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8 years ago

Sweet Dreams

... I got an idea suddenly for a character and... made this quickly

Hopefully it’s not too rushed, and I hope you enjoy it!

Tatsuo the baku belongs to myself!

Sweet dreams. Those words were truer than one would expect them to be, but very few would or even could know this. Someone who could freely traverse the world of dreams would know this truth, and a baku by the name of Tatsuo was one such individual. Not only could he walk in the dream world, but he also had the ability to eat dreams and nightmares.

Tatsuo sat in his home, arms resting on the table propping his head up. It was late at night, and many people would be asleep at this time or at least getting into the sleepwear and getting ready for sleep. But not the baku, who was rather dressed up for the night, wearing a purple suit jacket over a cobalt blue vest, adorn with a black tie, and gray dress pants. One would think he was rather overly dressed for such a late hour at night, but Tatsuo always loved to dress nicely, even if no one would see just how charming he looked.

The baku sighed gently, raising his head from his hands and stretching, while in his seat. "Well, I think I've waited long enough." He said to himself, standing from his seat and walking away from the table. His gradient, black to purple ponytail gently bouncing behind him with each step. "I'm sure enough of the populace is resting at this hour, and hopefully they're having plenty of pleasant dreams." After he finished his sentence, Tatsuo licked his lips in anticipation.

He walked through his quiet home, his dress shoes softly clacking as he went. His home was rather large, and he lived there by himself, though he didn't mind. Soon he found himself in his bedroom, which had a large bed in its center for himself to relax on whenever he'd like. 

Tatsuo held his hand out before him, and with a small swing of his hand a gap opened before him, leading to a dark location, adorn with many floating lights of various colours and sizes. The world of dreams. "Well well, it looks like I have many delightful dreams to pick from tonight." Tatsuo laughed, "But I'll have to root out some nightmares before I indulge myself." Smiling, the baku stepped inside, the gap closing behind him and leaving his home quiet and empty of life.

He drifted through the dream world, watching each of the lights moving around him; there must've been thousands upon thousands in there. His coat tails and ponytail were gently flowing behind him, as if they weighed almost nothing. This was Tatsuo's element, if ever he was a master of something it would be dreams, nightmares, and the realm they existed in.

Truly, the dream world was a beautiful, untouched world with a unique beauty to it. It was an endless world with no sun, but beautiful, vibrant, and colourful orbs of light scattered everywhere. Every dream was different, though many are very similar. Tatsuo enjoys every dream, especially their different tastes; practically indescribable.

As the baku eyed the orbs of light all around him, his gaze was pulled towards a rather dim, murky looking blue orb that flickered weakly. "Oh my, so soon?" Tatsuo said, as he started drifting towards the orb. "And here I was hoping for a perfect, nightmare-less night. Oh well, not that I mind." He laughed, not actually caring overly much that a nightmare had appeared. Nothing posed a threat to him in this world, and he didn't actually hate the taste of nightmares either. This was quite simply a regular night for him

Once Tatsuo was in front of the orb, he held his arms out to it, analysing the nightmare. "Well, this certainly doesn't seem like a pleasant vision to sleep with." The baku said, pulling the orb closer to himself as he did. "But not to worry, I'll ease your night." He waved his hand gently over the dim ball of light. Suddenly, the orb began to change its form, gradually growing limbs and a head before fully becoming a humanoid shape. They seemed as though they were asleep, their eyes firmly shut, but they tossed and turned gently as they floated in the dream world with Tatsuo. They groaned quietly, as though they were experiencing a nightmare themselves.

The baku gripped the nightmare gently on the shoulders and smiled, his stomach eager for its filling. "Sleep well tonight." He said, before he opened his mouth wide and pushed the nightmare's head inside. The nightmare squirmed weakly in Tatsuo's hold, but the baku did not notice. Slowly and gently, Tatsuo swallowed the nightmare, pushing in their arms and torso gradually. He could feel the nightmare beginning to enter his stomach after a few more swallows, feeling his belly begin to slowly grow out beneath his vest.

Dreams were easy to swallow, and since they were all in a kind of slumbering state they put up very little resistance aside from occasionally squirming. Soon, all that remained of the bad dream was their legs, gently kicking every so often as they hung from the baku's mouth. Tilting his head upwards, Tatsuo took a large gulp and pulled in more of their legs. His growing belly was beginning to push his vest out now, the fabric stretching to try to encompass his large stomach as the buttons began to be pushed to their limits to hold the vest together.

