jannahime - 🌸🪷Jannahime🌸🪷💜⁷

|28 years old| Artist | Painter | Drawing | Digital Artist | Anime Enthusiast my art and writing blog! Like ❤️ | Comment 💬 | Follow ➕ Let's connect and inspire each other through our shared love of art and storytelling!

372 posts



Note: thank you @inciseleviathan for the hex codes

(Gojo, Geto, Toji, Nanami, Choso, Sukuna, Higuruma, Ino)





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More Posts from Jannahime

6 months ago
Sumire: About Page #02 By @pneuma-themes

Sumire: About Page #02 by @pneuma-themes

I confess I do not know why, but looking at the stars always makes me dream.

Live Preview / Get the code: [pastebin] [github]

A very simple, contained about page. This is a homage to one of my oldest designs, Lonely Day. Notes are included inside the code itself, so do consult the notes before asking me a question.


One accent and 4 color options.

Four custom links.

An unlimited space to write as short or as long as you like.

A 60 x 60px icon.

A header that will automatically resize, though for the best results it’s advised to use a header with the size of: 70% of the width of your screen x 150px (W x H).

A customizable somewhat pseudo “Currently” tab above the body.

A sidebar with space for short description/quote, and a space to write short biodata about yourself.

Notes: To change your icons, go to https://lucide.dev/ and then pick the icon you want. In code, find icon-name=“” and replace whatever is inside the quotes with the new icon’s name.


Icon font: Lucide

Fonts: Lato by Google Fonts

Icon: @acuite

Header: @snnns

Please like and reblog if you like or are using this!

6 months ago
An image of a Tumblr blog featuring a white and purple color theme; it strongly resembles the Tumblr in-dashboard blog view. On the left is a section with the header image, avatar, title, and description. Throughout this section are included a highlighted link, as well as the ask/submit links, messaging button, palette swap button, and search bar. The sidebar includes a group of three featured posts, a list of updates with dates attached, and a list of blog members.
The same blog, now in black and purple colors, scrolled further down to show the posts. Via and source links are present in the post headers, along with the date and time of the posts. All the content of the post visually resembles the dashboard display of posts, including the styling of audio and text posts.
The same blog, back in white and purple colors, scrolled to the bottom of the page. The posts now have their tags hidden by default, as well as a new tag icon next to the like and reblog buttons at the bottom of the post. In the bottom-most post, the tag icon is highlighted, and the post tags are visible. Page navigation below the posts shows that this is page 1 of 3, and has an arrow icon linking to the next page. In the sidebar, a Navigation section is visible below the members section, offering unlimited custom links.

THEME 7: Unite

Syncs with your mobile theme colors and mimics the new in-dashboard blog view for a consistent look across platforms.

Live preview (temporary) | Static previews: index page, permalink | Code


Appearance options (show/hide header image/avatar/title/description, title font options, and background/text/accent colors) synchronize with mobile settings

Optional: Featured posts section, updates section, and blog member list in sidebar (require some HTML editing; see under the cut for instructions)

Optional second palette

Customizable post width and font size

Optional search bar, like/reblog buttons, date/timestamps, tags (plus a show tags on click option), and Archive/Random links

Unlimited custom links


Supports new post types/pinned posts

And more!

For help, check my theme guide, or feel free to send me an ask. Theme credits and an HTML editing guide for the special sections are under the cut.

All of the below instructions assume that you've gone to your Customize page, then opened the "Edit HTML" menu.

Again, if you have trouble making your edits work, feel free to send me an ask or a DM for help.

Note for HTML beginners

Every bit of text or code is wrapped inside "tags", which have arrow brackets on either side. For example, a paragraph is placed inside <p> tags. Every element has an "opening" and "closing" tag; the closing tag looks just like the opening tag, with a / after the opening bracket. The content inside one section is bracketed by these; for example, a paragraph would look like this:

<p>Text here!</p>

In the above line, <p> is the opening tag, and </p> is the closing tag. Tags of this sort can be placed inside each other:

<p>Some <span>special</span> text.</p>

Note that the "span" tags, both opening and closing, are both inside the "p" tags. You don't want a misordered set, like "<p>Some <span>special text.</p></span>". The opening tag nearest to the start should also have its closing tag nearest to the end.

