james-is-here - James/Haneul/Jamie

Requests: Closed | I do Emoji Anons, Just ask! :) |He/They | 21 | I'm AuDHD | Can't find what I like so I write it | Male reader writer

416 posts

"You Guys Are Definitely Cinnamon Rolls, Jagi." You Say Randomly As One Is Walking Around The Room Getting

"You guys are definitely cinnamon rolls, Jagi." You say randomly as one is walking around the room getting ready for bed, and the other is buried under the blankets next to you as he watches you scroll on your phone.

"Excuse me?" He smiles. "You're a cinnamon roll. Although, when Christopher comes out, you can kill..." "What's the punch line?" "Kill with that sexiness of yours." "Knew it." He mutters and Felix laughs as Chan flops on the bed on your unoccupied side. "I'm not the only Cinnama roll, though." "I'm sorry, say that again. Just cinnamon roll." "Cinnama roll." You giggle as you pull him into your arms and squeeze. "The way you say it is so adorable." "You making fun of me?" "Not at all."

You smile and you can't resist your intrusive thoughts when you lean forward and bite his cheek, your lips curved over your teeth so it's not a direct bite, making his smile widen further and he laughs and tries to escape your attacks. "I could actually eat you up, you guys are so adorable." You bite at his cheek again, causing him to giggle more as you hear Felix's sleepy giggles behind you and you flip over.

"Don't think you're getting out of this." You say as you wrap your arms around him and bite his cheek too the same way as you did to Chan's. "My sweeties." you coo as you bump your nose into Felix's before placing a soft kiss on it, pulling him in to nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck and half his body draped over yours as you lay on your back and pull Chan into your hold as well after he shut the lights out.

Your fingers comb through their hair, lengths that you hadn't stopped complimenting all day, and you smile when Chan places a kiss on your cheek and he intertwines his fingers with Felix's on your chest where your heart is.

With a final kiss on top of their heads, you fall into slumber with them.


Thought of this while going through the content they have been feeding us and it's so cute in my opinion. I love the way Chan was saying Cinnamon Roll.

Chan's fic (Jisung pt 2) I'm trying to get out by tomorrow now that my migraine is gone.

Day in a life doesn't have an eta like I thought it did as I stupidly realized two of the chapters I had written were in the wrong point of view.

I'm also working on an angst fic with Jeongin x maknae MR and a OT8 x MR smut or Lime but Chan is like the center point of it.

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More Posts from James-is-here

11 months ago
This Photos Of The Aussie's Are So Freaking Adorable And I Needed To Write Something. Chan Looks Adorable
This Photos Of The Aussie's Are So Freaking Adorable And I Needed To Write Something. Chan Looks Adorable
This Photos Of The Aussie's Are So Freaking Adorable And I Needed To Write Something. Chan Looks Adorable

This photos of the Aussie's are so freaking adorable and I needed to write something. Chan looks adorable just resting on Felix's shoulder. 🥰 I'm also on a roll with Fluff and have been in a fluffy mood, smut will be posted later. lol, it's 4:20am, I started at 3:50. Honestly thought this took longer to write.

Blogs: @heartbinn

Tags: Tooth rotting fluff it's so cute, Mn says ILY to Chanlix for the first time, Mn deeply loves his Aussie's, rough airport descriptions cause I've never been in one (;-;), it's so fluffy it needs to be mentioned twice. Felix is called Pixie, Nn means nickname, Chan is called Channie.

This Photos Of The Aussie's Are So Freaking Adorable And I Needed To Write Something. Chan Looks Adorable

The departure gate buzzed with the energy of travelers, the anticipation of new adventures looming in the air. Amidst the hustle and bustle, Stray Kids stood together, their camaraderie evident in the easy banter and shared laughter that echoed through the terminal.

Felix had his gaze fixed intently on the screen displaying flight information, Chan standing behind him, watching Felix's movements and muttering a few things which had Felix turn his head to hear the quiet words only to smile softly when he heard words of adoration.

You stood at another station, having just finished getting your ticket and you look up, smiling at Chan leaning on Felix before smiling cutely and waving when you catch Chan's eye, gaining a silent giggle, wide smile, and his adorable dimples. You see Felix possibly ask what he was laughing at and Chan points at you, you do the action again and gain another smile.

You three had formed an inseparable bond since you joined Stray Kids before the Five Star era and your connection deepened with each passing day, eventually they asked if you wanted to be with them and you couldn't believe they both liked you while you've been liking them since Stray Kid's third anniversary. You were also shocked knowing they were actually together.

As Felix navigated the ticketing process with practiced ease, Chan leaned over his shoulder again, a casual gesture that no one would think twice about but you knew Chan was resisting full on cuddling him at the ticket stand. You still stood a few steps away next to Changbin and you couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at the sight of your boyfriends.

