![jannahime - 🌸🪷Jannahime🌸🪷💜⁷](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0e0009e282089f82588df75ef1904af6/3db2a74bcc0a0dfe-34/s128x128u_c1/db0a11143c66d919017095402f40e86ca47491c9.png)
|28 years old| Artist | Painter | Drawing | Digital Artist | Anime Enthusiast my art and writing blog! Like ❤️ | Comment 💬 | Follow ➕ Let's connect and inspire each other through our shared love of art and storytelling!
372 posts
Jannahime - Jannahime - Tumblr Blog
La Noche Del Diablo Parte 1
|Raian Kure x OC|Raian Kure x OC female|Raian Kure|
Synopsis: el Diablo Raian Kure está entrenando para el campeonato de las Batallas de Kengan. Mientras él está entrenando. De repente aparece una mujer con el pelo largo oscuro con la piel blanca como Blancanieves y unos ojos rojos que podían mandar a un hombre loco. Su abuelo insiste que se case con ella. Raian No sabes quién es la mujer, pero al principio él no quiere nada, pero cuando ve la personalidad y cómo es en total la mujer poco a poco comienza a cambiar su mente sobre ella. (esto ya es cuando Ohma y Raian y los demás forman el grupo in Kengan Omega, ya está Ryuki y Koga también.)
Advertencia: ⚠️ sangre, gore, explícito, violencia, angustia, brutalidad, marido basura, Brutal Raian Kure, blasfemia, sexo duro, besos ásperos, sexo sin protección, M y F oral, cría, advertencia de desencadenante
Solo 18+ No para los de más Así que por favor MDNI
Nota: algunas de las cosas en las advertencias no vendrán hasta más tarde, pero te estoy haciendo saber lo que tendrá la historia. Y estoy tratando de hacer este muy largo al menos. ¡Es Raian, ¡Necesita brillar! ¡Aún más!
![La Noche Del Diablo Parte 1](https://64.media.tumblr.com/bcc7dec82a133fff1332e991be0eddda/1867887d6e76a04a-8a/s500x750/cccd78de40e63f1b71a51920d03e701aa8927dfc.gif)
Recuento de palabras: 1350
Era una noche ventosa fría. La Navidad era a la vuelta de la esquina y por tanto somos los Torneos Kengan llamados el calvario. <el br>
nevaba y Raian estaba en la nieve que salta de la azotea a la azotea en el modo del asesino.
anhelaba un poco de matanza después de su primera pérdida con su opositora Ohma Tokita. Ohma se quedaba en la finca del Clan de Kure para recuperar y aprender por supuesto algunas nuevas técnicas de enfrentamientos. <el br>
que también trataba de recuperar rápidamente por tanto podría volver a Satomi. Quien le esperaba atrás en Osaka. Raian estaba la formación en casa para estar en la forma superior para los torneos cuando de repente oyó un golpe leve.
El golpe pronto goot más alto y más rápido. Pronto oyó gemidos suaves. Echó una ojeada a través de la puerta tatami rajada y vio a Ohma y Satomi que se besa apasionadamente.
Ohma la tenía hecho subir contra la pared ya que devoró su boca avariciosamente. Satomi hizo envolver sus piernas alrededor de la cintura de Ohma fuertemente. <el br>
que pronto realizó por qué oyó el tremendo antes. Ohma hacía el amor con su esposa pero no era discreto sobre ello. <el br>
Raian sólo suspiró, enojado en el hecho que Ohma siempre tenía el hots para Satomi. <el br>
Allí era un tiempo cuando Raian realmente luchó con Ohma por Satomi. Satomi es una guerrera de la elite, un colmillo potente de Metsudo, el que significa que también era una mercenaria experta y no era sorprendente era el cabo de su propio recinto S.W.A.T y un general en el ejército japonés. <el br>
La mujer era talentosa y fría ensangrentado cuando quiso ser y Raian muy se atrajo a esto. Pero yo. El final eligió a Ohma.
tenía más de una conexión con él que con Raian. Raian es amargo en el hecho que Ohma básicamente tomó lo que podría haber sido su futuro cónyuge pero principalmente en el hecho que Ohma salió victoriosa en su última lucha de Kengan. <el br>
era amargo en el hecho que él, Raian Kure, el hombre más poderoso en el Clan de Kure fueron derrotados por un novato aficionado como Ohma. <el br>
Aunque no lo admitiera, ni hasta quisiera, Ohma era y todavía es un opositor formidable. Raian volvió a su formación Pero los gemidos de Satomi se hacían más fuertes por tanto decidió tomar misiones suplementarias y permiso. <el br>
Tan pronto como llegó a la prefectura de Yoshino donde la mayor parte de sus asesinatos ocurrirían. ¿Qué Raian no podía sacudir era el sentimiento que estaba siendo seguido de alguien, pero quién? No sabía exactamente pero podría sentir que era una fuerte presencia. <el br>
no hizo caso de ello por el momento cuando fue a lo que pareció a un hotel agotado donde algunos de sus objetivos se quedaban. Raian sonríe siniestramente ya que avanza lentamente a gatas y entra en uno de los dormitorios a través de una ventana abierta. <el br>
que ve su primer objetivo dormir ya que abajo le mira del techo en el modo del asesino. Silenciosamente aterrizó en sus pies y se movió sigilosamente hasta el hombre inconsciente. <el br>
Raian rompió el cráneo del hombre por la tierra. Se rió como un maníaco, disfrutando de cada minuto que trae el infierno en sus objetivos. <el br>
sin Embargo que pronto para cuando huele un olor dulce, embriagador, atractivo que parece haber abierto su ansia de la lujuria o más bien el despertado él de la hibernación.
