jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻

32 posts

Jazybear216 - JazyBear - Tumblr Blog

6 years ago
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
6 years ago
Let Them Be Everything Because They Are Everything. (amy Sherman-palladino)
Let Them Be Everything Because They Are Everything. (amy Sherman-palladino)
Let Them Be Everything Because They Are Everything. (amy Sherman-palladino)
Let Them Be Everything Because They Are Everything. (amy Sherman-palladino)
Let Them Be Everything Because They Are Everything. (amy Sherman-palladino)
Let Them Be Everything Because They Are Everything. (amy Sherman-palladino)
Let Them Be Everything Because They Are Everything. (amy Sherman-palladino)
Let Them Be Everything Because They Are Everything. (amy Sherman-palladino)
Let Them Be Everything Because They Are Everything. (amy Sherman-palladino)
Let Them Be Everything Because They Are Everything. (amy Sherman-palladino)

let them be everything because they are everything. (amy sherman-palladino)

6 years ago

WTF is wrong with people 😒

jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
6 years ago
Lisa Dazed Korea

Lisa ☆ Dazed Korea

6 years ago

alright rb this and put in the tags: ur zodiac sign, if u like milk or not, and how tall u are

im a sagittarius i despise milk and i’m a whole 5'1 😔

Tags :
6 years ago

Best part of Agent Carter

Realizing this guy


is going to help raise this guy

6 years ago

I know the jpop fanbase is small on here but the silence on the assault on a Japanese idol by 2 men is so worrying. Hating idol culture doesn’t mean you should ignore serious issues like this. If we don’t get this more attention Japanese media will literally ignore it because the group’s management is already making this girl apologize for HERSELF being assaulted in front of the men who assaulted HER. It’s disgusting and it shouldn’t go unnoticed.

Japanese pop star apologises after SHE 'was attacked by two men'
Mail Online
Maho Yamaguchi, 23, revealed this week that she had been 'attacked by two men' at her flat in Niigata, central Japan, accusing fellow member
6 years ago


I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, honestly the notes don’t matter to me because this is something that goes through my mind. Fanwars are far away from my mind when I write this, the only thing I wanted to state were my feelings.


1. Suga (BTS)

- It’s okay to be a little more neutral looking or have a pokerface on most of the day. For some people it brings more comfort and it’s a kind of safe haven to keep the expressions inside. That doesn’t mean you can’t be happy, you may be jumping on the inside but never show it


2. The8 (Seventeen)

- it’s okay to dress up in whatever you want and make your own style with it, there’s no need to wear what everyone else wears. If you like to wear your glasses on the tip of your nose then you should do so, if you want to wear clothes that have already been used then go for it. Be you.


3. Mark (GOT7)

- it’s okay to be quiet and still happy, being quiet doesn’t mean that you’re invisible. Introverts aren’t rare. And it doesn’t mean that they’re quiet all the time, they can be just as loud as the rest. And they have the same emotions as everyone else and have the right to show themselves.


4. Minhyuk (Monsta X)

- being all loud and happy can be normal, everyone has happy moods and shows it in different ways. Sometimes we try to be happy and then wonder if we really seemed happy enough and if we made others smile, we get insecure about ourselves. But also sometimes we’re just genuinely happy


5. Suho (EXO)

- that everyone in life does their own thing, they all have their own activities and worries in life. As a leader I understand it must be a weird feeling. You don’t know where life leads you and still you have to keep it all together and make sure things go well. It’s like when you get older and your group of friends splits up: college, work, family life. And even though life is different for everyone, still there’s the feeling of being a group and a family. Even if you don’t get to see each other every day


6. Jonghyun (SHINee)

- I’m sorry for this one, I really am. But this taught me how you should yell out for help on time, even if no one can help you. Just tell anyone, anyone to just be there even if you don’t speak about your struggles. This can save a lot of lives in my eyes. I know roses can’t live forever, but give them water, love and they can bloom for a long time. Thanks to this wonderful man for teaching me this


7. G-Dragon (Big Bang)

- it’s okay if you don’t know who you are yet, if you have yourself hidden behind a different name or personality. Just as long as deep inside you feel alright and happy, satisfied with life even if it could be a lot different

- there may be many struggles on the way of growing up. But people who really love you don’t leave you behind. They may kick your ass and then tell you to continue living.

- Sadness, loneliness, emptiness: it happens to the best people you can get. It’s okay if you’re not okay, as long as there are surroundings that make your day a little bit brighter. To feel better you may have to give yourself for 300% before you feel one spark of happiness, which is tiring, but it’ll be worth it. And it’s kind of peaceminusone, even if things are missing, try to be in peace with yourself

6 years ago
G I R L , Y O U R E T R O U B L E .
G I R L , Y O U R E T R O U B L E .
G I R L , Y O U R E T R O U B L E .
G I R L , Y O U R E T R O U B L E .
G I R L , Y O U R E T R O U B L E .

G I R L , Y O U ’ R E T R O U B L E .

lm5 + newfound confidence

6 years ago
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
6 years ago

You know what day it is

It’s Wednesday my dudes

Only reblog this on Wednesday.

It’s a lucky day.

6 years ago
Tag Yourself Im Jungkook
Tag Yourself Im Jungkook
Tag Yourself Im Jungkook
Tag Yourself Im Jungkook
Tag Yourself Im Jungkook
Tag Yourself Im Jungkook

tag yourself im jungkook

Tags :
6 years ago
The Duality Of Park Jimin
The Duality Of Park Jimin

The duality of Park Jimin 😂

Credits to the owners of the gifs

6 years ago

welcome to the age of female superheroes

6 years ago
He Looks So Smol

He looks so smol 😭😭😭😍

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6 years ago



6 years ago

My bias is taehyung but i couldn't take my eyes off hosoek👀👌😻😻

I Could Stare At You All Day Tbh
I Could Stare At You All Day Tbh
I Could Stare At You All Day Tbh
I Could Stare At You All Day Tbh
I Could Stare At You All Day Tbh
I Could Stare At You All Day Tbh
I Could Stare At You All Day Tbh
I Could Stare At You All Day Tbh
I Could Stare At You All Day Tbh

i could stare at you all day tbh   ✨ ✨  

Tags :
6 years ago
jazybear216 - JazyBear🐻
6 years ago

consider this: being fat and chubby is ok and good

6 years ago
6 years ago




وسط البلد .. القاهرة

طلعت حرب

Mobile photography

By Samsung s8

6 years ago
The Scent Of Egypt
The Scent Of Egypt
The Scent Of Egypt
The Scent Of Egypt
The Scent Of Egypt
The Scent Of Egypt

The scent of Egypt ✨

7 years ago

looks like cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: scott mccall

looks like he could kill you but is actually cinnamon roll: theo raeken (fitE ME)

looks like cinnamon roll and is actually cinnamon roll: liam dunbar

looks like he could kill you and could actually kill you: derek hale