You watched as Chan's eyes scanned the screen, his gaze lingering on Felix's actions with a mixture of fondness and admiration. Judging by how long they've been standing there, Felix was doing Chan's ticket as well, Chan's eyes scanned rapidly at his information.

A smile tugged at you lips as you observed the interaction between the two of them. Despite the chaos when entering the airport and the murmurs of fans keeping their distance, there was a sense of peace that settled over you just seeing the two. You also felt an abundance of love that's been with you since you woke up. You always loved it when they were barefaced and comfy.

Felix's laughter rang out, infectious and genuine, as he tilts his head back and leans it against Chan's for a moment before pulling back. Chan's gentle smile made you smile.

Feeling a sudden impulse, you interrupt Changbin gently, smiling apologetically as you excuse yourself but Changbin knows, he was watching you stare at the aussies the whole time he spoke but he couldn't help but smile at how you looked at the two.

You finally walk over to them, your movements quick but subtle as not to give away your need to be near your boys. As casual as possible, you positioned yourself behind Felix, peaking over his other shoulder, your right hand finding its place on Felix's waist, while your left hand took Chan's and pulled it to hide the sweet connection between you and Felix's back.

The touch was intimate yet innocuous. Felix, engrossed in the task at hand now that Chan wasn't distracting him, was unaware of your approach until he felt the weight and gentle squeeze of your hand against his side. A soft gasp escaped his lips, followed by a smile that lit up his face. Turning his head, he met Mn's gaze with a mixture of surprise and affection.

Chan, ever observant, caught the exchange out of the corner of his eye. A smile played at the corners of his lips as he turned to meet Mn's gaze. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a silent acknowledgment of your affection.

"What're you cuties laughing at?" You murmured quietly enough for them to hear and Chan giggles. "Changbin was talking to you but you looked like you were gonna melt into a puddle staring at us." He replied and you hide further behind the brim of your hat. "Was I thought obvious?" You ask as you lean against Felix's shoulder. "Yeah, just a little. Changbin was smiling though. I think he was amused, actually."

Felix finally stepped back and gave Chan his stuff. "Jeez, that wouldn't have taken so long if someone~ wasn't teasing~ me." Felix smiles at Chan who chuckles softly. "It's fine, I had Jisung distracting me before Minho took him away to get his stuff." You say.

What felt like forever later, away from fans, you all had to wait a short amount of time for your plane. Chan leaned on your shoulder while Felix scrolled on his phone, holding your hand. Occasionally, more like every thirty seconds, you kiss the top of Felix's head and he hums, squeezing your hand and nuzzles the tiniest bit into your shoulder each time.

Of course, on the flight, you got the middle seat and the two sat on either side of you. This time Felix sleeps on your shoulder and Chan is leaning on you. From what you can hear, most of the other boys are sleeping or quietly talking to one another.

"Channie?" He hums, looking up at you, all his attention on you and you smile. "I love you." Chan smiles widely, suddenly wide awake as he lets go of your hand, cradling your face then giving you a firm kiss on your lips as he giggles softly. Your first 'I love you' since beginning to date them and your first kiss with Chan. He pulls back, giddy as ever as he bumps his nose against yours. "You're so cute. I love you, too, Nn."

Your body subconsciously turned when Chan grabbed your face and Felix sits up. "What?" He asked sleepily and you look over to him, laughing softly. "I love you, Pixie." "Pixie?" Felix mumbles before nuzzling into your shoulder, you notice a light blush cover his freckles as he coos but it sounds more like a whine. "Pixie~" He hums, bringing his head back up and you place a gentle kiss on his lips, he eyes are wide open when you pull away, seeming to be fully awake now.

"You-" "I love you..." You smile shyly and Felix squeals quietly, leaning forward to bury his face in your neck while giggling. "I love you, too, Hyung." He mumbles and you feel him smile into your neck.

"Flight attendant." Chan mutters and Felix pulls back but the both of them don't let go of your hands.

When you land and all nine of you are out of the public eye, Chan and Felix are giving you a couple kisses and hugs. The boys are shocked at the new affection but surprisingly are very happy. Being the silly boys they are, they cheer for you guys and you cover your burning face which Minho calls a cherry.

You felt so much love for them that you were absolutely sure with telling them in that moment. A moment that was never forgotten.

Tags :
11 months ago

oh my god, I don't know how to feel about this but here's this anyway. (This is a quick thought that is in fact becoming a fic.)

poly skz with member reader who is their toy? sub/dom top toy? and he can never show his phone screen because of his background which is a collage the boys made of all their faces covered in his cum, so whenever he looks at his phone he thinks about only them. One time, he does it without thinking on live, a stay had asked what everyone's phone looks like and Mn lifted his phone, showing his case then spinning it around and Chan snatched the phone so fast that even Mn didn't realize it had been taken out of his hand. He looked around, trying to see if anyone else noticed the snatch before turning back to Chan who handed his phone back, the screen lighting up and he realized why he did what he did and thought of the excuse that his mother was his background and she's said before that she doesn't want to be online. After, later that night, he's milked until he's writhing and blabbering that hes sorry because even though they love when he's oblivious, this was just too close. They've already accepted that he's sorry for his mistake and they know he's not always oblivious but seeing him like this is drove them all crazy, all whiny and begging them to stop. They loved it.

