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372 posts
Note: thank you @inciseleviathan for the hex codes
(Gojo, Geto, Toji, Nanami, Choso, Sukuna, Higuruma, Ino)

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More Posts from Jannahime
Hello, can you do where Raian meets Zara aka (Zack Foster sister), and she is crazy just like him. Where Raian and his brothers heard commotion and screaming and saw a building and they saw blood and Raian was interested. When they went to the building, they saw 2 males screaming at the women with a scythe and she sliced them into halves and she was cackling crazy just like her brother. Raian was not only intrigued but was deeply in love with her and they both have a connection. They are both crazy and want to kill with bloodlust. After that she turned around saw Raian and her eyes went to neutral color and she waved at him innocently. Raian took her with him and they get to meet interact with each other. Around 6 months, she was nervous to her skin to Raian because she was also burned like her brother and she had bandages around her. Raian saw her and she jumped little bit and told him she was scared to show her skin. Raian told her (his style), “I don’t give a flying fuck what you look like underneath, all I care about is what is underneath with those crazy beautiful sexy eyes”. Zara tested up and kissed him and she showed him her true self. Raian carefully touch her and he kissed some scars and Zara reared up more and kissed him more.
Yes I can I am very sorry for taking so long in answering your ask! 🙏😞
Psycho Love
Raian Kure x GN Reader, Raian Kure
|fluff|Blood|limbs chopped|a little bit of 18+|