It is extremely important that while editing the HTML for your theme, you make sure all opening tags have a matching closing tag. If you have a <div> tag, but no matching </div> tag, this might break the theme.

Featured posts

This section fetches the 3 most recent posts from a chosen tag on your blog. To select the tag:


On that line, there will be a link inside quotation marks, ending in "tagged=featured".

Change featured to the tag of your choice; for example, "tagged=photo". This tag can include spaces, such as "tagged=my writing".

Save and ensure your posts show up as intended.

By default, the tagged posts are fetched from your blog, but you can change this so that the featured posts are from a different blog:


On that line, there will be a link inside quotation marks, starting with "https://{Name}.tumblr.com".

Change {Name} to the blog username of your choice; for example, "https://starlightthemes.tumblr.com".

Save and ensure your posts show up as intended.

Be careful not to change any other parts of that section. The code for fetching the posts from blogs is easy to break.

Updates section

The updates section has two editable parts: the title, and the actual updates.

To edit the title:


Scroll a few lines down, until you find the line reading "<h2>Latest updates</h2>".

Change "Latest updates" to say whatever you want. Make sure the text stays inside the <h2>...</h2> tags. For example, if you want the heading to read "My activity", that line of code should read "<h2>My activity</h2>".

To edit updates:


A little under this line, you'll see a template, with the outermost tags reading <div class="update">...</div>. If you're adding a new update, copy this template.

Scroll a few lines down, until you find the line reading "<!-- all updates below this line -->".

Now, for each update, paste the template once over (two updates are present for you to start with), and edit three things: -> "3-LETTER MONTH HERE": The first three letters of the update month, e.g. "Jan". -> "2-DIGIT DATE HERE": The two-digit version of the update date, e.g. "01" or "31". -> "UPDATE TEXT HERE": The actual text that'll show up as the update.

Make sure that all the updates are separate- the starting <div class="update"> and the ending </div> of two updates shouldn't overlap.

Make sure all your updates are above the line reading ""<!-- all updates above this line -->".

Save and make sure things look how you want them to.

Members list

To change the title of the members section:


Scroll a few lines down, until you find the line reading "<h2>Blog members</h2>".

Change "Blog members" to say whatever you want. Make sure the text stays inside the <h2>...</h2> tags. For example, if you want the heading to read "The gang", that line of code should read "<h2>The gang</h2>".

Scroll further down, until you find the line that reads "<h2>{lang:Group members}</h2>". Again, change this to your chosen title, such as "<h2>The gang</h2>".

The actual members list can be customized in two ways. One, for group blogs, you can have it automatically fetch the blog members' main blog names/titles/icons. To do this, turn on "Members list" and turn off "Custom members list" in the main theme settings.

The other option is to manually add any group members and their icons/links. This will also allow you to add customized names and descriptions for each member. To use this option, turn on BOTH "Members list" and "Custom members list". Then:


A little under that, you'll see a template with the outermost tags reading <a class="member" href="//BLOGNAME.tumblr.com">...</a>. If you're adding members, copy this template.

Scroll a few lines down, until you find the line reading "<!-- all members below this line -->".

Now, for each member, paste the template (two members are present for you to start with) and edit three things: -> "BLOGNAME": Next to "href" in the <a> tag, and next to "src" in the <img> tag. Change this to your member's username, such as "starlightthemes". -> "MEMBER NAME": Takes the place of the username. This will show up in bold at the top. -> "MEMBER DESCRIPTION": Takes the place of the blog title. This will show up at the bottom.

Make sure that all the members are separate- the starting <a class="member" href="..."> and the ending </a> of two members shouldn't overlap.

Make sure all your members are above the line reading ""<!-- all members above this line -->".

Save and make sure things look how you want them to.

Theme credits: Layout/design/icons by Tumblr, Style My Tooltips by malihu, NPF photosets plugin by codematurgy, dark/light mode toggle by eggdesign, custom audio posts by annasthms, scroll to top script by Fabian Lins

Preview header image from Only Vector Backgrounds.

6 months ago

Aftercare with Toji, where after all the roughness and manhandling is over with, he can't take his eyes off of you. All he cares about is making sure that you're not in excruciating pain, yet he hasn't been able to say a word for the past five minutes. You've pressed so many tender kisses to his face and expressed that you're okay enough times to him, but he can't seem to drop the smallest, lingering coil of guilt he feels at the sight of your scuffed up body. You look like you fought off a bear and ripped octopus tentacles off your skin—simultaneously, with all the scratches, bruises, and hickeys that littered you from your jaw to your ankles.