Tags :
1 year ago

I finished it...omg I finished it...I-


Adorable, painful, shocking, funny, and more words that I can't think of to express my thoughts for this series.

I wanna know who would do it on the sofa first 😂 and Minho's reaction if it isn't him and Chan 🤣

Also, the- the- the- the not together duos? They aren't together but I freaking love the pairing. and Hyunlix?

Imma go die from giggling to much now. Amazing writing 😁

Addicted to you Chp.21

Pairing: Minchan (mention of OT8)

Word Count: 4613

Summary: Chan and Minho organize a long break for the whole group, knowing they all need one after these troubling times. Five months later, Chan gets a taste of Minho in his best form, and he couldn't be more proud.

Warnings/Tags: fluff, cuddles, smut, min is insecure about his weight gain, small misunderstanding, the boys are in love

Chp. 20 | Back to the beginning

Addicted To You Chp.21
Addicted To You Chp.21

A/N: Thank you to everyone who made it this far and enjoyed the story. Thank you for the lovely requests and comments, they made the whole process so much more fun. My first Stray Kids project is officially "done". As always, I am open to writing more as long as you have concrete wishes and ideas. I've enjoyed writing this series a lot, delving a little more into the aspects of their hidden relationship, the insecurities and challenges that come with that, and so on. So please, if you'd like more, maybe also about the other pairings in this specific setting, don't hesitate to let me know - Nat🖤

Setting fire to my already tamed feelings Don't make me bad, bad Addicted to you Once we've started, you must be mine Addicted to you - Lee Know, Felix & Hyunjin

“I need a break,” Chan announced to the room. Everyone stared at him, surprised but curious about the sudden confession. Everyone just finished lunch and gathered in the living room to relax. 

“Uh, thanks for the warning?” Felix chuckled.

“We all do,” Chan continued on. The boys began to share confused expressions. “We’ve been working our asses off ever since Minho came back. None of us has had time to rest.”

“That’s true,” Changbin nodded.

“I talked to our management and got us all a month off,” he said and smiled as they all looked at him with a mixture of shock and excitement. “I want you all to go home for a while. Check in with your families, spend some time with them. I’ll be leaving a few days earlier than you all. I promised my mum to stay with them for a while after they found out most of what happened through our recent interviews. If you’d like, we could still go on vacation together during the last week. Maybe you all could come to Australia again.”

“That was quite fun,” Jeongin nodded excitedly. 

“And they approved all of us leaving for a month?” Jisung asked, stunned.

“It took some work,” Minho admitted. “But we’ve told them that the past few months have been too much not only for Chan and myself. I, more or less, let them know that they’d have to deal with more public breakdowns if we wouldn’t get a break soon,” he laughed. 

“Which was quite convincing, apparently,” Chan giggled. “So vacation starts in two days. Felix, you’ll still have to attend that fashion event in four days, but then you’re free to leave.”

“Sounds good to me,” Felix smiled excitedly. He couldn’t wait to go back home for a while. “My parents would love to see you guys again.”

“My mother hasn’t been talking about anything else since I suggested it,” Chan snorted.

“As long as she makes us that amazing dinner from last time again,” Hyunjin grinned.

“I bet she will,” Seungmin laughed.

"Australia it is then," Minho nodded, chuckling at his friends. As everyone continued the conversation, his heart warmed seeing the people he loved most…happy. 


Chan had been gone for a week now. Everyone else, besides Felix and Minho, left for home two days ago. Minho decided to stay with Felix before he flew to Australia so he didn’t have to stay at the house all by himself. 

“How’s Chan?” Felix asked one evening as they sat together on the sofa. 

“He’s having a bit of a hard time, I think,” Minho told him. “His parents are still really worried. His sister was pretty pissed he didn’t tell her how he was feeling instead of having to find out through the interviews.”

“She’ll calm down in a few days,” Felix chuckled. 

“That’s what I told him,” he nodded, but a slight unease still lay in his tone. 

“But?” Felix asked, picking up on it.

“You know Chan, he always gets a little depressed without us there,” he shrugged and leaned back. “He keeps telling me how much he misses me. He never did that before either. It’s not like we haven’t been apart for this long before,” he giggled softly.

“You never meant this much to him before,” he reminded him kindly. 

“Fair point,” Minho sighed, closing his eyes for a moment.

“I have an idea,” he told him excitedly. “You’ve just visited home, and you always visit your parents after therapy. I bet they wouldn’t mind if you’d come with me instead.”

