izznts - vore-a-tour

Welcome aboard! You'll see short stories containing my OC's. Trust me, they're filling. Have a request, a question? Shoot me an ask, I'll do my best to get too them! 🔞+ page, PLEASE no minors.

60 posts

Look At This Fine Hunk Of Man Ajaidofdkr

Look at this fine hunk of man ajaidofdkr

Thank you for drawing my OC Dante!!

Finished Piece For @izznts!
Finished Piece For @izznts!

Finished piece for @izznts!

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More Posts from Izznts

1 year ago

Your blog is pretty cool! But I can’t find one story I had seen here recently. It was about Izzy and Liam. Izzy was going somewhere but was attacked by burglar, but was saved by Liam who ate burglar. Izzy was shocked (probably his first time seeing vore), but Liam started flirting with Izzy and left his phone number to Izzy. Where is this story? Had you deleted it or something else happened? Can leave the link on it please?

OMG, I will admit that I did delete it, but I do have a file somewhere of him way back when I first started that page, let me try to get that for you.

I deleted it originally because when I first started creating my OCs, Liam + Izzy were going to be the only 2 OC's I create for my entire time of writing stories. With me revamping and creating more with backgrounds and a proper storyline I did erase Liam.

I will say, Liam is in the AU I mentioned but not the Canon OG verse I'm making at the moment.

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1 year ago

Bahamas Double Meal

The soft breeze that hits the white cotton curtains, flowing in the room shining some daylight. Sol gets hit with the bright sun, squinting his eyes and yawning. Leaning up, his muscular biceps and soft toned pecs in his plaid boxers stretching. Next to him his boyfriend Izzy, laying with his cheetah print top and pant set, sleeping softly. Sol smiled laying on top of him, giving his neck some kisses making Izzy squirm underneath him waking up.

"Sol, Jesus you couldn't wake me up properly?" Izzy asked annoyed, rubbing his eyes to show his dark chocolate color. Sol smirked, giving Izzy a soft kiss getting up.

"And where would the fun in that be? Now get up, we got to enjoy the rest of our vacation!" Sol cheered, running to the bathroom with clothes in hand. Izzy rolled his eyes getting up himself and looking through his suitcase. The both of them were on an anniversary trip to the Bahamas for a week. The first day they enjoyed the spa and massages that was provided, the cuisines that were made to their delight, and some shopping in stores they have never thought of enjoying.

Today was the day of the beach, Sol coming out of the bathroom with his white tropical swim shorts, with a matching top that was left open too show off his toned body. Izzy staring too long, Sol pec bounced to have Izzy's eyes hungrily dart to them, making him roll his eyes blushing at being teased.

"Don't worry, there's enough of me to go around~" Sol purred, Izzy turning around and changing in front of him. Izzy's smaller frame putting on his tight rose shorts with a white-lace kimono, topping it off with a black and rose ascot, tying it around his neck. Sol hugged Izzy from behind, kissing his neck softly, getting a small giggle from him.

"Alright, let's go to the beach!" Sol cheered, grabbing Izzy's hand and their packed belongings for this day, running off out of the room to walk to the beach.

Seeing the huge crowd tanning on beach chairs, playing volleyball in different areas, children playing with sand, swimming in the oceans, and many of those with pets throwing toys for them to chase. Both of them looked for a spot to sit, seeing an empty area with a beach umbrella placed near the front of the ocean. Izzy walked too it (more like speed-walked) to claim the spot. Sol following behind dragging the cooler. Laying their towels on the chairs, Sol opened up a water bottle drinking it quickly.

"Sol, can you close the umbrella, I just want to tan for a few minutes." Izzy asked him, Sol nodded, getting up and closing the umbrella, getting a thank you in return. Sol took off his shirt and placed it on the chair.

"Hey, I'm going to go for a quick swim." Sol reminded, Izzy giving a thumbs up and placing himself to lay on his stomach, taking his kimono off too get the heat on his back. Sol runs off in the sand to the shallow waters, the small waves touching above his ankles, making him shiver with delight of the cold water. He was about to walk closer to swim till he heard Izzy turning around.

"Jesus watch the hell you are going you prick!" Izzy yelled holding his head wincing at a couple surfers who ran with their surfboards in hand, cockily laughing and jokingly saying sorry. Sol got out of the ocean and sprinted too him, passing by the surfers earlier.