"Quit staring," you say, bringing your knees up and crossing your arms, your hands gripping your biceps.

"Nah- baby..." he finally says, softly, like he's quickly trying to justify the gaze he had set on you. "Come here."

Toji makes quick work of crushing this wave of insecurity that threatens your peace. He knows what you just endured was not the softest experience, and that you practically let him—a man capable of showing the aggression of a pack of wolves, devour you. Really, he did not hold back at all.

You slide down the bed and pull the covers over your body, laying your head on his chest with an arm thrown over his midsection. He pulls you close with an arm wrapped around your shoulder, and kisses the top of your head. "You know I love you, right, mama?"

"Mhm," you hum. Minutes ago you would have thought those words were a cruel joke being played on you with the way he gripped onto you like he wanted it to hurt.

"Wasn't trying to hurt your feelings by staring at you like that. Just did a lot of damage, this time, and it looks like it hurts... a lot."

"I'm fine," you repeat, for the nth time. You look up at him, briefly, sparing a smile before resting your cheek on his chest again. "A hot shower will melt it all away, I promise," you mumble.

He brushes over one of the many stains he left on the side of your neck. "My little trooper," he sighs, very much relaxed by your side. "You know i'd be proud even if you told me you were hurting." He knows it'll take more than a shower to get all these new semipermanent tattoos off your pretty skin, but for the sake of not making you feel small, again, he shuts up about it.

"I know," you assure. "I just don't wanna burden you. You're probably just as tired, if not more."

"What do you need?"

You lift your head again and look at him, confusion filling out your features. "You heard me, didn't you? I can take care of myself."

"I know that, and I don't doubt it for a second, but you're really gonna reject me?" He hisses, dramatically clutching his chest. "Damn, mama, just like that?"

"Well, no. Of course not-"

"Right. Of course not," he says, with that horrible tendency he has of cutting you off when the situation benefits you. "Gonna ask you one more time, and if you don't answer, i'm just gonna do what I want for you. What do you need?"

You had to think about it for a minute, about how you wanted him to help you. Independence shone through your thoughts. Everything he could help you with, you could also do alone. You didn't want to be needy.

"Five..." He's timing you, now. "Four..." The countdown has your brain scrambling to pick something. Anything, but you're blanking, losing second by second the already little time you were gifted. "Three... it shouldn't be this hard," he teases, a smirk on his face.

"I don't know, um."

"Two... you're gonna lose the option of telling me what to do, doll."

"No- I don't know."

"One." The countdown ends. "Alright," he groans, pulling you up with him as he sits up. "Let's go."

Sure enough, once the lukewarm water hit your skin, you gained a burst of energy. You made the washing of your body an amusing, yet tedious task for Toji. With all your little excitement fueled dances and laughter, what should have been a ten minute session turned into a twenty minute one.

"Doll, turn around. Let me get your back," Toji says, holding back a grin at the sight of you trying to soothe the burning sensation you feel in your nose after inhaling water.

You turn your back to him, before jovially turning to face him again. "Joking, joking," you say, when you catch his lidded eyes. You quickly turn your back to him, again, with giggles slipping past your lips.

He sighs, unable to hold back the gentle curl of his lips any longer. "What am I gonna do with you?" He lathers you from the nape of your neck to your lower back, with soap. The contrast of the white foam and the darkened stains on your skin, were enough to have him thinking about what ended just a little over half an hour ago. There wasn't a spot on you that didn't have some mark of his on it. Your shoulder blades and spine were mottled with stains of his lips, and your hips had opaque fingerprints on them.

You winced and took a step forward, away from Toji's touch, successfully pulling him out of his zoned out state. "You're scrubbing the scratches too hard," you say, turning to him while running your hands over the tender skin.

"Shit," he gently pulls you back and turns your back to him again, "sorry, princess." A few soothing kisses are pressed into the strikes, enough of them to make you forget that it even stung in the first place. He makes sure his mind stays out of the gutter, at least until he's done washing you, so that he doesn't hurt you again.

