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Sometimes Raph Misses Being Small

Sometimes Raph misses being small
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More Posts from Jenuinely-speaking
Words You Didn’t Say - Ch. 3
Read on A03
Rated: G
Summary: “Purple, we have never needed a map to go trick o'treating before. Is this really necessary--”
“That is because I have been gathering all the data since year one!! And after proper analysis, I have created for us-- pause for dramatic effect-- the optimal route to obtain the highest quantity and caliber of candy for our consumption on this old Hallow’s Eve--”
“I thought it was Halloween?” Mikey interjects with a raised hand.
Previous: Ch. 2
Ten years old...
“Candy bags?”
“Check!!” Mikey bounces on the balls of his feet in excitement, the too big homemade chef’s hat on his head sliding over his eyes for a moment.
“Cheeeckity check!” Leo singsongs and models his blue unicorn onesie proudly.
“And now, the pièce de résistance!”
“The pee-yeh do what now?” Raph scratches his head in confusion, only to freeze at the sound of his Ghostbear wrestling costume ripping on the spikes of this shell at the movement. His father clicks his tongue softly as he uses a safety pin to secure it. Raphael smiles wide up at him and Splinter pats his eldest on the head, adding another pin for good measure.
"Oh, I'm so glad you asked-- Gentlemen!!" Donnie’s voice echoes down the sewer tunnel as he pauses to look judgmentally at their father in his obviously low-budget replica of a Lou Jitsu costume, and clears his throat, "Ahem, and Pápa... here’s the plan--”
“Eugh boy, here we go--” Leo crosses his arms and rolls his eyes, ignoring his twin’s glare. The effect is somewhat ruined by the floppy antenna and googly eyed glasses Donnie wears for his alien costume anyway.
Donnie taps on his phone screen for several seconds until each of their devices in turn chime with a notification.
Leo glances briefly at the notification but is almost immediately distracted by Mikey tilting his phone one way then the other, trying (and failing) to make sense of the map their brother just sent to them. His chef's hat is slipping off his head with the movement, so Leo pulls it up for him and pokes his cheek. The youngest swats at him with a giggle, while Raphael shows their father how to open his own map on his chipped phone screen.
“Purple, we have never needed a map to go trick o'treating before. Is this really necessary--”
“That is because I have been gathering all the data since year one!! And after proper analysis, I have created for us-- pause for dramatic effect -- the optimal route to obtain the highest quantity and caliber of candy for our consumption on this old Hallow’s Eve--”
“I thought it was Halloween?” Mikey interjects with a raised hand.
“Yes, that is the colloquial term, Michael,” Donnie hits a button on his phone and proudly projects the map onto the tunnel wall, fingers tracing a purple colored line around several blocks with his hand. “Now if we start out here on--”
“Are you seriously going to make us stick to a map tonight? That takes all the fun out of it!” Leo groans, throwing his head back.
“Which is whyyy~” Donnie drawls in annoyance and hits another button. A blue line appears on the map with an alternative path. “I made two routes. We can split up and make this a little bit of a competition, what say you, Nardo?”
“Oh, oh, now I get it. You’re on!” Leo grins confidently. “I call Mikey!! Get ready to win this baby brother!!”
“Aww yeah!!” Mikey hops up and double high fives him, before climbing onto Leo's back with a devious grin.
“Wait a minute, boys!! Who said anything about splitting up--” Splinter crosses his arms, glancing briefly at his eldest, “I don’t want any of you getting lost. ”
“Pish posh, Pápa! That’s why I put trackers in our phones last year, remember?” Donnie reassures him with a wave of the device in hand, “Plus if Raph’s with me, and I am, of course, the best map maker and reader here. Then no one’s getting lost on my watch. Those two on the other hand...”
Splinter grimaces, unable to disagree, and rummages quickly in the travel bag that clashes terribly with his costume. “Well, we also need to make sure Red has his--”
“Uh, Pops...” Raphael points towards the ladder on the far end of the tunnel, where Leonardo is already climbing topside with Mikey riding piggyback, “They’re leaving without you...”
