Bang Chan X Male Reader - Tumblr Posts
deja brew | bang chan x male reader
genre: fluff
Chan's day was going poorly, no other way to put it. Luckily for him, fate was about to pull him back to the past in the best way possible.
word count: 1.9k
a/n: there was hardly any mention of reader's gender (except for one explicit line), so this could mostly be read as gender neutral reader as well! I wasn't entirely sure what you (requester) meant by a soft reader, but I tried my best! hope you enjoy:)
reblogs and comments are always appreciated:)

It was turning out to be a pretty terrible day for Chan.
One of his newest projects got rejected by the company, he was scolded by Minho during dance practice, and he couldn’t seem to get any of his lines right during recording. The gym was full, so he couldn’t even let out his stress properly, and the dryer was broken, so his favorite hoodies were unavailable to wear. All in all, a day where nothing worked out, and a lot of small inconveniences built up.
He went to his favorite coffee shop not too far from the dorm, Deja Brew, just to clear his mind and cheer himself up. As he entered, the scent of sweet lattes and pastries filled his senses, only slightly, and the familiar whirr of the coffee machines and subtle chatter of patrons wafted through the air. There weren’t many people, which was his favorite part. The atmosphere of a coffee shop, accompanied by the sweet solace of privacy.
He received a piece of his favorite cake and a drink from the familiar barista that always seemed to be on the clock whenever he visited, and made his way over to a seat by a window tucked away near the back of the shop. Excitement began growing at even the thought of enjoying his treat when—
Chan watched in horror as his drink spilled all over the stranger. His horror only intensified as he watched the lady’s expression morph from smug to irritated to angry in the span of a few seconds. He felt the yells before they left her lips, and when they actually landed on his ears, he felt a carnal desire to crawl up into a ball and sleep the entire day away in hopes that he would wake up and find it to be a nightmare.
“I’m so sorry, maam, it was an accident. I can provide you with compensation for your clothes, or—”
“I don’t want your filthy money! This is a luxury brand! I bet a commoner like you couldn’t even begin to imagine affording something like this!”
“Then how can I—”
“Maam, please, you’re causing a scene.”
A new voice joined the conversation. Chan turned to face the new person, internally screaming at the thought of having to deal with another stranger, but the agony faded when he was met with a familiar face.
Well, kind of familiar. You were older than the last time he saw you — just as he was — and you were… well, cute. You wore an evidently soft, somewhat bright sweater, and somehow managed to have a pleasant smile on your face as you dealt with the lady.
He wasn’t sure how you did it, but the lady eventually left, leaving the two of you alone in the middle of the coffee shop, standing in a puddle of fruity liquid.
Chan stared at you, starstruck, and you did the same. The silence was only broken by an employee coming by with a mop, asking the two of you to move so she could clean up the mess. You made your move then.
“Do you wanna come sit with me? Maybe catch up a little?”
And before he knew it, he was sitting across from you at a booth near the back of the coffee shop, sipping on a new drink and nibbling on a new slice of cake (that the barista insisted he get as compensation for the trouble).
“Are you alright?” You asked, startling Chan from his daze. He looked up at you, shocked at the concern in your expression.
“Oh— yeah, I’m fine. Just another Karen, right?” He laughed awkwardly, brushing off the interaction. You didn’t seem convinced, but let the topic go.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Nearly ten years now, I think.” You comment, drifting the conversation away from the incident. Chan internally thanked you for it.
“Man, ten years, huh? Been a crazy few, that’s for sure.” You smiled at him.
“Yeah, feels like it’s been forever if you ask me. How’s everything? How are you?”
“Pretty good! I mean, it’s been a tough few years but it was worth it, y’know? Becoming a producer and the leader of a K-pop group. It’s all I ever dreamed of.”
“No kidding! You’re the topic back in Sydney. Nobody believed it when they saw you on the telly, and I was telling everybody, ‘that’s my best friend!” You chuckled, thinking back at the memories, and Chan did too, imagining the scenario unfolding.
He considered it for a moment. Life back in Australia. He thought back to his old friends and living with his family, fiddling away on the guitar whenever he got the chance. Being a kid, carefree and oblivious to the difficulties to come. Spending time with you at school during lunch times or recess, making memories he didn’t realize would fade over time. He missed it.
“I miss it too, sometimes.” You say, pulling Chan out of his thoughts. Had he said that out loud?
Before he could reply, you continued.
“But I wouldn’t change it for a second. I’m proud of you, Chris. Really. I know we haven’t kept in touch since you left, but I’ve been rooting for you all this time, and seeing you be so successful is more gratifying than you could imagine.”
When Chan looked at you, he felt his heart clench at the endearment and adoration he found. The warm overhead light cast down on you, creating the illusion of a glow around your sweater and your hair. The hustle and bustle of the cafe seemed to die down as he focused his attention onto you, and it made him feel like it was just the two of you in the world. A little pocket of memories and warmth. He nearly missed your next words, having gotten caught in the moment.
“You could say I’m your biggest fan.”
The sounds of the world seemed to seep back into his perception at that, and he managed a small laugh.
“Maybe you could be more?” He questioned. At your confusion, he leaned over the table and reached for your phone, stopping at the lock screen.
He raised an eyebrow, silently asking for the password, and you smirked in response.
“I’m pretty sure you could guess it.”
No way…
He input the numbers 31097 and, lo and behold, it opened.
“Really? You remembered?” He asked, incredulous.
Before he left for Korea, you and he had made a promise that, when you got your cell phones, you’d set the password as the other’s birthday. It was ages ago, and although Chan kept his promise, he wasn’t sure if you would.
“Of course I did. Besides, it’s a pretty solid password, isn’t it? If I ever forget it, it’s just a google search away!” Chan huffed in amusement, a part of himself relieved that you held up your half of the agreement even after all these years.
“What are you doing with my phone, anyways? You better not be poking around in there.” You joked, and Chan rolled his eyes. The banter came as naturally as the day he left. Without a word, he opened up contacts to put his number in. He took a quick selfie for the profile picture and slid your phone back to you.
“You should be honored! It’s not every day my biggest fan gets my number.” He then opened his phone and slid it over to you, a silent invitation to do the same.
“Just Chris? A bit boring, isn’t it?” You teased, picking up his phone to put your number in.
“Oi, don’t judge! I don’t share my number often these days, I’m outta practice!” He exclaimed in mock offense, taking his phone back.
“It’s not like you did much–” He trailed off as he looked down at your contact name.
Your Number One Fan<3
The heart did inexplicable things to his own. He filed it into the back of his mind to inspect later.
“Much better. Now we’re matching!” You turn your own phone to show him the screen, and the change made him nearly concerned at how much his heart was moving around that day.
“Yeah, matching…”
From there, the conversation flowed naturally between topics. The two of you talked for hours about anything. What it was like for Chan to produce music, respective memories that were created during the time you lost contact, reminiscing about the past. Before long, the window at your seat grew cold as the sky faded to black, and the barista came by to inform the two of you that the cafe would be closing soon.
The two of you stepped out into the evening air, hesitant to say your goodbyes, but knowing it was inevitable. You walked in silence in no particular direction, just enjoying each others’ company for as long as you could. It was as though the moment existed in a bubble outside of time, and to address its existence was to pop it.
Somehow, a few minutes in, Chan ended up leading you a few blocks away from the dorm, and he knew it was time.
“I’m going this way… ‘bout you?” He looked at you hesitantly, as though afraid of the answer. You pointed your thumb towards the way you just came. A direct opposite to the dorm. Chan sighed.
“Keep in touch, yeah? Can’t promise that I’ll answer right away, but…” He felt his eyes sting just slightly. He blamed it on the nonexistent wind.
“I don’t want to lose you again.”
Even as he said it, he kept a pained smile plastered on his face, and it tore your heart apart just a little bit.
“You won’t. You gave me your number, remember? You’re stuck with me now.” You hit his shoulder playfully, and soft laughter filled the air.
“Good, good. I’m counting on it.”
Silence filled the air once more, this time somber. This was it.
Chan knew he had more to say. He knew there was something unspoken, and he wanted to make it heard, and he knew this was likely the only chance in a while to do so.
Before he could speak, he was cut off by a sudden weight on his torso. You surged forward and captured him in a hug, wrapping your arms around him and holding him just tight enough for him to know. It wasn’t over. You were there, and you would continue to be there, even if not physically.
Chan responded by holding you back.
A sense of deja vu washed over him. He was sent back to the airport, young and teary eyed and holding you like you were the only thing keeping him on the surface of the Earth. The announcement that he had to board booming through the airport and resonating through his skull. You pulled away, also crying, but smiling like the angel he always saw you as.
“See you later, alligator” you nearly sobbed out, failing to keep in the tears and the snot. It made Chan cry more.
“See you soon, raccoon” and he was taken away to the plane, from his home, and from you.
If only your younger selves knew how untrue the farewell was. The moment felt so far away now.
You pulled away before he could get too immersed in the past, and it was as though the brightness of your smile transcended time.
“See you later, alligator.”
He remembers.
“See you soon, raccoon.”
Chan watched as you turned and walked away without so much as a glance back. It looked like goodbye, but he knew. He would be seeing you again soon.
once again, reblogs and comments are appreciated:)
Mn: looks at watch to realize it’s almost 10pm
Mn: “I have to leave soon.”
Chan: “Why?”
Mn: “Hyung, it’s almost ten, I have to.”
Chan: “Mn, your birthday was last week.”
Mn: “Oh, yeah, it was…”
Chan: “Did you actually forget!?”
Mn: “Listen, I’ve had to do this for two years, let me be.”

My child (not actually, she’s an old school mate and I love her so much as if she’s my own child, I’m too young) posted something on her insta and I loved it and this is the inspiration.
Deciding to do Hyung line and Maknae line for once. This is also my first, I think, time doing a quick shot like this with all the members separate. Also, before I decided to write the two separate groups, I almost forgot to write Changbin’s 😅 Also…Have a reader post for once…since I only post inserts (sorry bout that)

“Hey, Chan, do you want an apple slice?” Mn asked, slicing said apple as Chan walked into the kitchen. “Sure.” He sat at the kitchen island and expected to have one placed on his palm but instead Mn grabbed his jaw, turning Chan to face him. The apple slice in between Mn’s teeth was moments away from just jamming against Chan’s lips with how quick he appeared before Chan opened his mouth and took the other part of the apple.
His eyes widened, staring at Mn whose eyes remained on Chan’s mouth. He realized Chan hadn’t bitten yet and smirked, biting the slice himself before pulling back and walking back over to the rest of his apple while chewing. After he finished cutting his apple, he looked back to Chan, he was chewing the apple but slowly, seemingly still trying to process what just happened.
“M-Mn?” Chan said softly before the male walked out of the kitchen, he turns around, hand stilling mid air as he went to take another bite of his snack. “Yes?” He smiled, taking a bite from the slice in his hand. “C-Can I have another slice?” Mn chuckles and walks back over to Chan, smiling as he took Chan’s jaw into his hand again and leaned in.
He never grabbed another slice and he ended up having to throw the rest of his apple away as it turned brown.

Lee Know is sassy, Mn knows this. He was simply wanting to share his snack.
“Min, you want a slice?” He asked, chewing on the bite he just took and reaching a slice up to the dancer who stood next to him in front of the couch in the dressing room. “Sure.”
He took the slice but then looked at it and smirked. “It’s your last one though, we can share it.” He said when he saw the male ball up the trash the slices were in and throw it away in a nearby bin. “Oh, sure.” Mn thought Lee Know would just break it in half but shock took over his features when Lee Know leaned over him, left hand holding himself up next to Mn’s head on the back of the couch as his right hand brought the slice up to his mouth and he leaned forward.
Mn panicked but ultimately took the other half between his teeth. He suspected Minho purposely left him a small half as their lips just barely touched as he took a bite, still staring at the slice before he looks up to Minho’s eyes which were full of mischief. “You’re welcome.” He said and walked off chewing the apple.
“Damn it, Min…” Mn muttered to himself, his hands flying to his burning face as he hides his flustered grin and his soft giggles.

“Mn, can i have some of your fruit?” “Why?” “Please?” Mn honestly could never resist Changbin’s aegyo, the male pulling his cute voice, asking for the fruit again and just being his goofy self.
“Oh my goodness.” Mn cringes but he can’t help but laugh at his antics. They were sitting on the couch in the practice room, other members either relaxing on the floor, getting drinks, or using the restroom.
“But Bin, it’s not my fault you don’t prepare your own snacks before leaving.” The rapper pouts, slouching into the couch slightly as he crosses his arms. “I’m sorry, Bin. That came out ruder than I intended. Would you like a slice as an apology?” Changbin couldn’t resist the small smile on his face as he nods.
Mn took an apple slice out of the snack baggy he put them in and Changbin held out his hand but Mn slapped it away, confusing him before he said a quick “Just open your mouth.” and Changbin thought he was just gonna feed him. He was…but not in the way Changbin thought.
He did what Mn said before he let out a noise of shock when Mn put the slice in his own mouth before leaning forward. Although shocked and slow to react, Changbin took a bite from the apple then Mn pulled away smiling at his shocked expression.
“Yah! Why’d you do that?!” He yelled around the apple and Mn laughed. “Cause you’re cute when you’re flustered.” The male smirked and took another bite from a slice he took out of the bag before putting the remainder away in his duffle, deciding to be extra cheeky and tilt Changbin’s head up by his chin and confidently stealing a chaste kiss from him as he walked by him over to the members that have returned.
Changbin’s face had a tint of red as his eyes followed Mn’s figure. “Hyung, why is your face so red?” Felix asked him as Mn smirked behind the boy. “Yah! Don’t worry about it!” He shied away but was still his boisterous self. Mn laughed and shook his head.
Maybe he’ll share more slices with him later…

Hyunjin is a drama queen. (This has nothing to do with his part, he’s just dramatic)
Mn had been the only one awake in his dorm, or so he thought. He got a text from Hyunjin while he was getting a late night snack, asking him why he was making so much noise. Mn replied back asking why the dancer was still awake and he sent a photo of him sketching something. Mn shook his head, he thinks Hyunjin should be asleep and not drawing but he just shrugs and asked if he could join him, which he said yes and to bring him a snack too.
He was almost done slicing his mango when he asked if the male wanted some of his mango cause he didn’t want to make another and he said it was fine.
After washing his hands and grabbing the plate and a fork, he walked to Hyunjin’s room, not knocking and just walking in while quietly closing the door behind him. Hyunjin was curled up in his chair in a way that looks uncomfortable for anyone else, one leg hanging off the chair and the other pulled up so his knee was at his chest as he leaned closely to the sketchbook on his desk, left hand on his raised knee with his chin resting on the back of it. He was very squished on himself and Mn found it kind of amusing.
Hyunjin hadn’t noticed him walk in, Mn now noticing the headset on his head. He smiles, picking up a slice and walking over to Hyunjin. He sets the plate down, seeing Hyunjin glance over but not look at him, before moving his left hand to almost place his palm on his throat but his thumb and finger grab his jaw, tilting his head up to look at him. Hyunjin’s eyes widen as he looked at his eyes, then the slice in between his lips before Mn leans down, Hyunjin taking the slice last minute and slowly takes a bite, his thoughts still trying to catch up with him.
Mn went to pull back when Hyunjin stopped him. He tried to speak after chewing the rest of the bite but no words came out. “Want another?” Hyunjin hesitantly nods and Mn grabs another piece. He went to do it again but Hyunjin stopped him, grabbing his hand to put it back under his jaw and Mn huffs a laugh before getting close enough for Hyunjin to take another bite but he got closer, taking his half before fully kissing Mn.
Hyunjin forgot about his sketch and Mn’s snack was well shared.