“To Australia? So early?” he asked, opening his eyes to give Felix a confused look. 

“Yeah. I always book two seats to have some peace during the flight so I can take you with me easily,” he told him. “We could surprise Chan with you just showing up at the front door.”

Minho giggled softly. “That would actually be fun.”

“Come on, call your mum. I’m sure she’d agree,” he laughed.

Minho quickly grabbed his phone, calling his mother. “Hi, mum,” he said cheerfully. “I have a question,” he got straight to the point, putting her on speaker. But there was no response, to Minho’s disbelief. “Mum?” he called out with a small whine, a cute pout beginning to rest on his lips.

“You’ll be leaving for Australia early?” she asked, laughing as Minho gasped.

“How the hell did you guess that?” he asked, stunned. Felix started laughing at him in the background.

“Oh please! You were talking about your boyfriend nonstop when you came over last week. Also, you’ve been visiting here so often now that I knew you wouldn’t feel bad not coming to stay with us for a few weeks,” she laughed. “I bet he really misses you, Min.”

“He does,” Minho nodded.

“You should go,” she told him kindly. “Felix?” she asked, quickly identifying him by his cheerful laugh. 

“Yes?” he asked politely. 

“Take care of him on that flight, yeah?” she asked. 

“Of course I will,” he promised. “I’ll bring him back to you safely.” Minho’s mom gave her goodbyes and ended the call. 

Minho smiled widely and pulled Felix into a warm, gentle hug. “Thank you, Felix.”

Felix nodded and hugged Minho, squeezing him tightly. “Of course, Minho.”


Chan was still lying in bed, scrolling through his phone and trying to stay awake. He tossed and turned all night, and the lack of sleep was trying to lure him back into a deep slumber. He yawned softly and stretched his tired body. He began smiling as he heard the small patter of his dog coming down the hallway and into his room, hopping on the bed. “Hi Berry,” he said softly.

“Chris?” his mother called out for him from downstairs.

“Yes mom?” he shouted back, not really feeling like moving. 

“Someone’s here to see you,” she said. “Can you come down here for a moment?”

He groaned softly. If his mother asked in that tone, he was sure it was a friend of theirs wanting to see how their idol son was doing, maybe even collecting a few autographs on the way. “Fine,” he groaned, quickly pulling a sweater over his head to cover his naked chest. He walked down the stairs, not noticing the person standing next to his sister with a grumble to himself. “I swear if this is another - Minho?!” he asked, his jaw dropping as he finally looked up at the visitor in question. 

“Surprise?” he asked gently. Before he knew it, Chan was in his arms, lifting and spinning him around. “Channie, nooo” he giggled, wrapping his legs around his waist. “I just stepped off the plane, go easy on me!”

“What the hell? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I could’ve picked you up from the airport,” he pouted, a whine can be heard through his tone. 

“Hannah did,” Minho said gently. Chan looked at her surprised, not believing she was in on the surprise. “Felix had an extra seat, and we decided to surprise you.”

“When do you leave?” he asked.

“Whenever you leave,” he told him. Chan’s smile widened. Minho laughed as he put him back down on the ground and hugged him tightly. 

“And where will you be staying?” he asked, still not fully grasping that he was actually there.

“Here, you dumbass,” Hannah told him, rolling her eyes at him.

“Your mum said it would be alright,” Minho said gently.

“Of course it is!” she assured him with a bright smile. “You’re always welcome here, Minho.”

“Thank you,” he smiled at her. Chan couldn’t help himself anymore and kissed him passionately, pulling him in close. Minho grunted softly, but returned the kiss happily. He pulled back and stared at him, a bit dazed. “I suppose you told them about us?” 

“Obviously,” Chan laughed.

“I told him fighting to get you back to the group was the one thing he did right the past few weeks,” Hannah said teasingly. 

Minho giggled softly and pulled her into a hug. “I missed you too, little sister,” he said fondly. “But don’t be too hard on him, alright? I wasn’t exactly easy to be around either.”

“Fine,” she rolled her eyes, but they knew she meant well. Minho was always fond of Hannah since the day they met. 

Minho smiled at Chan and reached out for him, grabbing his hand. “I think I need a nap.”

“That’s the jetlag,” he chuckled. “I had another shitty night myself, let’s go.” Minho followed him upstairs to his room, giggling as Chan threw the door closed and kissed him needily. “Fuck, I missed you, baby.”

“I missed you too, love,” he said softly, wrapping his arms around his neck. “So, so much.” Chan buried his face in his shoulder, hugging him even tighter. “Are you okay?” his voice laced with care and warmth, fondling his hair. 

“Yeah,” he whispered, hot tears burning in his eyes. 

“Channie?” he asked gently, pulling back a little and lifting his face. “Oh, angel,” he whispered.

“I really fucking missed you, that’s all,” he assured him.