“What-- Blue, Orange!! Wait for me!!” Splinter looks up bewildered and dashes after them, shouting over his shoulder, “Raphael, you’re in charge, do not let Purple get carried away!! And be back here by ten pm!!”
“How about Twelve pm?” Donnie barters, making Splinter turn around with a scolding look.
“Ten-thirty and that’s final.”
“What about eleven -thirty--” Don offers hopefully, the brows he painted on even over his costume raising.
“Daddy, hurry up!!” Mikey calls from the open manhole, and Splinter looks torn for a moment between his two sets of sons.
“We’ll be here at ten-thirty, Pops,” Raphael reassures as he pats Donnie’s head, and Splinter nods at him with a smile.
“See ya later when you’re calling us champions, buh bye~!!” Leo waves with a wink, backing out of the way only as their father reaches them. His mild reprimands are muffled as he replaces the manhole cover, leaving the other pair of turtles in the silence of the sewer tunnel.
Raphael looks at his little brother and grins wide as he hands him a pillowcase with the crooked stitched letters of his name, “Wanna make Leo-- what is it you always say-- eateth his words?”
“I love you so much , let’s do this!!” Donnie pumps his fists into the air, his cheer echoing down the tunnel along with Raphael’s laughter as they climb up the ladder to exit opposite of their brothers.
Topside, New York City is awash with light and sound, crisp cold air making both turtles shiver until they adjust. Raphael knelt on one knee and looked over his shoulder with an expectant smile.
Donnie nods enthusiastically and climbs his shell until he can find a comfortable perch to direct Raphael from. With his little brother in tow, he slinks out of the alley and merges with a crowd of children and several chaperones mingling down the sidewalks. They made their way towards a row of brownstones, where costumed adults sat out on their stoops ready to greet the trick o'treaters.
“Stay with this group till I say, Red King.”
“Red what?”
“It’s your codename. We’re on a mission to beat Nardo, remember?”
Raphael tilts his head back to peer at his little brother, “What’s yours then?”
“Huh?” Donnie scrunches his face as he looks up from his phone screen.
“Hmm, if I’m Red King, then,” Raph scratches at his cheek as he thinks on it, “Oh you should be Purple Knight!”
“How’d you know I was going for a chess theme?” When Raphael blinks at him after a long silent beat, Donnie purses his beak, “You’ve no idea what I’m talking about. Why’d you pick that then?”
“Cause Kings can’t fight their battles without knights right?” He smiles wide at his little brother over his shoulder, but Donatello just stares at him for an uncomfortably long time. “Uh, Dee? You good?”
Donnie doesn’t answer except to clamor further up Raph’s shell until his cold little beak tucks into his neck to chuff happily for a quick brief moment. Raph giggles at the puff of air and squirms as he shoves his little brother away to escape the cold tickling sensation, Donnie nudges his hand and chuffs again.
“Quit it!!” He’s still laughing breathlessly, “Which house first?”
“Follow the girl in the Red Fox costume, my liege!”
“On it!!” Raph picks up speed and melts seamlessly into the crowd of children heading for the house door.
House after house, they shout trick o'treat along with the gaggle of children they hide within as their pillow cases bloat with their sugary treasure. When their bags get heavy enough that Donnie whines about it, Raph carries them both for a while, trailing behind his little brother with a contented smile on his face as they follow his pre-planned route. It’s past ten o'clock when Donnie stops them on their way back to their rendezvous point to catch a selfie. Raphie imitates his favorite Ghostbear pose in the background, holding up their candy bags while Donnie smirks in front. He sends it to the group chat and types a quick baiting line to Leonardo.
You Are Conversing With Donatello
>> What’s it feel like to be losing, Nardo?
NOT Twinnie (stop messing with my phone Nardo!!! 😡)
>> i dunno
>> you tell me Dee...