![I Was Suddenly Inspired By This One Clip Of A Female Idol (I Don't Remember Who [Found Out It Was Yeji])](
I was suddenly inspired by this one clip of a female idol (I don't remember who [Found out it was Yeji]) that's been on my mind for some reason where she's wearing cargo pants i think with 'g-string' straps and the comments were saying that they were attached to the pants. I'm bad at describing things but basically I couldn't stop thinking about how those straps would look on the boys but I was mainly thinking of Chan.
I just think...Maybe you and Chan had been in some sort of relationship for a while and you gifted him a guys thong as a joke since you guys have settled into a comfortable relationship and like to joke with each other.
I don't know what else to say. 😅 This was a spur of the moment thought. (This turned out to be a one shot) Tags: Male reader, suggestive at the end, subby chan, "you" are younger then Chan, you/your pronouns.
![I Was Suddenly Inspired By This One Clip Of A Female Idol (I Don't Remember Who [Found Out It Was Yeji])](
It was a joke, saying he might look good in it but he didn't actually have to try it but one day, you were cleaning the dorm and found a random flash drive. You walked to Chan's room to see if it was his but were pleasantly surprised to see not just him quickly pulling down his shirt to hide something but the quick glimpse of a familiar white and red adorned to his hips.
You walk over to him, kicking the door closed, and placed your hands on his waist as he play innocent and asked what you needed. The drive and original train of thought you had left as soon as you saw it, you ignore Chan and glide your hands down his torso, feeling him shiver as his knees almost go weak and his hands fly to hold your forearms as his breathing becomes shallow while he watches your every move.
You take a moment to appreciate and look over his outfit, for once he's wearing something other than black, dark khakis and your white baggy shirt with a crudely drawn derpy cat with a middle finger. Your eyes catch on his hips and your hands proceed to scrunch the shirt in your fists that rest above his hips.
A small, barely audible gasp escapes you as you examine the fabric on his hips. They were from the brand Loverboy, the red band was purposefully pulled further up on the sides to be seen, taking the same path as his v-line into his pants. "J-Jagi?" Chan stutters out, feeling the same small feeling whenever he's under your roaming gaze. "Is it...bad?" Your eyes shoot up to his, noticing the sheepish look in his eyes before leaning forward, hands dropping the shirt in favor of feeling Chan's skin under your palms as you lead into a feverish kiss, immediately turning your kiss of reassurance into the start of a make out session.
You hum when his one of his hands find purchase at the back of your neck, gripping your hair to pull you closer as he relaxes in your hold while the other rests lazily on your pec, fisting the material of your top as he lets go and his worry melts away. Your hands slide to his hips and your thumb rubs back and forth on his skin and where the edge of the band ends. Tilting your head slightly to the left, you deepen the kiss, pulling him in closer, his hand on your chest sliding up to rest on your shoulder and the other moving from your hair to your jaw.
You loved it when he was relaxed, wether it be at the mercy of your hands in bed or cuddling on the couch while a movie you two lost interest in a while ago plays in the background as you just stare at each other. You know how much work he does and when he's relaxed, you're relaxed.
A small whine escapes from his mouth into yours, a sign that says he needs air but doesn't want to pull away, he never wants to pull away, so you do what you always do and pull away first but not too far, Chan doesn't like you being too far away.
The both of you pant, taking small gasps of air that you both can feel blow on your lips as you catch your breath. "D-Do you...Like me...wearing them?" He asks with a small voice between gasps of air. "Do I ever." You replied with the same tone, hands sliding out from under his shirt to behind him, squatting down slightly as you grip his thighs below his ass before picking him up effortlessly, a small protest with a yelp comes from Chan before he settles with his legs around your waist and arms holding a bit tighter around your neck as your hands settle on his ass.
"I might just get you more, Hyung." Chan blushes, hiding his burning face in your neck like he always does when he realizes just how pliant he gets from his dongsaeng, his group member, but most importantly his boyfriend.
You carry him over to the bed, carefully, albeit a little roughly, putting him on the bed. The shirt riding up slightly and Chan goes to fix it before you grab his hands and move to lightly pin them next to his head, eyes once again trailing along his hips, looking at sight of the bands next to his v-line and repeatedly trailing the straps down to his waistband a couple times before bringing your gaze back to his eyes that have started to glaze over with anticipation and excitement.
You lean down, kissing him again before forcing your tongue between his plush red lips, he immediately opens them, and swiping your tongue over his before pulling back, his eyes now glazed with need and desire for more as you smile, one hand untangling from his to bring it up and lift his chin slightly with your pointer finger while your thumb rubs his red, spit covered, plush bottom lip.
"Don't worry, Hyung, I'll treat you with more if you like them so much. At the moment, let your dongsaeng treat you to something else." You smirk when he whines, head softly falling back as his body fully relaxed, his body at your mercy as you lean back down, relinking your hand with his as you kiss him again and your tongue tangles with his and claims it as yours.
![I Was Suddenly Inspired By This One Clip Of A Female Idol (I Don't Remember Who [Found Out It Was Yeji])](
Did...Did I just write a suggestive drabble? With a coherent plot? that also kinda turned me on again too? I kinda also want to do scenarios of how reader reacts to the other members but that might be too much for me.
I'm really proud of this. I'm also trying to get into writing for you, the reader, more often cause my character inserts aren't getting much love and I have an experimental theory that Male readers are a more popular read than character inserts. That's my own theory though.
What's a bit funny is that I thought of this while rereading @moonlightndaydreams Skz Family fic 😂 kind of unrelated but it's put me in a sort of mood that has me wanting to finish "More than Group Mates"
I'm sorry my first series ever hasn't been updated much, haven't really been in the mood to write smut or anything at all. I guess if I just type out my thoughts, the actions and scenes and what's happening come to me and my writers block is gone.
Anyway, I hope you like this. I do.
Okay bye. ✌🏼

His bed hasn't looked comfier than it did after a day with barely any breaks but he didn't want to stop, so instead of falling onto his bed, he sits at his desk.
Opening his laptop, the blinding light stings his eyes as he starts working again. Nothing exact, jumping from project to project but eventually, about an hour later, his focus is broken by a knock at his door and it opening a moment later.
"Chan, why you still up?" "O-oh, I...editing." He answered honestly as his manager, Mn, sighed and gave him a soft smile. "Don't stay up much longer." "I won't, Mn-nim"
When he left, Chan sighs and closes his laptop, the thought of the familiar comfort of his bed extremely tempting as he changed out of his clothes and got in bed, his soft comforter was warm and comfortable, surprisingly lulling him to sleep quickly.

"Good boy, Channie, that's it."
His body ran warm, squirming around his bed as he pants and whines, his blankets eventually end up off his body. Only being half awake, he didn't realize he had rolled onto his stomach and started grinding into the mattress, his noises completely ignored by himself. They were quiet, but someone in the living room heard.
Mn didn't mean to fall asleep at the boys dorm, he does have his own place but he only meant to stay an hour extra to make sure Jisung was okay since he had a cold. Mn sat up on the couch, leaning on his elbow as he tries to gauge if the noise he heard was worth checking or one of the boys was just using the bathroom. His tie askew and shirt unbuttoned at the first button, his hair ruffed up even more as he dragged his hand through his hair and rubbed his eyes to wake up a bit more.
When he heard a faint whine and cry, he sat up and made his way to the bedrooms, catching the sound from Chan's room. He must be having a nightmare, poor guy Mn thought as he cracked the door open, seeing Chan with his blankets thrown about and crying, nothing else, but when he stepped further in he heard Chan whimper his name followed by a moan, Shit was Mn's first thought as he flushed and turned around but he stopped. He felt wrong standing there, listening to his whimpers but Chan almost sounded in pain, desperate.
Mn sighs again, taking a deep breath before willing himself to ignore the noises and wake Chan up. He's their manager and he's always there to help, would it be wrong Chan?
It took a simple shake of his shoulder and the male woke up, gasping softly before he shot up and over to the other side of his bed as he pulled his blanket over him. "Hey, Chan, it's okay. Just me." "What-" Chan flushed and was suddenly aware of his soiled boxers and his painful hard on. "U-Um, W-What are you still doing here?" "Was making sure Jisung was okay but I ended up falling asleep on the couch. You...You sounded like you were having a nightmare, you okay?" Mn knew better but he didn't want to further embarrass the male. "Y-yeah, I'm fine."
Mn thought to just walk out and let Chan be but Chan sounded like he really needed this release. "Chan, outside of idol necessities, I help you and the boys whenever I can." He sat down on the edge of the bed, still leaving space between him and the other. "I know you weren't having a nightmare." "Mn-nim, I-I'm sorry, I-I know it's wrong-" "Hush, I was gonna offer to help you relax." "Y-you...r-really?" "Yeah. I'll go at your pace and whenever you say stop, I'll stop. No matter what."
Chan was desperate and honestly, he thought his manager was hot, like how is he a manager and not an idol or model?
He slides closer to Mn slowly. "Help me, sir, please." Mn nods, raising a hand to place it on the side of Chan's face and pull him closer, leaning in and placing his lips on Chan's plump ones. It was experimental, soft and gentle before Chan leaned forward more, the kiss becoming firmer as Chan's left hand reached out and gripped Mn's dress shirt.
Mn noticed Chan trying to get closer and moved his hand on Chan's face to his thigh, gripping it as he pulls it to have Chan straddle him, his other hand moving to the males other thigh as he draped his arms over Mn's shoulders. Mn slid his hands up Chan's thighs and held his hips, guiding him through a gentle rhythm over his lap and helping him grind down onto his lap.
"S-Sir, I-I need more, please. Please..." Chan said softly when he pulled back, panting over Mn's lips. "No need to beg, Channie, I'll give you more." He moved to put Chan on his back before settling between his legs, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt before taking off his tie and throwing it aside before going to remove his pants and shirt but Chan stopped him. "C-Can you keep this on for a little while?" Mn smiled. "Yeah." He answered before leaning down a capturing the males lips in a firm kiss again.
His right hand glides down his body, teasing his nipple before sliding further down, his touch leaving behind goosebumps with how light it is before the hand lightly strokes Chan through his boxers, causing him to moan into the kiss letting Mn slip his tongue past his lips, licking into his mouth and drawing more addictive noises from Chan, he wants to hear them out loud. Maybe another day, but he won't keep his hopes up.
His finger slips past Chan's waist band, tugging at it before pulling away from Chan to sit back. "Be quiet now." Chan nods with a whine as Mn lifts his hips up to pull his boxers down and off to toss them away, his following shortly after. "Please, I-I want to feel full, sir, please, it hurts." Chan pleads quietly as he reaches out for Mn. "Chan, I'm gonna have to stretch you first." "No, please, it hurts." Chan's dick was heavily leaking precum, the tip angry as it twitched on his stomach.
"Channie wants to cum?" "Yes, please, Sir. Hurts so much, I wanna cum." "But it'll hurt more it if I don't, baby. Just a little?" Chan whines, throwing his head back as he squirms under Mn. "Channie, be good will you? The faster I stretch you, the faster I can fuck you." The moan Chan was quick to muffle outdid any porn moan, the rest of it muffled into the back of his hand. "Like that, huh? Wanna be a good boy?" Chan nods with teary eyes as Mn's hand moved to Chan's mouth, replacing Chan's palm with his fingers.
"You're such a good boy, Channie. Always looking out for the boys and being the best leader ever, I'm honestly so proud of you, Channie, so proud." Chan keens at the praise, hips bucking up to find friction. "Settle, baby." Mn uses his left hand to hold Chan's hips down as he pulls his fingers from his mouth. His hand moves to Chan's hole, teasing it with his middle finger before pressing gently, soon enough being able to push his other finger in, scissoring Chan's hole gently while kissing along his neck.
"S-Sir, please..." Chan whispered desperately, hands gripping Mn's bicep and the pillow below his head. "Okay, Okay." He slowly pulled his fingers out, moving to stroke himself a little to use his own precum and remaining saliva over his cock before pressing his tip against his hole. "S-sir, k-kiss..." "hm, loud one, aren't you?" Mn teased before leaning down and kissing Chan deeply as he pushed into Chan. Immediately pulling a long moan out of Chan which Mn swallowed greedily, although he'd like to hear Chan's noises, he still accepted the muffled noises as he groans roughly into Chan's mouth in return at the male's tightness. Pulling back slightly, Chan's moans escape and Mn shushes him. "Channie, baby, need you to relax. You're a bit too tight to keep going, precious."
He leans his head back with a soft mewl as he tries to relax. The gentle stretch was intoxicating and he wanted more, breathing slowly and focusing on Mn kissing down his neck again and Mn gently squeezing and massaging his hips and waist. "That's it, Channie, thats it. You feel so good, so warm." Eventually, Mn was fully inside Chan, letting him adjust and coaxing him to slow his breathing. "Chan, slow down, I'm here, it's okay." Mn hovers over Chan, his left hand next to Chan's head as the other gently brushed through his hair, moving sweaty strands from his forehead before his hand rests on the side of Chan's face and his thumb rubs over his cheek.
"M-Move, Please, M-more..." Mn gently pulls back until just the tip is in Chan before thrusting back in, starting a slow pace. Mn grips Chan's thigh, squeezing it before moving it up to Chan's chest and doing the same to the other. The new angle let Mn fuck deeper into Chan as he leaned down to silence Chan with a firm kiss.
Mn pulled back and looked down to where he's connected to Chan, a breathy moan falling from his lip when Chan squeezes around him. He slows down, stopping when he's fully buried in Chan. "Fuck, you feel so good, Channie. So fucking good." "Please move again, please." Mn did so, leaning back down to kiss Chan again before he thrusted into Chan quickly, hitting his prostate constantly and pushing Chan further to the edge.
"S-sir, g-gonna...hng~ Please don't stop, g-gonna c-cum." "I won't stop, baby, don't worry." Mn reaches down and strokes Chan at the same pace as his thrusts. "Mn, c-cumming, ah!" A silent moan and Chan cums on Mn's hand and his own stomach. "Good boy, there you go~" Mn went to pull out when Chan gripped the collar of his shirt to pull him down. "Y-You have to cum. K-Keep going." "Chan-" "Please, I-I wanna feel full." "Want me to cum inside, huh? Wanna feel my cum fill your hole?" "Y-Yes, please." Mn began fucking into Chan again, overstimulating him but Chan loved the feeling, kissing Mn and clenching around him, wanting to push Mn over the edge. "Fuck, keep squeezing around me like that and I'll cum." "That's what I want, sir."
With another squeeze and a deep thrust, Mn fills Chan, coating his walls with small thrusts as he leans back, watching his cock sink impossibly further into Chan before he slowly pulls out, pumping himself a few time causing a few spurts of cum to coat his ass as the majority of his cum drips out of Chan's hole. He uses his thumb to scoop some cum up before inserting it into the tight ring, Chan jolting at the feeling and releasing a soft moan.
Mn snaps out of his daze and looks up to Chan's reddened face. "Will you let me go get a cleaning rag?" Mn asked, gesturing to Chan's legs wrapped around his waist. "No..." He said quietly before letting him go.
Mn stood, removing his shirt and blindly searching for his boxers before tiptoeing out of the room to the bathroom to get a warm rag. He cleans himself before heading back to the room only to be met with Hyunjin. "Mn-nim? Why are you still here?" He mutters sleepily, rubbing some sleep out of his eyes. "Um, was making sure Jisung was okay and I dozed off on the couch." "Why are you only in boxers?" "I-I only sleep with boxers?" "Whatever, I'm too tired and just need to pee." Hyunjin walked past him and into the bathroom as Mn exhales and walks back to Chan's room.
He crawled back into Chan's bed, gently cleaning him up before grabbing his boxers and sliding them back onto him. He covers him up, straightening the blanket out at the same time before leaning down and kissing his forehead before moving to collect his own clothes and go home before Chan grabbed his wrist. "Please stay, sir." Mn contemplates for a moment before sliding next to Chan under his blankets. Chan clung to Mn, burying his face into his neck and wrapping his arms around Mn's waist as Mn wrapped an arm around Chan's shoulders and waist.
A few minutes later, Chan's door opens and Mn turns his head to see who it was, Chan passed out already. "Mn-nim, if theres a next time, try a little harder to be quiet." Hyunjin whispers into the darkness before retreating and closing the door. Mn sighs with a smile before turning his head back to lay on the pillow, following Chan into the world of slumber shortly after.

Comments and feedback are appreciated, I hope you like this little blurb I thought of.
Inspired by this reel

Kneeling to the ground, Mn fisted the man's collar and pulled him closer. The man was cut up, bloody and bruised while being illuminated by a single light bulb in the dark, stone walled room.
The man whimpers, hands scrambling to hold onto Mn's fist as he shook his head, apologies spewing out of his mouth as he trembles. "Do you even know what you did?" The man's sputtering stops and his eyes widen. "N-No, Sir." A wicked grin slowly grows on Mn's face while he laughs darkly, tightening his hold and bringing the man closer. "You admitted, openly, online, that you were gonna harm one of my boyfriends and I will not tolerate that kind of behavior."
Mn threw him back down, standing up and walking to a nearby table to grab a knife while the man on the floor trembled and tried to back away into a corner before Mn came back over and stepped on his ankle, holding him in place while he yelped and whimpered. "Not so tough now, are you? All bark but no bite. Tell me...Why get to know my partners names and all that if you were just gonna turn into a dick and threaten to harm them?" "I-I don't know, Please don't hurt me! Please! I'm sorry!!"
Mn scowls, removing his foot before kneeling again, about to slice a mark into his arm before the metal door creaks open and his assistant walks in. "I said no calls." Mn says sternly as he turns to Daesung. "It's from..." He clears his throat before continuing. "It's from...Skijigi...sir." Mn stares at his assistant for a moment before sighing, tossing the knife next to the sasaeng, who flinched, before walking over to Daesung. "Deal with the problem, I'll be back later." Mn glared over his shoulder while Daesung nods, Kai takes his phone from the males hand and walks out of the room.
Mn clears his throat, collecting himself before lifting the phone to his ear. "Hello?" "Mn, where are you?! I told you filming started in two hours, now it starts in thirty minutes and you're not here yet!" The man on the other side said frantically. "Sorry, Sir, I'm on my way." "You better be."
Daesung walked out with the problem and took him to the back door before tossing him out, not caring that he falls onto the pavement and closing the door behind him. Daesung honestly admired his boss, being an idol along with being a hitman of sorts? That's impressive.
Mn took care of tasks that other people pay him to take care of as well as dealing with haters that want to harm his group and himself. He's been doing it for years, surprisingly even before he joined a k-pop group. His dad inspired him to take care of the bad people, he just brought his groups haters into the mix when he saw how bad it's gone over the years of being with them.
"Dae, I need to get going, can you clean the room up, go through the list of payers, and find anymore problem anti's?" "Yes, sir." "Thanks. I'll be back when I'll be back. As usual, if there's a high payer and I'm not back, you can do the job." "Yes, Sir."
Mn walked to the car, his driver getting up from his desk and walking to get the car ready. Mn wiped the small amount of blood off his face and hands with his handkerchief before straightening himself out as he stepped into the vehicle and the driver took off.
After a short ride, Mn arrived with time to spare. "Wait, sir, you have-" His driver couldn't finish as Mn shut the door and headed into the building. "...Blood in your hair..." The driver sighed before driving away to park.
The blonde hastily walked into the dressing room, quickly shedding his shirt and pants before getting into his outfit for the shoot. Their stylist wasn't in the room but the makeup artist walked in after hearing a commotion and sighed. "You're almost late." "Sorry, Noona." She shook her head, pointing to the chair so she can quickly do his makeup. "What did you get in your hair?" She reached up to get it out before Mn grabbed her wrist out of instinct before releasing her hand softly and grabbing a tissue. "I'll get it." He said as he tried his best to get it out of his blonde hair.
"You have a pink spot now, Mn-ssi..." She grabbed a wipe and handed it to him. The wipe got it out better then the tissue and he thanked her before running out of the room and dashing to the set.
"Finally!! We were starting to get worried!" His leader said as he jogged over to him and hugged him. "I'm here. Sorry for being so behind, time flew past me and I didn't realize." He kissed Chan's forehead before moving further onto the set with the others. "You're lucky, Ln." Their manager mutters as he walked by. "Okay, let's start."