After showering, you stayed in bed while Toji went to the kitchen to make some tea for you. He did this for you after every night of intimacy, to expedite the betterment of your exhausted throat. He also knows of the calming properties that ease you into slumber. He wants nothing more than for you to sleep off the soreness your body retains.

"There you go, baby. I know you don't like it, but it'll make your throat feel better, so you have to drink the whole thing." He settles down next to you, on his side of the bed and watches you sip on the steaming hot drink.

The familiar scrunch of your nose appears at the taste that hits your taste buds, a sight that Toji has started looking forward to. "I hate the flavor just a little more every time I drink it. Oh well," you say, taking another sip, ignoring the scalding heat that embraces your tongue.

"I know. It sucks," he says, pressing a kiss to your temple. "Hopefully, next time we choose correctly and get something you'll like."

You set the mug down on the nightstand and turn to him. With warm hands, you cup his cheeks and tilt his head up slightly.

"What?" He asks, his eyes directed towards you.

Your smile evolves into a short giggle as you stare at one pinpointed spot on the side of his neck. "I got you, too. Right..." you drag a finger down his neck, gently pressing on the dark spot you left on him. "...here."

His hand tracks your touch and replaces it with his own, feeling the mark. "Damn right, you did. You got me, baby," he says through a grin. "My turn?"

You sigh, with faux irritation. "Fiiine."

"Let's see..." He cups your cheeks the way you did his. "I got this whole area here." His thumb brushes over your jawline, dragging beneath it to where the marks end. "Then there's this entire patch right here." He turns your head, exposing the reddish-purple splotches on the side of your neck to the light. His eyes trace the slope that leads to your shoulder, spotting the marks that remain visible beneath the collar of your shirt. He coordinates his touch with his sight, dragging his fingers over your delicate skin. "Right here," he says, after pulling the collar of your shirt down your shoulder, revealing more of his marks.

"Okay, okay. You win," you say fixing your shirt, covering up again.

"There's one right there," he continues, tapping the column of your neck. "Some more there," his finger glide over your left collarbone.

"Toji, I swear, if you point out one more, i'm gonna bite your finger off."

He stares at you silently, the corners of his lips twitching as you watch him, intently. After a few seconds, he slowly starts directing his finger towards a mark on your chest. Once he makes contact with your skin, he gently presses on the smear of color that marks it, still holding eye contact with you. "Here, too."

You swat his hand away from you, and huff. "Why did I even try to threaten you? You want me to bite your finger off, huh?"

"Not in the slightest. I just knew you weren't actually gonna do it, so I pushed it."

You cross your arms. "Whatever. I'm just gonna put a hoodie on so you can't look at them anymore."

"Woah, baby, put down the knife," he says, hands up in playful surrender. "No need to take drastic measures over this. Don't hide all my hard work."

"Hard work," you mutter, an incredulous scoff following.

Toji's gaze falls on your lips. "You're pouting like you wanna be kissed," he teases.

"And you're... you're being annoying," you say, covering your mouth with your hand, concealing the involuntary lift of your lips.

"Yeah, but you still want me to kiss you," he says, with a sly, knowing smirk on his face. "Look at you. Look at that blush. Even your knuckles are red, doll."

"Oh my god..." you groan with embarrassment. You use both hands to cover your entire face, now.

He chuckles, pulling you into his arms. "You're so pretty, ma. A total work of art." His hands have never gotten lost on you, but for now, in any way he holds you, he'll be able to see the trails his lips left behind.

"Stop..." you mumble, smiling softly at the sweetness poured into his words.

"You look mine, with all these marks," he says, pulling down the collar of your shirt a little, to see the blots of color that appear at the start of your spine.

"Shut up," you say, blushing furiously against his chest.

"Sounds like you still want that kiss, huh?"

"Not anymore," you say, lifting your gaze to meet his. The look in your eyes betrays every ounce of your denial. Toji can very clearly tell that you're lying.

"Those rosy cheeks are saying something else," he says, grinning. "Damn, look at those pretty lips. They're ready for me."

"If you want to kiss me, just say so," you chide, lightheartedly.

"I'm gonna kiss you so hard, doll," he says, cupping your cheeks again. "Your lips lack a little more of me."

6 months ago
Goro Kamo

Goro Kamo

7 months ago
Wip Of Cowboy Gojo

wip of cowboy gojo 🙂‍↕️