Donatello looks at the screen confused at the reaction when his phone pings with a new photo message. Splinter grins between his two smirking sons, holding his own pillow case brimming with candy. His indignant squawk causes Raph to peek over his shoulder.
“What the heck, why’s Pops got a bag too?”
As if sensing the question, Donnie’s phone pings again.
NOT Twinnie (stop messing with my phone Nardo!!! 😡)
Littlest 🍊 Brother
>> for sum reason ppl think dads a kid too and they LOVE his Lou Jitsu costume
“Well,” Raph sighs, and scratches at his throat, “We did want to get the most candy this year... it’s not like we can’t force them to share once we get home. Raph can at least pull all the purple ones out for ya from everybody’s stash...”
Trailing off as he talks around a chewy chocolate in his mouth, he drops several grape flavored candies and lollies into his little brother’s pillow case, then blinks down at the odd proportion of purple in their bags throughout the night.
“Wait a minute...” Raph clears his throat a little, “Did you make this map based on how much purple candy we could get in this neighborhood?”
“Dearest Raffala!!” Donnie exclaims with just a little too much flourish and not quite the right inflection, hand over heart, “I would never! ”
“You little!!” Raphael makes a grab for him but Donnie wriggles away before he can get a good grip. His little brother cackles as he scurries down the street and Raph clears his throat again before giving chase.
“I said we’d get the highest caliber candy here and I meant it!!” Donnie insists and squeaks as he squirms away just in time to avoid a well aimed tackle by his big brother. He laughs in triumph when Raph stumbles, sounding winded and shaking his head.
“Grape is not the highest alciber, Donnie!!” Raph yells, coughing slightly.
“Ca-Li-Ber!! And grape is arguably the least overwhelming flavor!!” He scrambles the rest of the way to their appointed meeting spot, turning with a laugh, and--
And Raphael is no longer chasing.
Donnie’s hands tighten their grip on his pillow case as he calls back nervously, “Raph?”
Padding back around the corner, he spots his brother. Raph has slowed to a weak shuffle under the streetlight. His ambling is so off kilter that his bulk bumps into a girl hard enough to knock her pumpkin basket out of her hand, spilling candy all over the sidewalk. Beside him the unknown child stomps her foot in frustration, yelling back.
“Hey!! That was rude!! Watch where you’re-- uh, hey... you don’t look so good. You okay?”
Raphael stumbles as he pulls off his Ghostbear mask with a desperate gasp for air, uncaring that he’s now left his very green, very inhuman face exposed. His cheeks are swollen and his eyes water as he trills a noise that has Donatello’s scales bristling with a shiver of anxiety. Scratching at his neck, Raph wheezes out a desperate sound, before his shaking knees give out and he falls to the ground. The human tries to catch his arm only to cry out in dismay when Raph’s bulk is too much to manage, and she nearly goes down with him.
“RAPH!” Donnie abandons his candy bag halfway in the scramble towards his ailing brother, slipping around the human girl to steady Raphael with hands on his shoulders.
“Hey, is this your brother? Oh boy... He’s not looking so good. Did you guys eat some bad candy? Um, where’s your parents? Can I help you find them?” the questions pile out of her mouth quick and nervous as she waves her hands around.
Cradling a swollen and quickly reddening face, Donnie chirps to his brother worriedly. Puffy eyes leak tears steadily as a developing rash crawls up Raph’s neck, and the inside of his arms. He coughs as he tries to clear his throat but only ends up wheezing harder. The crinkle of plastic attracts Donnie's attention towards a candy wrapper still in Raphael’s hand.
It’s clear with red stripes at the ends that get twisted shut like old fashioned cellophane candy wrappers. There’s no name and he doesn’t recognize what kind it is. Beside him, the girl is already looking in Raph’s pillowcase and she pulls out a small chocolate with a matching wrapper. The chocolate is unassuming with a golden colored top, slightly malformed from being banged around during their walk. There’s no label telling what it is, and the only strip of writing on the wrapper said Ohio chocolate company. She unwraps it and no sooner does the smell hit Donnie’s nose does he stiffen with cold dread.
