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Going to see the movie later today motivated me to clean up some sketches. Poor Mario…he is really trying to be a good brother here.
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More Posts from Jasminedragoon

“Secret Weapon” 2023 Hydrated Ganondorf! I’m so happy that he’s canon!
Okay so the feral moon hissing at the little Music Man's is from Solar Lunacy @bamsara on AO3, the snakes from Snake Your Way Into me also AO3, a god au on here, and just general madness I have from fixating too long. I hope you guys enjoy!

Yesssss I love ittt I love when they're vulnerable 🥺🥺
It would kill you to try? Part. 3 Javier Peña x Female reader

pairing: Javier Peña x Female reader
summary: after that unpredictable expedition you were forced to do to save Javier’s ass. You three phase the consequences for that. And he makes you a little visit to apologize.
chapter content/warning: swearing (like always), mention of prostitution, alcohol.
english is not my first language so, sorry if you find any typos. ups!
“There’s going to be a little change of plans” stated Messina sitting on her chair.
Javier clenched his jaw and touched his mustache nervously. Both him and Murphy were called to Messina’s office to have a little talk about the previos situation. They didn’t have a clue of how the hell the DEA found out about their little expedition. But anything related to Pablo Escobar was known sooner or later in this country. Also his bruises and the black eye that was starting to heal could’ve gave it away easily. Murphy was as tense as he was. Even though they were used to being scolded, they both knew this one was a tricky one. But he couldn’t stop wondering one thing the entire time, why weren’t you in the room.
“Where’s Gomez?” he asked beforehand.
“Well, Peña, I was about to cover that part but before anything. Could you explain why you decided, like always, take matters into you own hands, risking not only your work partners lives but their work positions” Messina asked rhetorically, crossing her arms and looking at the man with a threatening stare.
The room went silent and Murphy focused his eyes on the floor. Meanwhile, Javier played with his tongue inside of his mouth.
“I was trying to prevent that from happening by doing it myself.” he started in a calm tone “I guess it didn’t go as planned.”
Murphy shifted in his seat, covering his mouth in an attempt to not laugh at his stupid response. He knew that something Peña was not good at were apologies.
“And don’t you think maybe, you could’ve prevent all of that by simply thinking before acting by impulse?” insisted Messina.
“Well sometimes there’s no time to think, boss” he finally answered seriously “I apologize for everything that caused. But I had no other choice.”
Messina looked at him with anger. Real anger. She wasn’t able to understand how irresponsable they both could be, but at the same time, she didn’t trust other people to handle their positions as much as she trusted them.
“Uh, can I say something?” interrupted Murphy holding up his hand “I also want to apologize. He called me, just me. But I was the one who reached for Carrillo and Gomez instead of informing the office. So if you have to blame someone for putting people at risks, that’s gotta be me.”
Unlike Javier, Murphy was actually kinda used to apologizing. He was also terrified of losing this job.
“Don’t worry, Murphy. There are consequences for you too.” informed him the woman standing from her seat “Now, onto the good part. I want you, Murphy, to focus on office work for the rest of the week. I don’t want you taking a step out of this walls to do anything related with Pablo Escobar or the Medellin cartel. If you do, you’ll get instantly fired. Am I making myself clear?” she stated demanding, looking directly at Murphy.
The blonde agreed immediately.
“Yes, m’am.”
“Peña” she directed towards the brunette who was waiting for his sentence “since you are so interested on knowing Gomez’s location, you must know she’s taking a couple of days off.”
Both Murphy and him looked at each other with a mix of confusion and concern.
“She wants to clear her mind about her work situation. She’s also recovering from the stress of the past events.”
This time, Javier was the one to focus his stare on the wooden floor.
“And I want you to do the same. You’re taking a week off.”
“Excuse me?” asked the man outraged.
“I don’t want you near the office or close to anything work related” she quickly explained “If I do, I won’t hesitate to send you back to Texas and I’ll make sure nobody hires you as an agent, at least not when it comes to the territory of The Unitet States.”
Shit was getting real this time.
“With all my respects, Messina, don’t you think you’re going too far with this? Keeping me away from this office, two agents at the same time? Did she asked you to do this?”
It was clear to him now. You were the one who gave her the whole information about that night. He should’ve seen it coming. The way you talked to him. How you left the hospital room, looking at him like the biggest rock in your shoe. But it was also clear to him that even if he knew sooner, he probably wouldn’t have been able to stop you
Messina ignored his accusations completely.
“Look at the bright side, Peña. I think this might be good for you, it would clear your head and it would give you time to heal those wounds properly” she went back to her seat “…and who knows, maybe after this you’ll get what you always wanted. You might ended up working alone.” She finished in a dry tone.