“Vaya, vaya vaya … …. es completamente el looker. Dijo una voz seductora detrás de él. Su audiencia era sensible ya que podría oír el chasquido y el golpecito de sus tacones altos. <el br>
que congeló cuando vio a una mujer menuda con largo, pelo negro del cuervo, sangre ojos carmesíes rojos que brillaron en la luz de la luna, con pestañas negras gruesas largas y sombra de ojos roja, labios rechonchos rojos que eran lustrosos. <el br>
llevó cheongsam mucho tiempo negro y de oro que abrazó a su cifra del reloj de arena perfectamente jactancia y acentuación de sus pechos voluptuosos y voluptuoso posterior con dos separación que baja a su jactancia de caderas de sus piernas acompañadas por stockings negros y de oro y tacones altos pointy negros y de oro.
Raian se mofa y gruñe cuando anda hacia su agrietamiento de sus nudillos. Entonces acudió a ella y lanzó un golpe a la mujer pero en vez de escabullirse o escaparse bloqueó el golpe con su hombro que se ríe de él sumamente.
“¡Ah mi! ¡De alguien impaciente! ¡Y muy impaciente!” Cacarea ya que levanta su pierna y logró conseguir un puntapié potente a su cara enviándole volando a la pared. <el br>
Raian se cierra de golpe en la pared, abriéndolo camino. Parece impresionado durante un minuto pero entonces se ríe entre dientes en la diversión y brinca a sus pies.
“Piernas agradables. ¡Cómo se llama usted usted poco diablillo!” Gruñidos Raian con su sonrisa siniestra habitual.
despacio anda hacia él influyendo en sus caderas coquetamente y de modo seductor. Se inclina más cerca a él mientras sigue sonriendo abiertamente sumamente.
“Akahana …. Akahana Kuroki … … pero me puede Llamar Kasha”. Hanae contestado con una sonrisa coqueta. Su voz pareció a mil besos del ángel dulces aún por la razón que sea le dio frialdad de un modo bueno.
“Debe ser Raian Kure … … el hombre más fuerte en la Familia de Kure. … interesante. ¡es completamente el asesino! Encuentro esto completamente encantador “. Akahana contestado con una sonrisa seductora.
acaricia su pecho. “¿Seguiremos luchando contra … … seguiré mostrándole mis habilidades … … .chisel pecho?” Contestó Akahana de modo seductor cuando le embromó lúdicamente.
«Lees mi mente, pequeño vixen». Raian respondió con un gruñido bajo mientras intenta patearla en la cara pero ella esquiva su golpe con gracia con sus reflejos súper rápidos.
«Buen intento de cosas calientes...... pero vas a tener que ser más rápido que eso». Risueño Akahana en diversión mientras se burlaba cada vez que él se acercaba a aterrizar un golpe en él.
"Dijiste que te llamara Kasha, ¿verdad? Como en la infame demonesa que castigó a aquellos que son corruptos y malvados en su propio funeral usted arrastra sus almas a las profundidades del inframundo...... qué mujer ". Raian se burló con un brillo en los ojos. El hombre estaba claramente interesado.
«El mismo en la carne». Habló Akahana con una siniestra sonrisa.
Raian la agarra fuertemente por la cintura. «Bueno, no es alguien que se pone demasiado manitas..... o querías sentir mi tonificada y atlética cintura o querías ponerte raro». Ella se inclina cerca para susurrar seductivamente en su oído.
"Realmente eres un poco vixen! Apuesto a que causas caos dondequiera que vayas? " Raian se acobarda mientras intenta levantarla en el aire para golpearla en la pared. Pero Akahana lo arrodilla en el intestino y se arrodilla al suelo agarrándose del estómago riéndose psicóticamente.
Raian estaba disfrutando tanto con Akahana que olvidó por qué estaba allí en primer lugar.
Sin embargo, Akahana tenía otros planes en mente. Ella volvió su atención hacia ella amenazándolo con su horquilla en la garganta.
"¡Eres multi-talentoso! ¡Qué divertido! " Se ríe de diversión.
Akahana lo besa apasionada y profundamente. «Mmm........ mmm».... Akahana mons suavemente mientras corta su labio inferior haciéndolo sangrar un poco.
Raian se lame un poco el labio inferior, saboreando su sangre y su sabor. Sus labios estaban aún más rojos e hinchados mientras se besaban más o menos.
Pronto se retira y se aleja. Salta de la ventana del segundo piso desapareciendo en el aire.
Emite un silbato satisfecho. Su lápiz labial sonrió en sus labios mientras suspira contento lamiendo el lápiz labial con su lengua.
"¡Ahora esa es una puta que sabe cómo follar duro! ¡Si vuelvo a verla haré que la perra grito mi nombre! ¿Dónde estaba? ¡Oh sí cazando a estos malditos bastardos! " Cackled Raian maliciosamente mientras que él fue en una matanza asesina en sus objetivos.
Al día siguiente, al llegar a casa, vio a la misma mujer de anoche hablando con su abuelo Erioh Kure.
"Ah Raian... finalmente has vuelto. Esta es Akahana Kuroki, tu novia ". Respondió Erioh con una sonrisa engreída.
Para continuar.
![jannahime - 🌸🪷Jannahime🌸🪷💜⁷](https://64.media.tumblr.com/85b78d00969d87cce3d9bd323e886d3f/551ff952cbed611d-c7/s500x750/122c3594e78d53f5c9d3a5f0ea8e280f7dda98e1.png)
Raian Asks you out to Prom
{when Raian was in Highschool edition.}
*You are on the rooftop eating your lunch with Fusui his younger sister who is your best friend. You two are talking about you guy's favorite anime and Manga its BL by the way. suddenly Raian appears and he awkwardly stands before you and Fusui looking as serious as ever.*
You: Raian?