Slurping in the last of their feet, Tatsuo took one last big gulp and sent the nightmare fully down into his stomach. Sighing, the baku looked at his belly, seeing how it stretched his out vest. He stroked his belly through his vest. "Ahhh, I always get ahead of myself before I can undo my vest." Tatsuo laughed, patting his big belly. He could feel the nightmare still tossing around gently inside his stomach, though they seemed more soothed now.

His vest was rather uncomfortable against his belly, his stomach was poking out slightly between the gaps made by the stretched buttons. Tatsuo laughed, but winced as he rubbed his poor, trapped belly. The gentle movements of the dream were quite noticeable through his skin and his vest, making it feel more uncomfortable. The baku sighed. "I suppose I should try to undo my vest before I destroy it." He said, with a chuckle as he stroked the side of his belly.

Tatsuo reach over his belly and gripped on of the buttons, feeling the tension in it as he tried to release it. Unfortunately his firm fitting vest, for his normally slim body, was stretching beyond its limits at this point, and he could barely even hope to move the button. "Well, this is problematic it seems." Tatsuo admitted, crossing his arms over his belly as he pondered what he could do. "This might end up being a short night if I don't-" But he was cut off as he suddenly hiccuped. His big belly bounced with his hiccup, and the sudden movement was enough to send the straining and tired buttons flying off of his vest. Tatsuo's belly bounced forward, free from the vest's tight hold.

Though utterly surprised, the baku was rather relieved yet disappointed. "What a shame." Tatsuo sighed, though he was smiling as though he found it rather funny. "I go through so many vests this way." He laughed, patting his free belly. "But it looks like I'm not done my dream eating tonight~." And with that, Tatsuo continued his drifting through the world of dreams.

The baku kept his eyes opened for anymore bad dreams, but it seemed like there would be no more for the night. "Looks like it was just you tonight." He laughed, stroking his belly as the nightmare inside gently squirmed. "Don't worry, I'll give you some nice company right away." As he said that, he looked around at the beautiful orbs in the dream world, licking his lips.

Tatsuo drifted up to a bright looking, yellow orb of light. It shone flawlessly, and was clearly a very happy dream. To the baku, it looked simply scrumptious. Waving his hand over the orb, he once more turned the orb into a humanoid shape, though this one seemed to be resting peacefully. Smiling, he gently grabbed their shoulders and pulled them closer to him. "This looks like a delightful dream we have here." He said, "Hopefully you'll lighten the bad dream's day a little." He joked, before he opened his mouth wide and pushed the bright dream inside.

This dream did not squirm at all, and was perfectly at peace and easy to swallow for the baku. It was practically gliding down his throat. Not only that, but the dream was bright enough that it was glowing strong enough to be seen through Tatsuo's throat as he gulped it down.

The baku enjoyed the dream's flavour as it passed over his tongue. Though he did not hate the taste of nightmares he preferred good dreams over all, as they tasted warmer and brighter. Though, each dream still tasted different, depending on who or what the person is dreaming.

A few more gulps and the baku was left with only a pair of yellow feet poking out of his mouth. Slurping them into his mouth, Tatsuo swallowed and released a content sigh as the glowing yellow bulge in his throat travelled down and vanished behind his chest, swelling out his stomach more so. His belly larger, the yellow dream's light shone through his skin, giving his stomach a yellow glow to it. Stroking his larger belly, the baku said, "Ahhh, that truly was a delightful dream." Patting his belly, Tatsuo continued his drifting, the next dreams on his menu being a shining green one and an equally luminescent pink one.

After an hour of dream eating, Tatsuo floated in the dream world, rubbing his grand belly filled with many dreams, a few gently squirming. His belly was glowing in many different colours from all the dreams that he had swallowed, looking like an oddly beautiful kaleidoscope. Sighing, the baku stroked his incredibly full belly. "Oh my," He chuckled, "I think I got ahead of myself again." He let out a soft groan, his full, luminescent stomach aching from just how stuffed it was.

As Tatsuo floated in the dream world and stroked his giant belly, he looked around at all the remaining dreams, dotting the world around him like colourful stars. He truly loved this world, and truly loved stuffing himself with pleasant dreams like this. "Well, I think I've gotten my fill for the night." he joked, patting his belly. As the dreams moved gently, he let out another gently groan. Straightening himself out, the baku held out his hand and opened the gap back into his bedroom.