After filming, Mn conversed with the boys as they were getting ready to go home when his phone rang. "Pardon me." He said as he stepped outside and down the hall, supposedly out of ear shot from everyone.
"Daesung, I told you not to call until I said it was okay to do so." "I'm sorry, sir, but there's a payer that requires your attention." "I left you in charge, didn't I?" "Yes, sir, but this hit comes from..." "From who, Sung?" "U-Um..." "Daesung! Who is this hit from that's so important you can't do it yourself?" Mn said sternly, tired of the younger males hesitance. "Your sister! It comes from your sister! I-I'm sorry, sir, I would've handled it if it was someone else but it's from Eunhee...She wants you to off her ex for cheating on her with three other women." He said, reading off the request that's on the screen in front of him.
Mn's groan morphed into a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment before glaring at the wall and saying in a low voice. "You must be telling me this because she payed high, how much is she giving?" "She's pre-payed ten thousand..." Mn groans. "Refund her and tell her I'll take care of it. Family matters are free." "Yes sir..." "Ask her if she wants slow or fast, Find her ex, take him, put him in the basement and I'll deal with him later." "Yes, Sir." "Thank you, Daesung. See you later." "Goodbye, sir." and with that, the call ends.
He turns around, looking down at his phone before he's being pulled and dragged further down hallway then being pushed into a closet.
Finally having a moment to look up, he sees a frazzled Jisung, tears in his eyes as he breath heavily and can't decided whether or not to look at Mn or look away. "Ji, what's wrong?" Mn went to touch him, calm him down but he jerks away. "Y-You...T-Tell me what you sa-said isn't tr-true..." Jisung held up Mn's other earbud and Mn's face and heart sank when he remembered he and Jisung were listening to music before he got the call. "Sungie, I-" "No! T-Tell me what you said isn't true! Tell me that whatever you said on that call wasn't true!" "Sungie, I-I'm sorry..." He lets out a sob, turning away from Mn while gripping his hair. "Sungie, listen to me-" "No! I won't! How could you not tell us?! Why are you keeping whatever this is a secret?! Why are you doing this in the first place?!"
"To protect people." "PROTECT?! You're killing normal people, how is that protecting?!" "I'm protecting the good people from the bad." "By killing?" "Sungie, I don't kill." "Then why did that Daesung person on the phone say your sister wanted you to off her ex?" "She knows that I protect but she doesn't know how. She knows that me and dad are and were hitman but she doesn't know to what extent. I don't kill like dad did, I just harm and threaten people." "Why though..." Han sobs, Kai desperately wants to comfort him but he knows Jisung doesn't want to until he gets answers.
"I believe that there's good in people and they can change for the better." "How long...have you been doing this? With your dad?" Mnsighs, loosely crossing his arms. "Since before I joined Stray Kids...twenty-seventeen..." Jisung lets out a choked sob and turns away again, leaning on the wall before sinking down and covering his face with his hands.
His breathing picked up, slowly becoming harder to intake air as his thoughts ran wild. "Han..." A sob racked his body before he dropped his hands and started pulling on the collar of his hoodie. "Ji..." Mn began to worry as he kneeled down, reaching out to the rapper only to be pushed away. "Sungie, you need to slow down, Jagiya, or you're gonna pass out." "N-No, G-Get a-away..." He said through gasps and Mn's heart breaks, tears gathering in his eyes, he never liked seeing Jisung like this and it hurt that he was being pushed away.
"Jisung, I'm trying to help you." "I-I d-don't w-want you-your he-help..." He shakily stood up, shoving Mn back before leaving the room. "Jisung, No!" He followed him out of the room before stopping, seeing him in Minho's arms and the others gathered around him, trying to figure out what happened.
"Mn, what happened?" Chan asked and Mn hesitated. "T-Tell them..." Jisung stuttered as he turned to him. "Tell them!!" He pushed and Mn's eyes watered. "Jisung, I'm sorry-" "NO! Just tell them!!" He cried before being shushed by Minho and told to calm down.
"What is insisting you tell us?" Chan asked, his worry and concern growing as he's never seen Jisung so upset and shaky.
"I-I'm..." Mn's breathing got heavier as he looked at all the boys he loved before sighing. "I-I'm...I'm a me to...harm their enemies or people that have done them wrong..." He looks down, ashamed at himself as he heard gasps from some of them, a sob from Jisung, and a yell from Chan, Minho, and Changbin.
The staff around them gasp as well but their manager sighs. "Mn..." He said, but he didn't sound angry or upset, it was almost a tone of disappointment. "You know what happens now..." Mn looked up and over to him as he began pleading. "No, please sir. We're in the middle of a comeback, I can't..." "I'm sorry, Mn, but you agreed that if they found out, you would leave." "Wait, what?" Chan steps forward, looking between the two. "Chan...When I first joined, my dad and I told JYP what him and I do and why we do it. He almost rejected me when we explained it was for good, it was to get rid of the bad people of the world and he hesitantly reconsidered and let me stay as long as no one else found out but if anyone did, I'd leave Stray Kids to protect all of you."
Mn couldn't handle Chan's teary gaze and looked at his feet. "I didn't expect to fall in love with all of you or get as close to all of you as I did. I knew that would making leaving more difficult but I still followed my heart and I started protecting you guys as well...I don't even have the guts to tell you how many anti's I've threatened after I found them publicly announcing they were gonna hurt you guys or starting fake rumors."
"How many?" Chan whispers and Kai sighs, closing his eyes and he shook his head. "I can't..." "How many?" "I don't...I don't remember the number...but I remember the people. The one that caused Jin's hiatus, the one that started the rumor that Lix self harms, the ones that called Bin overweight, the ones that called Minho mean and that he doesn't care, the ones that make fun of all of you, the ones that call you a bad leader..." He listed off, his rant being fueled by his heart as he starts crying for the boys he's grown to love deeply.
"I-If I was given the chance, I would've denied my father's request of taking his place but i had already started doing the job before he retired. I-I didn't want to let him down, he was all I had as I have no mom. I'm the older brother, I'm the eldest son, I couldn't quit." "Yes, you could've!" Chan yelled. "I couldn't! I wasn't given a choice! He said I take his spot or I'm disowned as a Ln. It sounds dumb but I couldn't leave! I wanted to but the more I continued, the more I kept telling myself that I'm getting rid of the bad people and I saw it as a good thing."
"But why didn't you stop at the beginning when you knew it was bad?" Mn sighs, looking to the ceiling before looking back down at his shoes. "I don't know...I wanted to continue protecting the good people that I didn't see how wrong it was..."
"I think..." Chan started before looking at the others then back to Mn. "I think you...should leave..." Kai's head shot up before panically stepping towards Chan who stepped back. "N-No, Channie, please...please don't kick me out, I'm sorry, please." "No." "P-Please, I'm sorry. I'll stop, I'll give the tasks to Daesung or my younger brother, I'll quit, please." "No...You should go." "I-I can't...not in the middle of a comeback..." "We'll figure something out but you should go." "Jagiya, please, I c-can't-" "Don't...And consider this a breakup...from all of us..." Mn gasps, his heart clenching as he looks to everyone else whose gazes advert from Mn, some crying in the arms of others or looking away with tears in their eyes. "No..." "We're done...Ln-Ssi..." That was the final straw as Mn's heart broke at Chan's formal tone. "Channie, No, Please..." "I suggest you leave before we get security..."
Mn gasps, panting as he looks at everyone while stepping back. None of them look at him, not even a glance as he grits his teeth and walks out of the room, running outside before he sees his driver and books it, opening the door, scaring his driver in the process, before he lets out a scream. Leaning forward, his forehead rests on the dashboard as he sobs, arms wrapping around himself, shaking in his spot as he lets it all out.
"Sir, what's wrong?" His driver worried. "I Lost them! I-I lost a-all of th-them just because I didn't wa-want to disappoint dad! I-I can't make it up to them, I-I'll never get them back!" He sits back, looking at his driver with red eyes, the driver could see how shattered he was just by looking into his eyes. "Oh, Sir..." He placed a hand on Mn's shoulder comfortingly.
Leaning back, he stares at the roof of the car, trying to slow his breathing as he thinks. "I-I have to get them back. I-I have to make this right." "But how, sir?" Mn takes deep breaths, his exhales heavier as he thinks about what to do. "Take me home. I have an idea."

"You what?!" "I quit." "You can't quit a family business, son." "Appa, I don't care. I quit. Disowned me, forget about me, I don't care. I prefer the life I had outside of this mess. I can't be without my boys, it hurts too much. I can't get it out of my head, the way they didn't even glance at me, the way Channie said Ln-ssi instead of our usual nicknames, it hurt, appa. It hurt so much it felt like my heart actually shattered and I died. I can't live without them now, appa."
The older Ln sighed, crossing his arms. "You're choosing them over family?" "Yes." He answered immediately. "They are my new priority, appa, I don't care if I loose respect, I need them." He sighed again, looking to the side before looking back to his son. "You know, quitting won't fix the damage you've done..." "It could be a start. I can feel at least one of them would want me back, at least." "It won't be that simple. You basically told them you're a paid killer." "I never killed them..." "What?" "I never killed them like you did. I harmed them, threatened them, then had Daesung take them out." He reveals, standing firm. "Really?" "Yes."
He stayed silent, he's never seen so much emotion in his sons eyes. His eyes danced over his sons figure, replacing the suit was a blue hoodie with the sleeves pulled over his hands with jeans and converse, a visual to the soft side he never knew Mn had. "Fine. You quit. You can keep in touch but don't come back if they reject you." "Yes, Appa. I understand." The elder hummed and nodded. "Go." He simply said and Mn was dashing out the door, desperate to get to the boys.
He knows telling them he quit out change anything but he can still try.

The door opened and Mn's hand shot out to stop it from slamming shut.
"I quit and abandoned my family, if that doesn't prove I love you all more than that stupid business, I don't know what else will prove it." He said in one breath without looking away from Chan.
"And if you reject me...I'll have nowhere else to go because my dad stays true to his words and won't let me come back home." He continued, his heart feeling like it was on a tight rope.
"I don't care about what he did anymore! I just want him back!" "Jagi, he's a terrible man. He's kept a huge secret from us after he promised to not keep any." "I don't care!! Didn't you see him before he left?! He looked shattered after Chan-hyung told him he can't be with us anymore!! I don't care about your guys' thought, I want Mn-Hyung back!!"
Chan sighs, head falling to stare at his feet as he leans his arm on the doorframe. "Um...Jeongin has been arguing with us since we got home..." He mutters, not entirely happy that this whole situation is happening.
"Can I see him?" Chan hesitated, an answer on the tip of his tongue before he gives in and looks over his shoulder. "Innie...Come here, please." "Why? You've already lectured me, I don't care what you have to say-" "Mn is here..." He interrupted his rant and the boy's face morphed from anger to shock as he ran over to the door, shoving Chan out of the way before jumping onto Mn, wrapping his legs and arms around his waist and neck, nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck as he cried. Mn's left arm went under him to hold the boy up and his right wraps around his lower back as he buries his face into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Innie..." "I don't care." "I'm not going back there, I promise...loosing all of you hurts more then being disowned, I should've left sooner..." He mutters, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he hugs him tighter.
Chan watches the two, tears threatening to fall as he thinks of his next words. He left his family for them...He chose them rather than staying with his family...that definitely says something.
"Come in..." Mn looks up, adjusting his hold on the boy in his arms. "What?" "I said come in." He repeated and stepped to the side.
Mn walked through the door, being greeted by neutral faces and saw confusion in some of their faces directed towards Chan.
He lifts Jeongin slightly, adjusting again so his right arm stays around his back and his left hand moves to his thigh. "We have to try and forgive him..." Chan says softly. "Why should we?" Minho snapped, crossing his arms. "He chose us over his family...if we don't, he has nowhere to go..." "I have a family but it's not them. You guys...are my family. I care about all of you more than I realized."
Minho's jaw sets, think it over. That's pretty thoughtful if he thinks about it, choosing loved ones over his family. Well, as he said, they're his family, He doesn't care about his actual family.
"I'll forgive him...but unlike Innie, he'll have to earn back my love..." Mn smiled lightly, a breathy laugh escaping as tears filled his eyes. "I'll do everything possible to make it up to you, any of you. Um, except Jeongin, apparently." He laughed, a few other cracked smiles and Mn realized Jeongin fell asleep, arms still tight around Mn's neck.
He kissed his head and squeezed him in a soft but tight hug as he looked up at the others. A few didn't have angry looks anymore but firm ones like Minho, it wasn't until he looked at all of them that he realized two were missing. "Um, Where's Ji and Lix?" Chan sighs. "Well...Jeongin isn't the only one that ended up missing you. Actually, we all missed you but they're the ones that got over the situation quicker."
"Can I see them?" "Sure, they're in Ji's room." He readjusted his hold on Jeongin, going to transfer him to Chan when he whines and holds on tighter. Mn sighs before just taking him to the room as well.
He opens the door quietly, closing it behind him before walking over to the bed where the sunshine twins laid holding each other, Mn's heart breaking at visible tear stains. With one hand, he managed to lift the blankets and lay Jeongin in front of Felix who was the little spoon with Han.
Felix's eyes flutter open at the movement. "Innie?" He mutters before his eyes focus further in the dark. "Mn!" He whispered excitedly, carefully maneuvering himself out of the cuddle pile to throw himself at Mn. "You're actually back." "Appa let me quit, I'm just glad Chan let me stay, I'd have nowhere else to go if he didn't." "We won't let you leave again, you hear? We got home and it felt so empty. We missed you." He leans back, kissing your cheek before burying his face back in Mn's neck. "Will you stay with us?" "Of course, Lixie."
Felix crawls to lay back in front of Han, pulling Jeongin into his arms before Mn slid under the covers behind him, pulling the covers up before wrapping his arms around Jeongin's middle and hugging tightly. He feels a hand on his which are on Jeongin's stomach and with Jeongin's between him and Felix, Felix's around IN's back, he assumed it was Han as he clasps his hand with Jisung's. "Welcome back, Hyung." Jisung mumbled sleepily. "Thank you, Sungie." He squeezed his hand before closing his eyes and falling asleep with his boys.
Chan is as delusional as us or something, I swear
This can be read as if you and Chan are together but can also be read as just a 9th member reader with Chan and Mn teasing each other.

The morning barely started and he could already hear Chan laughing to himself about something when you opened your door to finish getting ready for the day. You see him walk by and call out to him before he disappeared somewhere. “Chan?” “Yeah?” “What are you laughing about?” All he does is hand you his phone as he watches for your reaction.
A smile starts growing on your face as you read what he's been sending to stay so far. “You're breaking up with me?” “Yes- Wait, not you!” You laugh before handing his phone back to him with a shake of your head. “You…are ridiculous.” You chuckle. “Am not.” “Oh, you're not? You're the one breaking up with Stay.” “ooh, did you read this one?” He followed you to the couch and sat next to you while you took his phone. “You're seeing someone else?” You ask skeptically as you raise your brow at him. “Berry.” He said with his derpy little smile (:]) “Oh my god.” You throw your head back as you stand up again to find something to eat.
The little giggles didn't stop as he sat with you while you eat. You laugh to yourself at Chan messing with Stay. You glance over his shoulder and you can't help the chuckle that comes out. “Bad Chris or Nerdy Chris? What are you doing?” Chan sets his phone down and covers his face with his hands. “Mn!” “What? You're the one messing with Stay next to me, you're gonna be subjected to me being a bit nosy. And excuse me, ‘Sexy Chris is forbidden.’ Seriously?” “Not to you.” Shaking your head at his comment, You picked up his phone and he went to snatch it back but you held it away. You read how he convinces Stay to ‘break up’ with who they're seeing, wishing Stay a happy life if they don't, how he became just friends with Berry. “Chan, I say again, you're ridiculous.” “It's funny.” “Goofus.” You hand his phone back to him and this time you watch over his shoulder, watching this story he's built with Stay build.
When he starts stuttering to Stay, you start dying of either the hilarity of it all or the cringe. In the middle of watching, you had been texting one of the boys and proceeded to tell them about Chan’s antics.
When Chan sat his phone down and covered his face with a whine but a visible smile behind his hands, you pat his shoulder. “Mn! Help, what did I just do?!” “You did this to yourself, Hyung, can't help you.”
I have a short silly one I wrote in like 30 minutes before my dentist appointment O.o
He's such a derp but I love him
Can some1 make a fic of chan and male reader from the bbl chan just rehearsed😭😭 it got me laughing, crying and cringing all at once💀

𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘦𝘭𝘭...
Waah!: The boys reaction to realizing they yelled at you when you have past trauma with yelling.
Ya-hoo!: Mn in this had a "Military" childhood, Dad treated him like a soldier and was always yelling at him whether it be commands or verbal abuse.
Yay!: Is it obvious what I'm using to label the start of my fics? lol. Anyway, Waah! is the summary. Ya-hoo! is a brief explanation or backstory, and Yay! is authors note. I need a fourth character noise for Warnings...Oh yeah! will by warnings. (Also, if you haven't got it yet, Waluigi, Mario, Peach, Luigi)
Oh Yeah!: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Trauma Triggers, The boys are unintentional dicks, Hurt/Comfort, Injuries, mentions of Blood, British Cigarette slur in Changbin's,

𝓑𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷 (598 Words)
The door of your apartment slammed shut, making you jump. He knows to not slam doors but you put aside your slight annoyance for him forgetting when you hear him muttering. You shuffle out of your room and head to the living room where you can hear the mutters more clearly. Something about a missing track and being behind a day since they had to re-record some lines.
"Hey, Channie..." You said softly as you gently crossed your arms. You may be a strong tall boy (tm) now but Chan was starting to scare you a bit. "I-I got us food...Wasn't sure what your wanted but I got your fav-" "Mn, Just shut the fuck up!" He yelled, turning towards you. "I saw the damn food but if you payed attention to your damn phone, you would've known that I ate with the boys." "Ch-Chan...Stop. Now." Your voice wavered as your eyes began to water. "Who are you to tell me to stop?!"
The phrase made you flinch, the flash of your father about to hit you after you told him to stop yelling at your siblings made you stumble back into the wall, bumping into the side table, knocking over a vase that shatters as you slid down the wall, your hands coming up to cover your head as you beg your father to not hurt you.
The moment "Appa, No, please!" left your mouth, Chan's anger and stress from the day immediately went out the window when he realized what just happened. "Shit, Shit, Mn, I'm sorry." He swore he'd never raise his voice and seeing you like this, curled against the wall shaking, crushed his heart. "Mn, hey, jagi, can you hear me?" A sob is all he gets in reply and he sighs as tears build up in his eyes. His eyes catch the glass around your leg and he notices that you landed on some of the pieces, a few small blood patches on your sweats. He knows he needs to be gentle but he can't let them get worse as he kneels in front of you to try and move you off and away from the glass. You fight against him, your hands trying to help you crawl away but your right ends up in the glass and you cry in pain this time. "Ah, shit." Your eyes snap open to first see your hand, then the glass around you. "I-I'm sorry, I-I'll clean this up." You go to stand but Chan stops you. "No, No, N/n, let's patch you up first." "B-But I-I have to clean with the wounds...t-to be tougher." "Mn, babe, look at me." You do so slowly and finally meet his teary gaze. "Ch-Channie..." A new set of tears fall and Chan scoops you up the best he can to get you away from the mess.
"I'm so sorry, N/n. I didn't mean to yell at you, I know better, I shouldn't have taken my stress of the day out on you, I am unbelievably sorry." His hug was tight as he cried into your shoulder. "I promise I won't do that again, I promise to be more aware of how I'm feeling. I'll make it up to you, I'm sorry." You shake in his hold but slowly you melt into him, his faint cologne and tight grip calming you down as you wrap your arms around him as well. Although your leg and palm stung, you were grounded enough to know that both of you were comforting one another in that moment.