Fusui: What do you want you weirdo?
Raian: ...........Fuck Off Fusui, I want to speak to this broad here.
You: *>:(* Excuse me?
*Fusui laughs.*
Raian: Beat it you idiot!
*Fusui Laughs and walks away.*
Raian: You.....Look like a punching bag that I want to hit but at the same time I don't......
You: ...........What???
Raian: Like I hate you, but I don't hate you, like I want to punch you, but I don't at the same time.
*You look at him still confused. and then you see that he's holding a flyer for prom but he's hiding it behind his back.*
You: Are you trying to.....ask me out to prom?
Raian: ................... Yeah.
You: ...you.....have a way with words. *You say as you accept his weird proposal and go to prom with him.*
I adore your rendering!! The way you make skin and clothing folds look so smooth is so good!! No pressure and if it’s too much then totally dw about it! but would you mind showing your art process? or, maybe what you did/ learned from that made your art so realistic? Keizo with the beanie and june with her stone bracelet is just so good to look at grrrr!
uuuuu THANK YOU! lmao I did those a few years ago so idk what my process was back then...but I know I was inspired my some Range Murata illustrations. My thinking was the subjects were infront of a warm source of light, maybe a lamp located where the viewer is so it's lit right in front! I'm gonna try to show how I tink about it...but it's real quick n messy and I'm bad with words!
![I Adore Your Rendering!! The Way You Make Skin And Clothing Folds Look So Smooth Is So Good!! No Pressure](https://64.media.tumblr.com/599aa5be3ac58be5ab2839bc7fb2b95a/7518dfd15a266a97-06/s500x750/06b77ba6969c0acec7bb650bb5446a1b7a0018a3.png)
Here...I am using an old Juhi sketch to colour...
1. The sketch!
2. Flat fills! Each colour group is it's own layer with the transparency locked. It's the same as using them as colour masks I think?
3. Thinking about how the light source is right in front, I add darker colours around the contours of the larger forms where it recedes away from the light. The colours I chose were slightly warmer too, cuz I feel like that's what I see in Murata's illustrations. I think earlier on he used alcohol markers, which gave it that look...for the skin I feel like it enhances a fleshy look!
4. I blend it out quite a bit! I want the larger forms to look really roundy and soft and gradiated...
5. I add shadows around the smaller forms like the nose, eyes, lips, etc. I paint the hair texture in really rougly because I'm lazy and it doesn't get much better from here ;•)
6. Blending the finer shadows!
7. Pushing values with darker colours closely along the edges of the contours and adding cast shadows, like under the jaw, on the further back cheek, etc
8. Blending the darker contour shadows but not the cast shadows
9. Roughly adding highlights! Towards the front where the lightsource is. I use a lighter shadw with a slightly yellower hue cuz mmm warm also some redness on top of her cheeks and forehead for flush
10. Blending the highlights
11. Colouring in the facial details and shading them the way I shaded the skin. Also added little shadows around the eyes
12. Blended the lil shadows
13. Added highlights to the facial features. When colouring the eyes I think of shading the iris like a concave bowl, and there's a clear, shiny lense that domes over everything that reflects a sharp highlight
![I Adore Your Rendering!! The Way You Make Skin And Clothing Folds Look So Smooth Is So Good!! No Pressure](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a366e16c87d1fc39d84def7c0ef367fa/7518dfd15a266a97-08/s500x750/78ac9a48963f7366e3873f18221accfbf868d760.png)
These are the different ways I think of where to add highlights and shadows. But adding shading is kind of like the inverse! Idk if any of this makes sense GOMEN
this link here explains different stuff about light and shading way better than I can!
I adjusted the colours on Juhi with sliders and gradient maps just use whatever you think looks best follow your heart
But I tried to point out how the different shapes can effect how the highlights look uuuuuh get it??? idk AAAAAAAA
![I Adore Your Rendering!! The Way You Make Skin And Clothing Folds Look So Smooth Is So Good!! No Pressure](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3e1f3e12d49dcad39eab5da86b7d3c1c/7518dfd15a266a97-91/s500x750/b2f6fc44a7b05f75ffc0af64fd21d0dd2d2d898e.png)
then I liquify tool it to adjust stuff and put some wholesome noise on it
![I Adore Your Rendering!! The Way You Make Skin And Clothing Folds Look So Smooth Is So Good!! No Pressure](https://64.media.tumblr.com/65e460b50572ccb642c4077921e2ee52/7518dfd15a266a97-e0/s500x750/e1545d757c1928f34191af7acd9448c46700b529.png)
What helped you get better at anatomy? Watching videos or seeing an artist's tutorials?
I've tried answering a similar question here! I'm not an expert but I also tried doin' a lil quick n dirty demo of how I used to study anatomy while doing commissions I start by doing a really loose gesture! Whatever I want/need it to be! Not for the intention of studying, but for the intention of creating a finished pic! Someone’s probably paying for it so I better make sure it looks decent which....makes for good motivation I guess???
Then using what knowledge I already have I refine the sketch by adding details!
(this is a little bit unrealistic because furries never wanted me to draw nipples on their characters wtf but I'm adding them here cuz I like them)
This is just using my memory, but I'm unsure about some parts...
I've seen the delts and biceps before and I know generally where they are but not how they should look when the arm is in this position...same with the pecs! And I've seen those lumps on the sides of people's torsos but I kinda don't understand what they represent...so I'll google images to use as references!
I googled terms like muscular arms raised or torso muscles for these pics. Hmmm...the skins all in the way and it's a bit hard to decipher the forms underneath! I can't really tell what's what! So I'll look at diagrams to help me understand the forms further!