The baku carefully floated through the gap, making it bigger this time so he could fit his giant stomach through. Once he passed through it fully, the gap closed behind him, and his large belly gently flopped to the ground. Tatsuo briefly lost his footing, but he managed to stay standing. Thankfully, dreams were not quite as heavy as the people who made them, though when there's several together like this their weight certainly adds up. Tatsuo groaned as he began to move himself towards his bed, pulling his colourful, shining belly with him.

"Goodness, this is always the toughest part." He laughed, before groaning as he lifted himself and his huge belly on to his bed with discomfort. Sighing, Tatsuo rested his head on his pillows, rubbing his stretched belly. The lights inside his stomach shifted around, creating a surprisingly beautiful scene. The baku looked at his belly grinning, and though the shifting around was rather a touch uncomfortable this scene was always really beautiful.

To all the dreams inside his stomach, they found a warm and cozy place to rest. The people experiencing these dreams would not know they had been eaten, but would feel the warmness all around them as they were gently embraced inside the baku's belly. When they would be digested, the dreamer would simply wake up from their sleep.

Tatsuo stroked the side of his belly, before he released a soft yawn. Being so full, the baku was beginning to drift to sleep, and the gentle colours illuminating from his belly were lulling him to sleep as well. "Tonight was certainly excellent." Tatsuo said, patting his giant belly as his eyes slowly closed. "I wonder if I'll run into a lucid dreamer next time." The baku pondered as he drifted off to his own world of sleep.

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7 years ago

... this is so goooooooood, I just love that tummyyyyyyyy

Getting Used To Dinner

Getting used to dinner

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7 years ago
Huff Huff

huff huff…


Xiao Chen got a bit of a redesign, and a much bigger appetite than I remember, heheee. But damn, look at that boy sparkle~

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5 years ago

Little short just cuz I can, based on a drawing by my bud @dumdumdrawstumtums

The college gymnasium was almost empty, aside from one lone athlete who was working diligently and getting in some extra practice for basketball. The tall student was running down the court, practicing footwork, and practicing shooting from different distances away. The gym was filled with the sounds of foot steps and squeaking rubber as he moved... but that wasn’t all.

Finally the athlete, Naruse Shou, took his final shot, jumping as he threw the basketball. He heaved a sigh from his hard work and made his way over to a set of bleachers to rest on, planting his butt down and leaning back as he reached for a bottle of water and a chocolate bar. Naruse ripped the end off the wrapper of his chocolate bar and took a bite out of it, shortly following that with a drink of water.

But some muffled shouts came from in front of Naruse, almost from in his lap... actually, almost precisely in his lap. The basketball player looked down to the large globe that was his belly, which rested between his legs. It jostled and swayed gently as whoever was inside it shouted and struggled, however their complaints fell upon deaf ears as Naruse took another big swig of his water.

“Sorry, couldn’t hear that.” The athlete said, taking another bite of his sweet chocolate bar. “You should speak up or something.” He could feel his fellow student kicking up a fuss from his stomach, but that wouldn’t help them. “Didn’t I say you could help me practicing after school today? You were a great weighted vest, but right now you’re being really rude....”

Another chorus of shouts came from the rounded out abs of the basketball player, nearly inaudible with the gurgles and rumbles that accompanied them. Naruse put his hands underneath his belly, almost like he was cradling it. “Aaaaaaaaaand, jump shot.” he said, suddenly hoisting his belly in his hands and making it bounce and jostle around, sending the student in his gut tumbling around. Naruse leaned back once again and took another bite of his chocolate bar. “You’re making practice really difficult, y’know...” he said, as he felt the person in his stomach moving and readjusting themselves within, only to punch the stomach in indignant anger.

Little Short Just Cuz I Can, Based On A Drawing By My Bud @dumdumdrawstumtums

Naruse held a balled up fist in front of his mouth as he stifled a burp, shaken up from both his handiwork and the student’s movements. He gave the side of his belly some hardy smacks before finishing off his chocolate and his water in a few large and quick gulps. “Well, time to practice for eating contests.” The athlete said, as he hoisted himself up from his seat, patting his gut as he walked towards the doors. “Hope you’re ready to help out with that too.”