𝓛𝓮𝓮 𝓚𝓷𝓸𝔀 (950 Words)
Minho asked you a few days ago if you could meet him at his place so the two of you could finally spend time together after what felt like an eternity since the last time you saw each other.
You arrived a few minutes before him and hastily set out the food you brought, homemade from your sibling you visited a day prior. His cats surrounded you, watching you curiously as you get the food out. When you were done, you smiled at the cats before making your way into the living room and sat on the floor, Soonie crawled into your lap as Dori sat in front of you and Doongi was happily purring next to Dori as you pat his head and scratch his chin. Pausing your pets on the cat in your lap, you pull your phone out of your pocket to see if there's any updates from Minho. Five minutes ago is a message saying he's almost there and Fifteen minutes ago is a message asking if you could feed the babies for him. You're quick to remove Soonie from your lap and stand up, gathering their dishes and food when the door opens but you jump when it slams shut.
"Mn?" His tone was firm and you felt a little scared but kept in mind that he just came from either the studio or the dorms, he must've not had a good day. "In here!" You call out. "I brought my siblings home made Kimbap and Pajeon for dinner. I also picked up-" "Where's their food?" "O-Oh, it's right here." You smile gently when he reaches your line of sight. "I'm just filling Dori's-" "I sent that twenty minutes ago." "I-I know, and I have the bowls right here, just give me-" "Why didn't you do it when I texted you?" "M-Min, it's not a big deal. Look, I have their bowls." "Not a big deal? You're starving them." "Oh come on, Minnie, you're being overdramatic."
You kneel down and set the bowls near the cats before standing up and turning towards your boyfriend. "See? Now they're fed." You sassed, going to walk past him to go to your food when he blocked your path. "Minho, what is wrong with you?" You snapped. He suddenly grabbed your wrists and you whimpered at the tightness. The backbone you gained over time from your childhood was suddenly out the window as fear crept up your spine. "O-Ow, Min, you're hurting me." "I don't care. I asked you to do one simple task and you blew it off."
Tears gathered in your eyes as your thrown back to the one night you didn't do the dishes, too busy trying to finish an important, grade-on-the-line school project, and your dad came home to see the half filled sink. He had grabbed you, dragging you into the kitchen. You complained that he was hurting you and that phrase was uttered before he threw you in front of the sink, you had a bruise on your side for a week.
The tears finally fell as you squeezed your eyes shut. "M-Minho, please stop, I'm sorry I didn't feed them earlier." "Why are you crying? There's no need to be crying, you don't have a reason to cry." He shoved you backwards and you stumble into Soonie's food bowl, spilling his food as he jumps away as another memory flashes, your father said the same thing when you cried after seeing him shove your mother to the ground. You whimper quietly, stuttering as you shrink in on yourself. "I'm sorry, Appa, I'll do better, I'm sorry." Your eyes open to see the food at your feet and you silently kneel down onto both of your knees to clean your mess.
Minho was frozen, mulling over his thoughts before he sighs. He realized what happened, the night prior he slept at the dorms and was so happy he'll get to see you the next day but he had woken up with a nasty headache, fighting through the slight throb in his temples at practice and at the studio. This was his fault, twenty minutes really wasn't a big deal to get mad over but he was tired, annoyed, and in pain, he just wanted you and his babies and when he saw them without food, he just broke. He sighs as he gets on the floor with you, picking up the food with you. When all of it was back in the bowl, you suddenly picked it up and hastily walked back to the kitchen.
Minho's eyes followed you, watching you dump the bowl before pouring new food back into it. "Mn-ie..." He stood when you came back in. A gentle hand on your bicep, he takes the bowl, setting it down for the mewling cat at his feet before placing his other hand on your other arm to turn you towards him. "Jagiya, I'm sorry." He bends his knees to try and look at your eyes, tears gathering but not falling. He sighs again, standing up straight and wrapping his arms around you. He didn't say anything, he just cradled you, rubbing your back as you let the tears fall and soak his hoodie. You could tell he felt bad, gentle kisses placed on the top of your head and a couple on your cheek or hoodie-clad shoulder while he swayed the both of you gently. You take a step to try and push yourself further into his hold, wrapping your arms around his middle and his arms tighten around you. "I love you, Mn...I'm sorry." You sob into his shoulder, burying your face further into his shoulder. "L-Love you, M-Min..."

𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓫𝓲𝓷 (635 Words)
You knew Changbin had a bad gym day and you did everything to cheer him up and make him feel better. You made him your noodle recipe from your mom that he absolutely loves, you drew him a warm bath when he texted a small ‘Almost home’. You sent him a quick message saying you love him and can't wait to see him but he didn't reply. Today must've been really bad, hopefully your little set up in your dining room will make him happy.
When Changbin came home, you smiled, finishing up dinner before walking out of the kitchen to greet your boyfriend, but as soon as you reached the entryway of your home, the air shifted and you realized that your Binnie was in a really bad mood as you made your way to the front door. “Hey, Bin.” “Hey.” “I, um, I drew you a bath…a-and I made your favorite recipe from my mom for dinner. It's ready when you finish your bath.” “Thanks.”
You wring your hands together before taking a stuttery inhale. “Y-You okay, Bin? I-Is there anything I can do…for you?” “No, you can't do anything.” “Excuse me?” “You can't do anything.” “Binnie, you don't mean that.” You give a weary smile and hesitant chuckle. “You just might be stressed and tired-” “Now you're suddenly aware of how I’m feeling? How would you know how I’m feeling?” “Bin-” “Stop, just stop.”
He shoves past you, his built shoulder shoving you into the wall and your left hand lands on the wall to stop yourself from colliding with the wall as you turn and watch Changbin walk away. “Bin, hey-” “I just told you to stop! Like I said, you can't do anything, you can't even listen properly.” His voice was rising the more he spoke and he turned back to you, taking slow steps towards you.
“Changbin, stop taking to me like that.” Your eyes grew glossy as you tried to hold in your tears. “Why are you crying? You're so pathetic.” “Changbin!” “Don't yell at me, you don't have a reason to yell at me!” Suddenly he's grabbing your arm and pulling you from the front door entryway to push you into the livingroom. Unfortunately, you managed to trip over the corner of your rug and you landed on your side at the same time your head connected to the side of the coffee table. You yelp in pain, feeling as if you were fifteen again when your dad found out you had a boyfriend, furious that his son was a ‘Weak Fag’ and ‘pathetic’ as you collided with the wall next to the television.
The tears fell and you let out a sob as your head pounded. You reach up to your temple and pull your hand back to find some blood, looking back up to see Changbin still standing there, staring, still angry as if he didn't realize what he just did.
You got up with shaky legs and ran to the bathroom, aiming to patch your wound but the first thing you do is slide down the door with a sob and pull your phone out, calling the first contact that you manage to navigate to. Meanwhile, Changbin tossed his hands up when you ran to the bathroom, amused that you ran away from him, still not aware of what just happened.
A few minutes later, the still unlocked front door was pushed open and he got a small glimpse of Felix rushing to the bathroom before Chan was slamming the door closed and pushing Changbin against the wall. “What the fuck-” “What is wrong with you?!” “What?” “You know he has abuse trauma, why the fuck did you do it?” “What do you mean?” Suddenly, Chan slaps him, and gestures to the room. “Look around, Changbin.” There's a few blood droplets next to the coffee table, staining your messed up rug from when you tripped, Felix trying to get you to open the bathroom door, and on the dining table were dishes ready for dinner. What really brought Changbin to reality was the number two balloon and what looked like a custom banner saying “I love you, Binnie, Happy Two Years.”
Your guy's anniversary…
(I'm ending his here but if a pt.2/continuation is wanted, I'll get it to you :)...)

𝓗𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓳𝓲𝓷 (1083 words)
With the couple years you guys have been together, you had finally gained courage to suggest that Hyunjin moved in with you. Not like move in physically, he still lives with the boys at the dorm, I mean you let him claim your guest room to be another art studio for him. It was already your own little work space but you donated the bed, cleaned it up, reorganized, and got new furniture to surprise him with it for your one year anniversary.
Now, most of your home is covered in paintings that he's made. Either permanently or just to get it out of the room. He was with the boys when you were cleaning around, your last room of the day being the studio. You didn't do much, knowing how Hyunjin likes his things where he puts them, the most you did was put blank canvases together in the corner and put things back where you knew they belonged and knew your boy wasn't using the item anymore.
You were moving to your side of the studio when your foot slips slightly and you notice a brush of his. It was still usable but the handle was messy and slight warn and the bristles were beginning to fray. Looking at his desk, you see the other brushes which seem to be in the same state. You didn't think about it to much before smiling, biting your lip to keep the grin from spreading too wide before making your way to a set of drawers next to your desk, a collective catch all and your lucky that he's never opened the bottom drawer which contains new brushes. Black handles with a gold metal holding clean brown bristles, custom made with a little engravings on them. "Forever my prince" and "Hwang No.1". You've had them for a while, waiting for the right moment to give them since whenever you brought up the topic, he'd say the ones he has are still useful but it wasn't about just replacing his brushes, one of the brushes engravings was "Ln Hyunjin." You finally were going to propose.
You collected the old brushes and moved them to the long drawer on your desk to hide them, throw them away later. You then got an unoccupied small white vase and placed the brushes in like a bouquet before writing and small note, a simple 'Just because gift ~Mn <3' that you place next to the vase. You would've given them physically but you had some errands to run with your sibling, that's why you were cleaning, killing time.
After running errands, you came back and heard small muttering in the studio, smiling when you see his shoes before it falls when you see the slight disarray your living room was in. "Damn it, Mn, what did you do with them?" You heard him huff. What did you do? Walking down the hall, you see a few of your new brushes for him and your chest grows tight. "Jinnie?" "Mn! Where are my brushes?" "D-Didn't you see I got you new ones?" "I didn't need new ones, Mn! The ones I had are ones I'm use to." "So because you didn't want to try out the ones I bought you, you throw them on the floor?" "Mn, I didn't need new ones to begin with! If you listened to me, I wouldn't be yelling at you!"
"If you listened to me, I wouldn't have to punish you!" Your dad yelled a day after he said "Listen closely, you don't say a word about what I did to mom, I won't punish you for not cleaning the truck like I told you to do." The same day you gave in and begged your teacher that day at school to help save your family. You just wanted away from that man, you didn't want to be near him anymore but when the cops showed up, he lied, and when they left, let's just say you missed a week of school due to some bruises and your father didn't want to get caught. That's when you realized he only cared about himself and how people see him.
"I-I'm sorry...Y-You always get m-me gifts, I-I was just returning th-the favor..." "Well, you didn't have to. Now where are they?" "I-In m-my desk..." You suddenly felt like a little boy again, you felt small, confined, trapped. You wipe at your eyes with the bottom of your palm, sniffing as you watch him kick the other brushes away. "J-Jin?" "What?" He snapped. "I-I'm sorry, J-Jin-nim, I'm sorry." Chocking back a sob, you step back and run out of the room. "Jin-nim?" Hyunjin mutters to himself confused before his eyes widen, looking at the brushes before the ones in his hands clatter to the floor and he's chasing after you. You were forced to call your father Mister Jin.
Your shoes were missing and your front door was open. "Shit." He quickly slid his shoes on before running out the door. He could see you not that far away as he was quick to catch up to you, wrapping his arms around you to stop you from walking farther. "Mn, Muse, hold on." He turned you around to face him, a hand on the side of your face to gently guide your gaze up to him. "Mn, I'm sorry." "What?" You blinked a couple times before you realized it was Jin. Your Jin. "Hyunjin?" "Yeah, it's okay. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I didn't mean to get rational, I-I don't know what came over me, I should've just asked." "Y-You didn't even see the brushes...Did you?" "N-Not really...I-I really am sorry."
You reach a hand up to his, leaning into his touch before you remove his hand and walk back home. When you return, to pull him to the studio, picking up the fan brush with his name. "This is your last name." "I know." You pull him further into the studio but he stops to look at the other brushes as you move to your desk drawer, reaching to the back to pull out a ring.
You turn around, admiring Hyunjin for a moment before walking over to him, placing a gentle hand on his elbow to get him to look at you before smiling when his eye catches the ring instead. "Mn..." "I know you...just yelled at me and I have so many problems mine?"

Got carried away with Hyunjin's but I'm a writer who loves details but sorry this took so long. Ended up making this two parts cause I didn't know what to do for the maknae's cause my brain thinks they're too precious to hurt someone but I will think of something. For now, I hope you...enjoyed? It's kinda weird to say I hope you enjoyed this since it's a trauma fic 😬 N E WAYS, I just hope it's okay.
Tagging @lakee-jakee and @belladonna6-6-6 who commented on the original post of me asking if anyone wanted this. It do finally be done :)
"You guys are definitely cinnamon rolls, Jagi." You say randomly as one is walking around the room getting ready for bed, and the other is buried under the blankets next to you as he watches you scroll on your phone.
"Excuse me?" He smiles. "You're a cinnamon roll. Although, when Christopher comes out, you can kill..." "What's the punch line?" "Kill with that sexiness of yours." "Knew it." He mutters and Felix laughs as Chan flops on the bed on your unoccupied side. "I'm not the only Cinnama roll, though." "I'm sorry, say that again. Just cinnamon roll." "Cinnama roll." You giggle as you pull him into your arms and squeeze. "The way you say it is so adorable." "You making fun of me?" "Not at all."
You smile and you can't resist your intrusive thoughts when you lean forward and bite his cheek, your lips curved over your teeth so it's not a direct bite, making his smile widen further and he laughs and tries to escape your attacks. "I could actually eat you up, you guys are so adorable." You bite at his cheek again, causing him to giggle more as you hear Felix's sleepy giggles behind you and you flip over.
"Don't think you're getting out of this." You say as you wrap your arms around him and bite his cheek too the same way as you did to Chan's. "My sweeties." you coo as you bump your nose into Felix's before placing a soft kiss on it, pulling him in to nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck and half his body draped over yours as you lay on your back and pull Chan into your hold as well after he shut the lights out.
Your fingers comb through their hair, lengths that you hadn't stopped complimenting all day, and you smile when Chan places a kiss on your cheek and he intertwines his fingers with Felix's on your chest where your heart is.
With a final kiss on top of their heads, you fall into slumber with them.
Thought of this while going through the content they have been feeding us and it's so cute in my opinion. I love the way Chan was saying Cinnamon Roll.
Chan's fic (Jisung pt 2) I'm trying to get out by tomorrow now that my migraine is gone.
Day in a life doesn't have an eta like I thought it did as I stupidly realized two of the chapters I had written were in the wrong point of view.
I'm also working on an angst fic with Jeongin x maknae MR and a OT8 x MR smut or Lime but Chan is like the center point of it.
I find this absolutely fucking hilarious 🤣 The difference between what I'm writing and what I'm watching just kills me I can't.
Also a little sneak peak to Chan's fic. Since I had to rewrite the build of it, I am still way behind thanks to tumblr fucking refreshing and I lost what I wrote.

heheh Part two to my Jisung fic. OOH! I can also make fics of how Mn got into sleeping with the others if that interests you along with fics about...things that are hinted at in this fic.
Blog Tags: @binnies-binna <3 :) @heartbinn
Masterlist | Series Tag is "Sleeping Around by James"
Tags: No power specified but sub!chan/Dom!reader if you squint towards the end. Reader calls Chan Hyung/Hyungie/slut/cunt 🫢 cum swap, choking, blowjob/handjob(Mn receives), I seriously went on a tangent at the end so Chan is a bit 🤔 innocently provocative i guess idk, unprotected, fingering(Chan receives)