These diagrams show me what the lumpy side muscles are! They "interlock"?? with each other! (these diagrams are from Anatomy for Sculptors)
and this diagram shows me how the pec, delt, and bicep should be arranged! so using these diagrams combined with the photos I can figure out how to arrange the muscles on my drawing!
I guess in this case the difference is more subtle...but when I was first learning about anatomy I went through this process for everything I drew, but not just for isolated parts of the body. I did this for the whole body, basically everything I didn't know about/understand. I still don't have everything memorized! but like I wrote in the linked post, the internet has many resources and references to fill in the gaps so I don't try too hard to memorize everything lol
now you too can ask what the dog doin
![Happy Kengy Anime Come Back Day Here's Some Doodles :)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/10ae3bb38f51cecc20070e18e7ae30ab/363b816cb29d4d3e-10/s500x750/74e07ac0e39d4aed44fbf036572f44225e5fe11e.png)
![Happy Kengy Anime Come Back Day Here's Some Doodles :)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2a6d4cfd2d110be92c04fde04e8632b5/363b816cb29d4d3e-8a/s500x750/cfd023472b6664cc02c486a0b712fedc238eb357.png)
![Happy Kengy Anime Come Back Day Here's Some Doodles :)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/794b62b44862e0f41402f8628232350e/363b816cb29d4d3e-ca/s500x750/46f95c4f8528409db6e0302774526924e8e3e9bd.png)
![Happy Kengy Anime Come Back Day Here's Some Doodles :)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/63e35e41ccf9a82f0c407177265bea10/363b816cb29d4d3e-76/s500x750/7229cfba6912ed4a8d86c4632d07eab0e87ea5e4.png)
![Happy Kengy Anime Come Back Day Here's Some Doodles :)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/eee27ebff4fdf44b8233e63f536c615c/363b816cb29d4d3e-f6/s500x750/41102ae23660aa23411e96c502d383cd565204f0.png)
happy kengy anime come back day here's some doodles :•)
Synopsis: Shin Na-young a 28 year old marine biologist after finding out her fiancé cheated on her with her cousin Kwak Hee-mi, her heart broke into billions of pieces and she swore that if she had other relationships that she would not fall in love and she would break them before they would break her. She lost all faith in love, and she decides to drown her sadness and anger at a bar where she gets drunk and gets entangled with an important person in the business industry. She has a one night stand with the man and it’s then she realizes that she had a one night stand with her boss who owns the research that she works at. Her boss is automatically fallen in love with her, but she hasn’t so it’s up to him to convince her to give a second chance. 
This is a story I’m writing as a project. I hope you like.
True love, a timeless and universal concept that everyone can relate to. But, love at times can be awful and painful.
I myself was in love once. I thought it was true love. I thought we were simply meant to be.....but I guess I was the only one living in a fool's paradise.
Because after I found both my cousin Kwak Hee-mi and my son to be husband Hyun Seung-hwan together in our house in our bedroom....I was heartbroken.
I called off the engagement and continued to pursue my career in marine science to try and forget about him....but no one ever forgets their first love.
Love is nothing but a joke, a feeling that will only break your heart in the long run. And now....my heart is as cold as ice.
Mercilessly turning men down or breaking up with them first before they ever get a chance to either hurt me or just grow tired of me.
A few months ago:
I had fish to fry once again. I already knew my current boyfriend Song Myung-bak was cheating on me with Hee-mi.
I was always one step ahead whenever I found out he was slipping up a few weeks ago. Today I was out with my ¹Seonbaes in the ocean near the port of Gunsan. Jae-seung and I were swimming around looking for the leatherback sea turtle.
"²YAH! YAH! JAE-SEUNG AH! NA-YOUNG AH!" Yelled Cho Chang-woo with worry as he was concerned for their well being.
"³Hyung! It's okay! Don't panic! They're wearing oxygen tanks, remember?" Spoke Do Won-Sul calmly trying to calm Chang-woo down.
"I know! But it just terrifies me that they've been underwater for so long looking for that damn sea turtle!" Replied Chang-woo with worry.
"Oh come on Hyung! Look at where we are! We're at the ocean! Relaxing with our Hubae who owns a boat! And might I add that it's a yatch! And she's letting us have it for a whole month's vacation! Isn't it exciting?" Replied So Kyung-ho with excitement as he reeled in a fish.
"Yeah Hyung! Come on in! The water is fine!" Spoke Hwan Hae-il and Yeo Jong-soo in a relaxed state as they floated in the water with their doughnut floats.
Chang woo looked at them all with an annoyed look. "We already work in the ocean you idiots! Y'all treat our job like an everyday vacation you lazy brats! Plus I'm not a big fan of the ocean which is why I worry for Jae-seung and Na-young!" Replied Chang-woo firmly.
"Yah! Jae-seung ah! Na-young ah! It's time for dinner!" Yelled Kim Kwang-min at the top of his lungs catching Jae-seung's attention.
Jae-seung hears Kwang-min calling them and he turns to Na-young signaling her that it's time to go in which she nods her head slightly whilst giving him a thumbs up. Jae-seung and Na-young explode out of the water flipping their hair back looking like a beautiful merman and mermaid.
"Come on Na-young ⁴ssi! Kwang-min Hyung made ⁵Gopchang-gui and ⁶Kimchi!" Spoke Jae-seung with a charming smile as he ran his hand through his Carmel brown hair.
Na-young only gives him a small smile. "Sorry Jae-seung....but I can't join you guys for dinner today. There's....something I have to take care of." Replied Na-young placidly as she put on some mini shorts and then she dried her long, flowy, wavy jet black hair with a towel.