“You’re so cute,” he told him, pressing their foreheads together. “I’m here now. I won’t stop getting on your nerves for a whole month,” he smirked. “There’s no staff to stop us either. And the others get here in three weeks.”

“Sounds perfect,” he smiled and brushed their noses together. “Just you and me.”

“Mhm, just you and me, Channie,” he smiled softly, cupping his face and kissing him gently. The two almost got lost in their embrace, until Minho pulled back to speak. “Uh, before I forget, my therapist asked if you’d like to join the next session?”

Chan frowned softly at the request. “Why?”

“She thinks it’ll be easier to work through certain things that happened with you there. Like collapsing on stage and getting to the hospital after. I don't have many memories of that night,” he shrugged. 

“Alright, sure thing,” he nodded. “Now let’s get some sleep.”

Five months later

Minho looked at himself in the mirror, carefully fixing his hair. He was wearing a perfectly fitted dark suit that hugged him in all the right places, the vest painted with blue stripes. A delicate necklace rested on his skin, and a ring on each hand completed the look. The one on his right ring finger being a present from his boyfriend. The color definitely complimented his dark hair. He crouched down a little, testing his trousers, which were a little tight. 

"Minho hyung, what are you doing?" Felix laughed at him, leaning against the vanity not too far from him. He was walking around looking for his friend, just to make sure he was doing okay. 

Minho met his eyes through the mirror and started to laugh as well. "I'm scared I'll rip them. They're not the best fit for this dance." 

Hyunjin looked up from his phone, sitting comfortably on a nearby couch. "I bet Chan wouldn't agree with you on that." 

Felix grinned and made his way over, taking a closer look. "I think you look stunning. Time to tease your boyfriend." 

Minho chuckled at them and playfully rolled his eyes. "Don't think Changbin won't drool over you either," he winked at him, making the younger one blush. "Oh wait, we have another style expert right here. Doesn't our sunshine look handsome, Hyunjin?" he asked the younger male and turned Felix in his direction. 

Hyunjin smirked and put his phone aside. "What do you think made him blush so hard a minute ago?" 

"Oh, I see," Minho chuckled. Hyunjin got up and made his way over, gently grabbing Felix's chin and looking deep into his eyes. The shiteating grin on his face not leaving for a second as his gaze devoured Felix. Minho sensed it and took note. "That's my que to leave. Remember, we have to be on stage in ten minutes. I don't want either one of you to go out there hard."

Felix quickly grabbed Minho's hand and held him back. "If you leave, he won't stop being a tease. I’ll definitely be in trouble then." Felix pleaded with the cutest pout on his lips.

Minho giggled softly and stayed where he was, taking out his phone. With a chuckle, Hyunjin decided to have mercy on Felix and gave him a sweet, loving kiss. Meanwhile, Minho saw a few messages from Chan pop up and smiled stupidly, reading them. 

I’m so proud of you, baby! You’re gonna be amazing out there. Good luck!

Minho texted a few hearts back and chuckled as Chan asked for a picture. He told him he had to see his reaction live, which made Chan send a bunch of emojis. "Alright, let's go," he said, putting his phone aside. 

The three of them made their way to the side-stage and looked into the audience. "That's a lot of people out there," Felix whispered. The older two took his hands, squeezing them encouragingly. 

"Perfect audience to perform this song for, for the first time ever," Hyunjin told him, winking cheekily at him. 

"Look, there’s Channie and the boys," Minho said, pointing at the first row a little to the right. Chan and Changbin were sitting next to each other, almost placed perfectly in his opinion, to watch Felix and himself. Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin were sitting next to Chan, all waiting curiously for their friends to come on stage. They began to walk out on stage as their names were announced and smirked at the screams, combined with Chan's eyes widening seeing his outfit. They both knew Chan was a sucker for him in blue. The lights only increased the effect. 

As they waited for the music to start, Minho met Chan's eyes and teasingly opened his suit jacket with a winning smirk, putting the ring on display. He had trouble holding back a grin as Chan licked his lips. The fans started cheering at his action, and Minho turned his attention to the audience. He chuckled into the microphone and did it again, this time for the audience, before getting shy at the screams and smiling brightly, looking down at the floor. Felix and Hyunjin giggled at his antics, trying to stay serious themselves. 

Changbin and Chan exchanged a look, knowing the other probably had the same impure thoughts about his boyfriend. "Fuck me," Chan breathed out quietly, and Changbin chuckled at him. 

"I'm sure he would if you'd ask nicely," he grinned and earned a punch in his arm. The others laughed at them, not needing to hear them to know what they were talking about. 