Word count: 1,638
It was already 3 am and Raian and Reiichi and Hollis were out on a mission that required three men. But Raian thought otherwise and he was very annoyed at the fact that he was being babysitted by these two.
He wanted to be on his own, and he craved carnage and a good ol massacre. “Why are the two of you here with me on this mission? What the fuck was the old man thinking sending you and Reiichi with me on this mission!? I can fucking handle it!” Growled Raian with annoyance.
“Look Raian….grandfather Erioh said you needed backup and we're doing just that. After what you did to Alan….Edward Wu himself will try to kill you or he'll send someone to come kill you…. we're just here to cover you while you fight the big boss.” Replied Hollis with an indifferent expression.
Raian just snarled and continued to walk away fast to the point where he was now jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Suddenly his ears caught a blood curdling scream and a sinister grin appeared on his face.
He soon glided from rooftop to rooftop towards the scream. He now heard psychotic laughter and it began to get him quite curious and excited at the same time, wondering who is unleashing carnage at the moment and why.
When he arrived at the scene, he saw two grown men from Edward Wu’s clan shaking in fear from a small, curvy, and feisty looking wild cat with a huge scythe that was covered and dripping with blood. She laughed like the maniac she is as she threatened the two men with her scythe.
“Look at you two grown men trembling with fear now! Look at the one on the left pissed his pants! Hahahahaha 🤣!!!” Her maniac laugh echoed in the air.
Raian’s sinister grin grew wider and wider as the woman swung her scythe and chopped the two men up like chopped liver leaving nothing but bits and chunks swimming in a puddle of blood.
“Wooh! How fun!” She giggled like a schoolgirl who just got a date.
When she turns around she stops in her tracks and she sees Raian Kure towering over looking down at her with a smug grin and a smooth look that says “woah mama.”
“Who the fuck are you?” She asked with such a diva attitude, popping one hip out and leaning on it with her one hand resting on her hip and the other carrying her scythe over her shoulder.
“Raian Kure at your service doll. And you are?” Raian spoke smoothly to her being a flirtatious thug.
“....It's Zara…..Zara Foster. So…..what do you want….Raian Kure?” She replied dryly.
“Oh come on! lighten up kitten.” Purrs Raian as he plays with a few strands of her long messy hair.
“Back off creep….don't touch me!” Spat Zara at Raian as she threatened him with her scythe to his throat. He only raised an eyebrow as he continues to sincerely grin at her not being bothered by the fact that he was being threatened by a weapon to his throat.
“Look doll face-”
“It's Zara!” She hissed threateningly at him.
“Whatever. My point is…..it seems that you and I share a common interest.” Spoke Raian with a small chuckle.
“Is that so?..and what might that be?” Spoke Zara sarcastically as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.
“Our arousal for bloodlust.” replied Raian with a cheeky grin.
“Is that right ……” She spoke uninterested. But soon more of Edward Wu’s clan surrounded the two of them. The two began to smile and cackle in a maniac way.
Raian attacked from the left side while Zara took the right side unleashing her mighty strength and chopping off limbs and heads from the right bodies dropping to the ground one by one.
Hollis and Reiichi looked on with bewildered looks as they saw Raian and Zara dance in joy in a cesspool of the Wu clan's blood. Zara’s eyes were glowing red with bloodlust and Raian twirled her around up in the air picking her up from the waist twirling her up in the air.
Soon her eyes went back to normal and she waved and blushed at him shyly. Months go by as the two begin to date. Fusui couldn't believe her older brother found someone who actually clicked with him and was just as crazy as him.
The fact that he was asking her for advice on a gift and what to wear on a fancy date. “oh my god……did I die and go to heaven or hell…..who are yih and what have you done with my brother. Where the fuck is my crazy bastard brother that I know?” Fusui replied, still shocked.
“Shut up! Hurry up and tell me what the fuck do women like so I can fucking get a present for my girl! And is this outfit good enough or do I need to get fancier clothing?” He replied dryly.
“.....just get her some red roses…or black roses…..and what you're wearing is fine if you're going to take her to Cheddar's. That outfit is fine.” Fusui replied, still shocked.
“Um…” uttered Fusui.
“What?” Replied Raian with a snarl.
“Are you going to introduce her to us one of these days?” Fusui asked, a little anxious.
“Fuck no! Why the fuck would do that! Plus I don't want to fucking look desperate into marrying her….at least not yet.” Growled Raian in annoyance as he fixed his tie.
Raian didn't come back last night, in fact he didn't come back home for a few months. Fusui and everyone else got worried. no matter who texted Raian he wouldn't pick up nor reply to the messages and calls, he would sometimes read the messages but he would leave them on read.
Everyone worried that the Wu clans got to him out a few weeks later he showed up with scratch marks, bite, marks, hickeys, and a bitten and a semi swollen bottom lip a little bit of red lipstick smudged on his lips
“Where have you been…..did you seriously get devoured by-”
“Yeah and what of it grandpa ... .oh we and by the way you're going to be a grandpa AND I'm going to be a dad…. you're welcome!” He walks away humming to himself in a happy mood.
Erioh almost had a heart attack as he clutched his chest uncertain how to feel. Fusui fainted and everyone else was still shocked.
Months prior:
Zara was a little nervous. Raian was coming to sleepover. He didn't ask permission, he literally texted her telling her that he was coming over and that he wasn't going to wait on an answer.
Zara was blushing and a nervous wreck. She knew that tonight might be the night as to where it would be an intimate passionate night between her and Raian.
She was self-conscious of herself. She was full of burn marks from head to toe. And she felt like he would be disgusted if he saw her skin.
He kicks the door down without knocking. “Hey I'm here.” Replied Raian nonchalant.
“I have a door knob and a doorbell you know.” Zara replied with a sigh.
“Yeah I know.” Replied Raian nonchalantly.
He pins Zara to the wall and kisses her through her bandaids. Zara moans softly but she tries to push him away but he doesn't let go.
“R-Raian…..ah …..wait……mmm……” she whispers softly into his mouth.
Raian began to tear open her bandages. But Zara pushes him away, roughly jumping a little. “No Raian! I just don't feel comfortable in my own skin! I-”
“I don't give a flying fuck what you look like underneath, all I care about is what is underneath those crazy, beautiful, sexy, eyes of yours.” Replied Raian in a hoarse tone of voice.
Zara gasps softly and she kisses him back just as fiercely. Raian manages to tear off all of her bandages and then he kisses every scar on her body from head to toe.
She helps um undress while he rips off her clothes. He kisses her neck and jawline nuzzling her ear with his lips whispering dirty things in her ear.
Zara chuckles softly as she tilts her head back giving him freedom to kiss her neck and jawline. He soon cups her chin and he devours her mouth, their tongues tangile with each other.
He soon lifts her up in his arms and begins thrust into her roughly. Zara mewls quietly as she continues to kiss him and wrap her arms and legs around him tightly.
Raian had more missions to do but it was the first time he ever ignored them and spent his time with Zara for many months.
Until Zara got morning sickness one day. She took a test and she found out she got pregnant.
Back to present day:
When Fusui woke up she looked around. “I swear…..did I just hear that psycho older brother…..is going to be a father?” She said still shocked.
“That he is….oh my…..I hope the baby grows up to be powerful as him but not as deranged as him.” Spoke Erioh in a sigh.
Months later Zara gave birth to a son and she named him Zack after her older brother. Zack had his mother's black hair and Raian's demon eyes. The many prayings of Erioh were heard as he wished for Raian’s son to be different and Zack’s IQ was high. The boy was very smart and spoke at a very young age when he's supposed to be talking gibberish.
The boy grew up to be one of the most powerful lethal weapons in the Kure Family just like his father Raian Kure.
The end…….