Jae-seung and the other's look at her with furrowed brows. They all know exactly why she's leaving. They already knew that her boyfriend was cheating on her and they didn't want her to think about it, which is the reason why they asked her to stay with them. But she refused.
"Na-young ssi.......are you leaving because of him? He's-"
"Jae-seung ah....I know you and everyone else know about Myung-bak cheating on me with Hee-mi. But you must understand that I'm going there to end things with him and I won't have mercy on him. So don't worry about it too much, okay? After all, I do know self defense thanks to Young-jae oppa." She says with a small smile on her face.
"Na-young ssi? Young-jae Hyung is on the phone for you!" Spoke Hae-il casually as he pointed at the boat's phone.
"Seonbae....tell him I'll call him later.....I'll see you guys another time. Have fun on the yacht! Take all the time you need, there's no hurry." She says with a small smile as she gets on her motorcycle and she drives away.
"Enough Jae-seung. She has to finish this on her own. We can't meddle in this affair even if we want to tear Myung-bak apart." Replied Chang-woo firmly with a sigh as he and the others went to go eat.
Jae-seung could only watch Na-young drive away. He clenched his fists tightly as he turned to join the others for dinner.
I knew what I was expecting when I got home. But somehow watching it all unfold right in front of me hurt so much but all I felt was rage towards these two scumbags.
I slammed the door to our bedroom open in which they both jolted in surprise. Myung-bak was under the sheets of the bed towering over Hee-mi who continued to act all innocent.
"Na-young! Baby! I-Thought you were-" but before Myung-bak could finish his sentence I violently slapped him across the face once making sure that it hurt like a bitch and left a big red mark on his face.
"CUT THE BULLSHIT SONG MYUNG-BAK! PACK ALL OF YOUR STUFF! I WANT YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!" I bellowed with fury as I looked at him with rage.
Myung-bak grabbed at his face as he stared daggers at me for slapping him. "WHY YOU CONNIVING WENCH! HOW DARE YOU-"
"I TOLD YOU THERE WOULD BE DIRE CONSEQUENCES IF YOU EVER CHEATED ME! YOU VIOLATED THE CONTRACT AND FOR THAT YOU MUST PAY SEVERELY!" I continued to bellow with rage. Hee-mi only smiled in amusement as she was enjoying seeing us fight.
Myung-bak still looked at me with rage. And he acted as if he didn't remember our dating contract. "WHAT FUCKING CONTRACT!? I DON'T REMEMBER EVER SIGNING ONE!" feigned Myung-bak acting as if he didn't remember about the contract.
"You really want to play this game? Fine! Here's a copy of the contract that you signed. Look at line 5 of the contract you simpleton." I replied firmly as she threw him the contract.
Myung-bak grabbed the the papers and he reads line 5 out loud. "Line 5. If a so -called boyfriend becomes unfaithful to party one (Shin Na-young) or what they (party one) think is unfaithful, party two (Song Myung-bak) must collect his things and leave. But before party two (Song Myung-bak) can leave he must also return everything thing they took from party one (Shin Na-young) with or without permission, this includes treasured valuables, expensive items, money, etc. party two (Song Myung-bak) will also stop getting assistance from party one (Shin Na-young) and their family on party two's (Song Myung-bak's) company and will be shut down immediately due to party two's (Song Myung-bak's) Malevolent ambitions etc. Therefore, party two (Song Myung-bak) is no longer associated with party one (Shin Na-young) nor party one's (Shin Na-young’s) family. WHAT!? YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!-"
"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!" Growled Myung-bak as he then reached for my neck when suddenly he was thrown back to the wall crashing into it.
I turned around and saw my eldest brother Young-Jae breathing heavily with rage. Young-Jae oppa is an MMA fighter and he punched Myung-bak in the gut so hard that it knocked him out.
"O-OPPA!" I yelled with shock as I saw my eldest brother seething with rage.
"NO ONE LAYS A FUCKING FINGER ON MY BABY SISTER! ESPECIALLY A PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A MAN LIKE YOU! GRAAAAH!" Growled Young-jae as he charged towards Myung-bak grabbing him by his collar and punching him violently in the face.
As Young-jae was about to punch Myung-bak once more. I stepped in and grabbed onto Young-jae's arm trying my best to stop him from delivering the blow.
"OPPA! STOP! HE'S NOT WORTH IT! LET'S GO HOME! PLEASE!" I yelled desperately trying to calm him down.
Young-jae looked back at me as I gave him a pleading look and he sighed heavily in defeat. He drops Myung-bak on his bottom and then he turns to look at Hee-mi who continues to look on with a mocking smile throughout the whole ordeal. This enrages my elder brother even more but I step in with my back turned to him as I give Hee-mi an icy indifferent glare.
"Awe! What is it cousin Na-young? Are you angry because I keep ruining your relationships? It's not my fault they think you're nothing but an ugly potato and a worthless nobody. It's not my fault that I'm so beautiful and most wanted of all." Smirks Hee-mi smugly as she twirls a few strands of hair with her fingers.
"YAH!" Bellowed Young-jae with a wrathful expression.
I held up my hand to stop my older brother from trying to tear Hee-mi apart as I looked back at him with a death stare. Young-jae only sighed and nodded his head. I turned my attention back to Hee-mi.
"Kwak Hee-mi...you only ever brought me pain and I'm sick of it. To say I tolerate you is a vast overstatement. For 8 years you kept tormenting me and I still don't why but I won't let a cheap expired coupon like you try to bring me down again. The only reason I let you get this far is for more of the reason to expose you." I reply firmly as I now grab Hee-mi's hair and I pull her hair down in which Hee-mi begins to panic seeing how freakishly strong I am.
