Welcome aboard! You'll see short stories containing my OC's. Trust me, they're filling. Have a request, a question? Shoot me an ask, I'll do my best to get too them! 🔞+ page, PLEASE no minors.
60 posts
So I Noticed Some Of Your Stories Have Multiple Oc's, How Many Do You Have?? Also My Personal Favorite
So I noticed some of your stories have multiple Oc's, how many do you have?? Also my personal favorite is John from your recent story!!
Let me do a quick happy dance for getting my first ask omg.
Anyways, I have in total 16 OCs, however the frequent ones you are seeing are my main OC's which in the actual vore universe that I use them in, it's only 6. The alternative universe has the 16 total.
• What I personally like though is in my head when creating them, I like the concept of the more petite man (observer) with dominant muscular MEN (preds); making the entire relationship polygamy and you don't see it often in the OC universes, especially vore ones.
Let me tell you, John is also one of my favorites, his hunky, sarcastic, flirtatious personality is something that really hits the right spots. Especially when he's s little cocky with an engorged gut after catching a random prey. Letting his boyfriend do all the handy work just so he can relax. Hell yeah!
I swear this ask has made my day so whoever you are, thank you. (Please ask me more!)
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More Posts from Izznts
Selfie Bumps
``Man, I'm stuffed!`` the tall man commented within my bathroom, taking a quick selfie before seeing my form behind him. He rubbed his big belly, smirking at you flustered face in the mirror.
``Oh baby~ why don't you use your little hands to play with such a big round belly~`` He cooed, you slowly nodded, walking next to him. He leaned back on the wall, putting his arms behind his head. This poked his belly up slightly. Visibly in view, his happy trail that you can trace a finger over near his bellybutton. You traced my finger on his belly, feeling the taut skin underneath my fingertip. He chuckled at me, trying to suck in his belly to tease. Failing, it poofed back out to its big roundness, bouncing slightly in front of him.
``Don't be shy~ my belly doesn't bite.`` He teased, letting his gut hang. You stared in awh, rubbing both of my hands on it. He smiled at the treatment, watching me play with his gut. It started to move underneath your hands, causing him to jolt and panic. He looked at me nervously and chuckled anxiously.
``So, I might've broken our little don't eat at night rule.`` He chuckled, patting his belly belching up a cap. This was going to be a long day.

Gym Partner Snack
I do NOT own any of the OC's. All OC's (Alexander and Victor) go to their rightful owner @voredraw
``99…100`` Alexander counted from his push-ups. Sweating from his hourly workout, he was trying to pass time for his husband Victor to return home after dropping off the kids at school and errands. His stomach growled, getting hungry. He walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see nothing to satisfy his hunger. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Walking up looking through the doors peephole, it was his workout buddy. He smiled opening the door, greeting him inside onto the sofa, Alexander following close behind, sitting on the sofa.
``Alexander, that workout was amazing, I never been this pumped to workout in forever!`` His buddy exclaimed, smiling.Â
``What I tell you? Never underestimate what an ex-military man shares.`` He winked, flexing his arms.
``Well I wanted to ask you if we can go to the gym right now?`` He asked, Alexander nodding and getting up leading the way to the front door. As soon as the door opened his stomach growled loudly. He turned to his gym buddy and smirked, licking his lips.
``Are you good bro, your stomach growled-`` Before his buddy could finish his sentence, he got pounced on. His entire head in the gaping.
The man flailed trying to pry free before the first swallow. All of Alexanders weight being on top of him. His shoulders coming through his lips ever-so-quickly, eager to get into his stomach. He held his friends arms to the side swallowing again, reaching up to his friends abs.
``Man you're going to fill me up nicely.`` Alexander thought, taking in another huge swallow up to his friends butt. His abs started to bulge outward with his meal slowing coming down. His shirt starting to lift up slightly from each swallow. Tilting his head back, he let gravity take its course and finish his friend off with the legs. One final swallow and his friend stayed in his belly which rounded out a couple feet.
``Heh, you have no idea the timing you had for me.`` He chuckled, his belly squirming in front of him, bulges of hands and feet reaching out trying to escape free. Alexander teasingly pushing them back in place. Turning around, he closed the front door and walked into the living room. His belly leading and swaying side to side. With a cocky grin, he lifted his belly up and listened to his friends yelling. Laughing, he let go and let it bounce making some sloshing sounds.