"Izzy let me see, is it bad?" Sol asked trying to get him to move his hands out of the way. Izzy slowly moving his hands down to see a small scratch and redness on his head.

"Is it bad?" Izzy asked, Sol shook his head, getting a cold water bottle and having him hold it on his head. Izzy wincing from the coldness. Sol looked at the ocean and gritted his teeth, getting up.

"Keep on tanning, I will be right back." Sol stated, Izzy nodding his head and laying down with the water on his head, putting his sunglasses on to cover his eyes from the sun. Sol sprinted to the ocean diving in swimming further towards the deep end of the water. Hearing laughter, he saw the surfers from earlier together waiting for the next wave. They both were far from shore, and even far from anyone else, making this a lot easier than he thought. Sol gave them a death glare, swimming underwater towards them. He swam closer, pushing both of the surfers into each other falling off their surfboards. Grabbing the first surfer that fell, unhinging his jaw and swallowing their head. The first surfer thrashing as he was being swallowed, the second surfer keeping his head above water looking for his friend. Ducking his head underneath just to see his friend having half of his body in Sol's mouth. The surfer swimming trying to tug his friend out. Sol grabbed the other surfer dudes hands and kept it locked onto the first ones hips, taking a big gulp, swallowing both hips and the hands, keeping the second surfer in place. The surfer duo thrashed as Sol kept swallowing, finishing up the first surfer dude and getting up too the second one's head. His toned abs now expanding immensely in the cool water, a face imprint was seen above his bellybutton making the surfer friend scream underwater as his friends fate is sealed. Sol grabbing the head and forcing him into his mouth, his belly slowly squirming with his first meal. Sol swallowing up to the friends butt, he swam up to the top of the water, the friends thrashing legs being slurped down burping loudly. Sol swam too shore, his belly squirming violently each stroke.

"Man, you guys are heavy." Sol commented, patting his belly as he makes it to the shallow end. Getting out of the ocean, people were staring and whispering amongst each other, Sol smiling widely as he winks at the bystanders near him. He walks too Izzy, lifting his belly up and letting go, his belly hitting Izzy's legs, making him scream lightly. Before he could get yelled out he stares at his boyfriends belly.

"Sol what did you do?" Izzy asked curiously concerned. Sol smirked rubbing his belly, joking around by tapping his chin.

"I might have gotten a double meal of surfer dudes from earlier.~" He teased, wiggling his eyebrows. Izzy rolled his eyes, staring at the engorged belly, giving it a small rub, Sol purred from the touch.

"Next time, give me a heads up that you are going to hunt." Izzy stated, Sol nodded sitting down in the sand in front of Izzy, letting him rub his belly as it thrashes around. Both of them enjoying the rest of the day at the beach.

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1 year ago

A story request of Derek gorging some prey with Stiles being the belly slave? 🙏

Hale Brutality

A Story Request Of Derek Gorging Some Prey With Stiles Being The Belly Slave?

Stiles could only watch with a mix of horror and eroticism as Derek single-handedly dismantled the hunter camp. For weeks now, he has been telling them to leave The preserve and to go about their business. Of course, in typical hunter arrogance, they chose not to listen, and now we're paying the price. Derek had already knocked out two of them, with the third being kneed his gut and thrown to the ground. Their rifles had been snapped in half, a terrifying display of power by the werewolf. One of many that Derek was about to demonstrate would-be poachers.

Derek drags the semi-conscious one next to the others. Then he plants his boot on his chest as he picks up the ones that work out cold. Stiles watches Derek's eyes turn ice blue and say something about the price of trespassing. He couldn't make out the words because soon Derek had slammed both of the hunters together, then opened up his mouth. It was a grotesque feat of gluttony as Derek devoured both hunters simultaneously. Stiles' jaw had fallen to hell by how far it dropped. He imagined the third Hunter was in a similar position.

Stiles had seen it before, Derek eating the stray hunter or even members of their pack. At least he let the pack out when he was done with them. The human boy didn't understand the monstrous way that one could even stretch their mouth around two human heads, let alone swallow them. They bulge on the way down as their shoulders are mushed together. Derek makes short work of them, their bodies disappearing before his eyes. Stiles manages to peel his eyes away from the evil long enough to see the horrified expression on the last Hunter's face. It wasn't even right to call the other two hunters anymore, just food.