"This is my one and final warning that I'm giving you....back off before you really wreck yourself! And I'll tell you this right now, you keep this up and you're really going to see what I'm made of and I won't have mercy! You're the reason why the gene pool needs a lifeguard." I replied indifferently as I threw Hee-mi back violently to the wall. She looked terrified.
I then turned on my heel and walked away from the house. Young-jae glowered at Hee-mi as he began to smirk smugly. "Mind her words Kwak Hee-mi....She's not the old Na-young you used to know. If she wanted to.....she could have kicked your ass now but unlike you she's a classy woman." Young-jae laughs at Hee-mi in mockery.
Young-jae then turned his attention to Myung-bak. "And you asshole! You better do as my sister says! Return everything that belongs to her and I mean all of it! You got less than 12 hours or I will personally be the one to annihilate you! UNDERSTAND!" Growled Young-jae as he threatened Myung-bak.
Myung-bak only nodded his head frantically as he hurried to get everything ready. Young-jae only laughed and walked away. Hee-mi only glared daggers at him. "Damn you and Na-young! I'll get y'all back! You'll see!" Thought Hee-mi to herself as she slammed her fists on the bed.
¹(senior colleagues or mentor figures.)
²(a form of saying Hey in Korean.)
³(Means older brother either by blood related or an older male in the group.)
⁴(commonly used honorific amongst people of equal speech level.)
⁵(Gopchang-gui grilled beef small intestines.)
⁶(kimchi Slightly spicy Korean sauerkraut made from fermented vegetables Napa Cabbage, Daikon Radish, and carrots.)
Hey guys, so I’m going to put a pause on NSFW writing I’m going through some things right now and I don’t want to get involved with what I’m trying to say is my mental health. I’m trying to take care of my mental health is what I am trying to say. However, I will do SFW writing and some blood and Gore if you’d like right now I’m still juggling my mental health with a lot of stuff that’s been going on. I apologize for the person who had asked me to write them an NSFW work please be a little more patient, I will get to it eventually when I do I hope it is good, but um thank you for understanding
![Hey Guys, So Im Going To Put A Pause On NSFW Writing Im Going Through Some Things Right Now And I Dont](https://64.media.tumblr.com/cea32809c7688a7848d9a80b79093567/30129658c5164cba-66/s500x750/ac28bbe980aacae1c47547008aa46cc378d087ad.gif)
He looks so fucking handsome and better than I imagined!!!!!
![Aqui Raian Con El Traje De Homero Addams, O Gomez Addams Como Gusten, Aunque Me Demore Mucho Por La Pose](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1b9509e4c0a4e8c9523fd90527d0b29e/1458e6a5ed03ab88-a6/s500x750/dc47bb4a6f2de762637ca7715c0f2bb309e0bb6f.png)
![Aqui Raian Con El Traje De Homero Addams, O Gomez Addams Como Gusten, Aunque Me Demore Mucho Por La Pose](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5c7d5ef5cc706e080005074bc8c13cad/1458e6a5ed03ab88-23/s540x810/08ac689e893141c1eff20dc7a25e64771aa2c699.png)
![Aqui Raian Con El Traje De Homero Addams, O Gomez Addams Como Gusten, Aunque Me Demore Mucho Por La Pose](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c0c555600f43d004b9bf05a089e554df/1458e6a5ed03ab88-c4/s500x750/d13ee23cd89e8e44f6d8ea6994568ff833919ec0.jpg)
Aqui Raian con el traje de Homero Addams, o Gomez Addams como gusten, aunque me demore mucho por la pose he aquí el boceto, espero les guste. @jannahime
Here Raian with the Homer Addams costume, or Gomez Addams as I like them, although it took me a long time because of the pose, here is the sketch, I hope you like it. (Maybe I'll finish it, if I have time I don't know.)
![Recently Did This For Someones Tumblr Lol](https://64.media.tumblr.com/21617d4e9620880590e771378fe1c71e/8c099deda7a42ba3-25/s500x750/fa06cac30388b649c4e644b3d4da84edca0f6d34.jpg)
Recently did this for someone’s tumblr lol
Hello good evening or good morning! I'm from chile. I saw your Mind Yoongi Portrait! Amazing! Um I wanted to ask what was your first portrait? Since you said this is your second ok one! And what was your first art piece or when did you start drawing and were you in any art classes in highschool?
Hello! And it is evening over here where I am. My first portrait was an assignment I had for a final exam in college last semester in drawing 2 to do a self portrait of myself. I started drawing in elementary school it started with sonic the hedgehog and then it slowly evolved to anime like Inuyasha, and bleach and Saint Seiya, etc. i never took art classes I self taught myself it wasn't until my first class in 2019 in college for art that I started doing actual like basic arts. My professor was very tough with me he made me feel like crap but it was because he was telling me the truth overall he's a good guy but like he tells you how things are in his way like he doesn't sugarcoat anything so yeah.... Even though I didn't agree with some of the stuff that like he had told me he's still an awesome professor he cares and he's passionate about what he does and that's what I like in professors that are like passionate because I take things serious when they're like eager or like very passionate about how they teach.
Had to do a portrait of Min Yoongi/Yunki/Suga for my art class…..even though it’s my second time doing a portrait I’m proud of it. Drawing one class is killing me! 😭 I also hope suga and the boys are okay……I hope they all come back home safe and sound and well.💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
![Had To Do A Portrait Of Min Yoongi/Yunki/Suga For My Art Class..even Though Its My Second Time Doing](https://64.media.tumblr.com/97f2a8443d01742c2c6356cf0a905429/83c3bae3f2840d01-35/s500x750/f0ae48c41f963dc632802bdf9a185a0684123cf7.jpg)
Hello! Hello! I wanted to ask....sorry me English......no....good! What language......do......u.....speak more?