Still wearing a small grin while shaking your head, you look over to Jisung who was completely passed out. You sigh and walk back to the bed, picking up his boxers on your way, before throwing the sheet off him, dressing him then picking him up to lay him on the floor with a pillow temporarily while you rush to strip the bed and put fresh sheets on before picking the boy back up and putting him back on the bed.
You dress him in your hoodie from the floor after removing the flannel and tuck him under his blankets. With a kiss on his forehead, smiling when you hear him hum in his sleep with a smile before walking out, in just your underwear mind you, before walking down two doors. You didn't know if the other was still awake but you faked a cough in front of his door before going to your room to get a pair of sweats. You had a suspicion that they wouldn't last long on your body but you were cold and back in Jisung's room you didn't want to put jeans back on.
After getting the article of clothing, you walk back to Chan's door. You can barely see the purple lights under the door but no noise. Reaching for the knob, you turn it as smoothly and quietly as you could before being able to push it open to step inside. After closing it, you look at his desk, computer still open but asleep with a black screen, then you look to his bed. He's laying on his stomach, cuddling his pillow and his blanket was askew like he was covered laying on his back before rolling onto his front. You almost didn't want to disturb him, knowing how much all of you try to get Chan to sleep more, but the picture he sent lingered in your mind. It was so lewd and brave of Chan to send it to you, you didn't think he could do something like sending a post-nut picture to a friend.
On second thought...friend? I mean, y'all are friends but all of you know that you guys are sleeping with, at least, one other member. You and Jisung, Felix and Hyunjin, you almost coughed up a lung the day you found out about Minho and Seungmin that one day after practice. Though, you didn't blame Minho, Seungmin's sass that day almost had you wanting to fuck the brat out of him.
You were so zoned out you didn't even notice that Chan was now awake. In fact he now stood in front of you. When did he get out of bed?
"Mn?" His quiet voice brings you back to reality and your eyes meet his. "Hi, sorry." "Did you come in here for a reason or just to watch me sleep?" He smiled sleepily, his messy hair and droopy eyes just made you want to hold him close and cradle him. He looks so exhausted. "I had a reason but you look so sleepy." "I'm fine, what did you need?" He yawned into the back of his hand before he closed his eyes for a moment then leaned onto your shoulder. "Are you fine, Chan?" "Mmm, stay thinks so." "That's not what I meant and you know that." "Just tired is all." "Then I can come back another night." "Another night?"
He pulled his head off your shoulder to look up at you. You managed to beat Hyunjin's height, making you the tallest in the group by a couple inches and it makes you laugh when they all have to look up at you by just the smallest amount. "What was your reason?" He asks skeptically. "Well, in your photo, it seemed as though you still had a problem so I wanted to help." Your hands plant themselves on his waist gently as you rub your thumb along the soft material of his hoodie.
"Okay." "Okay?" "Yeah...but I don't want to do anything." "Tired?" He nods his head, your hands hold his waist tighter and its like that touch had him weak as he practically went limp in your hold. His arms move to wrap around your neck as yours wrap around his middle, raising his hoodie in the process to slip your hands underneath.
You were going to go further but the way he tightened his hold and buried his face in your neck, the furthest you went in the moment was wrapping your arms around him completely and squeezing, burying your face in his neck in return. After a couple seconds, you lift your head to rest your chin on his shoulder. "You sure you're up for it? Looks like you would rather cuddle." A whine is muffled into your neck but you hear a faint giggle as well. With a playful huff, you remove your arms from around him, bend your knees slightly, then grip his thighs to lift him up effortlessly causing him to gasp at the sudden action as you move to sit on his bed.
When settled, he shifted in your lap before pulling away from your neck, his forehead resting on your shoulder as he looks down. "You're hard?" "Um, yeah, we don't have to do anything though. We can just cuddle, it'll go away." He shook his head as if he couldn't let that happen, pulling away from you to move off your lap. "Hyung, you don't have to. Aren't you tired?" "I am but doesn't a lazy blow job sound good? You wanted to help take care of your Hyung but now let your Hyung take care of you." A pathetic whine rests at the back of your throat that you couldn't stop in time. He looked so soft and cozy while speaking such filth and your brain couldn't catch up as you instinctively scoot down the bed a little bit when Chan pulled your sweats down just enough.
He felt flushed suddenly as he sat back up and pressed his lips to yours, you gasped into the kiss as he wrapped his hand around you at the same time. You tilt your head with his as he climbs back onto your lap and slowly jerked you off. You hum against his lips before opening your own when he swiped his tongue over your bottom lip. You couldn't help yourself when you giggled and pulled back. "Thought you were giving me a blow job? Got shy?" "Shut up." You laugh again at his shy smile and kiss him again.
He picks up the speed of his hand, he wants to pull away and watch his handy work but kissing you was addicting and he didn't even want to pull back when his lungs burned but he did, moving to kiss along your neck.
To be honest, he knew the others starting messing around and he's kinda glad he sent you that photo.
You're also a lucky S.O.B as your the first member Chan sleeps with.
He kissed all over your neck and left marks, you were so lost in your hyung's soft lips and touch that you didn't think about it, didn't think about the fact that you guys have a fan meet the next day.
Suddenly he stops and you can't stop the whine that escapes. "Hyung, come on." You watch as he stands up and removes his sweats and your disappointment disappears. "Oh." "Don't miss the blow job now, do ya?" "U-Um, I- No, Not at all."
Chan went to sit on your lap but stopped. "I don't..." He hesitated, straddling your thighs as he glanced between his hands and your eyes. "It's okay. We don't have to go full out." "No, that's not the problem. I just...don't have lube...or anything." "Oh." "I think I'll be fine." "No, hold on, it's your first time." "Mn-" "Hyung, it'll hurt. Trust me, I was stupid and didn't use anything my first time and it hurt. Let me go get something." "Okay."
He got off you and you stood up, pulling your pants up before walking out of his room, quickly dashing to Jisung's room to grab the bottle only to remember that you finished that with him so you leave the room and make your way to Hyunjin's room, amused to see Felix in his bed before you went to the bedside table only to see the bottle on top of it. "You fucking kidding me?" You mutter exhaustedly to yourself when you see the empty bottle laying on its side before leaving and trying Minho. How the fuck can you not find any lube?
You almost bump into Minho somehow and he stumbles back. "What are you in a rush for? Shouldn't you be sleeping for tomorrow?" "I'm trying to do something with Chan. Do you have lube?" Minho's eyes widen before sighing. "Bottom drawer." He said as he pointed to his nightstand and left to go to the bathroom. "Thank you Min." You whispered gratefully but before you went in and he walked away completely, he pulled you back by your arm and reached up to kiss you. "You empty it, you owe me." "Was gonna by more anyway since Hyun and Ji are out." "That's not the only thing you owe." "You can ask for that anytime." You kiss him again, biting his bottom lip before pulling back and walk into his room.
Finally you walk back to Chan's room and surprisingly find him lying in his bed politely, his knees are pulled up and his hoodie pulled down as he fidgets with the strings of his hoodie. "Have I ever said that you're adorable, Hyung?" Your voice makes him jump as he watches you walk back to the bed, discard your sweats, and sit in front of him, hands rested on his knees. "Um, not that I can recall." "Well you are."
With a gentle movement, your thumb moves back and forth on his knee. "Had to get this from Minho and he has a point. You sure you want to do this? We have that thing tomorrow." "I'm sure." With a gentle smile, you carefully push his knees apart and lean forward to kiss him.
Chan's hands cradle your face, his sweater paws making him impossibly cuter. His hands moved to the back of your neck, pulling you closer as you tilt your head and slip your tongue between his lips. You try to pull back when your lungs burn but he pulls you right back. You pull back again but quickly move to his neck to stop him, your voice right next to his ear as a lighthearted giggle leaves you and you kiss behind his ear. "Mn..." He whines, laugh coming out of you this time. "I'm just trying to tell you that I'm gonna stretch you now. Thought you'd like a warning." "Oh."
You kiss all over his neck, you go to bite his neck under his ear, the same tactic you used on Jisung to distract him but he stopped you when your teeth grazed his skin. You groan, nipping at the place you were gonna bite before moving further down, pulling the collar of his hoodie down with your chin to bite the top of his pec as you finally slide a finger in.
Eventually you get two, then three fingers in him. He's whining, softly moaning against your shoulder as he holds onto you tightly. You adore that he's clingy, it is really adorable. "Mn..." "Yeah?" "C-Can you..." he trails off with a whine and you smile. "Can I what?" You push yourself up to look at his face, flushed red with plush, bitten lips and his eyes glassy. "...put it in...please?" How could you deny your precious hyung when he asks so nicely.
You remove your fingers, placing your hands on his thighs and guiding them to go around your waist before you brace yourself on your left hand. "Relax, Hyung, okay?" He nods, reaching up to cradle your face again to gently pull your gaze back to his when you looked down to watch what you were doing. "Hyung, hey, it's okay. What's wrong?" He started panicking slightly when you saw him crying, your free hand reaching up to cup the side of his face and graze your thumb over his cheek. He leans up, pressing his lips to yours suddenly and it wasn't messy as before, it was gentle yet firm, it almost made you dizzy with the amount of passion that was also given.
Chan pulled back, his eyes moving rapidly, almost gauging your reaction. "How..." He started before shaking his head. "Nevermind." "No, it's okay." Despite the soft moment, Chan still tried to go on. "It's nothing. Can you..." "Will you tell me if I put it in?" He thinks before hesitantly nodding his head. "Will you?" "Yes."
Giving him a quick kiss, you look back down, lining yourself up before pushing in. Once in place, you look back up, kissing along his neck and distracting him as you slowly push all the way in. Chan's left hand went from your neck to cover his mouth with the back of his hand, covering it but also letting some noises out. His moans and whimpers were noises you thought you'd never hear from him. "You sound so good, Hyung. So many others would love your noises too." You chuckled next to his ear. "Now, I won't move until you tell me what you were gonna say."
He hesitated, eyes closed adjusting to your size and the new feeling before opening his eyes again. "How..." "You can do it, come on." You kiss the corner of his mouth. "It's okay, Hyung. Whatever you say I won't judge, you know that." You mutter as you kiss along his jaw. "Who were the firsts?" You pull back, looking at Chan. "Me and Hyunjin." "After that, wh-when more of you started..." You smile gently. "Fucking?" "Uh, yeah...How did none of you not...catch feelings?" You smile fully, planting a big kiss on his lips as you reward him for asking his questions by pulling back and thrusting back in, drawing a moan out of him. "Who said we didn't?" You smirked in return as you slowly picked up speed.
Your thrusts got harder overtime and Chan's noises eventually got muffled by your lips, your tongue claiming his mouth as you swallow his noises. You're both lost in the pleasure --with you hitting that one good spot in Chan repeatedly and Chan's tightness surrounding you-- that neither of you truly process the fact that you started leaving marks along his neck. He thinks that you licking and sucking his neck is the best feeling, he also realizes how sensitive he is.
Since starting, you finally moved his hoodie, sliding your hand underneath. Chan's breath hitched, you've touched his abs before but not in this setting, your nails gently dragged over the skin, over the toned muscles of his body before your hand moves to his hip and squeezed then moved to squeeze his thigh. Your touch was gentle and it made him dizzy at the same time. "M-Maybe I should've- Oh shit~" He moans and arches up into you when your nails grazed his pelvic area, super sensitive and has him trying to move back into you.
He whines when you pull out before letting out a gasp of surprise when you got off him then pulled him onto your lap with ease. "I-I guess being Changbin's gym twin is true." That gets a laugh out of you as you grip his thighs, pulling him further up before moving your hand to his hip and one guiding yourself back into his tight hole then pulling him down to sit on your lap completely, fucking into him deeply with one thrust, hitting his prostate dead on. "Shit~" He moans, weakly draping his arms over your shoulders and leaning onto your shoulder. "So tight, Hyungie. You feel so fucking good." Whining, he begins moving on your lap, rocking his hips back and forth, getting use to the new position before he readjusts his legs straddling you to start gently riding you.
The new position seemed to have you reach deeper inside him, still hitting all the right spots and with how close he's sitting to you, his leaking tip making a mess of your toned stomach but the feeling of your bare skin on his dick felt good. Your hands move to his ass, squeezing before moving to his waist above his hips, an almost bruising grip on his sides has he helps him bounce.
One of your hands move to wrap around Chan, pumping him quickly then switching to slow strokes, rubbing your thumb over his tip then stroking him once with a tight fist before letting go when you reach the tip. "Fuck~ Y-You are- Shit, ah~" He couldn't even get a full sentence out. "So good~" He settles with and you chuckle. "Have I really fucked you dumb? I've barely done anything." You stop his bouncing, wrapping your arms around him as you sit up from leaning on his headboard before thrusting into him again, thrusting up into him at a fast pace. The moan he lets out is the first one he's let out freely, "Fuck~ G-Gonna- ah~" You thrusted deeper and faster, abusing the sensitive spot inside of him repeatedly and his dick rubbing on your abs, his pre-cum making the contact sticky and slick and with a particularly hard thrust and you sucking a mark under his ear, his cum stains your stomach and chest.
He moans freely next to your ear, you pull him flush against your lap as his cum gets on his hoodie as well. He rocks his hips back and forth, riding through his high as he revels in the pleasure and marks up your neck like you did his. His lips were so plush and soft against your neck, hot with every press, bite, lick, and suck. He was addicted to marking you as you were to him, the consequences of doing such is a problem for tomorrow.
He pants, his rocking slowing down as he moves to kiss you gently before pushing himself up and off your lap, a groan builds from your throat at the loss before Chan gently pulls you to the edge of the bed and gets on his knees. You see his intentions and lean back to get a pillow and put it in front of him. You'll have consequences for the hickeys, don't need any for Chan's knees being in pain and bruised.
When he got comfortable, he took your cock into his hand, it was oddly cold and it had you gasping out a curse as you spread your legs slightly to give him more room. He starts at a fast pace as he pushes himself up slightly. "Oh shit." You moan as you lean back onto your elbows as he cleans up his mess, licking all over your abs and licking up his own cum. When he got the majority of it, he sat back and showed you his spunk on his tongue. "Shit, you are so dirty, Hyung." Then you chuckle when you see a small flash in his eyes, taking him by surprise by grabbing his neck and squeezing slightly, eliciting a surprised gasp and small moan from him. Seeing your hyung like this, at your fingertips, drove you crazy. Yes, you had Minho in the same spot somehow but he was bratty while Chan obeyed you.
You lean down as Chan's strokes slow down to give him an open mouth kiss, tangling your tongue with his and mixing his cum with your spits, he moans at the whole action as you pull back, smirking when Chan keeps the mixture on his tongue. "Swallow, Channie-Hyung." He closes his mouth, swallowing all of it before opening his mouth again to show you. "You...are such a slut, Hyung, fuck." You grin as you kiss him again. "How would you feel about being called a good slut, huh? Cause you are." He moans as his hand almost subconsciously moves again to stroke you. "I wanna know what else that mouth does."
With that, you let go of his neck and lean back again as he moves forward and presses his lips to your tip. You thought his lips were soft on your neck but it's almost like they're softer as they trail down your shaft and back up to the tip before wrapping them around the tip. His tongue then swirls around the head, dipping into the slit, then taking you to the back of his throat. His reflex kicks in and that's when it hit you, how is he so fucking good for it being his first time?
Your dick was the first he's taken and his desire may have clouded reality but he still keeps going, focusing on the vein on his tongue as he tried to relax. You notice his attempt, combing your fingers through his fluffy hair in appreciation. You were about to tell him to breath through his nose if he wants to go further but he beat you to it, relaxing his throat and breathing through his nose before he went down on the rest of your length. "Shit~" Moaning, you grip his hair, drawing a moan from Chan who pulls back with a gasp. "Are- Shit, you sure I'm your first?" You ask, genuinely shocked that he could do that. "Yeah." He blushes, suddenly really shy when he realizes what he did. "Fuck, you're really good. So good." "I'm good?" He asks softly, contradicting his actions as he places your tip on his tongue, moving his hand away so its weight rests on it.
"You-" A laugh escapes as he smiles, mouth still open as he rests more of your length on his tongue. "You fucking cunt, you can't ask me that so innocently while you look like this." He chuckles before wrapping his lips around you again. "You're so good. Such a good cocksucker. Or do you want to be called a good boy? Is hyung a good boy?" He moans, looking up at you as he takes all of you down his throat again, hallowing his cheeks and swiping his tongue everywhere he could reach as he bobs his head. You were long enough that his throat constantly tightened around your tip whenever he swallowed the pooling amount of saliva, occasionally forgetting to cause the weight and feeling of your cock in his mouth was addicting which caused some spit to cover his chin and drip down your length.
"Fuck, Hyung, please don't stop. Gonna- Fuck, Gonna cum." He stops at your base, deep throating as he swallows around you. The feeling of his throat, his tongue, and just the main thought that your hyung is on his knees, swallowing your dick, had the coil inside you snapping quickly. He lifted his head, keeping the tip in his mouth as he took your load almost happily, moaning as it also shot to the back of his throat. "Oh, shit, hng~" You whine as you brush your hand through his hair, panting as you try to catch your breath.
Chan pulls off you, showing you your cum on his tongue. "Swallow." He whines, looking up at you desperately. "Oh my god." You shake your head, hand moving from his hair to his throat as you pull him up and kiss him, biting his tongue and bottom lip before pulling back, watching him swallow your load this time and then show you it's gone. "God...If he wasn't with Hyunjin earlier, Felix would've loved you." "Felix!?" He asked shocked, eyes widened as he stares up at you. "Yeah." You smirk, reaching down to take his hand in yours and pull him into the bed before you notice more cum on his hoodie.
"Did you cum again?" He looks down shyly as you pulled the soiled clothing off him and threw it on the floor. "Yeah..." "How can you be so shy and adorable but sexy as hell at the same time?" "I don't know what you mean." He plays innocent as you pull him onto your lap. "Oh really? Were you not just on your knees, grinning cock drunk with my tip on your tongue?" "You can't- Fucking cunt." You laugh as he buries his burning face in your neck and wraps his arms around your neck. You slide down the bed, getting under his blankets with him and laying on your sides. Chan curled up into you, your right arm around his shoulders and left around his waist as his hands are between your bodies.
Before you passed out, Chan taps your chest, you hum in return, eyes closed. "Can we spoon?" "Yeah." You mumble and are shocked to suddenly have his hand back on you. "Are you wanting to cock warm?" He nods as he flips to his other side, whimpering when you do enter before relaxing, your arms wrap around him, his hands resting on yours around him tightly when you pulled him further into you.
You'll regret the consequences for the hickeys later, the only thing you regret is not asking if he wanted to do something sooner.
Hours later, surprisingly seven hours later, you slowly wake up, long been slipped out of Chan who now lays on your chest, arms wrapped around your middle and yours wrapped around his shoulders and the other resting on your stomach.
You're trying to gauge what woke you up. Bathroom? Weird dream? Full nights rest?
With a grunt, you stretch lazily and attempt to open your eyes. They eventually flutter open and the first thing you see is Chan's door cracked open. A bit confused, you shrug it off, going to turn on your side to cuddle Chan when you process the weight on your lap.
If Chan is in your arms, then who-
Your eyes flutter open again to find the answer to the opened door.
"Holy shit." You mutter quietly, letting out a stuttery, soft moan when you finally feel a suffocating tightness around your length, thick thighs encasing yours and your body suddenly going warm as your eyes meet another set of boba eyes and a flushed face.
His hands slide from your pelvis up to your chest as he leans down slightly and you're still shocked speechless.
"Morning, Mn."