“These have peanut butter-- Omigosh!! Is your brother allergic?!” The girl throws the candy away as if it burns.
“Raph-- How, how many of these did you have?” Donatello’s voice quivers as his mind buzzes with one thousand worst case scenarios, each one more gruesome than the next.
Raphael only manages a wheezy whine in return, scratching at his throat with another whimper.
Startling into action with a frantic chitter, Donnie rips his backpack off and digs into it, fingers shaking. When he doesn’t find what he’s looking for in the main pocket he starts unzipping the smaller ones, nothing on the front compartment, or the side one-- nor his hidden pocket!! Where is--
Donnie’s blood runs cold as he realizes with perfect recall how his father reached into his bag to hand off the epi-pen.... only to get distracted into chasing after their brothers before the task was complete.
“No, no... no. Nonono --!” He lets out a panicked sob as he realizes he doesn’t have what they need, looking to his big brother with wide frightened eyes, and-- And Raph in spite of his state croons and nudges at him gently, his struggling breaths puffing against Donnie’s wet cheek, while his little brother trills frozen in fear.
“Yeah, I just pinged our location on the map. Hey, Raph, Donnie, I got your Dad on the line-- here. My Auntie lives in this building, I’ll be back in two shakes, hang on!!” She puts Raph’s large red phone on speaker and sets it beside them, and jets off before Donnie can protest. He has the distant absent thought to scold Raph later for not locking his phone screen.
“Raphael,” Splinter’s voice sounds urgent but calm, “We’re on our way and you will have medicine to make you feel better soon. Try to stay calm, both of you. Donatello, do you remember our first aid training?”
“Uh huh...” Donnie nods, though his father cannot see him.
“Think about that, my clever little one. We’re on our way. Blue, where are we on this thing--” His voice fades out as he pulls the phone away, no doubt to view the map and the call disconnects.
In the silence, Donnie tries to wrangle his spinning thoughts until Raphael coughs. And coughs, and coughs until it turns into a long wheeze, that has his big brother twisting in growing panic with a chittering desperate noise.
“Shh-- Raphie-- No, no--” Donnie curls around as much of his larger brother as he can to stop his panicked writhing, urging him to lie still. “We’re okay, we’re okay, we’re okay...”
His fervent whispers feel like a lie even to himself as he struggles to think.
Be firm and reassuring.
“We’re okay, Raph...” His voice trembles around the words, but he pets Raphael’s head.
Explain what is happening.
“Your body is having an allergic reaction. Your skin is forming a rash and you’re probably itchy all over right? It’s because your immune system doesn’t understand how to attack the allergen. It’s going haywire trying to stamp it out. That’s why the swelling is happening too... which is making it hard to breathe right now. Your heart rate is also probably increasing, so that’s, that’s making everything feel funny, and scary right?”
Raph whines and scratches at the reddening scales along his arms, coughing and huffing for breath that won’t come as he gets more agitated as panic sets in.
Encourage slow breathing.
“You-- We, we need to take deep breaths if we can, through your nose like this--” He does his best to demonstrate, flaring his nostrils wide on his beak and breathing in slowly.
Raphael sniffles around a scratchy whimper and tries, but his face is so swollen now and the inability to breathe through his nose in combination with the shallow puffs he tries to take through his mouth just send him into a tizzy, and he thrashes in as the air gets caught in his throat.
“Raph-- Raphie --” Donnie chokes out his brother’s name in his own growing anxiety.
Raphael coughs, and tries to imitate, but the air gets caught in his throat and when it won’t move, he flails with a frightened chirp that trills in his heaving chest. The sound reminds Donnie of when they were much much smaller, when Raph and Leo were still learning words he already understood clearly. He remembers crying with Leo and Mikey as their father tried to calm a three year old Raphael as their big brother coughed and cried out of breath after his first bite of their peanut butter cookies. Since that day their father was much more careful of the foods he scavenged for them, and what snacks the little turtles could have...
They were turtles!