``Now this is your workout routine called escape!`` He teased, sitting on the sofa. His belly laying in between his meaty legs. He took off his shirt and threw it on the side of him. His belly gurgling loudly allowing his meal to process. Smirking, he poked his gut numerous times trying to get his friends attention. Minutes after his husband Victor came through the door.Â
``Honey I'm home! Sorry for coming later than I should, I got groceries!`` Victor commented, walking to the living room and seeing his husband with a gut. Poking around it smirking.
``Yeah um… maybe we can get groceries later, I'm feeling a little more cuddly right now~`` He said, Victor blushing at his husband's bigger form. Alexander got up from the sofa and walked to his husbands smaller form, gently bumping him with his gut. He gently grabbed his husband and lifting him onto his shoulder and walking to the bedroom. Throwing Victor onto the bed, he gets pinned down by the giant gut, squirming on top of him.Â
``Alexander who did you eat this time?`` Victor questioned, rubbing the sides of the giant dome on top of him. He got a belch from him and a grin before he decided to reveal his answer. Alexander thumped his chest belching loudly.Â
``Just my gym partner no biggie.`` He answered, the said gym buddy squirming eagerly. Victor rubbed his lovers dome lovingly before switching his position, moving Alexander laying on the bed and him sitting in front. Alexander lifted his hands behind his head, letting his lover do all the work. Rubbing his fat and pushing in bulges, he could do this every time his friends come over. Alexander gave Victor a deep kiss before letting him sleep ever so soundly on his belly. Alexander doing the same, his buddy squirming until his squirms were no more.
filling up rin
It was a sunny and hot day, and Makoto had left a store after doing the shopping, he was digesting himself in the apartment, while the sun made him sweat and feel very hot, after a while he finally arrived at the apartment, and when He entered and found Rin, on the sofa, half-naked in front of a fan receiving the air, but Makoto was hypnotized by seeing Rin's body.
rin: uh-huh? Makoto, what's wrong with you?
makoto: why are you naked?
rin: it's very hot, I couldn't stand it, we're also confident.
Makoto looked down, looking at his shirt wet with sweat so he decided to take off his shirt.
He left the purchases on the table and then sat down with Rin. They were talking for a while, until suddenly a big growl interrupted their conversation. makoto: hey rin was that your stomach?
rin: yes....I haven't eaten anything.
makoto: so you're hungry, but don't worry, I'll make you something.
Makoto got up and went to the kitchen, so he started cooking, after a while he returned with rin with a lot of food and sweets.
rin: all that is for me!!!??
makoto: that's right so open your mouth.
so Makoto started feeding rin, and sometimes rin gave Makoto food. after a while the food was finally over and rin's stomach was huge and growled loudly from digestion, while makoto also with a small belly, was happy seeing rin's belly starting to rub rin's belly.

rin: **boouuurrrrpppppp** I'm so full, I feel like I'm going to explode~ makoto: hahaha I'm happy to know that you're full~
makoto smiled and then lay on rin's huge belly and fell asleep while rin was giving huge burps
(this story was requested by my friend @furryyorks , I hope you like it)
Any party preds that more than likely would devour a random party goer??
Kyle is more than the one pred that would get an easy invite into the party and once he's in, he's in for a long ride. Kyle would probably not start devouring until after drinking. Probably afterwards make out with a random party person before taking them to the nearest restroom at the party. Just to exit out of the restroom with a giant belly. Making that the meal of the night. Taking off his shirt and letting his belly be looked at and prodded as he maneuvers around the party. He is likely to grab a couple cuties (both men and women) he deems hot to play around with his body and belly.
I can definitely see him being more like...
"Give me another drink, this one is still thirsty inside me. I can feel it."
While smacking his belly to keep the liquids sloshing. One things for sure, drunk Kyle is a very fun Kyle.
If you are lucky, if he truly doesn't put you on the menu, ask nicely and he will put on a muscle-vore-belly show for you. He doesn't mind, just don't be surprised though if he pins you for you to stay a little longer.
Hey just wanted to say I love your stories! So hot! And your ocs are great. I really like vore stories featuring a couple (or more) with a bit of cute couple stuff mixed in (like teasing one another, worshipping the pred gut etc). So your stories are perfrct imo. Thanks for posting!
This has definitely put a big smile on my face. I'm so glad you enjoy the stories and goofy scenario posts that I share here. I hands down love my observer oc's (Izzy and Robin) that just naturally wait for their lover(s) to come into their presence with a distended stomach to play around with. It brings both parties a sense of joy and calmness. I hope you have a favorite pred while you've been here thus far!
Trying to get more stories posted momentarily but life things and college have been piling so I'll randomly use my freetime to post little mini stories or scenarios till I can get a full story out. I also been working on my longterm vore stories (the convict vore au, and my superhero/villain vore au)