Oh my god, and I thought Jisung's cliff hanger was good, shit.
Obviously...I'm gonna do the next part.
Kinda digging myself a hole but I have an equal balance of what I'm writing, let's hope I can keep it balanced but if not, I'm gonna have to take a slight break from either Day in a life, drafts build up, cliffhanger continues, or posting in general.
I have adhd and I tend to have too many ideas and then I kind of overwhelm myself but ignore it and carry on.
If I can't carry on at some point, I hope y'all won't mind me taking a pause.
Besides that, Chan's part is done!! 🥳 Hope the wait was worth it. 😅

This photos of the Aussie's are so freaking adorable and I needed to write something. Chan looks adorable just resting on Felix's shoulder. 🥰 I'm also on a roll with Fluff and have been in a fluffy mood, smut will be posted later. lol, it's 4:20am, I started at 3:50. Honestly thought this took longer to write.
Blogs: @heartbinn
Tags: Tooth rotting fluff it's so cute, Mn says ILY to Chanlix for the first time, Mn deeply loves his Aussie's, rough airport descriptions cause I've never been in one (;-;), it's so fluffy it needs to be mentioned twice. Felix is called Pixie, Nn means nickname, Chan is called Channie.

The departure gate buzzed with the energy of travelers, the anticipation of new adventures looming in the air. Amidst the hustle and bustle, Stray Kids stood together, their camaraderie evident in the easy banter and shared laughter that echoed through the terminal.
Felix had his gaze fixed intently on the screen displaying flight information, Chan standing behind him, watching Felix's movements and muttering a few things which had Felix turn his head to hear the quiet words only to smile softly when he heard words of adoration.
You stood at another station, having just finished getting your ticket and you look up, smiling at Chan leaning on Felix before smiling cutely and waving when you catch Chan's eye, gaining a silent giggle, wide smile, and his adorable dimples. You see Felix possibly ask what he was laughing at and Chan points at you, you do the action again and gain another smile.
You three had formed an inseparable bond since you joined Stray Kids before the Five Star era and your connection deepened with each passing day, eventually they asked if you wanted to be with them and you couldn't believe they both liked you while you've been liking them since Stray Kid's third anniversary. You were also shocked knowing they were actually together.
As Felix navigated the ticketing process with practiced ease, Chan leaned over his shoulder again, a casual gesture that no one would think twice about but you knew Chan was resisting full on cuddling him at the ticket stand. You still stood a few steps away next to Changbin and you couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at the sight of your boyfriends.
You watched as Chan's eyes scanned the screen, his gaze lingering on Felix's actions with a mixture of fondness and admiration. Judging by how long they've been standing there, Felix was doing Chan's ticket as well, Chan's eyes scanned rapidly at his information.
A smile tugged at you lips as you observed the interaction between the two of them. Despite the chaos when entering the airport and the murmurs of fans keeping their distance, there was a sense of peace that settled over you just seeing the two. You also felt an abundance of love that's been with you since you woke up. You always loved it when they were barefaced and comfy.
Felix's laughter rang out, infectious and genuine, as he tilts his head back and leans it against Chan's for a moment before pulling back. Chan's gentle smile made you smile.
Feeling a sudden impulse, you interrupt Changbin gently, smiling apologetically as you excuse yourself but Changbin knows, he was watching you stare at the aussies the whole time he spoke but he couldn't help but smile at how you looked at the two.
You finally walk over to them, your movements quick but subtle as not to give away your need to be near your boys. As casual as possible, you positioned yourself behind Felix, peaking over his other shoulder, your right hand finding its place on Felix's waist, while your left hand took Chan's and pulled it to hide the sweet connection between you and Felix's back.
The touch was intimate yet innocuous. Felix, engrossed in the task at hand now that Chan wasn't distracting him, was unaware of your approach until he felt the weight and gentle squeeze of your hand against his side. A soft gasp escaped his lips, followed by a smile that lit up his face. Turning his head, he met Mn's gaze with a mixture of surprise and affection.
Chan, ever observant, caught the exchange out of the corner of his eye. A smile played at the corners of his lips as he turned to meet Mn's gaze. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a silent acknowledgment of your affection.
"What're you cuties laughing at?" You murmured quietly enough for them to hear and Chan giggles. "Changbin was talking to you but you looked like you were gonna melt into a puddle staring at us." He replied and you hide further behind the brim of your hat. "Was I thought obvious?" You ask as you lean against Felix's shoulder. "Yeah, just a little. Changbin was smiling though. I think he was amused, actually."
Felix finally stepped back and gave Chan his stuff. "Jeez, that wouldn't have taken so long if someone~ wasn't teasing~ me." Felix smiles at Chan who chuckles softly. "It's fine, I had Jisung distracting me before Minho took him away to get his stuff." You say.
What felt like forever later, away from fans, you all had to wait a short amount of time for your plane. Chan leaned on your shoulder while Felix scrolled on his phone, holding your hand. Occasionally, more like every thirty seconds, you kiss the top of Felix's head and he hums, squeezing your hand and nuzzles the tiniest bit into your shoulder each time.
Of course, on the flight, you got the middle seat and the two sat on either side of you. This time Felix sleeps on your shoulder and Chan is leaning on you. From what you can hear, most of the other boys are sleeping or quietly talking to one another.
"Channie?" He hums, looking up at you, all his attention on you and you smile. "I love you." Chan smiles widely, suddenly wide awake as he lets go of your hand, cradling your face then giving you a firm kiss on your lips as he giggles softly. Your first 'I love you' since beginning to date them and your first kiss with Chan. He pulls back, giddy as ever as he bumps his nose against yours. "You're so cute. I love you, too, Nn."
Your body subconsciously turned when Chan grabbed your face and Felix sits up. "What?" He asked sleepily and you look over to him, laughing softly. "I love you, Pixie." "Pixie?" Felix mumbles before nuzzling into your shoulder, you notice a light blush cover his freckles as he coos but it sounds more like a whine. "Pixie~" He hums, bringing his head back up and you place a gentle kiss on his lips, he eyes are wide open when you pull away, seeming to be fully awake now.
"You-" "I love you..." You smile shyly and Felix squeals quietly, leaning forward to bury his face in your neck while giggling. "I love you, too, Hyung." He mumbles and you feel him smile into your neck.
"Flight attendant." Chan mutters and Felix pulls back but the both of them don't let go of your hands.
When you land and all nine of you are out of the public eye, Chan and Felix are giving you a couple kisses and hugs. The boys are shocked at the new affection but surprisingly are very happy. Being the silly boys they are, they cheer for you guys and you cover your burning face which Minho calls a cherry.
You felt so much love for them that you were absolutely sure with telling them in that moment. A moment that was never forgotten.
Here's a sneak peak of the master list I'm making plus a couple master list title leaks. Third one might be obvious but oh well. 😏

I just realized I haven't written for seungmin. Like a haven't given him his own fic and I wanna do something for him.
Besides seungmin, send me idea in general 😩 I wanna write things you can't seem to find enough of.
Anyway, I have a headache and really tired but I'm gonna try and finish at least Changbin's chapter from what I'm calling "Sleeping Around."
Chan in his compression shirt...y'know the one from TMA two years ago...with the harness 🫠 Or y'know him in compression shirts anyway. Here's a little blurb that's just me being obsessed with Chan 😅
Chan gets shy when he shows his abs but then there's you just...i dunno...casually walking up behind him when he's performing in a compression shirt and at first you just hug him from behind cause it's your favorite thing to do but Chan knows your true motive before you even do it, your hands gliding over his waist before they move up to squeeze his pecks then run away and hide behind another member as a joke before he can retaliate.
He knows you do it cause it's silly and Stay finds it funny too whenever it happens but he also knows that you know his chest is sensitive. Especially after a night of your vicious attacks and bites on his soft skin.
Speaking of his soft skin, you're addicted. If you could, you'd mark him everywhere, his thighs are also sensitive. If you know what he's wearing the next day, you mark him accordingly. Whenever you guys are given time to go see families, there's a couple times Chan invited you to go with him to his family and they know about you two and don't question the one morning Chan's neck is covered in bites, although Hannah voices her disgust at see the bites and knowing how they happened. You both tried to not do anything but after forever at restraining, you couldn't help but mark your favorite places on his neck and he loved it. You both loved giving/receiving neck bites as he couldn't leave you out, he loves marking your neck as much as you love marking his.
Ugh, Chan...How can a man be so stinking cute and tiny and adorable and precious at the same time as being attractive and hot 😩😭
I'm okay, I swear, it's just I'm fighting my melatonin cause I don't want to sleep yet and my delulu is kicking in. I just love Chan 😅

oh? OH? 👀 🫢
Part two
Blogs: @heartbinn
Tags: Angst, my first hurt/no comfort cause I have a soft heart and could never go through with it, Chan is the one not getting comfort, Members forget Mn, Made the manager...attached to Mn? He's just as sad to see you go.
Lmk if any other tags are needed. Feedback and comments are welcome, it makes me so happy seeing how you thought of my writings.

You realized something was off when you were 'forgotten' for the second live stream in a row. You don't know when it happened. How it started. You just started noticing more and more that you were being left out.
"Sorry, Mn, I thought you were busy. Didn't think to invite you." They always thought you were busy.
"Hectic schedule, I'm sorry." You guys have the same schedule, that's not an excuse.
"I'm sorry, Jagi, I thought that was tomorrow." Even Chan forgot things.
You never use to be like this. You were all once connected, always talking, always hanging out when there was time. They listened to your feedback, they agreed with your inputs, and when they needed, they'd go to you for comfort.
Now it's like you're a ghost. Present but not visible. You look like a deer caught in headlights when they talk about stuff that you haven't been caught up on. There was one time in the choreography that you were to catch one of the boys and you stood around aimlessly and ended up getting yelled at. You yelled right back because they never tell you anything and you didn't know you had to catch one of them. It wasn't fair!
"Mn, you could've hurt Jeongin! Why didn't you catch him?!" "How could I have caught him if I didn't know that was the next move! You guys don't tell me anything anymore!" "Yeah we do!" "Christopher, Don't lie! You are doing it too!" "Mn!" You didn't care that you disrespected him and used his full first name. You were annoyed.
Your breaking point was two things. The first was when you had to find out about an upcoming album through your manager. He had sent you a preview photo of the album cover and you flew into a panic attack. New Album? When? How? They decided on things without you? You're apart of the group too, how could they not have realized you weren't there?!
The second was when you were waiting...and waiting...and waiting in Chan's room. He had promised a movie night for your anniversary and yet four hours later than when he promised, he still wasn't there. You just left his room, red eyed and absolutely pissed. That night, he didn't even check on you when he came home.
It took a couple days but you had officially left Stray Kids. You couldn't take the neglect anymore, it was unfair, uncalled for. Your manager was sad to see you go but he understood, even he noticed the others neglect but it seemed that when he told them off it went through one ear and out the other.
You packed at night, taking about half an hour to debate if you wanted to take memories of being in the group but instead you just took down the photos of you and the boys and cut yourself out, leaving just the boys along with the few albums and photo cards you kept on your desk, throwing the pieces of you in the waste bin underneath.
Tears streamed down your face as you packed your suitcase. Midway, your realized you folded the two hoodies Chan gave you. You lay one on your bed but decide to keep the white one as you zip up your luggage and start packing your other one.
Leaving in the cover of night let you leave without seeing their faces, without seeing possible confusion or pity pleads to have you stay. In the days it took to be out of the group, you also managed to get accepted into another company. You would've stayed at JYPE if it didn't mean you'd still see the boys that once brought you joy, if you stayed you'd have to put up with them trying to talk you back into the group. You just can't seem to trust them anymore.
You ex-manager was nice enough to take you to your home where you're staying until you can properly integrate into your new company, possibly into a new group. You heard that the company knew you and would be helping you to try and join a group or even help you become a soloist.
That morning, the boys went on with their lives, completely oblivious. It wasn't until after practice and recording that they were finishing up and getting ready to leave the room they gathered in to discuss the album when Chan looked around and finally noticed. "Wait...Where's Mn?" Their manager looked at Chan and the others before sighing. "Really? Haven't I yelled at all of you to stop ignoring him? It took you almost all day to realize?" Your manager felt really bad for what they were doing to you so he did get a bit heated.
"What do you mean?" The manager sighs before guiding the boys out. "Let's get to the dorms." Is all he says. When they get there, the manager makes them sit on the couch, hands on his hips. "Have any of you really realized that you were excluding Mn? I asked him about the album cover and he told me that he didn't even know a comeback was planned to happen. He also told me that you yelled at him for almost dropping Jeongin but you guys never told him or showed him the choreo, how could he have caught him if he didn't even know what was going on?"
With a deep sigh, the manager looks down at the floor before delivering the news. "Mn signed out four days ago..." He looks back up to the boys, staring at him wide eyed. "What?" "He's gone, Chan. I took him home last night." "W-Well, we'll see him at the company at some point right? So he's not-" "He's moving to KQ. He thought that if he stayed at JYPE you guys would stop him at any opportunity to try and get him back. They're already looking to either put him in a group or help him be a soloist." Han was the first to move, running past the manager to run to your room.
The others hear him cry out a moment later then return with your cut photos in his hands. "He's gone..." A few others run to see it for themselves as Han drops the cut photos next to Chan and slides down the nearby wall to cry into his hands.
Chan picked up one of the photos. A picture of you and him, a selfie with him hugging you from behind with his chin on your shoulder. He remembered the negative space where you were, you had your head turned, looked at him with so much love and a bright smile that matched his.
"I'm sorry, Chan...but he was tired of being just a shadow. I wanted him to reconsider but I saw everything and I knew it would be worthless." He saw in the corner of his eyes some members trying to call you only to huff when they got your voicemail.

Years later, they still felt hallow. They were happy and working well but they still felt empty. They know you've blocked them but they still texted you or tried to call you even after this long.
Telling Stay was really hard, they just told them it was for mental health issues but some Stays also noticed the neglect and pieced it together, especially when some fans noticed you in another group.
They were backstage getting ready to preform at the award ceremony the main title from their new album, decked in pirate like outfits with layers and accessories but still dressed a minimum amount to be able to dance.
Chan was helping Felix with his headset when Felix caught something out of the corner of his eye. "Mn!" His eyes widen as a smile took over his dropped jaw and the others turn in the direction Felix is looking. You stop hearing your name, turning to see who it was only to stare at the group of boys unmoving. Felix's hand hesitated before waving at you with a gentle smile.
It's been so long that you were honestly thrown off by how much they've grown and how handsome they've become. You see Jeongin smile at you and you notice his braces are gone, Hyunjin has grown his hair out along with Felix. These little details are forgotten the moment you feel a hand on the side of your face and you turn back around. "Hey." You smile, Seonghwa completely taking your attention as you watch him smile in return, your hands resting on his waist. "Come on, Jagiya. We've been waiting for you." He says, leaning forward to give you a quick peck but you pull him back to you for a slightly longer kiss before you take his hand and he takes you back to the table.
You heard their gasp when you kissed Seonghwa but honestly, you didn't care. You were seen in Ateez, heard and included way more than you ended up becoming in Stray Kids.
Chan's heart was crushed, he honestly had hope that you guys could talk it out but also knew there was no way but he still hoped. His tears blurred his vision as he let a sob left him, he tried not to let them fall, he had to go on stage soon, but it hurt. He had lost not just a member but someone he actually truly loved. He didn't mean to forget him, he didn't mean to push him away. The regret of not realizing sooner still weighed heavily on his shoulders after this long.
The way you held Seonghwa was the same way you'd hold him. The smile and shine in your eye you gave the other idol was the same you'd give to him, the same one in the taped photo that still remains on his desk after he found the other half. The members also have the other photos, taped as well and put on the fridge.
What crushed Chan the most in that moment?
You didn't look back as Seonghwa took you away.

pssst, I would write more Ateez but I don't fully know their dynamics and personalities completely so I'll probably just insert them like I did in this fic 😁
Not sure how I could make a part two but I can try. Was gonna leave it angsty 😂
Leave suggestions for how this should end cause I'm drawing a blank :P Could either be reader making up with Chan or something else. I'm genuinely not sure 😅
Or I could try to write Seonghwa comforting reader who's still processing the fact that he saw Stray Kids after years apart. I don't know.
I could leave it angsty but now I'm invested so I need ideas. 😄

oh? OH? 👀 🫢
Blogs: @heartbinn
Tags: Angst, my first hurt/no comfort cause I have a soft heart and could never go through with it, Chan is the one not getting comfort, Members forget Mn, Made the manager...attached to Mn? He's just as sad to see you go.
Lmk if any other tags are needed. Feedback and comments are welcome, it makes me so happy seeing how you thought of my writings.