Donatello gasps as an idea solidifies in his mind and he wraps his arms suddenly around his thrashing brother, holding as tight as he can, trilling urgently.
“Raphie, remember when we had our breath holding contest, and we freaked Dad and Mikey out with how long we could hold our breaths? Want to bet we could break our record? It’s okay if you can’t breathe right now, Raphie because... we’re merely holding our breath, okay? I’m going to do it with you now, and it’ll be okay...”
Donatello breathes in deeply and clamps his beak and nostrils shut, like when they go swimming. His hands shake as he signs.
[[Just like swimming. We are okay. Right?]]
He rubs the base of Raphael’s rashy neck, scritching the itchy skin gently until Raph rumbles, and imitates his little brother, beak shutting tight and nostrils scrunching closed. Without the constant reminder of how hard it was to breathe, Raphael slowly settles, scratching at his rashy arms, but no longer flailing in a panic. Donatello tears up, and begs with shaking hands.
[[Don’t leave me alone, please ...]]
Raphie nudges closer with a rumbly grumble.
“Outta the way, coming through!!”
His attention snaps to the young girl running back towards them with a plastic canister gripped in her hand. She suddenly jumps into the air and comes flying towards them with a flourish, and a loud shout.
“Apriiiiiiiiiillllllll O’Neeeeeeeeeeeeil!!!!”
Donnie’s eyes make a valiant attempt to fall out of his head. Were it not for his glasses blocking the way, he might have truly lost them as he watches the giant needle travel as if in slow motion to stab his brother’s thigh. Raphael groans with a surprised thrash, curling up tight. The girl just crouches and watches Raph nervously, waiting for the epi-pen’s effects to kick in. When nothing happens immediately, she turns worriedly to him.
Donnie’s voice is strangled with the strength of the terror still gripping his body. The girl reaches out her hand to touch the top of Raphael’s head. Without thinking, Donnie hisses with his full chest, scrambling with great effort to tug his brother’s heavy body and himself away from her.
“Is it working?!”
“Oh, sorry-- I should’ve asked before touching, huh? Don’t worry, I seen my Auntie do this for my uncle a bunch of times!” her voice lowers and slows, deep with reassurance, “He’s gonna be okay. Your dad’s on the way too right?”
Donatello shakes where he sits, trying to remember that children-- human children at least-- don’t growl, while every instinct in his body is on red alert with his brother so vulnerable in his arms. He tries for words but clicks warningly emit from his throat instead. Frustrated tears slide down his cheeks as he shifts his gaze warily between the girl’s sympathetic eyes, and his slow breathing brother.... At least he was breathing . Where was Papa... what was taking so long?
A quiet chuff and gentle nudge against his jaw knock him out of his soon to be spiral and he glances down.
"Raphie?" He peeps.
Raph smiles up at him and chuffs once again, stronger as his breathing eases and the swelling recedes a bit from his face.
Donnie nearly melts to the ground with the pure relief coursing through him, sniffling louder and curling around as much of Raphael as he can reach as his shoulders shake with silent sobs. His older brother tiredly wraps his arms around him and rumbles deeply to ease the anxiety bubbling out of both of them.
“Hey,” a gentle voice prods through the fog of their relieved exhaustion, “Want a water, Big guy?”
The girl named April smiles and waves a little unopened bottle between them, a fearless hand rubbing along Raphael’s shell in comfort. Donnie hisses at her again, every muscle tensing as his jaw locks up.
“Pops says... not to take from.... Strangers--” Raphael struggles to croak out, stroking his little brother’s shell with soothing pressure. Even in his state, trying to give Donnie some sense of relief, and it makes the little softshell’s eyes water as the adrenaline crash rises.
“Yea, my mom says that too. So, let’s fix it. I’m April, and you’re Raph, right? Which means that you,” she turns a gentle smile to Donnie’s tearstained face, “Must be Donnie. There! We’re not strangers anymore.”