Hello! I speak English and Spanish! I Talk and write more English than Spanish.
![Hello! Hello! I Wanted To Ask....sorry Me English......no....good! What Language......do......u.....speak](https://64.media.tumblr.com/568934d6ec1a9118338aec3cff3a13b0/90f86c377c9b62a9-60/s250x400/787e1a3c27697b01fa34990c15cf850213c19e87.gif)
Hi so I wanted to ask about your Ko-fi. I saw that you have commissions for writing me art. I wanted to ask about the writing. I see on the commissions for writing you have $5 for the writing but I also see that I can tip whatever I want I'm confused on that part? I just want to know what I can do to get a story....sorry I don't mean to bother you.
Hi there! Yes I can help you with that! So if you want a very explicit story it's $5 dollars. Like if you want it very explicit with lots of details and stuff like that and of course if you want the story to be super long as well. But the tip is there for support like that's your choice if you want to tip me or not. I'm fine with whatever you want. ☺️ You can support me however by just following as well. Actually right now I have a goal right now on my Ko-fi in writing at least 150 stories! Lol! My goal is to achieve it! For requesting for writing you can ask through here and like I said if it's going to be really explicitly explicit with deep details and a very long story then you would have to ask On Ko-fi and pay the $5. If you have anymore questions don't hesitate to ask! ☺️
![Yes! Im Im Finally Continuing This Drawing Who Is Sitting There For A While Because I Didnt Know What](https://64.media.tumblr.com/70b23f095bbdfb6e63784ac8da290e18/503a386946e5d5ce-5a/s500x750/3e251f040b1d9cb38ac285adf5e6f91a72260707.png)
Yes! I’m i’m finally continuing this drawing who is sitting there for a while because I didn’t know what I was going to do after Raian’s face my mind went blank, but then I realized oh snap I should make a new original character. I only have two right now so here is the WIP so I hope you all like it. I still need to fix the oc female lol. P.S. I haven’t thought of a name for here yet lol 😂 ¡Sí! Finalmente voy a continuar con este dibujo que está sentado allí por un tiempo porque no sabía qué iba a hacer después de la cara de Raian, mi mente se quedó en blanco, pero luego me di cuenta de que debería hacer un nuevo personaje original. Solo tengo dos en este momento, así que aquí está el WIP, así que espero que a todos les guste. Todavía tengo que arreglar la hembra oc ja. P.D. Todavía no he pensado en un nombre para aquí ja 😂
Okay this has been bugging me all day but I feel like I need to ask this……to my Kengan people! Do you all think Raian would be into older women or a woman that is a year younger or two years younger than him…..I think he wouldn’t care but I just wanted to asks y’all your opinions on it……
![Okay This Has Been Bugging Me All Day But I Feel Like I Need To Ask Thisto My Kengan People! Do You All](https://64.media.tumblr.com/66ccec1b41ce9a197d9d9bacd0790c4a/a49c5fcca539c783-0f/s250x400/220c07117f44d310ff80d66dadd9981f365b85a0.gif)
![Hello Kengan Tumblr, How We Doing Today?](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e6da4499dd9613abe95745246ac4935e/a965464d0c5bdfcd-0d/s500x750/4bb7229de64eabd7147e1488b35bad70ab2954d5.png)
Hello Kengan tumblr, how we doing today?
![Just A Little Something, I Am Preparing For Those Who Want To Read A Short Story Or A Fanfic In Spanish.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5f28a87781afebff2f6b42e5b8f6da89/8b1356e2814c2739-f4/s500x750/c5e2cacc691f9bf90edf62cb07815650f7673a80.jpg)
Just a little something, I am preparing for those who want to read a short story or a fanfic in Spanish. Esto es un regalito para los que quieren leer una chiquita historia o un una historia de ficción de fan De Kengan Ashura/Omega.
![Just A Little Something, I Am Preparing For Those Who Want To Read A Short Story Or A Fanfic In Spanish.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0d125238f8240c37842fb12a68c85104/8b1356e2814c2739-0f/s400x600/565f59cac4812ac7dffa52991d796d0651050eca.gif)
Guys! Guys! GUYS! Omg! Level with me for a minute! Un minuto! Raian in Gómez Addams suit!