—cw: poly realtionship, fem!reader, cawksucking and pussyeating, a very very...hot position.
—a/n: eat up bitches. more to come soon

Bisexual satoru has a very strong oral fixation. You'll always find him with a lollipop in his mouth because he just needs something to suck. It's too much sugar though, and he should quit if he wants to live past 50 so he had a better idea. He started sucking suguru's cock and your pussy instead. It's a little strange considering a cock is much bigger than a lollipop and pussy even wetter, but he is quick to get used to it.
He looks so cute bobbing his head, slurping the pre-cum. Suguru's body twitches when Toru starts lolling his tongue around on his meat like an ice cream. You are so wet. Your hands are just about to reach between your legs before satoru slaps it away. Geto yanks you on top of his lap.
“go ahead, satoru. Seems like our pretty wants to help you too?” geto smirks.
Gojo is so quick in removing your flimsy panties aside. He licks his lip, eyes soaking in your wetness. fuck. You his when you feel his tongue against your pussy, all warms and gummy. He plays with geto's balls as he is licking you up. Suguru shoved a finger up your hole, penetrating your insides. Your toes curl and the sensation.
“suguu…her pussy sweet. ya sure I won't get diabetes from her?” he laps you like a dog. “sweet *kiss* fucking *kiss* pussy *kiss*. you're all ours, baby.”
“go on. cum on his face, doll.” a few more strokes of his tongue, and you are sent over the edge, arm snaking behind geto's neck, the other fisting gojo's white locks, pushing him further against your core as you release all of yourself in his mouth.
suguru removes his finger from your hole, all wet with your cum. “open,” he orders satoru. You look down to find satoru with his mouth open and geto shoves the fingers in. toru sucks his fingers clean. He retracts his finger to your pussy, collecting any remnants of your orgasm and scoops this with his two digits. He pops them in his mouth, gazing at both of you as he sucks them.
“good job. now,” he lifts you off him and places you on the bed. Getting off it, he then plops satoru next to you. “time to fix my problem now.” he says as he pumps his cock.
“on your knees with mouth wide open.” you both obey what he says.
satoru tends to get competitive subconsciously. But suguru tames him just fine. He knows how much of a desperate slut he is, so to agonize him more, he starts of my pushing his cock inside your mouth first, totally ignoring the man next to you. Gojo waits. Fifteen seconds. Thirty seconds. A minute. Five minutes. And snap.
He is clawing geto's waist, but all he spares him is a head pat before satoru starts pouting and jerking himself off. Frustration masking his face oh so clearly, it is visible even from your peripheral vision. Sighs of agony escaping his lips instead of moans as he pumps his cock. You reach a helping hand out before geto hums and warn you to not do it.
“how do you feel, pretty boy?”
“fuck you.” he spats, ignoring his boyfriend. “you too, y/n” (damn y/n catching strays)
“yeah? mhmm, baby just like that. such a good girl. satoru,” he purrs. “stand up and come over here?” he intends to ignore him at first, only giving in because he needs it so bad. Satoru is confused, what will geto do but taking his dick in his mouth as you suck him off was not what he expected. He is standing strong, hips jerking forward and both hands twisting geto's hair. The view is so good from up there as he watches his two lovers getting face-fucked. It turns him on to the point he is seconds away from cumming.
“fuckfuckfuck ahhh fuck.”
suguru forced you to catch up to his pace as you rub your clit. The rooms fill with the sounds of united moans, and curses, and you all climax at the same time, satoru pulling out to cum on suguru's pretty face, but you swallow geto's. the bed thumped as three bodies crashed down on it.
“holy fuck. that was so good,” gojo breathes.
“mhm I bet it was. came so hard.” they both gaze at your pretty face while your eyes were closed, catching a breath. Gojo gives geto a look, and now he is hard again. You open your eyes to your boyfriends sitting up and pumping their cock while looking at you like you're their last meal. Fuck. How can you forget they have a stamina of a beast? You gulp because you know what's about to come. You're not walking straight tomorrow.


Goro Kamo

if you really want some more writing requests that are really explicit, and longer how ever you wish, however no minor with adult requests I will not do that. please go here on Kofi, you can support me by $1, $5, $10 if you want more info please don’t hesitate to ask. ☺️