It was true. He had always wanted that. It wasn’t easy for him to trust somebody else with his job, even when it came to Murphy joining him back in the day. He just wasn’t good at co-working, relaying on someone else’s opinion. But the fact that you might’ve requested changing partners, scar him in a different way. Specially cause he was actually getting used to having you and Murphy by his side. It made him remembered your words. I respected you, I thought it was mutual. He grew fond of you in some way, since the very first day he saw you cry with your mom on the phone. He tried really hard to make things easier from you. To keep you save in some way. He failed at that too.
“I also don’t want you calling her.” she advised like she was capable of reading his mind “She specifically asked to not know anything from you till further notice. Take your time to yourself. Am I making myself clear, Peña?”
He agreed with his head.
“Good. You two can leave now.”
Finally outside of the office, Javier pull out a box of cigarettes from the inside of his jacket and lighted one taking a quick puff.
“Well that was nice” commented Murphy in a sigh, rejecting Peña offering him a cigarette.
“How is she?” Javier asked out of nowhere “Have you talked to her?
Murphy instantly knew he was talking about you.
“She’s pissed but, she’ll be okay” he reassured him “She’s not the first person you pissed off” he joked.
“I really didn’t want to” he confessed in almost a whisper.
Murphy patted his back kindly.
“I know, man. But I think you should really listen to Messina for once, okay. Take your time, don’t do anything stupid.”
He looked back at the blonde.
“And don’t try to explain that to her.” he advised the brunette “She won’t listen.”
And you sure didn’t have the energy to. Your mom calling you was the only thing keeping you out of your bed and keeping Peña out of your mind. Not for long, because for some reason she kept asking how everything was, if you were actually as okay as you try to play it off. Maybe it was the fact that it was a Tuesday and you were home instead of at the office. The day after that, maybe too intense and uncalled for night, you three try to play it off at the office like nothing had happened. Like Peña’s bruises weren’t an actual thing, despise the perpetual stares of horror from half of his fan club of women and the babbling of the men. Like your inability to focus on anything and your lack of sense was just a result of poor sleep or like Murphy almost finishing two packs of cigarettes was just the common thing. You were surprised nobody asked anything. Nobody let out even a simple joke. And even after all, things just stayed the same. It didn’t matter if any of you actually felt the same. So when your lunch break came and you left the place in search of some freedom from all of that act you were pulling, you found Messina having a coffee in the nearest café you were directing yourself to, and you couldn’t helped it.
“Gomez, are you okay?”
She invited you to seat with her and ordered a glass of fresh water for you. You seemed pale and about to cry. And so you did. You cried and told her everything. Like you cried on your first day with your mom on the phone. You dropped the act. And even at that moment something inside of you hoped deeply, that Javier could forgive you for it.
“¿Y cómo te está yendo con los chicos? ¿son guapos?” (how’s it going with the boys? are they cute?)
“Mom, please” you replied embarrassed, covering your face while washing your cup of tea on the sink.
“I guess it’s better if you don’t tell, you know what your dad thinks about you possibly marrying a cop.” She replied in a jokingly way.
“Well, dad often forgets I am a cop. Y a parte, ¿matrimonio? ustedes me tienen mucha fé” (and besides, marriage? you have so much faith in me).
“Somos de la vieja escuela, mi amor” she laughed through the phone. And you couldn’t help but miss hearing that laugh live.
A knock on the door shocked you completely out of your nostalgic state. And you were quick to put the phone down on the table to grab your gun from the drawer next to your bed.
“Honey?” you heard your mom through the phone while you tried to figure out who could possibly be.
You didn’t have any friends in Colombia yet, and the postman had already pass by this morning. You grabbed the phone again in a attempt to ignore the person behind your door.
Another knock. This time with one hand on the gun and the other on the phone, you approached the door slowly. Careful to make the least amount of sound, just to be able to hear something that indicated who the heck was the stranger that kept insisting to make you paranoid.
“¿Pasa algo?” your mom sounded concerned about you lack of response.
“I know you’re in there, Gomez” suddenly Peña’s deep voice ruined the mystery completely.
Hiding your gun inside of you back pocket, you opened the door to a -full on dress in a suit- Peña. With his glasses hanging from the collar of his white shirt and one hand resting on his hip while the other one was on the door frame.
For fucks sake. Didn’t he get the message from Messina?
“Mamá me tengo que ir, te llamo mañana en la mañana ¿sí?” you hanged the phone before your mom could ask any more questions “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“¿Le hablas de mí a tú mamá?” (Do you talk to your mom about me?) he suddenly asked mocking your spanish, a slight grin adorning his face.
“No sabe ni que existes, Peña” (She doesn’t even know you exists).
That caused him to grab his chest with one hand, faking the pain.
“I guess that’s better, moms don’t usually like me.”
“I wonder why” you replied in a dry tone, blocking the entrance.