Soon all that remains of Derek's first entree is the weak kicking of boots. Derek removes them as they clatter to the ground by the hunter's head. The bulges of two grown men had traveled down Derek, bulging out his black muscle shirt that exploded into tatters. The belt was keeping it up as it sat comfortably on Derek's waist. The werewolf wipes his lips and stares down at the last one. Stiles could only imagine what it felt like to stare into those cruel eyes, unable to see any sympathy. To be regarded only as food and treated as such before disappearing behind a pair of dripping werewolf jaws. Sentenced to an eternity of moist hell and suffering…

Sometime later…

Stiles was on top of Derek, silently humping his belly while rubbing his hands over Derek's gut. Derek had commanded him to rub his belly even through his nap. His nap had begun when he let out a massive burp, releasing the clothing that he had bothered to swallow. Now Stiles was tending to the werewolf's noisy belly that digested the remnants of the hunters. Stiles gasps as he eventually gets off, shooting his load and soiling himself. As terrified as he was of becoming Derek's next meal, there was no denial of the arousal that he got heard especially considering when Stiles looked to see Derek, he was peaceful in sleep. Unbothered by what the human thought of him, he was only concerned that he rubbed his belly throughout his post-snack nap and the consequences of failing to do so.

1 year ago

Double Trouble

I do NOT own the OC Daniel; goes rightfully to the owner @naughtyservant

Daniel got out of bed, burping up a skull head from his late night snack. Grinning he poked at his small belly fat that laid above his groin slightly. 

"Man waking up with silence is the best feeling ever!" He cheered, getting out of bed. Walking to the closet full of other skulls and ripped clothes, victims that met their demise, he got on a spike vest, ripped jeans and tennis shoes and walked out. Rubbing his small belly fat consciously, he walked into a Cafe spot for coffee. 

Grabbing a regular coffee, he sat down near the window. His little belly poked out of his spike vest, it made him look pregnant. Idly playing with his belly, his belly growled once he made contact with a guy walking into the alleyway. Looked average height, wore baggy clothes. Daniel smirked and got out of his seat, walking towards the alleyway that he met his next filling meal in.

The complete stranger walking deeper into the alleyway looking for something in the trashcans around him. Looking up, he noticed Daniel, the man held up a knife to use as a defense weapon. Daniel walking slowly at him, licking his lips.

"I do love food that likes to fight back, too bad it won't be on the outside~" Daniel teased, charging fast at the man, knocking him on the floor. The man dropped his knife, trying to crawl to it. Daniel put his foot over the man's hand, causing the man to squeak fearfully. Daniel leaning down at the man, staring into the eyes of him. The man shaking, almost wanting to say a word until Daniel's maw open widely, engulfing the man's head. 

The man started to punch the air, screaming in Daniel's mouth. Daniel grabbing the man's body and standing up, swallowing the man. His pleads for help could be felt inside of him. Daniel taking in another gulp, the man's lower torso was still out. His now small belly, started to swell with his prey. Taking in another swallow, his legs from his kneecap up to his feet were still out of Daniel's mouth. Daniel chuckled, licking around the legs before letting gravity take the rest of the weight down his throat. Daniel tilted his head back and slowly the rest of the man fell into his belly. Daniel's belly rounding out several feet, squirming violently. Pleads for help, bulges of hands and feet imprints could be seen. Daniel laughed, smacking his belly a couple times to bother his prey. 


Daniel wiped his lips and laid on the alley-way walls, feeling the squirms of the poor dude. Smirking he moved his body having his belly lean on the wall, squishing his belly into the wall. 

"Yeah you fucker, beg!" He demanded, belching up a hat. He grabbed his sides of his belly and shaked arousingly. Muffled pleads and sloshes of digestive juices could be heard, making him smirk ever so proudly. 

Laughing to himself he heard sounds of shoes coming by, looking at the guy, short and petite. He wore nothing but a matching blazer set, maroon turtleneck and black pointed loafers. The stranger looked up in shock and noticed the situation he put himself in. 

Daniel sprinting at him full speed, grabbing his head and squishing him in between the walls and his belly he curiously eyed the fellow. 