Her smile is warm and gentle like how Raph’s is when he knows Donnie’s feeling extra prickly. It makes Donnie’s eyes water more.
Donnie curls his toes nervously, and looks to Raph who is breathing slow and deep in his arms, blinking drowsily at the girl who’s smile is genuine and unflinching.
“S’okay,” her voice gentles to almost a whisper, steady and calm, “You don’t gotta answer. I’ll just keep talking, kay? I saw you signing. That’s really cool! Next year in school, we get to pick a language, and I wanna learn ASL. I like you guy’s costumes. They look so real!!”
“Yer really nice...” He murmurs, snaggle tooth catching his lip as he smiles slow, “I like you.”
“Awww, thanks big guy,” She scratches at the back of her neck with a giddy laugh.
Splinter’s voice echoes down the street as he speeds up the block. Ahead of him zoom an orange and blue blur that all but collide with the trio in their haste to arrive at their brother’s side.
“Raphie!! Please be okay!!” Mikey wails, latching onto their eldest brother’s shell like a sobbing wart.
“Don’t worry, Raph, I’ll save you!!” Leo’s panting as he runs up with the epi-pen high and stabs down before anyone can get a word in.
Raphael yowls .
Splinter slides in and gathers his sons into his arms, “ Please stop yelling, people are staring-- Raphael, you-- you’re already feeling better, how--”
“That’s cuz I saved his butt first,” April points to herself with a grin, as the rat-faced man and two more turtle costumed children stare at her incredulously.
“She gave me a shot before you guys got here... the right way,” Raph grumbles towards Leo.
“Why’re you talking like that, mister...” April gives him a judging look, “Cool Lou Jitsu costume though!”
“Young lady, thank you very much for saving my completely normal, not at all turtle children--”
Splinter puffs up, but before he can say anything, his littlest son’s hitching words interrupt them.
“Raphie! I thought we s-said no scary Halloween tricks t-this year!!” Mikey is still a tearful lump on Raph’s shell.
“I’m sorry Mikey... That was really scary... wasn’t it?” Raphael says softly, eyes watering now that he had the room to think about it. “M’sorry... I-- I ruined Halloween, didn’t I?”
And with those words, it’s as if the dam breaks and the stress of the night's event floods out of him in great gulping sobs. By that time he’s curled in his fathers arms crying somewhat quieted, Leo and Mikey are draped over his shell, soothing and petting him, their little chirps and rumbles easing his nerves. He glances around for Donnie, and finds him sitting with all five sacks of candy next to April, neither of them speaking as she helps him deftly pick out everything with any traces of peanuts. Donnie tosses those candies aside with disdain into the dark end of the street.
They all start at the shout from one of the higher windows in the building before them.
“Your mother will have my head if she knew you were still outside at this hour. Come inside, c’mon--”
“Yes Auntie!!” April calls back, and then turns back to the funny little family she encountered, shoulders hunching shyly up to her ears, “Gotta go, but maybe we can play some other time?”
Donnie says nothing as he looks up at her sad hopeful smile. Taking his phone out of his pocket he unlocks it and hands it to her with the contact screen ready. She beams at him when she hands it back, giving a final wave to everyone.
“Happy Halloween guys!!”
The bale of little turtles and their father wave back, then gather their things to head home. Splinter grunts only briefly as he stands, his eldest son secure in his arms, and shuffles towards the nearby alleyway and the sewer cap hidden in its shadows. Little Mikey grabs three of the candy bags, surprisingly able to handle them with hardly any trouble or fuss. Leo grabs the last two and throws them over his shoulder, before offering a hand to Donnie who was still staring after the little girl who saved his brother’s life.
“Dee?” Leo prompts and that finally gets his twin to shuffle towards him in a bit of a daze, though he takes the proffered hand firmly. The slider gives their hands a squeeze with an encouraging chirp to get them moving towards home.
