171 posts
I Just Came Up With The Most Devasting Wolf359 AU Today And You're All Gonna Hear About It.
📢 I just came up with the most devasting Wolf359 AU today and you're all gonna hear about it. 🚀
My brain really chose VIOLENCE coming up with this AU on father's day.
Here is the set up: the crew gets themselves into a stalemate with Cutter and Pryce that lasts a REALLY long time. The crew can't make it to Earth without getting blown up, but Cutter and Pryce can't get what they need from the crew without gambling too much. The stalemate lasts a long time. Like a REALLY long time, at least a decade. And this is when Cutter decides to play dirty. Well, dirtier than usual, even for him.
Basically, Cutter finds Anne (Doug's daughter), and very much appeals to her the same way he appealed to Miranda, through showing her support, promising her a way to help her disability and make her even "greater" and praising her potential and accomplishment in spite of the adversity she's suffered. He also connects with her via speeches about how his (Cutter's) father never saw the potential in him either. Cutter becomes a sort of mentor to Anne under the guise of "oh look this nice science man is tutoring deaf kids. What a philanthropist!". If we want to go really dark, Cutter has Kate and the rest of Anne's family killed in a terrible accident and adopts her, but he could also just be a mentor to Anne. Either way, she ends up trusting him, and seeing him as more of a father to her than Doug, and starts growing bitter about what Doug did to her and believes that he doesn't care about her at all (Anne thinks he never called, wrote home, or anything, and Cutter stages a whole thing where Anne finds some fake recording he made to make it sound like Doug never cared about her at all so that Cutter can come in and fake comfort her).
Anyway, flash forward through the decades long stalemate between Cutter and the Hephaestus crew, and now Anne's a college student who works for Goddard Futuristics (she's considered one of the higher ups/part of Cutter's inner circle). Like Miranda has her glow in the dark eyes and night vision, Anne has specially made hearing aids created by Goddard Futuristics that allow her to hear whisperers on the other side of the ship and very subtle sounds. Anne's relationship with Pryce and Cutter would be interesting. I can see Pryce being jealous of her (for obvious reasons not to mention that fact that she gets Cutter's attention), but I can also see Pryce finding common ground with her since they have similar backstories that Cutter can't relate to (though Pryce would deny it and whenever Cutter refers to Anne as their little girl, she rolls her eyes and say something along the lines of "for the last time, I'm not playing house with you, Marcus. She's a tool. Like the rest of them."). If Pryce did go with the common ground route, it would be interesting to see if they ever ended up ganging up on Cutter for any reason (I think they'd do this if they were both mad at Hera and Doug at the same time and insisted on making decisions based on this anger), and whether Cutter would find this alliance amusing and endearing or threatening.
But back to the story. So Anne works for Goddard Futuristics now, and the anger she has towards her father has led her to buy into Cutter's philosophy of survival of the strongest, immortality/new bodies, a better future, all of it (though obviously Cutter is lying to her about some stuff because...well he's Cutter, he lies to everyone). So Doug and the crew finally have a show down with their enemies after over a decade in space and who shows up to torture them but Anne. Doug doesn't even recognize her at first, because she's an adult now, but when he does, he's devasted. Anne doesn't believe he's sorry about what he did and insists that this is what she wants now and that Cutter has been a better father to her than Doug ever could be. The crew becomes very conflicted because while they were prepared to fight Cutter and Pryce, nobody wants to kill Anne because despite what she's done, she's Doug's daughter (which is what Cutter was counting on).
Anyway, flash even more forward to Anne discovering recordings that prove her father cares about her and that Cutter is a horrible person, and she eventually breaks down and flips sides. I don't think Pryce would be sad to see her go, and if she was, she'd either get over it, or get angry at Anne for her "betrayal". Cutter might also have more complicated feels by that point if Anne reminds him of Pryce, and I could see him trying to force her to stay. Also at one point, Anne's special hearing aids break, and that's when she discovers that Doug learned sign language for her, just in case he ever got the chance to see her again.
Anyway, feel free to lmk what you think!
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Okay but it's so interesting either way-
If it IS a namecloak, that means she chose to qualify her relationship with magic and the world as one of hope. She's named for the new day, the herald of a bright dawn to end the darkness. She is the song that brings forth the light, that wakes people from their slumber and makes the world alive.
If it's NOT a namecloak??? Then by golly that's a naming convention we Have Not Seen Anywhere In Umora Yet. I strongly doubt "Wrensong" is a surname in the traditional (Western, at least) sense, because her full name is a sentence. She is morning wren song. And I, for one, want to know more about where she came from or at the very least who named her, if not herself.
The fact that Morning Wrensong's first name is just a noun is NOT a coincidence. It is clearly some kind of namecloak. Brennan I am NOT deceived I have SEEN THROUGH YOUR SCHEME
I will say, they've mentioned before that shooting schedules have to work around players' other obligations, which I would imagine informs a lot of the filming timeline.
Plus, Dropout is a business, and a pretty experimental one at that! I doubt they can really afford to take big hiatuses from their most popular programming. Besides, non-intrepid heroes seasons are getting longer and much more frequent; with rotating casts, most cast members have a lot of time between seasons
i will say that they’re so visibly tired in the ap, and they’ve clearly forgotten some of the stuff to be wrapped up, and just. i know i harp on about this a lot but i just think that they should have more time off between seasons and more time to film each seasons rather than the need for constantly releasing new campaigns

soon it'll be dawn again