"Look I'm sorry for interrupting, my GPS was taking me here!" The stranger spoke, Daniel let go of him but still kept him in between his belly.

"Well if that was the case why didn't you pay attention to the area dumbass?" Daniel questioned annoyingly, the stranger looked in disbelief, trying to pry himself free, causing Daniel to belch in his face. Drool coming out of Daniel's mouth with a sly-drunken grin.

"That's gross..." The stranger admitted, Daniel smirked grabbing the strangers hands and letting it rest on his belly. 

"Well in that case, I have no choice but to put you into your new home." Daniel stated opening his maw, engulfing the strangers head, before the stranger could be swallowed, he tried to rub over Daniel's stomach. Daniel moaned while having the stranger in his mouth, before grabbing him and letting him out of his mouth. The stranger in front of him, looked at him wide-eyed, and in his saliva. The stranger continued to rub over the huge dome in front of him, and slowly rubbed the sides, Daniel moaning of approval from the delicate touch. 

"Atta boy, that's the smart move.~" Daniel teased, squishing the stranger, his prey squirm harder. A face print could be seen above the top of his stomach, Daniel smacking it back into place aggressively.

"Nuh uh uh, you are never coming out.~" Daniel playfully teased, he got off of the stranger and lifted his belly up, letting it go. It swayed side to side before it stayed in its still place. He noticed the strangers name tag on the blazer. Izzy is what he have read.

"So Izzy, do you live nearby? Let me chill and digest this meal." He demanded, Izzy was about to refuse until he remembered the situation he was in, he nodded and lead the way to the house. The house being modern, 3 stories high and marbled. Daniel stared in awh, still following Izzy to the doors. Izzy opened the door and let Daniel in first. 

"So, this is where you live? Is it just you?" Daniel asked, sitting down on the couch, his belly squirming in his lap. Daniel rubbing over his belly, making himself burp a couple times. 

"No, not just me, my boyfriend lives here, he's also a pred like yourself." Izzy stated bluntly, Daniel nodded.

"So, curiously speaking, is he a new pred or?" Daniel asked rubbing his belly to soothe the pressure, Izzy shook his head. 

"No, he's not new, he likes to come home every now and then with a gut with a person or 2." Izzy stated, eyeing Daniel up and down. Daniel motioned him to sit down, Izzy had no other choice. He came and sat next to him and moments later Daniel got up, lifted his belly and laid it on top of Izzy. Daniel grinned and grinded his belly on top of him. The sound of the door and a familiar voice to Izzy came into view. 

"Hey babe, sorry for being late, I caught a little snack and he is not settling down!" Izzy's lover Kevin yelled. Kevin walked in pridefully, a smirk on his face which turned to an instant frown seeing Izzy pinned on the couch by Daniel. Daniel smirked and squished Izzy more with his gut, belching up a pair of socks from the weight. 

"Dude, you're jacked! If you weren't his boyfriend I would've gobbled you up myself~" Daniel teased, Kevin sneered crossing his arms. His belly squirming violently causing him to smack it, belching up a cap.

"Izzy who is this? Why is he here?" Kevin questioned annoyingly, Izzy softly rubbed Daniel's gut, signaling Daniel to let him speak. Daniel getting his belly off of him and sitting down next to him, arms crossed behind his head. 

"This is Daniel, Daniel this is Kevin, my boyfriend." Izzy stated, getting up to kiss Kevin on the cheek. Kevin holding Izzy close, Daniel nodded taking in the small information. 

"So, you're a pred too?" Daniel asked, Kevin nodded walking up to Daniel. 

"I'm guessing you're here to stay for... protecting Izzy?" Kevin questioned, Daniel shook his head, poking Kevin's bellybutton. 

"Nah, I actually came here to teach you a big ol lesson, I am here to make you extremely big!" Daniel cheered, Kevin looked at Izzy confusingly who shyly rubbed Kevin's gut trying not to explain himself. 

"Izzy, what does he mean?" Kevin asked, Izzy sighed to himself explaining.

"He's going to teach you how to go above your max capacity, so that you can build more muscle and be the strongest pred alongside Daniel." Izzy stated, Kevin eyed Daniel who smirked. 

"Well, do you want to be strong like me? We can be the top Preds in the universe dude!" Daniel cheered, shaking his belly in his hands. Kevin turned to Izzy and looked deeply in his eyes, Izzy nodding in approval. 