You realized something was off when you were 'forgotten' for the second live stream in a row. You don't know when it happened. How it started. You just started noticing more and more that you were being left out.
"Sorry, Mn, I thought you were busy. Didn't think to invite you." They always thought you were busy.
"Hectic schedule, I'm sorry." You guys have the same schedule, that's not an excuse.
"I'm sorry, Jagi, I thought that was tomorrow." Even Chan forgot things.
You never use to be like this. You were all once connected, always talking, always hanging out when there was time. They listened to your feedback, they agreed with your inputs, and when they needed, they'd go to you for comfort.
Now it's like you're a ghost. Present but not visible. You look like a deer caught in headlights when they talk about stuff that you haven't been caught up on. There was one time in the choreography that you were to catch one of the boys and you stood around aimlessly and ended up getting yelled at. You yelled right back because they never tell you anything and you didn't know you had to catch one of them. It wasn't fair!
"Mn, you could've hurt Jeongin! Why didn't you catch him?!" "How could I have caught him if I didn't know that was the next move! You guys don't tell me anything anymore!" "Yeah we do!" "Christopher, Don't lie! You are doing it too!" "Mn!" You didn't care that you disrespected him and used his full first name. You were annoyed.
Your breaking point was two things. The first was when you had to find out about an upcoming album through your manager. He had sent you a preview photo of the album cover and you flew into a panic attack. New Album? When? How? They decided on things without you? You're apart of the group too, how could they not have realized you weren't there?!
The second was when you were waiting...and waiting...and waiting in Chan's room. He had promised a movie night for your anniversary and yet four hours later than when he promised, he still wasn't there. You just left his room, red eyed and absolutely pissed. That night, he didn't even check on you when he came home.
It took a couple days but you had officially left Stray Kids. You couldn't take the neglect anymore, it was unfair, uncalled for. Your manager was sad to see you go but he understood, even he noticed the others neglect but it seemed that when he told them off it went through one ear and out the other.
You packed at night, taking about half an hour to debate if you wanted to take memories of being in the group but instead you just took down the photos of you and the boys and cut yourself out, leaving just the boys along with the few albums and photo cards you kept on your desk, throwing the pieces of you in the waste bin underneath.
Tears streamed down your face as you packed your suitcase. Midway, your realized you folded the two hoodies Chan gave you. You lay one on your bed but decide to keep the white one as you zip up your luggage and start packing your other one.
Leaving in the cover of night let you leave without seeing their faces, without seeing possible confusion or pity pleads to have you stay. In the days it took to be out of the group, you also managed to get accepted into another company. You would've stayed at JYPE if it didn't mean you'd still see the boys that once brought you joy, if you stayed you'd have to put up with them trying to talk you back into the group. You just can't seem to trust them anymore.
You ex-manager was nice enough to take you to your home where you're staying until you can properly integrate into your new company, possibly into a new group. You heard that the company knew you and would be helping you to try and join a group or even help you become a soloist.
That morning, the boys went on with their lives, completely oblivious. It wasn't until after practice and recording that they were finishing up and getting ready to leave the room they gathered in to discuss the album when Chan looked around and finally noticed. "Wait...Where's Mn?" Their manager looked at Chan and the others before sighing. "Really? Haven't I yelled at all of you to stop ignoring him? It took you almost all day to realize?" Your manager felt really bad for what they were doing to you so he did get a bit heated.
"What do you mean?" The manager sighs before guiding the boys out. "Let's get to the dorms." Is all he says. When they get there, the manager makes them sit on the couch, hands on his hips. "Have any of you really realized that you were excluding Mn? I asked him about the album cover and he told me that he didn't even know a comeback was planned to happen. He also told me that you yelled at him for almost dropping Jeongin but you guys never told him or showed him the choreo, how could he have caught him if he didn't even know what was going on?"
With a deep sigh, the manager looks down at the floor before delivering the news. "Mn signed out four days ago..." He looks back up to the boys, staring at him wide eyed. "What?" "He's gone, Chan. I took him home last night." "W-Well, we'll see him at the company at some point right? So he's not-" "He's moving to KQ. He thought that if he stayed at JYPE you guys would stop him at any opportunity to try and get him back. They're already looking to either put him in a group or help him be a soloist." Han was the first to move, running past the manager to run to your room.
The others hear him cry out a moment later then return with your cut photos in his hands. "He's gone..." A few others run to see it for themselves as Han drops the cut photos next to Chan and slides down the nearby wall to cry into his hands.
Chan picked up one of the photos. A picture of you and him, a selfie with him hugging you from behind with his chin on your shoulder. He remembered the negative space where you were, you had your head turned, looked at him with so much love and a bright smile that matched his.
"I'm sorry, Chan...but he was tired of being just a shadow. I wanted him to reconsider but I saw everything and I knew it would be worthless." He saw in the corner of his eyes some members trying to call you only to huff when they got your voicemail.

Years later, they still felt hallow. They were happy and working well but they still felt empty. They know you've blocked them but they still texted you or tried to call you even after this long.
Telling Stay was really hard, they just told them it was for mental health issues but some Stays also noticed the neglect and pieced it together, especially when some fans noticed you in another group.
They were backstage getting ready to preform at the award ceremony the main title from their new album, decked in pirate like outfits with layers and accessories but still dressed a minimum amount to be able to dance.
Chan was helping Felix with his headset when Felix caught something out of the corner of his eye. "Mn!" His eyes widen as a smile took over his dropped jaw and the others turn in the direction Felix is looking. You stop hearing your name, turning to see who it was only to stare at the group of boys unmoving. Felix's hand hesitated before waving at you with a gentle smile.
It's been so long that you were honestly thrown off by how much they've grown and how handsome they've become. You see Jeongin smile at you and you notice his braces are gone, Hyunjin has grown his hair out along with Felix. These little details are forgotten the moment you feel a hand on the side of your face and you turn back around. "Hey." You smile, Seonghwa completely taking your attention as you watch him smile in return, your hands resting on his waist. "Come on, Jagiya. We've been waiting for you." He says, leaning forward to give you a quick peck but you pull him back to you for a slightly longer kiss before you take his hand and he takes you back to the table.
You heard their gasp when you kissed Seonghwa but honestly, you didn't care. You were seen in Ateez, heard and included way more than you ended up becoming in Stray Kids.
Chan's heart was crushed, he honestly had hope that you guys could talk it out but also knew there was no way but he still hoped. His tears blurred his vision as he let a sob left him, he tried not to let them fall, he had to go on stage soon, but it hurt. He had lost not just a member but someone he actually truly loved. He didn't mean to forget him, he didn't mean to push him away. The regret of not realizing sooner still weighed heavily on his shoulders after this long.
The way you held Seonghwa was the same way you'd hold him. The smile and shine in your eye you gave the other idol was the same you'd give to him, the same one in the taped photo that still remains on his desk after he found the other half. The members also have the other photos, taped as well and put on the fridge.
What crushed Chan the most in that moment?
You didn't look back as Seonghwa took you away.

pssst, I would write more Ateez but I don't fully know their dynamics and personalities completely so I'll probably just insert them like I did in this fic 😁

Part one
Sections: Joining Ateez, Chan sees you've debuted again, Growing closer to Seonghwa, You plague Chan's feed, What happened after the end of Pt. 1/ You talk to Skz
Blogs: @heartbinn | @leezanetheofficial @belladonna6-6-6 @aygotnobitches who suggested some ideas to me which helped me make this.
Tags: Angst, fluff, Mn and SKZ make up, mention of a Sasaeng, Mn gets cut, idk what else to put here, Skz are like super regretful for what they did, Chan finds out your taken?, Seonghwa is protective over you in the airport part. That's all, i think.

(Joining Ateez)
Awkwardly shuffling on your feet, you eyes darting everywhere as you wait. A few weird glances were thrown at you. Did you wear something bad? Just converse, baggy jeans, and a light blue hoodie, a beanie also fit snug on your head.
You haven't felt this nervous since...since Chan brought you to meet the other boys he picked.
"Mn?" Looking to your left, you were expecting your new manager but instead were met with Hongjoong. "O-Oh, h-hi. I thought...I'm sorry." "It's okay. He ended up having to take care of something but I hope it's okay that I'm here instead to help you." "Of course it's okay, I-I'm just...a bit nervous. I...I haven't felt this way in a while." You kept it simple, didn't want to give too much information.
"Real quick, um, I wasn't told anything. Was just told that you'd be in the lobby." "I'm debuting aga- debuting with a group called Ateez, i think that's the name." "Yeah, it is! I'm the leader. Come on, I can introduce you to the others." "Wait, um, the last group I was in...well, they began excluding me, actually. Y-You seem really nice I just might take awhile to adjust." "That's okay." He smiled at you, it was so nice and genuine that you couldn't help but smile back and continue walking.
Meeting them was awkward and your aura must've been unwelcoming as Hongjoong introduced you, you could see the others were unsure but Hongjoong rested a hand gently on your arm and gave a little nod. You relax, exhaling slowly after taking a deep breath. "Sorry...I-I didn't mean to make any of you uncomfortable. I just left a...bad environment and I'm still adjusting. I'm really sorry." You bow deeply before standing up again.
"Let's do some ice breakers, yeah?" Hongjoong suggested and you nod as the others vocalized.

(Chan finds out you debuted again.)
He and the boys were crushed that you left. The sunshine twins wouldn't leave your room and Chan had found your cut outs in the trash and taped everything back up.
He was the one to call you the most, second was Jisung. He also texted you, 'Mn-ie <3' staring back at him every time he does. How could he never realize what they were doing to him? How could they not have noticed Mn wasn't included?
He sighs, the disconnected voicemail playing for the umpteenth time and he ends the attempted call. As per usual, he goes to any social media app in order to see if anything about you has been posted.
After months of finding nothing, he finally came upon a picture of you, a solo photo of yourself surrounded by a few blurbs and reading over it Chan noticed it was little details about yourself. Name, birthday, age, favorite hobby. It was a 'get to know me' photo. Swiping to the next photo, it was you in the middle of a group of boys, they were doing jazz hands around you as you smiled sheepishly. Reading the caption was like a knife twisted in his chest, he had found a group. What hurts Chan is how much happier he looks, he use to be that happy with them but they pushed him away, he doesn't even know why they did.
"Hyung? What's wrong?" He looks up to see Changbin in front of him. He lifts his phone lazily and the younger sighs. "You know calling him is futile." "No, not that..." He reaches out, handing his phone to Changbin who takes it, a moment later he's sitting on Chan's bed with a sigh and setting the phone down. "H-How could we have been so...blind? Why...Why did we push him away? That wasn't fair to him." "I ask myself the same thing, Bin." "Do you want to tell the others?" "Maybe. I know they've been trying to get updates out of manager-nim about Mn but...yeah, no, let's tell them."
Later that day, Chan told the rest of them about Mn and some were upset but some others were glad that after what they did to him, at least he found a better environment. All of them were beating themselves up. They all agreed that what they did was wrong but now...they can't get him back.

(Growing closer to Seonghwa)
You remember it clearly, the moment where Seonghwa gave you the same comfort someone else use to give.
It had been a year since you had joined Ateez, you felt so much more happy, less of a burden and more of an actual member of a group. All of them were protective over you after learning more about you. They would say you're a precious soul that needs protected at all costs.
All costs...even if it risks their safety.
You were walking with them through an airport, attached to Wooyoung the whole time but he didn't mind. Readjusting your jacket, you notice a lack of weight in your pocket and turn around, noticing your wallet now a few steps from where you just came from. You must've missed your pocket after putting something back.
You say a quick 'wait' to the boys around you and you jog over to your wallet, picking it up but another hand grabs it then suddenly a butterfly knife is pointed at you. "Woah-" "Why do you leave?!" A sasaeng, you just stared at her, you literally panic and every possible thought you could've had left as she advanced.
It felt like ages but it was really five seconds that so much unfolded. She lunged forward, blade catching your cheek at the same time Seonghwa was the first to reach you and pull you away. Security restraining the girl and taking your wallet from her.
Seonghwa walked backwards, taking you away from her as his arms squeezed around you when he heard you let out a small cry. One hand moves to the back of your neck, keeping you in the crook of his neck as he watches them take the girl away, hand squeezing your nape slightly before brushing through your hair, soothing you and helping you calm down.
Hongjoong was next to you guys shortly after Seonghwa grabbed you. "Shh, it's okay, Mn. She's gone." He whispered before reaching under the older males chin and thumbing at your cheek under the shallow cut. "Oh, Mn." He backs away, it wasn't deep, no blood, but it still looked bad.
"Come on, Mnie." You couldn't help but finally move your arms and hug Seonghwa tightly. You haven't heard that nickname in ages and hearing it from someone who sees you, it comforted you so much that you couldn't help the new wave of tears that fell but quickly pulled back and wiped under your eye as the tears stung the cut. Seonghwa's hand replaces yours, helping you wipe your tears and while you feel appreciated and cared for, Seonghwa is fighting himself internally as he found you the sweetest thing ever and officially doesn't like seeing you cry.
"I like Mn-ie..." "You do? Then I'll keep using it. That okay?" You nod softly, finally smiling at Seonghwa. He giggles softly, ruffling up your hair gently before giving a small head pat and guiding you away with Hongjoong on your other side.

(You plague Chan's feed)
Two years since learning about your re-debut, he's seen you everywhere.
Clips of your fan cams, pictures of your outfits, screenshots fans have taken from videos. He didn't stop himself from watching the videos or looking a photos for a moment longer than needed.
He refreshed the twitter feed and the top tweet was an Ateez Update fan page. Even fan pages are plaguing his feed.
There was a link, posted 20 minutes ago.
'Nn live featuring Seonghwa and Wooyoung'
He opened the link and it took him to the live. It looked like you were in your bed, knees pulled up as you talked to Wooyoung about something but all he could pay attention to was your looks. He still finds you adorable. He can't help but sit up in his bed, pulling his knees up as well and taking his pillow to hug as he watched you. You looked...happy. The familiar sting began in his eyes as you leaned back into Wooyoung, the boy wrapping his arms around your neck and pulling you back as Seonghwa started to tell a story.
He thought you two were cute together but a soft gasp and his lips part when you stare at the other male across from you. That glint, that shine. He knows that look and he chokes out a sob. You can't be gone. You still love him, right? You haven't moved on just yet, right?
He leaves his phone at his feet as he leans back, regret eating at him as he cries into his pillow. Minho came in moments later and saw Chan asleep but his phone still playing. He picked up the phone, sighing softly when he sees your face and your smile before turning it off and putting it to the side, moving to cover his hyung up and he leaves with one more look to Chan before he's out the door.

(The award ceremony, Chan POV then it switches to your POV)
Watching you kiss Seonghwa was like getting the air punched out of him with a bus.
The choked sob he let out was pathetic but he didn't care. He saw someone he loved disappear from right in front of him all over again. How could he take you for granted? If he just noticed the neglect sooner, you'd still be there with him, with the boys.
A hand is placed on his shoulder, he looks over to see Felix who sighs. "Chan..." He sniffs but it's futile as another sob escapes him and he just lets the tears fall. "A-After this long I-I still m-miss him. I-I still thought I c-could get him back..." Felix pulls him into a hug, letting him crying into his shoulder for a moment.
"'s been seven years..." "Don't you think I know that?!" He snapped quietly but still let Felix attempt to fix his makeup. "I-I know...that it's b-been seven years...b-but he was...he was my f-first boyfriend, I loved him and it's hurting me because I still regret not seeing the neglect sooner. How could I, his fucking leader, not realize he was missing from practices or meetings. How could I be so blind?" "Hyung, we're at fault too." "Yeah, but I'm the main one that should've seen it. I-I'm the...the leader, I...I should've seen it..." His voice gradually became a whisper.
"Channie-Hyung..." Inhaling softly, he lifts his head, spinning around to come face to face with you and Seonghwa.
(POV Change)
As Seonghwa led you back, you realized that you just walked away. You didn't acknowledge them, you didn't wave back but do you have to? Last you checked, they didn't care about you but you still stopped in your tracks, zoned out for a moment as the male holding your hand tried to bring you back.
"Hey, Mn-ie, come back to me. You okay?" "Stray Kids is who hurt me...Th-They were the ones to- to shove me away and ignore me and neglect me." "Oh, Mn..." "I-I'm sorry I didn't t-tell any of you sooner, I just-" You bit your lip, willing yourself to not cry but seeing them after so long seemed to have brought the pain back. You could see the hope in Chan's eyes before you turned away and you found it unbelievable because even he was neglecting you but you also...felt bad?
"Hey, don't cry, it's okay." "I-I don't know why I feel guilty, Hwa. I-I shouldn't be feeling guilty and yet..." You take a deep breath, wiping your tears away carefully. "Maybe you should forgive them?" "Why should I do that? I was chosen to be in this group but then they were pushing me away and forgetting me. What was the point of adding me if I was to be forgotten?" "Mn-ie, they regret it. I could see it on their faces as I came to get you and they called out for you. They want you back, at least as a friend."
"But they-" "Mn...You know what else I can see?" "What?" You sniff. "You want your friends back." Seonghwa smiled at you gently, he knows you miss them deep down and thinking about it, you're still hurt from what they did to you but you do want them back. "Come on, Mn. You miss them and they've been missing you. I just know it."
With a sigh, you nod and Seonghwa takes you back to them. When you get there, you see Chan in Felix's arms. "I...I should've seen it..." You hear him mutter, stepping closer, the other boys have seen you returned and you speak up. "Channie-Hyung..." He turns towards you, staring at you, stunned that you came back and you have tear stains on your cheek.
You glance at Seonghwa who nods gently which just barely convinced you to step closer to the others. They watch your every step, waiting for what you're gonna do or say.
Smiling awkwardly, you reach out your hand, gesturing to Chan when all he did was stare at it before he took it. You pull him towards you, wrapping your arms around him in a hug. A small gasp leaves Chan as he stands there, arms hesitating around you and you laugh. "You can hug back, you know?" It was instant, his arms tight around you and his face buried in your shoulder. "We're sorry, Mn...I-I'm sorry." He cried and you rub his back.
"Hyung?" You look over to Felix on your left. He's as tall as you now and he looks even more precious, if that's even possible. "C'mere." You extend the arm around Chan's back out to him and he hugs you as well.
When Felix and Chan finally pull away, another member is suddenly wrapping his arms around your middle. Looking down, you laugh softly while wrapping your arms around Jisung. You also hug Hyunjin and Jeongin.
"We really are sorry, Mn." "I know...but what you did wasn't nice..." They nod, lowering their heads. "but I think after this long...I can sort of forgive you..." They looked like a deer in headlights making you giggle. "We can be friends again. I miss you guys." They smile, Felix hugs you again before stepping back and you turn to Chan.
You take a look towards Seonghwa and he nods. You don't even have to say anything and it honestly shocks you how well he can read you.
"Channie?" He looks up, his hands wringing together. You think you've never seen him looking so nervous. "Come here." He steps up to you and you take his hands into yours. "I know that I left abruptly...and didn't talk to you before leaving but you know why, correct?" He nods his head, his eyes still downcast. "I can see that you had some hope but I'm with Seonghwa..." He nods again and you can see tears welling up in his eyes again. " We can be friends though..." You smile. "Is that okay?" His eyes finally meet yours, smiling a bit. "Yeah, th-that's fine. I-I did have hope but honestly the most I wanted was just to have you back with us. I-It felt so...weird without you even after so long. I missed you...but I'm really glad you found someone else...we were terrible to you- I was terrible to you."
"Channie, your rambling." "S-sorry." He laughs before gasping and staring at you, glancing to Seonghwa then back at you. You kissed his cheek but the look in your eye was forgiving and he hugged you again. "But do anything dumb like that again and I'm gone." They knew you were half joking, there was a smile on your face and they laughed.
"Hyung, we gotta go fix your make up before going on stage." "Right, sorry for keeping you for so long." "You're fine, Mn. It's good to have you back." "You can't take me away though, you'd have to fight him and Wooyoung." "What do you mean?" Hyunjin asks and all you do is wink before stepping back to Seonghwa and leaving for your table again. "See you guys later."
There's still apart of you that never wanted to do that but Seonghwa made a point later that what you did was a good thing. You've had a grudge for seven years and he saw how regretful they looked. You agreed that it was time to let it go only with some hesitance.
But you realized in the passing days that they made up for it. If you had similar off days they would invite you out, they talked to you more whether it be nonsense or what they did that week. Jisung and Wooyoung jokingly fought for you. Han has made a couple comments about stealing you from Ateez and the fans found the joke fighting adorable.
When Stay noticed that the boys looked happier, lighter, of course the detective Stays did their digging and the most they found was a few pictures of you with a couple of the boys you've posted either at public events or pictures you've taken during outings you've had with the boys.
It doesn't matter though, all they care about is that you've seemed to have made up with Stray Kids --even though all they knew about your departure was that it was mental health issues-- and they're happy to see you with them again.