The music started, and Minho locked in, starting to move to the beat. It was kind of funny that not even their members knew what they were in for. The moment Felix's beautiful, deep voice rang through the air, the fans started shouting, and honestly, he didn't blame them. Minho started his verse, and to his surprise, he got about the same reaction to his smooth, soft voice. A rush of adrenaline filled him, and he knew he was performing well, judging by the looks of his members as he danced during Hyunjin's part. Minho took a deep breath and casually strolled to the side before starting to sing the higher notes, hitting them all beautifully making the crowd go wild once more. Chan beamed at him proudly, knowing how hard he had worked to perfect that part. 

Chan was mesmerized, looking up at his boyfriend on stage in awe. He looked beautiful in this outfit, and his heart warmed seeing him wearing the ring he bought him. His voice sounded amazing tonight, and his stage presence was undeniable. Thinking about it, Chan couldn't remember ever seeing him so in his element like this, which meant a lot, considering Minho was their main dancer. 

What didn't help was watching the way his body moved in front of thousands of people and knowing how he looked beneath the many layers of fabric. Chan did, in fact, appreciate the tight suit pants, and his jaw dropped as he got down on the floor, rolling his hips with his hand placed dangerously close to his crotch. Jisung nudged him gently, and he quickly closed his mouth again, shifting a little in his seat. 

Minho moved into a sitting position, continuing his dance movements. His intense gaze locked into Chan’s, captivating him as he continued singing. "Don't make me bad, make me bad, I'm addicted to you….Don't make me bad, bad, addicted to you." 

Chan's eyes clouded with desire the longer he watched him. He couldn't help himself feeling like Minho put on a perfectly balanced show for him and their fans. 

The performance came to an end, and they took their ending pose. Minho panted softly before meeting eyes with Chan and smirking succeedingly, knowing exactly how much he had just worked him up. He exchanged a look with Felix and Hyunjin before they all left the stage, waving at their cheering fans and friends. 

They made their way back to their room and weren't even able to sit down as their friends and boyfriends stepped inside. Minho's eyes widened at how loud the room suddenly was, and laughed at their friends, telling them how amazing their performance was. Locking eyes with Chan made him shiver with anticipation. Chan simply nodded at the door before leaving again. Minho slipped outside as the others were busy and frowned softly when Chan was nowhere to be seen. He walked down the hallway, and a door to his left opened. Chan grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside, throwing the door closed again. Minho found himself pressed against the door within seconds, and a low moan fell from his lips as Chan braced himself next to his head, looking down at him with nothing but desire in his eyes. "Hi there," he said innocently. "You liked the performance?" 

Chan grabbed his chin and searched his eyes. "You think it's funny making me hard in front of I don't know how many people?" 

"You…wow," he grinned proudly. 

"Don't look so smug," Chan giggled and groaned softly, pressing their foreheads together. "Fuck, you looked hot up there, baby."

"Thank you," he smiled sweetly and nudged his nose. "What's the secret room reserved for you only about?" he asked, spotting the name sign on the desk right in front of the mirror. Catching his reflection, he had to admit he was looking great tonight, even now that his hair was a bit of a mess. 

"So I can kiss you without anyone seeing, of course," Chan answered casually. 

"Oh," he nodded and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. 

"You sound like that's a bad idea," he commented, frowning at him. He almost looked a little disappointed. "Did you think we'd - Minho!" 

"What?" he asked, slightly offended, and ducked down, taking a step to the side and away from him. "I'm sorry. I thought that was your intention, leading me away from everyone. You could've kissed me in our room." 

"You can't possibly think I wanted to have sex right here? With so many people passing by that door at all times?" he was a little in shock, and Minho rolled his eyes at him before sitting on the desk. 

"Why not? When did that ever bother you before, huh?" he asked and started fiddling with the necklace to take it off. "Forget it. This was a stupid idea," he said and took off the necklace, slamming it down on the table. 

"Baby, are you okay?" he asked softly. 

"No, obviously not. I'm making a fool out of myself here hoping this-," he gestured at himself. "-would finally make me attractive enough in your eyes again to go further than a kiss." 

"Wait, what?" he asked truly shocked now. His eyes widened at what he thought Minho was insinuating. 

"Two months ago, you would've gotten into my pants before I properly locked the door. You've been locking yourself up with Hannie and Changbin lately. And it's starting to piss Felix off, but I guess it makes me question myself. I don't know when the last you actually touched me and…is it because I gained weight again?" he asked, a flare of insecurity igniting in his brain as he glanced down at how his form-fitting. "Or-," he stopped as Chan was suddenly in front of him, cupping his face. 

"Baby, take a deep breath," he said kindly, and Minho glared at him, huffing softly but doing it anyways. "I'm so sorry for neglecting your needs. We've just been creating so much for the group and working on new stuff. I didn't know it was making you question yourself." 

"Well, of course it does," he pouted and nervously played with his ring, looking down at it. "Just forget it, Channie. I'm being stupid, this whole idea was stupid from the beginning." 

"What idea?" he chuckled softly. 

"All of this," he said grumpily as Chan seemed to find it amusing. 