That gave him time to inspect you better. He was so dressed up compare to you, and to him it was a little shocking seeing you in just some ripped shorts and a t-shirt. Clean face, showing the tiredness of your eyes and the posible left trace of tears in your cheeks from this morning. It made his heart sink a little, you looked so tiny in front of him. But in some way he find it cute. You looked cute as you.
“Look if you’re here to scold me for being a snitch, I don’t care.” you started looking into his eyes while shaking your head “I really don’t care about anything you have to say besid-…”
“Did you asked Messina to change partners?”
The sudden question took you by surprise, did he really just came here to ask you that?
“Can I come in?” he asked again without even letting you find an answer to his previous questions.
Javier Peña, the man who almost didn’t even think to approach you at the office weeks ago, not only lectured you about your fears, put your life at risks and created your ever first conflict with someone at work, but also was there, at your house. Sitting down in your kitchen, drinking whiskey and lighting up a cigarette. Just talking and actually being concerned about you? If somebody would’ve told you a month ago, this would be your situation, you would’ve laugh at their face. And freak out, probably. You couldn’t deny, he had his ways. It’s not like you shared the same sentiment all those girls he hooked up with and the ones who wished for it, did at work. But you could slightly understand the hype. He had a way with words and after a couple glasses and some smokes, it almost felt like you weren’t mad at him anymore. You talked in Spanish, English, joked about Murphy and those pricks at the office.
“I just simply don’t understand, he’s been what? how many months in Colombia and he doesn’t know shit in Spanish?” you commented between tipsy laughs about Murphy’s situation “I just feel like….” you took a sip from your beer “at this point, it’s just deeply disrespectful.”
You both laughed and Javier watched you as tears f try to scape your eyes. You looked slightly flushed, relaxed. You didn’t really liked whiskey, you preferred beer. And he wondered how someone could still look elegant while drinking beer straight from the bottle.
“And still you prefer him over me.”
He noticed. They way you two talked to each other. Your little jokes. Steve made you feel more comfortable in your shoes than he did. This was the closest he’s ever gotten to share a moment with you without the drama. And alcohol had to be involved.
“Well I’m sorry, you scare me a little.” You replied, taking another sip. Sober Y/n would’ve never said that to his face.
“And why is that?” he asked with a grin.
“I don’t know, it’s all this” you said shaking your hands up and down his figure “It’s your aura.”
“My aura” he repeated mocking your tone.
“It’s like you’re constantly trying to intimidate people” you explained “You just have in you. Some people like it and some others, like me who just don’t have it at all, run from it.”
He kept silence for a while, taking another puff from his cigarette. He looked like someone out of a movie. You really liked his mustache. It suited his face.
“You looked pretty intimidated to me when you decided to enter that building by yourself” he finally stated finishing the cigarette and dropping the ash in the ashtray.
He remembered you. Holding the gun towards him, fierce expression in your eyes. You looked powerful. In other circumstances he would’ve find that kind of sexy.
“I wasn’t by myself, I was with Carrillo” you corrected, stealing a cigarette from his package over the table.
“But still, you lead, didn’t you?” you shrugged “Or at the hospital, you can’t deny that one.”
You felt kind of embarrassed recalling that.
“Shit. I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s fine, you’re good at pissing people off, we have that in common.”
You giggled at that.
“And…about the hookers.”
“You really do not have to explain anything to me” you anticipated.
But he insisted.
“It’s true” both of your faces fell a little “I used to frequent those places. But I don’t do that anymore.” He finished his whiskey, almost as a way of gaining energy.
“Well then you should tell the girls, they’re really interested to know, they’ll been asking me a concerning amount of questions about your sentimental status” you joked trying to brush the tension off.
“The girls? Really? Just the girls?”
“Yes” you answered raising up your eyebrows “And most of the time…I don’t know what to tell them, they’re gonna start thinking we’re fucking or something.”
He laughed. He really didn’t care about the girls.
“That’ll be fine for me. I don’t know about you.”
You rolled your eyes and he laughed again.
A brief silence grew between the both. Absorbing the moment, you spoke again.
“I just wanna make sure that you’re a good man, Javier” he was a little taken back about you saying his name, with the perfect tone, perfect pronunciation “Because just a couple days ago, I kinda thought you were.”
For the first time he didn’t look away.
“You always manage to leave me speechless, Gomez” he admitted with a side smile that fade away once he seriously answered “I’d also like you to believe that. But I’m not perfect. I had my ways to deal with that in the past.”
“You don’t have to go back to that.”
It was easy said than done. But he thought, maybe he’ll try.
“Thank you for being there” he said instead “Saving my ass and shit.”
“It’s duty. Just talk to the girls.” you insisted taking his glass and your bottles out of the table.
“I really wouldn’t mind if they think we’re fucking.”
“Okay, you can go now.”
tags: @nightlockcornucopia @jasminedragoon
The new FOB album has me screaming crying throwing up spiraling into a mania. It's so good my favorite is I am my own muse. I don't have anything deep to say about it right now. I just like it