Raph watches over his father’s shoulder as Leo holds his twin’s hand through the dark familiar tunnels, all the way home into the warmth of their home. Donnie does not speak once. Not even when their father gathers them up in the tv room with extra pillows and blankets. Not even as he helps them all change out of their costumes and into their pjs for the night. Not even when he puts on Raphael’s favorite Jupiter Jim movie, which Donnie always likes to remind them is not as good as his favorite JJ film. Not when their father brings them all some hot tea, and a warmed milk for Donnie. Not even when Splinter nods off in his arm chair and snores loud enough that they need to put the subtitles on to know what’s being said.
His little brother sits staring despondently at the floor, tucked under Leo’s protective arm on the side farthest from Raph, while Mikey is already asleep and rumbling against his other side. Shifting slowly so as not to disturb their littlest brother, Raphael reaches across Leo and offers Donnie his hand. Leo watches him with sleepy eyes and smiles at Raph, turning to give Donnie a whispered word of encouragement and nudge.
Donnie chirps a small sad sound though, and ducks halfway into his shell with a sniffle.
“Donnie,” Raph croons softly, “C’mere buddy?”
Leo squeezes Donnie closer to his side, rubbing this shell through his pjs softly and murmurs another comfort as Donnie starts to shake where he sits, “S’okay, Dee...”
Donnie starts to sob quietly, so Raph reaches around Leo until he can cradle both the twins and pulls them into his side with an insistent trill, turning so he can chuff against both their faces. Leo giggles, chuffing back, while Donnie hiccups briefly, his sobs abating somewhat with the affection. A sleepy chirp of annoyance alerts Raph that he’s disturbed Mikey’s rest, but it’s easily remedied by scooping him closer and giving a big chuff against his round cheek that makes the little turtle squeal with glee.
“Raphie, we love you!!” Mikey rubs under his big brother’s chin and tucks himself close.
“Love you guys too,” Raphael answers with a gentle rumble starting in his chest, then grins slowly as he elbows Leo, “Who won?”
“Whahuh?” Leo blinks at him sleepily, rubbing his face.
“The candy battle?” Raph insists, offering Donnie his hand again, and this time his little brother takes it and squeezes tight. He closes his fingers around Don’s and holds him just as tight.
“Oh-- we totally did!” Leo pipes up, suddenly more awake.
“You can’t count Papa’s bag,” Donnie mumbles around his sleeve.
“What!! We so ca--”
“Raphie won!!” Mikey declares with a determined glare from under his big brother’s chin.
“Miguel!! Who’s side are you on!!” Leo whines, but Raphael’s chuckle makes his face twitch into a smile.
“Raphie won,” Donnie agrees, taking his wet sleeve out of his mouth and rubbing it against Leo’s cheek.
“Wuuaaaggh!! Gross!! Dee, stop-- Okay, okay!! Raphie won!!” Leo climbs over Raph’s shell to escape the assault, only to get poked by a grinning Mikey over their brother's shoulder.
Splinter snorts in his sleep, mumbling something unintelligible and the boys all freeze a moment, shushing each other through giggles, before settling in a comfortable pile once more with their big brother in the middle. The movie’s almost over, but the night has worn them down and Mikey is asleep almost as soon as Raph tucks him under his arm. Leo’s not far off from succumbing, finding a comfortable perch on Raph’s shell with some pillows to cushion against the spikes, and giving his big brother sleepy pets as he drifts off.
Under his other arm, Donatello still holds tight to one of his hands with both of his own, tracing the grooves and bumps of his scales in a soothing motion. Whether he was trying to sooth Raph or himself, Raphael wasn’t sure, but it felt nice regardless. He rumbles sleepy, and content to be near his family.
“You good, Dee?” Raph whispers into the quiet between Splinter’s snores.
Raphael thinks that’s the end of their conversation, and his eyes are drifting shut. When his most skittish brother snuggles in close to him with several trembling little chuffs against his plastron. His eyes water up as he tucks his arm around Donnie and squeezes him close for several long moments.
“Want some space now?” Raph asks him as he pets his head.
“Nnnuh-uh,” Donnie squirms closer with a chirp. “You’re warm, I like it.”