"A warning would've been nice, kitten," he said, his voice growing smooth and low. 

Minho blinked at him, and his stomach flipped at the desire dancing in Chan's pupils. "About what? The outfit, the flirting, the dance..the intention behind all of it?" he asked innocently. 

Chan fondled up his thighs. "All of it?" he asked quietly and leaned in closer. 

"Well, where's the fun in that?" Minho asked and sank deep into his eyes. 

"I would've come prepared," he told him. 

"Check my pockets," he smirked and hopped off the table. 

Chan frowned softly before reaching into the pocket at the back. He couldn't help himself, teasingly squeezing his ass before pulling out two condoms. "Did you..?"

"No, I didn't carry them around on stage, you dumbass. I had them stored away in the waiting room," he protested, taking out the small bottle of lube from his jacket. 

"Fuck Min. Are you sure we can do this now?" he asked, checking his phone for the time. 

"Seriously? There are twenty performances before ours, which gives us at least an hour," he groaned impatiently. "But if you keep wasting time, we can't do this."

"You really came prepared, huh," Chan giggled, watching Minho impatiently unbuckling his belt. "You're in a rush?" 

"Whatever you plan on doing, these trousers come off," he told him. 

"That's a bummer. Your ass and thighs look really great in it," Chan pouted playfully. 

"They look even better when I’m straddling your dick, now move or I'll do it myself," he gave back smoothly with a hint of sassiness. Chan pulled him into a very passionate kiss, intoxicating enough to keep him dazed. His hands grabbed his ass, pulling him close as their lips met. "That's more like it," Minho smiled as he pulled back.

Chan hummed gently and unbuttoned the blue-striped vest, kissing down his torso as more skin slowly revealed itself. "By the way, you look beautiful as always, and I don't mind you gaining weight one bit," he assured him before planting a loving kiss right on the scar on his stomach. 

Minho smiled gently and brushed his hair back, looking down at him. "I know…you know how I get sometimes." 

"I do," he smiled and squeezed his hips before coming back up and kissing him on the mouth instead. "I think after delivering such a show, you deserve to see how stunning you look when you fall apart."

Minho gasped softly and looked at him with wide eyes, darkening with passion. "Just be careful and don't leave a mark in places people will see with the new outfit." 

"I'll be careful," he promised before turning him around so he was facing the mirror. 

Minho leaned back against him, inspected their reflection, and met his eyes through the mirror. "Don't we look good together?" 

"I think we fit together perfectly," Chan hummed, agreeing, and reached down into his pants, stroking his dick gently. Minho's eyes fluttered, lips parting with a gasp. Chan growled lowly and buried his nose in his neck. "Fuck Min, please tell me you're keeping this outfit. I need to fuck you properly in it tonight." 

Minho blinked at him through the mirror. "Shit, is this one of your kinks, hyung?" 

Chan pressed himself against him and gently wrapped his hand around his neck, careful not to leave any marks. "Call it whatever you want, kitten." 

Minho shivered at the contact and melted against him. "I mean, I can ask if I can keep it," he said and chuckled as Chan let go of him, dropping down to his knees in front of him. 

"You're right, I haven't been appreciating what I come home to every night enough," he tells him and fondles up his thighs. "Let me make it up to you," he said, taking the band of his boxers between his teeth and pulling them down, along with his pants. 


"Where's Chan hyung?" Changbin asked, confused. 

"Probably fucking Minho hyung's brains out, why?" Jeongin gave back dryly. The painfully loud silence called him to look up from his phone. "What?!" 

"Sometimes it scares me how grown-up you are now," Hyunjin said with wide eyes. His words were rewarded with him sticking his tongue out at him. 

"Maybe it's the other way around," Seungmin suggested with a shrug, casually scrolling through his phone. 

"The suit might work," Jisung hummed, agreeing. 

"I hate you all," Changbin groaned. 

"Loosen up, babe," Felix smirked. "We all know he's right." 

"Exactly," Jeongin grinned before squinting his eyes at Felix and Changbin. "Also, weren't you doing the same thing just minutes ago?" 

"Darling, that's enough," Seungmin said softly. 

"At this point, we should be allowed to do it on the sofa. Everyone knows anyway," he shrugged. 

"Minho hyung, help!" Hyunjin shouted in shock, making everyone laugh. "He'd kick your ass for that." 

"I'll go and get some coffee. Let's hope they're back to collect their kids after," Changbin sighed, and Felix giggled softly. 

"You're their kid too, dumbass," Jisung pointed out. 

"Yeah, fuck you too," he laughed. 