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4 years ago

A short little story I did for S/ousuke just because I had a strong urge to give him a belly~

A Short Little Story I Did For S/ousuke Just Because I Had A Strong Urge To Give Him A Belly~

Sousuke lay in a hammock, drifting back and forth on the border between the waking world and the sleeping world. It was wonderfully sunny and warm, an excellent day to rest outside under the shade of the trees. Cool, gentle breezes brushed at his cheeks as the large swimmer tried to nap, keeping him refreshed and comfortable as he relaxed.

One arm behind his head while the other was lazily hanging over the side, Sousuke was truly savouring this moment. What better way could he have asked for to end such a large picnic?

As a testament to just how big this picnic was, the athlete's normally flat, toned abs were greatly swollen and rounded out into a large globe of a belly that pushed his shirt up and over its grand swell. And his gut wasn't particularly quiet either, as it would noisily gurgle and glorp and slosh, working on all the food this whale shark personified had consumed.

He had gone to the gym earlier that day… or had he gone to the pool? Sousuke was too tired to recall at the moment, but needless to say he had worked up quite the appetite either way. So when a friend called him and asked if he wanted to have a little picnic today, he said make it a big one and he'll be there.

Sousuke couldn't even remember what all the food was he ate, let alone what his favourite was. He was scarfing it down so fast, did he even chew some of it? His friend could see how hungry he was and was kind enough to help stuff that gaping, almost bottomless maw of his.

The swimmer lazily opened his eyes to look at the nearly spherical gut he was sporting. Taking his free hand, Sousuke slowly placed it on the taut surface of his belly before rubbing slow, gentle circles on it. Almost as if in appreciation, his belly burbled and rumbled a little quieter. He watched his gut rising and falling with each deep breath he took. Giving his gut a few proud pats, and left his arm resting on his chest as he started to drift to sleep once more.

… that is, until he was disturbed by the jingle of his phone; it seemed as though someone was texting him.

With a disgruntled sigh, Sousuke began searching his pockets for his phone. His belly swayed and wobbled with the movements he made during this endeavor, but he endured.

Turning on his phone and opening his text messages, he saw his most recent one, from his friend who brought him this picnic no less.

"Hey, can I get out of here?"

Sousuke looked puzzled. That is, until he felt his belly suddenly bounce and wobble a little… and a distinct bump appearing on the surface, pushing up against stretched abs.

"Ohh…" The athlete muttered, putting his phone down for a moment so he could stroke his enormous gut. "That's where you went. I must have been hungrier than I thought." The black haired swimmer cracked a smile as he chuckled.

His stomach, still swelling up and down with his breaths, gently moved a little as his friend readjusted. Sousuke wasn't all that surprised by this though. Possibly due to the mix of being contentedly full and also drowsy, the swimmer didn't really mind having a friend in his stomach.

Smiling, Sousuke picked up his phone and messaged his friend back.

"After my nap."

Pausing for a moment, Sousuke pondered an idea; why end this little 'hangout' after his nap was over? Why not enjoy this more?

"... maybe."

Placing his phone back in his pocket, and turning down the ringer, Sousuke put his other hand behind his head as well and finally drifted off to sleep, with a pleased smile on his face.

His large, heavily swollen gut wobbled and bounced back and forth as the friend within attempted to wake the slumbering athlete. But alas, all their struggles were in vain, only making his already noisy gut even noisier.

A sudden rush of air, caused by the squirming and moving, started to stir, and rose from Sousuke's stomach. And without even opening his eyes, the comfortable swimmer released a large burp, which shook the trees overhead from the volume.

The swimmer's globe of a gut settled down as the friend stuck inside gave up on the task of trying to rouse Sousuke from his slumber. Blorping and gurgling, Sousuke's belly happily churned, squeezing the food inside as the athlete rested.

Sousuke dreamed of the day he was going to have once he awoke… he looked forward to watching his belly jut out from his muscular figure and lead his way, proudly on display as his shirt would be rolled up over the large swell.

… hopefully his friend won't mind if he enjoyed this a little longer...

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3 years ago
Heres A Gif Of One Of@wonderful-bellies Blue Demon Pics That I Love So Much. I Used An App Called Andwobble

Here’s a gif of one of @wonderful-bellies‘ Blue Demon pics that I love so much. I used an app called andwobble and made that belly nice and wobbly <3

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