent day to rest outside under the shade of the trees. Cool, gentle breezes brushed at his cheeks as the large swimmer tried to nap, keeping him refreshed and comfortable as he relaxed.
One arm behind his head while the other was lazily hanging over the side, Sousuke was truly savouring this moment. What better way could he have asked for to end such a large picnic?
As a testament to just how big this picnic was, the athlete's normally flat, toned abs were greatly swollen and rounded out into a large globe of a belly that pushed his shirt up and over its grand swell. And his gut wasn't particularly quiet either, as it would noisily gurgle and glorp and slosh, working on all the food this whale shark personified had consumed.
He had gone to the gym earlier that day… or had he gone to the pool? Sousuke was too tired to recall at the moment, but needless to say he had worked up quite the appetite either way. So when a friend called him and asked if he wanted to have a little picnic today, he said make it a big one and he'll be there.
Sousuke couldn't even remember what all the food was he ate, let alone what his favourite was. He was scarfing it down so fast, did he even chew some of it? His friend could see how hungry he was and was kind enough to help stuff that gaping, almost bottomless maw of his.
The swimmer lazily opened his eyes to look at the nearly spherical gut he was sporting. Taking his free hand, Sousuke slowly placed it on the taut surface of his belly before rubbing slow, gentle circles on it. Almost as if in appreciation, his belly burbled and rumbled a little quieter. He watched his gut rising and falling with each deep breath he took. Giving his gut a few proud pats, and left his arm resting on his chest as he started to drift to sleep once more.
… that is, until he was disturbed by the jingle of his phone; it seemed as though someone was texting him.
With a disgruntled sigh, Sousuke began searching his pockets for his phone. His belly swayed and wobbled with the movements he made during this endeavor, but he endured.
Turning on his phone and opening his text messages, he saw his most recent one, from his friend who brought him this picnic no less.
"Hey, can I get out of here?"
Sousuke looked puzzled. That is, until he felt his belly suddenly bounce and wobble a little… and a distinct bump appearing on the surface, pushing up against stretched abs.
"Ohh…" The athlete muttered, putting his phone down for a moment so he could stroke his enormous gut. "That's where you went. I must have been hungrier than I thought." The black haired swimmer cracked a smile as he chuckled.
His stomach, still swelling up and down with his breaths, gently moved a little as his friend readjusted. Sousuke wasn't all that surprised by this though. Possibly due to the mix of being contentedly full and also drowsy, the swimmer didn't really mind having a friend in his stomach.
Smiling, Sousuke picked up his phone and messaged his friend back.
"After my nap."
Pausing for a moment, Sousuke pondered an idea; why end this little 'hangout' after his nap was over? Why not enjoy this more?
"... maybe."
Placing his phone back in his pocket, and turning down the ringer, Sousuke put his other hand behind his head as well and finally drifted off to sleep, with a pleased smile on his face.
His large, heavily swollen gut wobbled and bounced back and forth as the friend within attempted to wake the slumbering athlete. But alas, all their struggles were in vain, only making his already noisy gut even noisier.
A sudden rush of air, caused by the squirming and moving, started to stir, and rose from Sousuke's stomach. And without even opening his eyes, the comfortable swimmer released a large burp, which shook the trees overhead from the volume.
The swimmer's globe of a gut settled down as the friend stuck inside gave up on the task of trying to rouse Sousuke from his slumber. Blorping and gurgling, Sousuke's belly happily churned, squeezing the food inside as the athlete rested.
Sousuke dreamed of the day he was going to have once he awoke… he looked forward to watching his belly jut out from his muscular figure and lead his way, proudly on display as his shirt would be rolled up over the large swell.
… hopefully his friend won't mind if he enjoyed this a little longer...
Help me decide
Hey so I wanna try something! I’m pretty aimless on what I should work on/do next, sooooooooooo maybe I could get some help?
I’m making a straw poll so you guys can vote of what you’d like to see next! It might be a story, or a drawing, or even a belly canon maybe, depending on what it is and how I’m feeling
I put in a few options I like, but I left one option for if you’d potentially like something else. If you pick that one though then you have to leave me an ask and let me know what your “other” is, be it a different franchise or ocs (you can leave it anonymously)