Minho pulled up the zipper of his pants, smirking at Chan, fixing his messed-up hair. Their eyes met through the mirror, and Chan turned, again dropping to his knees. He hugged him tight, burying his face in his stomach for a moment before looking up at him with dreamy eyes. Minho beamed at him, gently brushing back his hair. He hadn't been this happy in a while, being on stage without thinking about his knee anymore. He had his friends there, a very supportive boyfriend, and gosh, he loved him. All that stupid drama, those many lows and equal ups in between had made them grow much closer than before. He wouldn't want it any different now. Minho was finally truly happy, ready to face whatever was coming with Chan right by his side. This time, he was sure he'd have his back. "Channie hyung?" 

"Yes?" he asked sweetly. 

"I love you," he said. "Never forget that." 

"I think I'm addicted to you," Chan breathed out, and his eyes grew incredibly soft. "I love you more than anything else." 

"You'd die for those kids out there. Don't put me first," he giggled softly. 

"I'd die for you too," he told him. Minho believed him, truly. 

"Stay alive for me, baby boy," Minho shook his head, crouching down and kissing him hard on the mouth as tears brimmed Chan's eyes. 

"I love you too," he whispered and took his hand, kissing the ring. He got up and held up his pinky finger. “You and me against the world?”

“Forever,” Minho answered smiling, sealing the deal.

Chp. 20 | Back to the beginning

Addicted To You Chp.21


Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)

@atinyniki @kailee08 @mal-lunar-28 @aaasia111 @lilmisssona @galaxycatdrawz @silverstarburst @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @malfoygalaxies @rebecca-johnson-28 @mellhwang @lixie-phoria @michelle4eve @xxstrayland @lost-in-avoidance

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1 year ago

Hey i was wondering if you were gonna do a part two to you sub han fic ??

I am. Currently working on it and it's almost done 😊

11 months ago

A big, long ass, brain shit paragraph that I needed to get down cause it's 5:50, I haven't been to sleep yet, and I didn't want to forget this. Originally didn't have a member planned but Seungmin just spoke to me in a way cause...well, it Seungmin. He's savage. He calls Chan old a lot. He's in the building. (sorry, I'm delirious, I need sleep 😭) [In the process of becoming a fic]


Mn being a professor who is known as being really nice and helpful and sometimes like a second parent to some students and just has overall good rep among the school but there's one student. One student that almost makes his job a living hell. Almost because he has almost 100 students in his lecture hall for his classes and they're all surprisingly fantastic and good to work with but there's one who, in his words, is a fucking brat that drives him up a wall. Kim Seungmin. Pushing his buttons, not doing his work, interrupting class, he even suspended him for a month when he caught him having relations with another student at HIS DESK. IN HIS CLASSROOM. He wanted to expel him but he put his "Goody toe shoes" act on and only got a month. When he came back, he started where he left off. Annoying the hell out of Mn. He's talked to other teachers, he's the only one he does it too. His class is the only one Seungmin is failing. When Mn held Seungmin back after class, he's surprised the student actually stayed behind. He asked him why he does what he does and to put it bluntly, Seungmin says it's because he loves seeing Mn agitated. He leans back on Mn's desk, watching how Mn's arms cross and his biceps bulge through the button down before looking straight into his eyes, eyes adorned with brow line glasses which he found made Mn look hotter. He says he loves the way his jaw sets and his tongue prods at his cheek after every snarky word that comes out of his mouth. He loves the annoyed, angry look in his eye whenever he throws a ball of paper at him or when he casually tells Mn that he didn't do the work again cause he didn't want to. He loves the way Mn yells at him when he's either talking during the lesson or he's being obnoxious. He says he finds Mn hot and decided to dive deeper, saying that he needs to be taught a lesson. Mn doesn't fall for it, threatening to get him expelled this time but Seungmin bites back, saying that Mn has weak game and Mn steps forward, hand reaching out to the students neck but he stops, hand closing into a fist as he steps back and Seungmin smirks, got him right where he wanted him as he grabs his wrist, yanking his professors hand back to his throat before pushing forward and kissing Mn, tongue tangling with his immediately as he tried to dominate but Mn gave in and took him down quickly, tightening his grip a little and Seungmin moans, one hand on Mn's wrist and the other trying to pull him closer. Mn pulls back, smirking when the other kept his mouth open and moans shamelessly when his grip loosens around his neck. Mn scoffs, pulling him closer by his neck as Seungmin whimpers, looking at him with wide puppy eyes clouded in lust but still holding a bratty attitude as he switched back and chuckles, asking what Mn is going to do and Mn smiles darkly in return, telling him that maybe it's time to train his disobedient puppy how to be nice and behaved. It the only lesson from Mn Seungmin has ever listened to since being in his class.


Um....Kinda wanna make this into a proper fic. Thinking about changing it to a different member because I'm now realizing that even though I haven't written for Seungmin alone yet, there's an odd feeling I can't quite place about writing smut with Seungmin.

What do y'all think about this idea? Stick with Seungmin or write it with different member? honestly, I can do either. The odd feeling is probably just cause I haven't written anything with Seungmin.

Feedback is appreciated as always :P

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