“Okay,” Raphael sniffles, and holds tight as he falls asleep feeling like the luckiest big brother in the whole wide world.
A/N: The world is so incredibly broken right now. I just wanted to offer a few lighthearted moments of sweet familial love and care to anyone who needs a respite from the darkness of the current events. Do what you can to support the Cease Fire. Be mindful that the donations you make actually get to the people who need it, otherwise you may accidentally be supporting their oppressors. Write and call your politicians to tell them you demand they support the Cease Fire. You have more power than you know. But don't forget, it's okay to step back and find your equilibrium every once and while as well. You're no use to yourself or others if you're suffering too much to function. Be kind, stay safe. Much love. 💖💙💜🧡 ~Minu
Next: TBD... || Masterpost
And finally, Mikey!!!
Bayverse!Mikey x gn!Reader
Warnings: fluff, spelling maybe?
Raph | Leo | Donnie
Mikey Sleep HCs

Michelangelo used to have a twin bed, actually! It really didn’t bother him! He would just face plant into the mattress and knock out
fun fact: that was the same bed he’d had since he was little! Yes, the bunk.
But it wasn’t until you came along that he thought maaaaaybe he should get a bigger bed😭
He’s rolled off the side one too many times when you slept in the same bed together 🥲
Now he has a queen sized bed! Very plush, you sink right in
He has a comfortable and large blanket, it’s tattered at the edges but, “It’s well loved! It adds character ;)”
Mikey has a LOT of pillows on his bed. And one (1) body pillow he did not nab from Donnie’s room
Honestly, when you first walked in, you didn’t even know he had a bed
But it’s there, trust
He’ll knock some off and boom! A bed!
Also has clothes on his bed, clothes he’s been meaning to fold and put away, but he just… never got around to it
He. Snores. LOUD.
like, hONK shooo HOONNK mimimimi 😪
If it weren’t for those thick cement walls, you’d be able to hear him clear across the lair!
But it mellows out the deeper he goes into sleep
Now, about the sleeping positions
He has no favorite!
if you’re in bed with him, he’s happy 🥹
Sometimes Michelangelo will have you wrapped up in his arms, other times he’ll be laying on his back (propped with a few pillows) and have you up against his side
It depends on how he’s feeling that night
But you always wake up with at least one of his limbs draped over you
If it’s been a long day, he’ll lay his head on your chest and listen to your heart beat
It gives him a chance to rest his eyes and his very busy brain for a bit, allowing himself to just focus on you and clear out everything else
Your fingers would draw lazy circles on the back of his head, and across his neck, over his carapace, down his shoulders and lightly scratch his jaw
Maybe even kiss his forehead too?
He’s Swooning, oh my god
He loves it
Mikey will be chirping and churring so much he’s practically vibrating
He’d also be drawing pictures with his hands over your skin, tracing your shape and committing it to his memory
He’d see the goosebumps that follow his fingers and he would go back a trace over them, slower
Mikey loves loves LOVES your voice, so he’ll ask you to talk to him while he’s cuddled up with you
Pillow talk is a big thing for him, from various topics to deep conversations to cracked out stories that have you both gasping and dying with laughter
And honestly the raw emotions that come out in the dead of night? When it’s just you and him bundled up together sharing every random thought that comes to mind until one of you drifts to sleep?
That’s what he lives for
It’s intimate in a way that nothing else could ever replicate
In the mornings, he will lay onto top of you
Like, he will CRUSH you. Lovingly. 😌
He wants to be close to you!! And soak up all your sunshine!!!
and he’s not above peppering every inch of you with as many kisses as he can
You have to literally shove him off of you to get him to stop😭
Even then, Mikey will grab your arm (or whatever you used you get him away) and start kissing that
And once you’re properly awake, he’ll have you two head over to the kitchen to have some breakfast together
Voila!! That’s all four! Sorry these took a bit! I have like, a full time job and I’m in school, and honestly only get these ideas when I’m right about to fall asleep 😭
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed! