Implied Digestion - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Laios' Half-Footed Meal (M/M; Digestion Implied)

Laios' Half-Footed Meal (M/M; Digestion Implied)

“L-Laios... what are you doing?”

Chilchuck’s back hit the wall of the dungeon as he found himself being cornered. His chest wheezed with fright and his eyes darted back and forth for some method of escape befitting the Touden party’s trapmaster. However, the tallman was bigger and much stronger than the half-foot would like to admit. Even if Chilchuck humored the idea of running, Laois’ meaty body and bulky armor was blocking the exit. His sights darkened as Laios’s imposing shadow engulfed him. As was often the case, the tallman was smiling ear to ear, but this time... there was something about it that looked sinister. Predatory even.

“Remember how we met those Lilliputians a while back on one of the floors of the dungeon?”

The half-foot thought back to that dungeon level. His ears twitched at the implications. “Laios... I don’t think I like what you are going with this...”

The blonde man stared at his little friend in much the same way a lion does when stalking an antelope that strayed away from the pack. Pangs rippled the tallman’s walls giving away what his intentions were for his teammate. The sound of Laois’s hands hitting the walls reverberated off the ancient structure. “I’m sorry, Chilchuck. I’m just... awfully hungry.”

His large hands rolled down the wall and groped the half-foot's shoulders. Laois did not have a harsh grip over him, but he put in enough pressure to keep Chilchuck from running and alerting the others about his sinful display. “I know we said we would not eat humanoid monsters... but I just had that curiosity...”

“Laios, you’re insane.” Chilchuck tried to peel himself free to no avail. “I mean you always are, but... can we not do anything too rash?”

The tallman chuckled in amusement at his friend’s hopelessness. To be completely honest, he always saw him as being somewhat cute. His diminutive size, combined with those large ears of his, came together to create an adorable creature. One that Laios was certain would taste incredible. Chilchuck felt violated from the persistent, uncompromising stares wanting nothing more than to shield his body.

“Laios, you’re better than this...” Beads of sweat rolled down the half-foot's forehead. He had faced many of the monsters in the dungeon from the dreaded cockatrice to the Red Dragon itself, but never had he felt truly in danger. Laios’s golden eyes bore holes into his body and sensed his fear welling to the surface. “Besides... Senshi probably found some more harpy eggs somewhere, so we could wait around.”

“Heh... as tempting as that would be... why not whet my palate... I am curious what flavors are packed away in that cute body of yours...”

“L-Laios... you can’t just go and – GAH!!”

A jet of hot air assaulted his left ear. The tallman crouched to the half-foot's level and lustfully blew into his ear. A cute squeak escaped from the deepest pits of Chilchuck’s gut and echoed on the walls. Chilchuck slammed his hands over his mouth to hide his embarrassment. How could Laios do it? Surely, he knew how sensitive that half-foots' ears are. “Why... why did you do this?”

The blonde man was so close now he could hear a low moan melt from his stomach. “You look so cute, Chilchuck... mmm... I want to feel you squirming around...”

He bit Chilchuck's ear causing his hapless victim to squeal again. There was something about frightening him that made the tallman feel alive. He gently bit into the cartilage of Chilchuck’s ear relishing the flavor. Before the half-foot could protest, Laios slipped the tip of his tongue into his ear and relentlessly sucked and probed.

“GAH! Laios! No, not...” Chilchuck’s eyes rolled back as his body tensed up. “Not... there...”

Instinct would rule that he push the bigger man away, but the more Laois slurped and suckled on his ears, the further it enhanced his pleasure. The constant probing drilled into his mind lowering his defenses. Such boldness made the half-foot feel weak as he stumbled while trying to keep himself up. Chilchuck wanted to protest about being treated as nothing more than a slab of meat, but Laios’s confidence was overpowering his fight or flight responses. Hoot drool oozed from the tallman’s mouth and smeared the ground. “Forgive my greediness... but... try not to be too much trouble for me...”

“L-Laios! No! Wait, wait, you can’t -!”

Chilchuck fumbled his words upon seeing Laios’s jaws unhinged. The hot steam of his breath wafted over the half-foot's face as he stared into the vast darkness tucked behind the tallman’s uvula. Strings of drool dangled down from the roof of his maw to the base of his tongue. Without warning, Laios seized the back of his head and catapulted his face on his rough tongue. Reflexively, Chilchuck tries to pry himself from his friend’s hold, but it was of no use. He felt vibrations rumble around him as Laios let a sensual moan slip out.

Laios’s upper teeth scraped Chilchuck’s crown, keeping him in place so he could enjoy his taste. His eyes glazed over in astonishment. The thought of devouring the little people he and his party encountered earlier was the farthest away from his mind. He couldn’t have considered himself more blessed that he would be the one to savor such an exquisite taste. No wonder other adventurers would use half-foots as lures for monsters such as succubi or sirens. His lean, pork flavor was so rich, it melted in his mouth.

He squeezed Chilchuck’s arms to the side and pushed the smaller man deeper into his fleshy dungeon. The half-foot's petite shoulders popped into Laios’s mouth like a ripe grape making the chance of the brown-haired man breaking free further out of reach. Inside, Laios’s organ lavished him in humid, slimy affection with copious amounts of slobber drenching Chilchuck’s eyebrows and hair, transforming the latter into small clumps of soggy mounds. The half-foot slid past Laios’s uvula accompanied by his delicate neck.

“Laios! Stop it! You’re freaking me out!!”

His screams came as muffled shrieks behind Laios’s sternum. The tallman giggled at how ticklish the sensation felt, but he only doubled down on claiming the tall humanoid as his own. Tugging and grappling with Chilchuck’s attire, Laios started tearing at the seams until Chilchuck was rendered nearly nude aside from his undergarments and shoes. Chilchuck gasped in shock at how bold his teammate was being, but... it was not his place to complain since food doesn’t talk after all. A red blush spread across his face to the tips of his large ears. “H-How can you just strip me naked without thinking too much about it!?”

Laios’s hand dipped down and cupped the bottom of Chilchuck’s undergarments hoisting him in the air. Being rough housed like that led to a shifting in the frontal view of the half-foot's attire. He only shared his goods with his ex-wife... at least Laios could have asked him out to dinner before groping him. His head slid past Laios’s chest as his screams became more distant. The tallman ruthlessly ate, sliding his tongue on Chilchuck’s chest.

The two men were as different as night and day. Largely because of his experience fighting as a soldier, Laios had a beefier build and was reasonably healthy. That being said, even though there was little noteworthy muscle on Chilchuck, he was rich in protein. That was all that mattered as far as the tallman was concerned. The slightest flicking of his tongue caused Chilchuck to buck at how remorseless Laios was being. He could have sworn that he was teasing him from his actions, but Laios lacked self-awareness to consider that.

His tongue swirled around on Chilchuck’s bare nipples revealing a hint of salt that contrasted with the rest of his frame. Drool oozed from Laios’s mouth and crept down the half-foot's exposed back. As he chewed, Laios was met with wave after wave of flavor. He licked and slurped while adjusting his jaws to squeeze more of his unwilling victim inside. Each impassioned gulp dragged the tiny man deeper into his core.

Panting, Laios’s lips stretched to the end of Chilchuck’s spine and greedily wrapped around his hips. A noxious fume entered Chilchuck’s nostrils upon being ushered into his new home for the next 22 hours or so. The pink, rubbery walls of Laios’s stomach lining rumbled in anticipation at breaking down its halfling meal. The brunette thrashed his legs around in hopes of striking the mad tallman, but Laios was expecting some resistance.

A quick succession of swallows pulled the half-foot's legs inside. The appendages bulged crudely and stretched until Laios’s throat returned to its true state. Drool rolled down his lips and puddled on his breastplate. As he licked his chops, more drool rushed from his parted lips. His torso became heavier with his meal finally settling in. Since Chilchuck was smaller, Laios could easily keep him hidden since the half-foot would hardly make a dent on him. His belly jutted slightly over his upper hips, but nevertheless not enough to make someone question if he had something stowed away in there.

Chilchuck was forced into a squatting position his movements limited due to being wedged between Laios’s stomach and the armor rubbing into him. Laios tapped his fingertips on his belly, moaning at the slightest movements coming from his captive. He smacked his lips hoping to hold on to the last hint of flavor lingering from his half-foot meal.

“Wow, Chilchuck, you tasted better than I imagined.” The tallman belched unwittingly expelling a huge percentage of oxygen from his gut. “Definitely better than a Lilliputian!”

Curves and indents of Chilchuck’s body stretched from Laios’s taut skin. “How the hell is that a compliment!? Let me out!!”

“Senshi must have found some ingredients for our meal today,” Laios explained absentmindedly, “but you feel so good...”

The temptation of keeping his friend in his digestive organ crossed his mind as he plopped on the ground and caressed his veiled gut. “I’ll let you out... don’t worry...just settle down.”

Chilchuck’s ears twitched in horror as he heard the exhaustion in Laios’s tone. “Laios! Laios!! Don’t you dare sleep! Idiot!”

He swore in different languages Laios couldn’t recognize and thrashed around as hard as he could, but his worst fears became realized as he heard the steady snoring coming from the tallman. No amount of kicking or punching would be enough to wake him up. “Shit...”

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8 months ago

FG: Peter is Hungry (M/F, Digestion)

FG: Peter Is Hungry (M/F, Digestion)

Mr. and Mrs. Griffin were sleeping in their shared bed one night after their usual ravaging. Something that kept Meg, Chris, and Stewie up. After all - night porking, Peter awoke with his stomach rumbling. Peter sluggishly opens his eyes and rolls over on his side. He reached out and gently tapped Lois’ shoulder.

“Hey, Lois,” he said in a soft tone, “make me a sandwich.”

Lois rolled on her side as well. “Just three more hours, dear.”

Peter waited around a few seconds before tapping on her shoulder again. She was still heavily asleep, but she also had an agitated tone in her voice. “Three more hours, Peter.”

Peter pouted. He was still unbearably famished, and his wife was refusing his demands of making him a sandwich. I mean, he could’ve gotten out of bed and walked down to the kitchen to make himself a sandwich, but he was in a comfortable sleeping position. As he pondered what to do, he couldn’t help but watch Lois sleeping. She was kind of cute when she was on her side dozing off. She even seemed delectable even. Peter’s stomach groaned again.

Peter knew what he had to do. He leaned up close to Lois’ sleeping face and opened his mouth. Angling his jaws just right, he stuffed Lois’s face inside of his maw. This swift motion stirs Lois awake. “Mff!?” Lois felt the wet, hot steam of her husband’s breath on her face. Peter didn’t respond, he only swallowed harder. Lois’s face bulged in his cheeks before it descended his esophagus. Peter rolled forward sucking up more of Lois’s body. He worked down her slender neck to her shoulders. Lois was wide awake now, her nostrils getting singed upon entering Peter’s stomach.

Peter’s belly was alive with Lois’s kicking and thrashing. Peter grabbed her waist as though it were a jumbo cheeseburger, holding her in place . He paused at her sweet ass, chomping on it momentarily until he pushes the rest of her inside his mouth. He swallowed deeply, sending the last of his wife down. She found herself getting into a tight ball.

“Damn, Lois, you tasted great!” Peter said, a belch exiting his mouth. He gave his belly a good pat.

“All this because I wouldn’t make you a sandwich?” Lois screamed.

The sounds of digestion drowned out Lois’s protests. Peter stretched and plopped back down on the bed, clutching his belly between his arms. A bulge of Lois was crouched in front of him. He was blissfully unaware that his stomach acid was starting to fill up his stomach, burning Lois.

“Peter, dammit, Peter, don’t go to sleep on me!” Lois demanded. Her pleas fell on deaf ears as her idiot of a husband was sprawled on his back, his rotund belly standing on top. Lois kicked and screamed, but the more she struggled, the faster the rate of digestion became. Within hours, Lois lost consciousness and was overtaken by the acid. She was broken down into a thick, yellow-blood stained paste. Peter’s stomach receded throughout the remainder of the night until around 2 AM in the morning.


Peter woke up to the rays of sunshine peeking through his window. Lois had become nothing more than additional pudge on his belly and nasty ass farts.

“Mmm, I love you too, Lois.”

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8 months ago

The fact that I have a FREAKISHLY similar concept in mind is honestly scary Q-O

Here, please accept these Bug Preds I sketched a while back (I'm very busy this month, so no new art from me)

The idea being they're aliens stranded on Earth, who adapt to their new environment...differently

Here, Please Accept These Bug Preds I Sketched A While Back (I'm Very Busy This Month, So No New Art
Here, Please Accept These Bug Preds I Sketched A While Back (I'm Very Busy This Month, So No New Art
Here, Please Accept These Bug Preds I Sketched A While Back (I'm Very Busy This Month, So No New Art
Here, Please Accept These Bug Preds I Sketched A While Back (I'm Very Busy This Month, So No New Art
Here, Please Accept These Bug Preds I Sketched A While Back (I'm Very Busy This Month, So No New Art
Here, Please Accept These Bug Preds I Sketched A While Back (I'm Very Busy This Month, So No New Art

Only the mantis-looking one got a decent ref before something else got my attention (thank you, ADHD)

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7 months ago
I Was At My Friend's House, Hungry, Too Hungry Until He Went Shopping His Brother Was Distracted In The

I was at my friend's house, hungry, too hungry until he went shopping His brother was distracted in the kitchen so I thought it was the perfect prey and I ate it, my stomach is very strong and it only took me seven minutes to digest it completely. After digesting my best friend's older brother, I obtained these profits that made me grow more, he really was the most delicious prey I have ever tasted, now I wonder if my best friend tastes as good as him.

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7 months ago
I Was At My Friend's House, Hungry, Too Hungry Until He Went Shopping His Brother Was Distracted In The

I was at my friend's house, hungry, too hungry until he went shopping His brother was distracted in the kitchen so I thought it was the perfect prey and I ate it, my stomach is very strong and it only took me seven minutes to digest it completely. After digesting my best friend's older brother, I obtained these profits that made me grow more, he really was the most delicious prey I have ever tasted, now I wonder if my best friend tastes as good as him.

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1 year ago

Selfie Bumps

``Man, I'm stuffed!`` the tall man commented within my bathroom, taking a quick selfie before seeing my form behind him. He rubbed his big belly, smirking at you flustered face in the mirror.

``Oh baby~ why don't you use your little hands to play with such a big round belly~`` He cooed, you slowly nodded, walking next to him. He leaned back on the wall, putting his arms behind his head. This poked his belly up slightly. Visibly in view, his happy trail that you can trace a finger over near his bellybutton. You traced my finger on his belly, feeling the taut skin underneath my fingertip. He chuckled at me, trying to suck in his belly to tease. Failing, it poofed back out to its big roundness, bouncing slightly in front of him.

``Don't be shy~ my belly doesn't bite.`` He teased, letting his gut hang. You stared in awh, rubbing both of my hands on it. He smiled at the treatment, watching me play with his gut. It started to move underneath your hands, causing him to jolt and panic. He looked at me nervously and chuckled anxiously.

``So, I might've broken our little don't eat at night rule.`` He chuckled, patting his belly belching up a cap. This was going to be a long day.

Selfie Bumps

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1 year ago

Gym Partner Snack

I do NOT own any of the OC's. All OC's (Alexander and Victor) go to their rightful owner @voredraw

``99…100`` Alexander counted from his push-ups. Sweating from his hourly workout, he was trying to pass time for his husband Victor to return home after dropping off the kids at school and errands. His stomach growled, getting hungry. He walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see nothing to satisfy his hunger. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Walking up looking through the doors peephole, it was his workout buddy. He smiled opening the door, greeting him inside onto the sofa, Alexander following close behind, sitting on the sofa.

``Alexander, that workout was amazing, I never been this pumped to workout in forever!`` His buddy exclaimed, smiling. 

``What I tell you? Never underestimate what an ex-military man shares.`` He winked, flexing his arms.

``Well I wanted to ask you if we can go to the gym right now?`` He asked, Alexander nodding and getting up leading the way to the front door. As soon as the door opened his stomach growled loudly. He turned to his gym buddy and smirked, licking his lips.

``Are you good bro, your stomach growled-`` Before his buddy could finish his sentence, he got pounced on. His entire head in the gaping.

The man flailed trying to pry free before the first swallow. All of Alexanders weight being on top of him. His shoulders coming through his lips ever-so-quickly, eager to get into his stomach. He held his friends arms to the side swallowing again, reaching up to his friends abs.

``Man you're going to fill me up nicely.`` Alexander thought, taking in another huge swallow up to his friends butt. His abs started to bulge outward with his meal slowing coming down. His shirt starting to lift up slightly from each swallow. Tilting his head back, he let gravity take its course and finish his friend off with the legs. One final swallow and his friend stayed in his belly which rounded out a couple feet.

``Heh, you have no idea the timing you had for me.`` He chuckled, his belly squirming in front of him, bulges of hands and feet reaching out trying to escape free. Alexander teasingly pushing them back in place. Turning around, he closed the front door and walked into the living room. His belly leading and swaying side to side. With a cocky grin, he lifted his belly up and listened to his friends yelling. Laughing, he let go and let it bounce making some sloshing sounds.

``Now this is your workout routine called escape!`` He teased, sitting on the sofa. His belly laying in between his meaty legs. He took off his shirt and threw it on the side of him. His belly gurgling loudly allowing his meal to process. Smirking, he poked his gut numerous times trying to get his friends attention. Minutes after his husband Victor came through the door. 

``Honey I'm home! Sorry for coming later than I should, I got groceries!`` Victor commented, walking to the living room and seeing his husband with a gut. Poking around it smirking.

``Yeah um… maybe we can get groceries later, I'm feeling a little more cuddly right now~`` He said, Victor blushing at his husband's bigger form. Alexander got up from the sofa and walked to his husbands smaller form, gently bumping him with his gut. He gently grabbed his husband and lifting him onto his shoulder and walking to the bedroom. Throwing Victor onto the bed, he gets pinned down by the giant gut, squirming on top of him. 

``Alexander who did you eat this time?`` Victor questioned, rubbing the sides of the giant dome on top of him. He got a belch from him and a grin before he decided to reveal his answer. Alexander thumped his chest belching loudly. 


``Just my gym partner no biggie.`` He answered, the said gym buddy squirming eagerly. Victor rubbed his lovers dome lovingly before switching his position, moving Alexander laying on the bed and him sitting in front. Alexander lifted his hands behind his head, letting his lover do all the work. Rubbing his fat and pushing in bulges, he could do this every time his friends come over. Alexander gave Victor a deep kiss before letting him sleep ever so soundly on his belly. Alexander doing the same, his buddy squirming until his squirms were no more.

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1 year ago

Double Trouble

I do NOT own the OC Daniel; goes rightfully to the owner @naughtyservant

Daniel got out of bed, burping up a skull head from his late night snack. Grinning he poked at his small belly fat that laid above his groin slightly. 

"Man waking up with silence is the best feeling ever!" He cheered, getting out of bed. Walking to the closet full of other skulls and ripped clothes, victims that met their demise, he got on a spike vest, ripped jeans and tennis shoes and walked out. Rubbing his small belly fat consciously, he walked into a Cafe spot for coffee. 

Grabbing a regular coffee, he sat down near the window. His little belly poked out of his spike vest, it made him look pregnant. Idly playing with his belly, his belly growled once he made contact with a guy walking into the alleyway. Looked average height, wore baggy clothes. Daniel smirked and got out of his seat, walking towards the alleyway that he met his next filling meal in.

The complete stranger walking deeper into the alleyway looking for something in the trashcans around him. Looking up, he noticed Daniel, the man held up a knife to use as a defense weapon. Daniel walking slowly at him, licking his lips.

"I do love food that likes to fight back, too bad it won't be on the outside~" Daniel teased, charging fast at the man, knocking him on the floor. The man dropped his knife, trying to crawl to it. Daniel put his foot over the man's hand, causing the man to squeak fearfully. Daniel leaning down at the man, staring into the eyes of him. The man shaking, almost wanting to say a word until Daniel's maw open widely, engulfing the man's head. 

The man started to punch the air, screaming in Daniel's mouth. Daniel grabbing the man's body and standing up, swallowing the man. His pleads for help could be felt inside of him. Daniel taking in another gulp, the man's lower torso was still out. His now small belly, started to swell with his prey. Taking in another swallow, his legs from his kneecap up to his feet were still out of Daniel's mouth. Daniel chuckled, licking around the legs before letting gravity take the rest of the weight down his throat. Daniel tilted his head back and slowly the rest of the man fell into his belly. Daniel's belly rounding out several feet, squirming violently. Pleads for help, bulges of hands and feet imprints could be seen. Daniel laughed, smacking his belly a couple times to bother his prey. 


Daniel wiped his lips and laid on the alley-way walls, feeling the squirms of the poor dude. Smirking he moved his body having his belly lean on the wall, squishing his belly into the wall. 

"Yeah you fucker, beg!" He demanded, belching up a hat. He grabbed his sides of his belly and shaked arousingly. Muffled pleads and sloshes of digestive juices could be heard, making him smirk ever so proudly. 

Laughing to himself he heard sounds of shoes coming by, looking at the guy, short and petite. He wore nothing but a matching blazer set, maroon turtleneck and black pointed loafers. The stranger looked up in shock and noticed the situation he put himself in. 

Daniel sprinting at him full speed, grabbing his head and squishing him in between the walls and his belly he curiously eyed the fellow. 

"Look I'm sorry for interrupting, my GPS was taking me here!" The stranger spoke, Daniel let go of him but still kept him in between his belly.

"Well if that was the case why didn't you pay attention to the area dumbass?" Daniel questioned annoyingly, the stranger looked in disbelief, trying to pry himself free, causing Daniel to belch in his face. Drool coming out of Daniel's mouth with a sly-drunken grin.

"That's gross..." The stranger admitted, Daniel smirked grabbing the strangers hands and letting it rest on his belly. 

"Well in that case, I have no choice but to put you into your new home." Daniel stated opening his maw, engulfing the strangers head, before the stranger could be swallowed, he tried to rub over Daniel's stomach. Daniel moaned while having the stranger in his mouth, before grabbing him and letting him out of his mouth. The stranger in front of him, looked at him wide-eyed, and in his saliva. The stranger continued to rub over the huge dome in front of him, and slowly rubbed the sides, Daniel moaning of approval from the delicate touch. 

"Atta boy, that's the smart move.~" Daniel teased, squishing the stranger, his prey squirm harder. A face print could be seen above the top of his stomach, Daniel smacking it back into place aggressively.

"Nuh uh uh, you are never coming out.~" Daniel playfully teased, he got off of the stranger and lifted his belly up, letting it go. It swayed side to side before it stayed in its still place. He noticed the strangers name tag on the blazer. Izzy is what he have read.

"So Izzy, do you live nearby? Let me chill and digest this meal." He demanded, Izzy was about to refuse until he remembered the situation he was in, he nodded and lead the way to the house. The house being modern, 3 stories high and marbled. Daniel stared in awh, still following Izzy to the doors. Izzy opened the door and let Daniel in first. 

"So, this is where you live? Is it just you?" Daniel asked, sitting down on the couch, his belly squirming in his lap. Daniel rubbing over his belly, making himself burp a couple times. 

"No, not just me, my boyfriend lives here, he's also a pred like yourself." Izzy stated bluntly, Daniel nodded.

"So, curiously speaking, is he a new pred or?" Daniel asked rubbing his belly to soothe the pressure, Izzy shook his head. 

"No, he's not new, he likes to come home every now and then with a gut with a person or 2." Izzy stated, eyeing Daniel up and down. Daniel motioned him to sit down, Izzy had no other choice. He came and sat next to him and moments later Daniel got up, lifted his belly and laid it on top of Izzy. Daniel grinned and grinded his belly on top of him. The sound of the door and a familiar voice to Izzy came into view. 

"Hey babe, sorry for being late, I caught a little snack and he is not settling down!" Izzy's lover Kevin yelled. Kevin walked in pridefully, a smirk on his face which turned to an instant frown seeing Izzy pinned on the couch by Daniel. Daniel smirked and squished Izzy more with his gut, belching up a pair of socks from the weight. 

"Dude, you're jacked! If you weren't his boyfriend I would've gobbled you up myself~" Daniel teased, Kevin sneered crossing his arms. His belly squirming violently causing him to smack it, belching up a cap.

"Izzy who is this? Why is he here?" Kevin questioned annoyingly, Izzy softly rubbed Daniel's gut, signaling Daniel to let him speak. Daniel getting his belly off of him and sitting down next to him, arms crossed behind his head. 

"This is Daniel, Daniel this is Kevin, my boyfriend." Izzy stated, getting up to kiss Kevin on the cheek. Kevin holding Izzy close, Daniel nodded taking in the small information. 

"So, you're a pred too?" Daniel asked, Kevin nodded walking up to Daniel. 

"I'm guessing you're here to stay for... protecting Izzy?" Kevin questioned, Daniel shook his head, poking Kevin's bellybutton. 

"Nah, I actually came here to teach you a big ol lesson, I am here to make you extremely big!" Daniel cheered, Kevin looked at Izzy confusingly who shyly rubbed Kevin's gut trying not to explain himself. 

"Izzy, what does he mean?" Kevin asked, Izzy sighed to himself explaining.

"He's going to teach you how to go above your max capacity, so that you can build more muscle and be the strongest pred alongside Daniel." Izzy stated, Kevin eyed Daniel who smirked. 

"Well, do you want to be strong like me? We can be the top Preds in the universe dude!" Daniel cheered, shaking his belly in his hands. Kevin turned to Izzy and looked deeply in his eyes, Izzy nodding in approval. 

"Well... looks like I have some lessons to be taught Dabiel. What's first?" Kevin asked, holding Izzy's hand, Daniel smirking.

"Well for starters, how big can your belly get?" Daniel asked Kevin, walking up to him and poking at it, Kevin swatting his hand growling.

"I don't measure, I eat what I eat." Kevin stated, Izzy coming up and rubbing both Daniel's and Kevin's belly for a mere second. Daniel and Kevin looked down and smirked. 

"So your boyfriend is the measurement guy is he?" Daniel asked, Kevin slightly blushed nodding. Izzy blushed from embarrassment and stopped, stepping back and pointing at Daniel. 

"Daniel's belly is bigger, for the moment at least." Izzy stated, Daniel smacked his gut and winked pridefully. 

"Well, the course of knowing your limit is testing out of it. We will hunt tonight and we will see who can get the biggest gut." Daniel competed, Kevin smirked and had his hand out, Daniel smirking along and shaking it.

"I am so going to enjoy this!" Kevin pointed out, belching in front of Daniel. Daniel smiling and agreeing with him, he grabbed Izzy and placed him in between his belly and Kevin's. 

"I think the only one who will love this most is your little boyfriend here. Strong men with huge appetites must be his kink~" Daniel stated, pushing Izzy more into Kevin, causing both men to belch loudly that a vase fell over. 


"He does have a soft spot for some belly fat, he never would let my gut go.~" Kevin teased, kissing the top of Izzy's hand. 

"You both are annoying..." Izzy stated, blushing madly. Daniel got off and sat down on the sofa. 

"Kevin, let's digest and we will start first thing tonight, do not be late." Daniel stated, slowly putting himself to sleep. Kevin nodded and kissed Izzy on the lips, heading to his room. Izzy staying in the room, confused and processing all that has happened, before gushing to himself.

"Wow, I can't believe this is my life now, awesome!" Izzy cheered, heading to the room with Kevin. Daniel smirked after hearing the little cheer. 

"Well Izzy, you are in for a show~" He whispered to himself. His prey squirming every now and then in his belly. Closing his eyes and letting his body do all the work. Ready for their first hunt for the night.~

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1 year ago

Story request from @malebellyvore987

It's All Business

Jordan walked to his fiancé's workplace, being greeted by the staff as he walks past. Coming down from the elevator was his fiancé Damien. A lean and muscular man, tall and charming to the eye. He smiles warmly at Jordan, walking up too him giving him a kiss.

``Hello mi amor, what brings you here at work?``Damien asked, rubbing gently on his shoulder. Jordan held the top of Damiens hand.

``It got lonely at home, I wanted to see what you were up too.`` Jordan admitted, rubbing his palm above Damien's flat stomach. Damien cooed softly, smirking, leaning down to Jordan's ear whispering.

``Are you sure it isn't because you want to see my fat?~`` He asked, pushing his flat stomach out slightly, making him look like he recently ate a decent meal. Jordan blushed, rubbing his hand over the small bloated stomach.

``Maybe it wouldn't hurt to see you with something big.~`` Jordan teases, pointing out to a complete stranger who walks to the elevator. Damien winked and gently held Jordan's hand, taking him with too the elevator. The man walking right into the elevator, both of them following behind before the elevator doors close. The man was looking at his watch eagerly.

``In a hurry?`` Damien asked, the man nodding his head.

``Just an interview, I'm already a few minutes late.`` The man stated, Damien smirked stopping the elevator by a button press. The man looked at him agitated.

``Dude what the hell?! I can't be late longer than I already am! Let me out of here!`` The man yelled, shoving him. Damien grabbed the man's head before shoving it into his gaping maw. The man barely process the maw in front of him until his screams for help were muffled. Jordan watching in amazement at his fiancé, swallowing every inch of the man. Up to the man's torso, Damiens tone stomach started to swell and have movement of struggle. Jordan watching his fiance in arousal, giving him a helping hand by grabbing the squirming legs and pushing the rest of the man into the belly. Helping Damien out by tugging the button up shirt to expose the belly that continues to stretch outward. Damien moaning in approval, swallowing eagerly, waiting to finish his meal off. Soon the feet were at the tip of Jordan's hand before the final swallow, the gaping maw closing. Damien's belly swell and bounce proudly with its new occupant. Jordan cupping the underbelly giving it a shake.

``Glad you like it babe~`` Damien teased, wiggling his eyebrows. Jordan gave a soft kiss above his bellybutton, Damien moaning from the affection, grabbing Jordan's face and shoving it deeply into his squirming belly. Jordan held roughly against the dome of a gut until he was let go. Damien closing the space between them and grinded his gut into him. Jordan blushed, rubbing over the belly that keeps him in place.

``Once I'm done with him, how about some rough housing in the elevator babe?~`` He whispered huskily in Jordan's ear.

``Only if you keep some fat on you.`` He requested, Damien smirked, swaying his belly side to side.

``You hear that? You're in for a long night!`` Damien talked to his belly giving it a smack, muffled noises were heard from the impact. Damien went back and grinded more of his gut into his lover.

``That's a deal I can do~``

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1 year ago

Bahamas Double Meal

The soft breeze that hits the white cotton curtains, flowing in the room shining some daylight. Sol gets hit with the bright sun, squinting his eyes and yawning. Leaning up, his muscular biceps and soft toned pecs in his plaid boxers stretching. Next to him his boyfriend Izzy, laying with his cheetah print top and pant set, sleeping softly. Sol smiled laying on top of him, giving his neck some kisses making Izzy squirm underneath him waking up.

"Sol, Jesus you couldn't wake me up properly?" Izzy asked annoyed, rubbing his eyes to show his dark chocolate color. Sol smirked, giving Izzy a soft kiss getting up.

"And where would the fun in that be? Now get up, we got to enjoy the rest of our vacation!" Sol cheered, running to the bathroom with clothes in hand. Izzy rolled his eyes getting up himself and looking through his suitcase. The both of them were on an anniversary trip to the Bahamas for a week. The first day they enjoyed the spa and massages that was provided, the cuisines that were made to their delight, and some shopping in stores they have never thought of enjoying.

Today was the day of the beach, Sol coming out of the bathroom with his white tropical swim shorts, with a matching top that was left open too show off his toned body. Izzy staring too long, Sol pec bounced to have Izzy's eyes hungrily dart to them, making him roll his eyes blushing at being teased.

"Don't worry, there's enough of me to go around~" Sol purred, Izzy turning around and changing in front of him. Izzy's smaller frame putting on his tight rose shorts with a white-lace kimono, topping it off with a black and rose ascot, tying it around his neck. Sol hugged Izzy from behind, kissing his neck softly, getting a small giggle from him.

"Alright, let's go to the beach!" Sol cheered, grabbing Izzy's hand and their packed belongings for this day, running off out of the room to walk to the beach.

Seeing the huge crowd tanning on beach chairs, playing volleyball in different areas, children playing with sand, swimming in the oceans, and many of those with pets throwing toys for them to chase. Both of them looked for a spot to sit, seeing an empty area with a beach umbrella placed near the front of the ocean. Izzy walked too it (more like speed-walked) to claim the spot. Sol following behind dragging the cooler. Laying their towels on the chairs, Sol opened up a water bottle drinking it quickly.

"Sol, can you close the umbrella, I just want to tan for a few minutes." Izzy asked him, Sol nodded, getting up and closing the umbrella, getting a thank you in return. Sol took off his shirt and placed it on the chair.

"Hey, I'm going to go for a quick swim." Sol reminded, Izzy giving a thumbs up and placing himself to lay on his stomach, taking his kimono off too get the heat on his back. Sol runs off in the sand to the shallow waters, the small waves touching above his ankles, making him shiver with delight of the cold water. He was about to walk closer to swim till he heard Izzy turning around.

"Jesus watch the hell you are going you prick!" Izzy yelled holding his head wincing at a couple surfers who ran with their surfboards in hand, cockily laughing and jokingly saying sorry. Sol got out of the ocean and sprinted too him, passing by the surfers earlier.

"Izzy let me see, is it bad?" Sol asked trying to get him to move his hands out of the way. Izzy slowly moving his hands down to see a small scratch and redness on his head.

"Is it bad?" Izzy asked, Sol shook his head, getting a cold water bottle and having him hold it on his head. Izzy wincing from the coldness. Sol looked at the ocean and gritted his teeth, getting up.

"Keep on tanning, I will be right back." Sol stated, Izzy nodding his head and laying down with the water on his head, putting his sunglasses on to cover his eyes from the sun. Sol sprinted to the ocean diving in swimming further towards the deep end of the water. Hearing laughter, he saw the surfers from earlier together waiting for the next wave. They both were far from shore, and even far from anyone else, making this a lot easier than he thought. Sol gave them a death glare, swimming underwater towards them. He swam closer, pushing both of the surfers into each other falling off their surfboards. Grabbing the first surfer that fell, unhinging his jaw and swallowing their head. The first surfer thrashing as he was being swallowed, the second surfer keeping his head above water looking for his friend. Ducking his head underneath just to see his friend having half of his body in Sol's mouth. The surfer swimming trying to tug his friend out. Sol grabbed the other surfer dudes hands and kept it locked onto the first ones hips, taking a big gulp, swallowing both hips and the hands, keeping the second surfer in place. The surfer duo thrashed as Sol kept swallowing, finishing up the first surfer dude and getting up too the second one's head. His toned abs now expanding immensely in the cool water, a face imprint was seen above his bellybutton making the surfer friend scream underwater as his friends fate is sealed. Sol grabbing the head and forcing him into his mouth, his belly slowly squirming with his first meal. Sol swallowing up to the friends butt, he swam up to the top of the water, the friends thrashing legs being slurped down burping loudly. Sol swam too shore, his belly squirming violently each stroke.

"Man, you guys are heavy." Sol commented, patting his belly as he makes it to the shallow end. Getting out of the ocean, people were staring and whispering amongst each other, Sol smiling widely as he winks at the bystanders near him. He walks too Izzy, lifting his belly up and letting go, his belly hitting Izzy's legs, making him scream lightly. Before he could get yelled out he stares at his boyfriends belly.

"Sol what did you do?" Izzy asked curiously concerned. Sol smirked rubbing his belly, joking around by tapping his chin.

"I might have gotten a double meal of surfer dudes from earlier.~" He teased, wiggling his eyebrows. Izzy rolled his eyes, staring at the engorged belly, giving it a small rub, Sol purred from the touch.

"Next time, give me a heads up that you are going to hunt." Izzy stated, Sol nodded sitting down in the sand in front of Izzy, letting him rub his belly as it thrashes around. Both of them enjoying the rest of the day at the beach.

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1 year ago

Backyard Catch

☆ OC's are all mine ☆

John noticed a stranger sneaking in the backyard, smirking to himself he went to the backyard and saw the stranger sneak into the shed. John quietly walked to the shed, closing the door behind him. Pure silence soon filled with noises of shuffling and wet gulps, followed by a loud belch. John opening the shed door as it softly creaked, his huge bulbuous belly leading the way out of the door. He fixed his snapback that almost fell from the top of his head and tapped the sides of his belly, tracing a finger into his bellybutton.

"You're never going to sneak again pal." John teased, placing both of his hands under his belly, grabbing his underbelly and lifting his gut to his chest, letting go. His belly dropping down as it bounced on his strong muscular body. Rubbing his belly, he felt the squirms against his strong muscular hands. Grabbing the sides of his belly, he gave a nice shake, hearing muffled protests inside his belly.

"Yeah, you feel so good in there dude." John cooed, feeling his manhood grow and uncomfortably twitch in his athletic shorts. John waddled into the house, his belly swaying side to side, noticing his boyfriend Izzy coming downstairs.

"You ate already?" Izzy asked, John nodded as he motioned for Izzy to come closer.

"Yep, and man he feels good in there~" John teased, swaying his hips side to side, allowing his belly to sway back and forth on his waist. Izzy smiled, coming closer and placing his hand on the giant belly.

"I'm a little jealous that I didn't get to see the show." Izzy stated, rubbing smoothly around the sides of his belly. John smirked, bumping Izzy backwards playfully until he backed up into a wall. John pressing his belly into him and purred.

"You look better like this, pinned by my giant belly." John teased as he drummed the sides of his belly. Izzy blushed as he places his hands on the side of John's belly, rubbing. John moaned as he lifted up Izzy's chin to face him. John kissed him lovingly as he allowed Izzy to play with his bulbous gut. John felt his prey pushing against his stomach walls, muffled protests were heard.

"Heh, I love when they get fiesty." John moaned lustfully as he went to kiss Izzy's neck. Izzy moaned from the lustful aggression. John smacked his belly to shut his prey within, licking Izzy's ear.

"Look at how big you made me babe, I am carrying so much." John cooed, rubbing his belly. He aggressively nibbled Izzy's ear, making Izzy desperately grab the sides of his belly.

"John..." Izzy moaned, John kissed his cheek looking into his eyes. John took a couple steps back, placing his belly in between his arms and made his belly shaped into a heart.

"Come on baby, play with my belly heart~" John teased, moving an inch closer for Izzy to touch his belly. Izzy giggled as he rubbed the belly heart John made for him. John happy hooted as he did a huge squeeze, his prey pushing his face at the stomach walls. Izzy blushed seeing the imprint, John happily teased Izzy by giving the face imprint a lick, making a seductive look at Izzy. John letting his belly go as it bounced, his prey making a muffled yelp. Izzy rubbed the curve of John's belly as John tilted his head back, belching loudly, enjoying the feeling of his belly getting rubbed. Looking back at Izzy, drool coming down his mouth.

"Oh babe, I can feel him in there, can you?" John moaned, Izzy giving John's gut a playful squeeze, reaching out to clean his face. Wiping the drool off of John's face, Izzy giggled, tracing his finger on his biceps. John flexing his arms teasingly, allowing his lover to play around with it.

"This stranger is only going to add to my muscles, just you wait~." John cooed, Izzy smiled bringing John's face closer to his.

"And that's why, you have one sexy body." Izzy teased, kissing John’s lips passionately. John gently wrapped his arms around Izzy, kissing back lustfully. John's prey squirmed violently inside the belly, making John annoyed and stopping the kiss.

"Stop moving in there, you shouldn't have snuck into the backyard, snack." John teased as he started belching up a shoe, wiping his mouth. He looked down, liking the size his belly hanged from his waist. John gently grabbed Izzy's hands again and placed them on his belly, guiding his hands to rub certain areas. Izzy smiled, feeling the little movements against his hands. John placed his arms behind his head, his belly slightly lifting up as John leaned back slightly. After a few long minutes, John brought Izzy into a bear hug, kissing his cheek lovingly.

"Who is the best boyfriend in the world? You are!" John cooed, rubbing his nose over his little boyfriends. Izzy blushed as he hugged John back, John smiled as he carried Izzy, keeping him in a bear hug, to his room upstairs. He opened the door, walking in as he threw Izzy onto his bed. John took his snapback off as he took off his shirt. His defined pecs glowing, John pec bounced to fluster Izzy. John came forward, setting his belly on Izzy's lap as he smirked, flexing his biceps looking down at him.

"Babe, go put your snapback on." Izzy asked, laying his head on John's belly, giving it a soft rub. John smiled as he grabs it from behind him, and leaning forward on Izzy, handing him the snapback.

"Why don't you put it back on for me, hm?" John asked him, Izzy smiled as he wrapped his arms around John's neck, playing with his soft dark hair. John puckered his lips, asking for a kiss. Izzy playfully put John's snapback on his face, John smiling widely as he places it back in place on his head. He instantly kissed Izzy's neck, making him moan in the process. John's belly started to squirm, making him annoyed, looking down at his belly smacking it.

"Jesus, sometimes they can annoying squirming around in there." John stated annoying, he saw Izzy place his small hands onto his giant dome, John looking into Izzy's chocolate brown eyes.

"It's alright babe, maybe your prey is wanting to wait till you digest and then we can have fun.~" Izzy commented, rubbing the sides of John's belly lovingly. John purred as he gave his belly a couple shakes, instantly laying down behind Izzy, patting his belly for Izzy to lay on.

"You spoil me babe." Izzy smiled, laying his head on top of his belly. John gently rubbed the back of Izzy's head. A few minutes pass and the squirming ceased just a little. John's manhood twitching uncomfortably as it grew into its full length and girth in his shorts. John tapping the top of Izzy's head, making Izzy turn around and lay his upper body on the enlarged belly.

"I know that we have sex months but can I please release?" John asked, giving his best puppy dog eyes. Izzy giggled, crawling on top of his belly to give a soft peck on his lips.

"You deserve it, so I'll allow it." Izzy stated, John went to a complete horndog as he took his snapback off and hurriedly took his boxers and shorts off. His manhood freely in view as he smirked.

"Time for the best time of our lives!" John cooed lustfully, as he swayed his hips side to side. Izzy internally regretting his decision.

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1 year ago

Happy New Year!

Let me just say Happy New Years to those who have been with me since the start of my page, and those who soon join me on this journey of writing vore.

I'm glad about the improvement and ideas I have made for my OCs.

If you haven't already, I have created an aryion and you can see a couple stories I have made there! I'll share the links here. So get the chance to start your 2024 with these!

Further down with my page, I'll do some asks and random scenarios of my OCs so I hope you enjoy them when I post them!

Have a great new year everyone!

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1 year ago
Commission Art From Toulensister On FA.

Commission art from Toulensister on FA.

Had to share my fine man, Sol Armani with his belly. One things for sure, he's always coming home with a round beach-ball gut just to be played with.


Sol waddled into the apartment, his distended belly bounced, leading the way.


"Shit, you guys sure were heavy." He commented, smacking his belly proudly. Closing the door behind him, he walked to the living room, bumping into Izzy (more-so his gut bumping into him), making the slender figure take a step back to keep balance.

"Jeez baby, you gotta watch where you're going.~" Sol teased, lightly belly bumping Izzy playfully.

"Very funny, I'm totally laughing." Izzy says sarcastically, raising an eyebrow. The hunk shrugged, idly rubbing his belly.

"Seems like you had a big catch or 2." Izzy says, placing his slender hand on top of the enlarged stomach. Sol putting up 3 fingers, indicating the amount he caught.

"What can I say? I like looking at a huge gut that bounces on my sexy body. Just like you love getting your hands on said sexy body, belly specifically." He cooed, wiggling his eyebrows. The petite man chuckling softly, patting the round mass.

"Want to watch a movie? I'm just trying to relax." Izzy suggested, Sol grinning as he swiftly picked him up and led him to the couch. Both men relaxing for the day as they picked films. Sol erupted with numerous belches throughout the day.

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1 year ago

Ooh Kyle sounds like my kind of pred. Can i request a mini story of him drunkenly showing off his pred gut and muscles at a party? Possibly to a flustered Izzy?

Got me kicking my feet over here, Kyle is so underrated, love that you like him!

Drunk in Hunk

Kyle slowly waddled to a nearby couch, plopping down as his distended belly squirmed in front of him. Rubbing both his hands on the giant mass, he silently whispered sweet and teasing nothings to his belly.

"Shh, you'll be alright, just let me finish you off~" He cooed, lifting his belly up to give it a soft and teasing kiss. Letting go, it instantly hit his muscular thighs as it slightly bounced, making him erupt a satisfied belch.


Chuckling to himself, he attempted to get up from the couch but him being drunk and carrying a bulbous gut was not a good combination. Sighing to himself, he leaned back on the couch and let his belly squirm slightly in front of him.