"Well... looks like I have some lessons to be taught Dabiel. What's first?" Kevin asked, holding Izzy's hand, Daniel smirking.

"Well for starters, how big can your belly get?" Daniel asked Kevin, walking up to him and poking at it, Kevin swatting his hand growling.

"I don't measure, I eat what I eat." Kevin stated, Izzy coming up and rubbing both Daniel's and Kevin's belly for a mere second. Daniel and Kevin looked down and smirked. 

"So your boyfriend is the measurement guy is he?" Daniel asked, Kevin slightly blushed nodding. Izzy blushed from embarrassment and stopped, stepping back and pointing at Daniel. 

"Daniel's belly is bigger, for the moment at least." Izzy stated, Daniel smacked his gut and winked pridefully. 

"Well, the course of knowing your limit is testing out of it. We will hunt tonight and we will see who can get the biggest gut." Daniel competed, Kevin smirked and had his hand out, Daniel smirking along and shaking it.

"I am so going to enjoy this!" Kevin pointed out, belching in front of Daniel. Daniel smiling and agreeing with him, he grabbed Izzy and placed him in between his belly and Kevin's. 

"I think the only one who will love this most is your little boyfriend here. Strong men with huge appetites must be his kink~" Daniel stated, pushing Izzy more into Kevin, causing both men to belch loudly that a vase fell over. 


"He does have a soft spot for some belly fat, he never would let my gut go.~" Kevin teased, kissing the top of Izzy's hand. 

"You both are annoying..." Izzy stated, blushing madly. Daniel got off and sat down on the sofa. 

"Kevin, let's digest and we will start first thing tonight, do not be late." Daniel stated, slowly putting himself to sleep. Kevin nodded and kissed Izzy on the lips, heading to his room. Izzy staying in the room, confused and processing all that has happened, before gushing to himself.

"Wow, I can't believe this is my life now, awesome!" Izzy cheered, heading to the room with Kevin. Daniel smirked after hearing the little cheer. 

"Well Izzy, you are in for a show~" He whispered to himself. His prey squirming every now and then in his belly. Closing his eyes and letting his body do all the work. Ready for their first hunt for the night.~

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1 year ago

Might I have a short story about a very teasy or flirty pred , they are my favourites (ps your stories are always a 10/10 read keep up the good work)

You'll definitely like Kevin, he is that flirtatious pred that makes you want more. PS - Thank you ^^, here you go!

Kevin looked around after swimming out of the private pool. His toned abs was no where shown as he supported a globular gut. He recently caught a random swimmer that swam passed him earlier. Only to be devoured by the hunk unseen.

"Si, you were very delicious senor." Kevin teased, giving his belly a satisfied smack. Walking satisfied to the door he bumped into a stranger as soon as the stranger opened it.

You walked into the private pool area, now seeing the hunk in front of you as you opened the door. Your eyes fixated onto the distended stomach in front of him.

"Uh... excuse me..." You shyly say, Kevin grinned as he moved closer, trying to exit out.

"It's a little rude to not let me go out first cutie~" The hunk playfully joked, you blushed at the simple comment, moving aside next to the wall to let him through.

After Kevin's exit, he turned around and pinned his belly onto your back, keeping you against the wall. You felt the stomach squishing your back heavily with faint movements from the hunks caught swimmer.

"Oh yeah, that feels much better-URRRP." Kevin teased as he erupted into a short belch. Slightly moving his belly off of you, you turned around to face him.

All you could see was a cocky man with a ravenous appetite. Seeing him idly rub his enlarged belly in front of you as your gaze admired the entire physique.

"You wish to cop a feel?" Kevin motioned, as he swayed his hips side to side, his belly moving along. You nodded, shakenly placing both of your hands on the stomach. Feeling the drenched and cool skin against your hands.

After a few long minutes, you continued kneading into the round belly. Kevin looking at you with flirtatious amazement. Moving back, Kevin patted his belly, satisfied with the belly rubs you gave him.

"This won't be the last that I'll see you. I have good memory cutie so don't try leaving too far from me~" He purred, smacking his belly proudly, walking off and out of your view.

Your only thought upon that moment, is that you hope to have the opportunity to do more.

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