Aah, oh my god, a part three, holy shit, what am I doing, AAH!! Anyway, this is a Binnie post but...with a little extra bit of...✨Spice✨ 😏🤭 I promise you are gonna love this, I was getting giddy and shy just writing it alone 😂 and if you don't then I'm sorry. 🫤 To think I have other parts to write, don't know if they'll be as good as this one.
Blogs: @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor @uso-dakedo @vernonvernoff98-blog | @heartbinn Lookie, Binnie post!! and honestly, I was rereading a series by @writingforstraykids which inspired me to write the extra ✨Spice✨ ☺️
Masterlist | Series Tag is "Sleeping Around by James"
Tags: attempted dacryphilia?, sub Binnie, dom-ish top reader, cum swapping, BJ (Mn receiving), *gasp* Double penetration Whaat?? 👀 (As much as I want this to be a secret I must give a heads up that this contains Member x member)

He giggled softly at your sleepiness, sliding his hands down to your stomach, grazing his fingers over your torso. "Hi."
"Morning, I guess, what- Why? I-I mean, y-you feel good but, fuck, why are you..." You whisper, glancing at Chan whose face is still buried in your neck with his arm draped over your collar bone. "I'm sorry, Mn-ie..." "Don't be, Hyung..." He whimpers, shifting slightly. "I know you were with Hyunjin...but is this also your first time...bottoming?" You try to stay quiet, right arm squeezing around Chan when he shifted.
"Yeah..." "Why me?" He ask gently while moving your free hand to his thigh and squeezing as he gently starts to move, trying not to move too much. "I-I came to wake Hyung up to go over preparations for later today...and I saw you..." "You...You saw my morning wood and decided to ride me?" " 's stupid." He mutters, placing his hand over yours, wrapping his fingers around your hand that moves to his hip. "It's not. I'm not denying you, am I?" You look to your side when Chan rolls onto his other side, Changbin pausing as well as you both wait for him to settle and finally your right arm is free.
You groan, pulling it up and stretching it. "Honestly, that was falling asleep a while ago, just didn't have the heart to move." The ravenette giggles softly, starting slowly to rock again as he takes your right hand into his left and holds it at his waist. His rocking has turned into gentle bounces but you stop him. "Careful, Binnie-Hyung." You mutter, deciding to carefully sit up, lift him off you and lay him between Chan and you.
"Wait, Mn-ie, what are you-" "Trust me." He nods, getting comfortable. "Lift your leg a little." He does so which lets you gently insert a finger, then two, then three. The texture was familiar and you pull back to see your slick fingers. "Binnie-hyung~ Did you really come in here for Chan-hyung?" He whines quietly and turns away from you. You place a kiss on his neck which has his breath hitch. "I- No, I did, Minho-Hyung asked me to...but before that I...tried to finger myself...didn't go well so I stopped and started my day..." "Awe, Binnie."
You hold his leg, inserting yourself into him again and his hand flies to his mouth to cover his noises, his eyes focused on the back of Chan's head. "Never thought I'd be here with you, Bunnie." He whimpers, you've always called him 'Binnie-Hyung' whenever you could and there was one point you slipped up and called him Bunny-hyung and it's stuck, but he liked it in this context, felt intimate and made him happy.
You gently rock into him, wrapping your arms around his waist to pull him closer. Your right arm under him, meaning to wrap around his chest, moved wrong and ended up wrapping around his neck. He whines with a gasp, you apologize and move but he put your arm back and pushed further back into you. You weren't as built as Changbin but he still clenched around you and moaned behind a bitten lip.
Rocking into him gently, his head falls back onto your shoulder, lips pressed tightly together as he hums, his lips parting a second later when you start thrusting into him slowly, pushing in harshly every couple seconds. He gasps when each thrust is into his prostate but he needs more, grip around your wrist tightening as he tried to rock back into you, wanting you to go faster but it shakes the bed and you move your hand to hold his hip.
"Settle, Binnie. You don't want Hyung to wake up, do you?" The whine he lets out is pathetic as he stutters out a small 'no', contradicting himself without realizing. "You do, don't you?" You thrust sharply, the bed jolting and he gasps. "N-No, wait..." He protests before whimpering when you pull out.
"Mn..." "Hold on, Binnie." You crawl over him, rolling Chan onto his back and Binnie starts whispering for you to not wake him.
You ignore him, rubbing Chan's chest and brushing his hair away from his face. "Channie~ Hyungie, wake up." Changbin's ramblings have stopped and you look over to see him staring at you. "What?" His eyes move to where you've moved to straddle Chan and you chuckle. "Binnie." He hums mindlessly and you shake your head, going back to trying to wake Chan up.
He stirs, rubbing his eyes and brushing his hair back before looking up at you. "Oh, Good Morning." He smiles lightly, hands falling onto your thighs and you smile. "Good Morning." "You...are still very much naked..." "I am. Someone else is too~" You smirk, looking over to Changbin and Chan follows your gaze, he's pulled his knees up and covered himself which you didn't like, reaching over to pull his knee towards you but he fights you. "Binnie, spread." You say sternly and he listens but his hands stay put.
"Shit..." You giggle at Chan, getting off of him and pushing the blanket away. "Come here." You gesture towards Chanbin who sits up, still covering himself. You move him onto Chan's lap and take his wrists, holding them behind him. "Mn-" "It's okay, Hyung." Chan's hands are now on Changbin's thighs, rubbing the skin softly from his knees up to his hips.
"I-I wanted to..." Changbin started but he stopped, looking away from Chan and you. "What is it, Bin?" Chan asked gently, inhaling sharply when you moved the rapper slightly to wrap a hand around his length to get him hard. "I-I wanted...Mn to fuck me." "Aw, Bunnie...I will, but look at him~" You purr, placing you hand on top of Chan's on Changbin's hip and looking down at your Hyung, head thrown back as you fist his tip, soft pants leaving his mouth as he moves to bend his knees slightly. You giggle when he bucks his hips and Changbin lurches forward slightly, catching himself with one hand on the bed and the other on Chan's chest.
"How ride our Hyung for a little bit before I give you what you want. I can fuck you while you fuck Chan." He bit his lip, silencing a moan as his head drops, nodding rapidly.
"P-Please, just do something." Chan begs, his hips squirming in your hold and you laugh. "Settle, Channie." You pat his thigh before pulling Changbin to sit up again, moving onto your knees. You guide Chan to his slick hole and Chan protested like you did before you simultaneously pushed him in and brought Changbin's hips down. Changbin gasps, eyes squeezed shut as Chan groans, hand gripping his hip.
"Ah~ So...t-tight..." Chan mutters, face flushed red as he throws his head back again with a moan. Changbin is still other than small sharp inhales, he couldn't help but whine, finally parting his lips as he exhales a small moan.
'Hyung is so big. So full.' He thinks, he spiraled so fast he didn't realize he started rocking his hips, small moans and whines leave his parted lips. "You sound so cute, Bunnie. Does Chan-Hyung feel good?" "Mhm...s-so good..." He mutters, looking over to you and you smirk. His eyes brimming with tears and there's an all too familiar shine behind his blown pupils as you smirk.
"Aw, feels good, Bunnie?" He nods, tears falling as you lean forward, you bite his shoulder, he yelps at the sharp pain and more tears fall. You pull back, kissing his tears away before kissing him fully. He gasps when your tongue takes over, hips picking up speed before he lifts himself slightly. Chan's grip tightens on his hips as he thrusts up to meet the others hips, hitting his prostate with each thrust.
Watching them, you feel a bit left out but at the same time it was an amazing sight. Pulling away, you push Changbin forward by his shoulders, he catches himself, hands either side of the other head and his face turned impossibly more red, his ears and neck joining as well. He never thought he'd be in the position but at the current moment, he could barely think.
Chan's right hand moves to Changbin's chin, pulling his bottom lip out from his teeth before leaning up and kissing him. The moan that leaves Changbin was swallowed by Chan before you repositioned Chan's hips and pushed into him slowly. His hips falter, a gasp separating him from Changbin who leans into the crook of Chan's neck.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum..Shit..." He groans, the tightness of Changbin around his cock and you filling him up was such a delightful sensation.
A few thrusts later and he stills, pulling Changbin's hips flush against him and you kept thrusting into his prostate, helping him through his high. Changbin cums onto Chan's stomach a moment later as well, both panting heavily and Changbin letting out small whines.
Chan thrusts up into Changbin a few seconds later, causing him to yelp. "Y-Your still h-hard?" He asks bewildered as he pushes himself up. The older one smiles sheepishly. "Y-Yeah."
You've already pulled out, stroking yourself a couple times before your tip was where the two are connected, they both gasp, Changbin turning his head around towards you as Chan leans up on his elbows. "Wh-What are you doing?" You lean into Changbin's shoulder, kissing it before speaking. " 'm sorry..." You mutter pulling away. You knew it was a step too far but the thought of rubbing against Chan inside Changbin made you twitch and you zoned at at the potential feeling.
"Wait, what's wrong?" Chan asks concerned. "The sight back here good..." You spread Changbin's ass, watching how some of Chan's cum leaks out and drips down his shaft. "I got ahead of myself and wanted to feel the both of you at the same time." You pull your hands away, shaking your head. "But I don't want to hurt you. Especially with the schedule tonight." "Y-You want inside at the same time?" "Y-Yeah, but it's also your first time bottoming I don't-" "Please." He interrupted and both you and Chan looked at him in shock.
"But I promised I would fuck you too." "You are, technically." "O-Okay." He leans back onto Chan as you rest a hand on his lower back. "This is gonna hurt, y'know." "Yeah, I know..." "Chan?" He nods with a smile, arms wrapping around the other as you line yourself up. "Just relax, Bunnie, okay?" He did his best to relax as you decided to reach over to the night stand for the lube from last night, definitely gonna have to get Minho a new bottle as well, before squirting some on your hand and Changbin's hole.
Spreading the cold liquid along your length, you line up again, looking up to Chan for a moment. "Kiss him." You mutter and Chan gets the message, kissing him slowly as you push your tip in slowly. He stretches further and you pull a somewhat muffled scream out of him, he pulls back and Chan kisses where he can reach, distracting him and keeping him relaxed as you push further in. "Fuck, Fuck...ah~ ha~" His brain can't process words fast enough as he feels dizzy, the stretch is painful but as you stop and rub his back after every push and Chan's kisses, the pain turns into pleasure and he's moaning into Chan's shoulder. "S' full... shi- ah~" His whines and whimpers were so cute.
Eventually you push all the way to the hilt, reaching up and rubbing Changbin's back. "How you feeling?" "I don't-" He exhales sharply before whining. "Full...i-it hurts..." You immediately became worried and went to slowly pull out but he stops you. "N-No, No! Good, 's good. Don't...Don't pull out." "You sure?" "Yeah."
You thrust experimentally, pulling a gasp from both of them. Chan gripping Changbin's thigh with one hand and the other trying to find a place to settle, you grab it, holding it on Changbin's back. "Fuck." Chan groans, his head thrown back.
You groan, dropping your head and watching as you push back in slowly, starting a gentle pace that pulls more noises out of the two. The sight was definitely something, he was stretched so wide, you and Chan moan in unison when you thrusted and Changbin clenched around you.
You pull back slightly, applying a little more lube before pushing in and going at a much faster speed. The two beneath you moan and Chan yelps, Changbin had bitten into his shoulder. "S-Sorry, Y-You're door is s-still open..." You glance over to it, it looks wider than the last time you looked at it but you shook it off.
Chan's hips started bucking slowly with your thrusts and his grip on your hand and Changbin's hip got tighter. "Oh~ God, you go any faster I'm gonna cum..." He mutters. Smirking, you do as such, picking up the slightest amount of speed.
A second later, he's cumming inside the rapper again, an amused look on your face when it's Changbin's name he moans as he finishes. Changbin clenches as tight as possible and his thighs shake, you reach around, stroking him a few times before he's cumming on Chan's stomach again.
"Fuck...You still haven't cum yet?" Changbin asks and you laugh nervously. Chan then leans towards Changbin's ear, muttering something before the other nods. "Mn, pull out." "S-slowly...please." Changbin cut in, you and Chan chuckling softly before doing as such, him moaning at the emptiness.
You're pulled to the edge of the bed and the air is taken out of your lungs. You thought Chan looked good on his knees for your but him and Changbin? You were dead. You could've cum the moment Changbin took your tip into his mouth and Chan licked at your shaft. Chan pulls back, moving to bite your thigh as the other took you down his throat. You realize that he wasn't as experienced with this like Chan as he pulled away and started coughing. "Go slow, Hyung." He nods, going back down on you as you thread a hand through his hair.
Changbin picks up speed as Chan sits up on his knees and kisses you, hand moving up to graze his nails over your abdomen, near your base. "Mmh, Fuck, gonna-" Chan pulls Changbin off and they attack either side of your shaft, alternating taking your tip before your finally cumming into Chan's mouth, head thrown back and gripping the bed.
Changbin whines, he wanted to taste you, but his disappointment turns into shock when Chan releases you with a pop and kisses him, sharing your release with him and they both moan. It was honestly messy and gross but really hot, spit and cum dripping down their chins but Chan seemed to be addicted to kissing Changbin, your cum long been swallowed as they just make out.
You release a breathy laugh, panting as you try to catch your breath and leaning your head back you catch something at the door. It's definitely wider since you last looked and you just barely saw a shoe step back and something on the floor.
You pat Chan's head, trying to get his attention. "Let him breath, Hyung." He pulls away, smiling sheepishly as you step around them to go close the door.
Looking into the hall, you hear a little chatter in the living room before you hear a cuss, turning the other way, you see Felix's door slam shut and you find it odd before looking down to see what you saw from the bed. Chuckling darkly you shake your head, taking one last look to Felix's door before you used a shirt near Chan's hamper to wipe up the few drops of what you believe is to be cum.
Walking back to the bed, you notice the two already cuddled under Chan's blanket. You guys have to prepare for the fan meet soon but what harm will come from a couple more hours of sleep.
You crawl in behind Changbin, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him as much as you can into your chest. "Will you be okay tonight?" "Yeah, I'll just...sleep the soreness away..." He mumbles and you smile, kissing his cheek before your left arm draped over Chan as well and you all slept for another hour and a half.
Later, you couldn't help but smirk at rehearsals every time you looked at Felix and he'd find every which way to not look at you or his Hyung's, hiding his very obvious blush.

*Extra big gasp of air* *screams incoherent* OhMyGodIHonestlyDidn'tKnowHowToEndThisButThenItWentPowAndIFoundAnEndingPlusACliffhangerEnding
*cough* Anyway, Changbin's chapter is here and 😮💨 now to decide on either doing the 'how it started' chapters or the next one...which is obviously...........Jeongin.....No, kidding, it's Felix 😅
I'm finishing this at 5:06am so Imma go pass out and if this is as good as I think it is, Imma be overwhelmingly excited to see my tumblr notifications.
I really hope you enjoyed Changbin's Chapter 😁
Feedback and comments are of course welcome. It makes me like incredibly happy knowing that my creativity when it comes to writing is actually really good and I'm not just weird 😅
Also, I added the first tag of this post to the other chapters incase the links I eventually post just decide to not work for some reason. I have link problems sometimes, it's weird.