"Kyle?" A familiar voice calls, Kyle looking at the direction of the voice calling out for him, seeing a slender and short guy, wearing a velvet turtleneck with a matching pant and tennis shoes.

"Hey Izzy, glad you could make it to the party." Kyle joyfully stated, some slight slurring in his words coming out.

"Seriously, you got drunk before I even show up?" Izzy asked confusingly, sitting next to the drunk hunk. Kyle looked around trying to signal zero clue of what he's talking about, cracking a drunk grin, he leaned and whispered in the slender figures ear.

"Why don't you give me a helping hand, please?" Kyle asked with a slight plea smacking his belly proudly for him. Giving Izzy the best (but yet drunk) puppy dog eyes he could.

A blush forms on Izzy's face, looking at the round mass and tenderly placing his slender fingers on the sides of the dome; rubbing circular motions.

Kyle leaned back sighing content from the treatment Izzy was giving. Wrapping his muscular arm around him, bringing him closer.

After a few long minutes, Kyle passed out, sleeping, not letting the slender man go. Izzy groaning as he tried (but not hard) smacking the belly in front to wake him up. Kyle barely budging as he snored.

"Great... looks like I'm stuck being the drunks teddy bear until he wakes up." Izzy mumbled to himself, resting his head on top of the enlarged stomach, sleeping with the drunk until morning.

"Heh... Izzy is amazing..." Is all Kyle drunkenly said in his sleep, as he hiccuped and belched softly throughout the night.

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1 year ago

Hello! Of your OC preds, how would you rank them based on belly capacity/ hunger drive (smallest to highest) 👉👈

Oh my god I love this question! Ahem I think...

I'll speak more on those that have been shared to the public~

Philip + Kyle both have a capacity of devouring atleast 2 people into their stomachs. They don't like carrying as much weight as they need too so equally they mentally know 2 is enough to fill them up.

Hayes + Dante both have an equal capacity of eating 3 people, HOWEVER, Hayes hunger drive is faster so him consuming his max and quickly digesting them when he wants to will get him within the month consuming up to 30 people in the month because he enjoys his belly squirming.

Hans + Sol; there hunger drive is really up top within my pred OCs and I believe it'll stay as such as they can consume and carry up to 4 people. Similar to Hayes, there hunger drive is really based on their horniness, Sol specifically would devour men/women whether because he feels like it or if his boyfriend needed something to rest on other than his bed. This puts Sol devouring people on a monthly up to 40. Hans merely devours just to merely use his belly as a seduce tactic to have sex with anyone that finds him attractive with his gut.

John definitely has the highest hunger drive and capacity, especially within my verse in general; NO ONE WILL TOP THE TOP HORNDOG! John can hold up to 6 people entirely, and when he wishes to grab more, he'll wait to digest his caught prey and go grab a brand new bunch. His hunger drive is merely based off of dominance and pleasure, finding ways to befriend strangers while giving that dominant aura and when those "friends" are a little hooked to him; down the stomach they go.

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Spider and Butterfly (NSFW)