![Guys! Guys! GUYS! Omg! Level With Me For A Minute! Un Minuto! Raian In Gmez Addams Suit!](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e34ba2c7e903ea44c38d2f1e54e4c456/b90b34dc4931ab5b-61/s400x600/fc4d78f7cca1ee7098bed696d98d4a7c6e91af05.gif)
wearing pheromone perfume around them
ʚ incl: gojo, geto, nanami, toji, choso, sukuna, higuruma, shiu, ino, shoko, uraume
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/333b9725758c49c1c00c8ba750c4e795/51c93c8db26e7f96-f9/s500x750/e7ef85a32c0ee001cd5dbd1f1d1e67890dfcddf0.jpg)
ʚ cont: suggestiveness, fluff, crack
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・°❀⋆.ೃ ࿔
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e9706d367d26abfb94d178c41590e49f/51c93c8db26e7f96-00/s1280x1920/df01bfab27bfc922b24f8452056418d9be431bbe.jpg)
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/27b12d0c5e6c7d05f49ee1151ea85f44/51c93c8db26e7f96-49/s1280x1920/4c6587ceddeea9d466b55fbd0a001f4d99fbd8ba.jpg)
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/582d7984f07712c86a96c98a14cff2b5/51c93c8db26e7f96-9e/s1280x1920/720b23ccbc529b7d7fa07ab7ac0c5cfe47c8232c.jpg)
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f7955ebd6a7498582275a9ef114f9bcf/51c93c8db26e7f96-3d/s1280x1920/e31c4089b87225a69f88339774dd51506d65324b.jpg)
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/eb2372f55024a587ec7e6b1a194c4b54/51c93c8db26e7f96-e6/s1280x1920/a0662453f7ad337ce026a9f5a19f4fd95262fbd4.jpg)
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0a9d629bb262c8d84d8db6e1c44db4dd/51c93c8db26e7f96-33/s1280x1920/53257bfdb0ee7de4fb5df59beb544c3026ccfc61.jpg)
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/466445f374e5312e4bf538459306ca6d/51c93c8db26e7f96-08/s1280x1920/27c2616d3b489ff25c324c7a3084bcdb99e8a37c.jpg)
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/cb4c98c412a433f1d2ca66e3a3111408/51c93c8db26e7f96-f1/s1280x1920/f5557507d46802ef3737bc0fb9cb972c62970ec7.jpg)
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a7114e1abc151b4606dfbac472e77ef8/51c93c8db26e7f96-22/s1280x1920/97acf26f0f6a0e173f3feec6976ba512d6ce7cc9.jpg)
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d54e870a580e199c63c969cd84275477/51c93c8db26e7f96-b9/s1280x1920/310b4a06866f59cc7b528fa5df0ca2663f9c1805.jpg)
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/13365dace430774ca9873a7a085f04d8/51c93c8db26e7f96-75/s1280x1920/83d9239b56714696a5d1d57b231d33611dfa16d1.jpg)
![Wearing Pheromone Perfume Around Them](https://64.media.tumblr.com/164d7c208d870150037ad3f2e895ec8d/51c93c8db26e7f96-2d/s1280x1920/25c08cd690034df1df10aae69e0bd1506ff5993b.jpg)
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![Page 2](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3b977398a4f93f88f0f7318a7a885b5c/9d0b5cccaa47eb5b-d5/s500x750/2643847d8b7a507b15afea341ed7438830618823.jpg)
page 2
![Matching Eye Horror For U And Ur Back-from-the-dead Bestie](https://64.media.tumblr.com/cb0fb96be9f283effcafbe5891eacc0d/91ee53e09954253e-9d/s500x750/072d8c3f01df5fe7b94599970833507e05022466.png)
matching eye horror for u and ur back-from-the-dead bestie <333
jumping out of a car in the middle of an argument
ʚ incl: gojo, geto, nanami, tojo, choso, sukuna, higuruma, shiu, ino, shoko, uraume
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7a5597b935bddcc789f9d6e0fe2d82ce/dd8f22c673ee33a0-af/s500x750/61cf144d3064408b18c86185e6c124f463028786.jpg)
ʚ cont: angst & comfort
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・°❀⋆.ೃ ࿔
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2728402d78bb32d27656ab32a858b726/dd8f22c673ee33a0-83/s1280x1920/40b4ef23895e4a9200baf74da64dfb53de49dd9c.jpg)
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/88379d1c855c89e8746a2c018b9fa1a5/dd8f22c673ee33a0-4e/s1280x1920/615da7987733bc12663ca436bdee717ca7f62f3f.jpg)
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6f416e204f5ef9174eba1528d61ccce4/dd8f22c673ee33a0-05/s1280x1920/ebaf09c273b8eb05576e41097e68257ad40d086a.jpg)
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0f181216a38f823b3fbbe69d846ca458/dd8f22c673ee33a0-55/s1280x1920/05a366a295f4ebace1a698ccf878011fa04d8e3f.jpg)
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/44c461cf3d0397ff05434d861ead9321/dd8f22c673ee33a0-d0/s1280x1920/ba66dba48ed6e235f59f28b9fcc8f7def7f42a2a.jpg)
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9239629c6db9222c723864fb7181c7eb/dd8f22c673ee33a0-f5/s1280x1920/af92cd2135966278f1c8c5d765fe35d7da054aa8.jpg)
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0a5300e8155d5987f7ecb7f7fe922a15/dd8f22c673ee33a0-25/s1280x1920/eaf4eaf37e0a655c8bf1e7c530062c25085c302b.jpg)
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a2c2c413c4bc616bc045b9132a426110/dd8f22c673ee33a0-13/s1280x1920/46847cf40ee6cc873d3a94e35c97d25b3a8a996e.jpg)
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6773ef513eefb11bdaf491bf80c7c23f/dd8f22c673ee33a0-1f/s1280x1920/f01c6c3204ff3983b8b29e3c4f6b78cb6ea2cb59.jpg)
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5a7e8d905d1d78450be4ea8e0996aa7c/dd8f22c673ee33a0-6a/s1280x1920/c4501cec11cf025d74b475398165d68bde0b3337.jpg)
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/745733d5f4070b605c21b8885f07c505/dd8f22c673ee33a0-82/s1280x1920/f9ae69887b9fecf8d53dbc74fa0adebc0a10d8f4.jpg)
![Jumping Out Of A Car In The Middle Of An Argument](https://64.media.tumblr.com/bb10be21919b29a28d6ea5a826898019/dd8f22c673ee33a0-5f/s1280x1920/8f0c54060809e3039bdcd7278df59f92753e8d07.jpg)
![jannahime - 🌸🪷Jannahime🌸🪷💜⁷](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a9f17b6471a471c7ce2a13899217d80e/1c3f036a72333d86-b3/s500x750/7ed843b2c0ca571a179a68cc7e9a1222f8c942bb.jpg)
🍆🍆 on Patre0n, link in pinned