Warning: This work contains: A pred who exists in multiple states simultaneously, implied willing vore, implied fatal, implied digestion, implications of people being eaten in the past, magic and strange rules attached to that magic, some sexual situations. That aren't described in enough detail cause I am bad at it. Implied M/F vore, mentions of past instances of M/? Vore, If you like the Poem: The Spider and the Fly. You will likely see many similarities with this draft, if you have read that one source book for Changeling: The Lost that describes how someone should think of the True Fae as being both their kingdom and the actors within it. You probably know where I got the concept for the Pred existing in multiple states. If you have arachnophobia I'd strongly suggest NOT reading this draft as some of the imagery used may prove triggering. "Can I eat you Ida?" He asks softly, searching her eyes imploringly. "Would you allow me, the pleasure of unleashing my true self upon you? Of swallowing you whole and relishing your futile squirms as my stomach demonstrates just where we both know you belong?" She regards him attentively, considering him without disgust or fear, waiting for him to get to the point. So he continues. "Are you content with this mask I wear to lure prey in? Or could you accept the monster that lurks beneath?" Ida frowns at him thoughtfully and perhaps a little quizzically, it was an often unspoken but well acknowledged fact, that this body and his polite and genial personality were a lure. That at the heart his manor, lay his true self and the manor existed to ferry by trickery and fear those unfortunate souls who found it, towards his parlour door. Ida knew this, she was canny and had survived much longer than many of his "guests", to her this place was almost a true home, the shelter in the storm it appeared to be and Bastion was not a stranger, though he would always be an adversary, he was also something like a friend and when she allowed it something more. He longed to claim her, this mortal, who understood so well the rules of his domain, who understood if she disappeared into his parlour she would never be seen again. His stomach and heart equally ached at the thought of her leaving him, of her crossing outside the threshold of the manor one day and never returning. Of becoming the meal of a different monster when she left to forage for food, stubbornly and wisely unwilling to accept any food he offered her. Beneath the veneer of civility, the monster Bastion actually was, had become frustrated, not because prey might escape him, but because Ida might escape him, might go somewhere he couldn't follow and meet some fate he couldn't know. Hungry and alien as he was,he could think of no other solution, than to eat her himself, but none of his tricks phased her and so he was reduced to begging. She reached up and caressed his face, "Why do you look so saddened?" She asks, he holds the hand against his cheek, this is not his true body, but he treasures the touch all the same. "I do not wish to lose you" He confesses quietly. "I could so easily lose you, I cannot claim you on my own, I've tried so often, to close my jaws around you and drag you bodily into my web" He shakes his head at her suspicious expression, trying to convey that this is not another ploy merely a confession. "You know me too well my love, the longer you stay here, the hungrier I become for you." She crosses her arms "I'm not going to stop warning people to leave Bastion" She tells him her voice firm and resolute. He holds his hands up placatingly and shakes his head emphatically. "No, no, that is not what I meant, it is not that I am not fed, I do not mean to belittle your efforts, in defending other mortals, but many do not heed your warnings, or assume that you are on my side. No, it is not that I am starving for food, it is that I am starving for you, and you alone." He presses his forehead to hers. How he wishes he could touch her like this as his true self. The familiar suspicion in her eyes, is not as harsh as it once was long ago, it is more exasperated, less passionate, she does not trust him not to try and catch her. But she trusts him to not lie about their odd relationship. She trusts him to mean it when he confesses his hunger like a mortal might confess their undying love. He pushes her down firmly but gently holding her beneath him, wishing he could have her like this as he truly is. "Please" he implores "I need you, I want you, I yearn for you. Please, willingly come to me, please do not fear me, let me touch you, let me hold you, let me make love to you and then let me devour you and spit out your bones" He speaks it like poetry, like a lover asking to marry their beloved. Because for him it is. She has to understand that, she must know that, he has to make her see, that for him this is love, for him this is adoration.   "Bastion" She says his name with a unique blend of exasperation and warmth. "I love you, it hurts me to see you so forlorn, But, you're asking me to die for you." "No my love" He denies, pressing his lips against the side of her neck. "I'm asking you to succumb to me, in body, in soul, in mind and in heart. Death is part of what I ask,but if you understood, it would not be fear of death alone that motivated your rejection. Even so, I beg of you, come into my jaws, I want you." He trailed spidery kisses along her body, she arched into him and he imagined her doing the same when his teeth were sharp and his mandibles were exposed. The trust, the attraction, the love but directed at the monster who would gobble her up without remorse. His stomach growled, the human one and the one inside his true body, the manor creaked in sympathy, a reflection of its masters longing. She was so beautiful and delicate, a butterfly he could never seem to pin, he longed to wrap her in his silk, to feast on her blood,to hear her call his name in a mix of fear and ecstasy, to have her understand what she'd done to him, have her experience it from the inside, have her understand how deep and twisted his hunger for her was, but also how wonderful, how unique, how special she was to him. She looks up at him and he feels as though she sees him, the real him, not the human host of the manor, nor the walls that surround them, but the spider at the center of this web. An eyebrow is arched at him, the look in her eyes is almost playful. "And? If I did give myself to you, how would you start your meal?" He stares at her surprised by her boldness, though perhaps he shouldn't be, how indeed? His grip on her tightens, he considers it. "At first I think, I'd just want to revel in the fact you were mine. In the fact the parlour door had locked behind you the second you stepped inside, in the fact you were before me, after so long seeing and experiencing you only through proxies." He bends and moves backwards as he speaks, lips gently trailing exposed skin as he travels lower and lower. "I would play with you, try to frighten you, test your resolve now you were before me, whether you became fearful or resolute, I would savour your responses to me, for though we have known each other for so long, I have never truly met you, nor you me." He spreads her legs apart and gently removes the white lace between him and his goal. Her breath catches as he trails kisses along her thighs, teasing and tantalizing with possibility before his tongue descends onto the soft folds of flesh below. She shudders and whines needily as he toys with and tastes her. Insistently and greedily he explores, until finally she finds it too much and comes for him. He pulls away and licks his lips playfully making sure she sees. He thinks about swallowing up the woman in front of him. He's undecided on if he would start at the head or the feet. But he knows either way he would be sure to taste between her legs thoroughly. He tells her so and she rolls her eyes at him, but he can tell she's pleased by the picture he paints, even if she's reluctant to give herself to him in reality. The possibility of convincing her to let him have her thrills him, the thought of having her knock upon the door to his true self willingly. He pictures it, her standing in front of his door, nervous but anticipating, unsure of what the monster beyond is truly like but generous enough to offer herself to him, Jittery like a bride about to meet her groom at the alter. Or a blood sacrifice about to die in an Aztec temple. She pulls him back towards her and touches the tip of his nose chidingly, no doubt able to tell he's thinking something devious about her. He snaps at the finger playfully, she shrieks and pushes on his chest with a pout. He grins and continues to answer her question. "I'd swallow you up, slowly and carefully at first, but soon my need for you would become too much, I'd begin wolfing you down, shoving you in, needily, licking and sucking and swallowing, until every last bit of you was sealed away within me. Only then would I allow myself to feel some modicum of relief, some shred of satisfaction." He nuzzled her affectionately. "Once you were within me, I'd be in awe, the lingering taste of you on my tongue, the way you're beautiful body stretched and filled my stomach to its limits, I'd be amazed at how good you were and how good you were still being. Cherishing the knowledge that after waiting for so long, you were finally mine to savour, mine to love, mine to keep. You'd be afraid, how could you not be? We both know what I am and what I intend. But even so when I speak to you, you'd find yourself calming down, trusting me, accepting that although this was going to kill you, you would find yourself no less in love with me and no less sure of my own love" "Bastion" The look in her eyes is awed by his confession, she is attracted to the danger in him, she always has been, but has she ever truly understood how intertwined his hunger for her is with his affection? He's spoken of it before but perhaps she's never truly comprehended. He continues determined to make her glimpse the world as he does. "When digestion starts, your fear returns, but even as I lose myself in the all encompassing pleasure of my body conquering yours. I still find time to tell you, that you are cherished, that you are loved. Your struggles intensify, you can't help it, my stomach is overwhelming, it's love for you has no limits or boundaries. Though you are so much more to me than a mere meal, in this movement, I am the eater and you are the eaten. I come in time with your death throes and as you succumb to me, I feel your soul relax and surrender willingly, trustingly to mine. Now, we are one, we are complete and there is nothing more to fear." She looks at him with longing of her own, for the first time he can tell that she's actually considering it. Was it truly so simple? Had he just needed to be honest with her? About what his hunger for her actually was? She intertwines her hands with his and draws in a shuddering breath, she looks at him seriously and asks "If I did say yes, would you truly still love me?" Of course he would! it confuses him that she would even need to ask. But then again, he has come to understand the young woman before him, just as she has come to understand him. Ida flirts with death and danger, quite literally in fact. She has willingly made her home in his hunting grounds, despite knowing all too well that is what they are. Is her fear of entering his parlour truly motivated by literal self-preservation? Or is it a more personal kind of loss? He squeezes her hands comfortingly and asks what to him seems a very simple question. "Why would I ever stop?" Tears fall from her eyes and he wipes them for her gently. It takes a little while for her to collect her self but eventually she sucks in a breath and exhales it gathering up the scattered pieces of herself to continue their conversation. "I want to be yours Bastion" She admits quietly, "But!" She holds up a hand before he can say anything. "I-I can't walk up to that door alone. I know you aren't allowed to take me across the threshold like this, but, could you walk me towards it? And the you on the other side of the door, I know you can drag people in if they get close enough, even if you can't actually leave. If you offer me your hand, I'll take it." He feels his heart sore, the true him in the parlour reflexively swallows the drool pooling into his mouth, the manor seems to brighten and calm shadows less long, walls less worn. He embraces her gratefully, She's so beautiful, so wonderful, she does not deserve to meet her end inside his true self's belly. But she's going to and oh how he's going to make her feel his gratitude for it. The him in the parlour, gets to work, fangs ache and chelicerae twitch, as venom is prepared, a venom infused with his endless gratitude towards the young woman who will soon come to him.Shaped by his desire for her, it is something that will ensure she enjoys what is to come as much as he will. He dearly hopes she recognizes his gift for what it is.

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He groans in pleasure as he feels her soul beginning to struggle against his. He can taste all the parts of her he admires as though they are spread out across his tongue. As her physical body weakens inside his belly, her soul opens up to him, helpless and trapped on all sides by a stomach made to keep more than flesh.

“Oh Ida, you are every bit as beautiful as I knew you would be” He cooed, hunger and adoration intertwined.

Can she feel how beautiful she is to him? Or does his hunger overshadow that part of him even now? When all walls and secrets between them should be dissolving? He hopes not, he hopes his admiration sears her soul as deeply as his stomach acids sear her flesh. He hopes she drowns in his adoration, that she softens in his gratitude, that she is undone by his regard.

Her soul seems to recoil at the very idea that he feels so strongly. It is not that she does not desire him or recognise him. But rather, that she is afraid, afraid that his love will disappear if he sees any more of her, if he sinks his fangs too deeply into what makes her, Ida. She thinks he will reject her, that he will spit her out. She underestimates the depth of his hunger, the depth of his love. Even after he has licked clean every scrap of her, he is confident, he will never stop wanting more.

She cries out and whines as his stomach tightens, were she anyone else, it might have been simple fear, but here and now he senses that she is overwhelmed by the feelings inside him. She wants to be corrupted and overtaken, to drown in him and succumb to his twisted ravenous affection. She has never felt more loved and that truly scares her. She does not believe she deserves him.

Which is ridiculous, when it is he who does not deserve her. He is a monster, a predator, a hopeless glutton, who is at this very moment digesting the one person he values most in all the world. If she wants him as much as he wants her, who is he to deny her? To reject or abandon her? He is nothing but a simple minded spider, a gaping void of hunger that can never truly be fulfilled. If Ida wants him, all of him, then she has but to ask and he will lavish her in affection until she forgets where his love ends and she begins.

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What if a pred just straight up didn’t understand people’s objections to being eaten like: “Hmm? Oh! Don’t worry about them dear. Those are mostly screams of horror. I do my best to ensure digestion isn’t actually painful. They’re just being melodramatic. Honestly. I don’t know why you humans always get like this.”

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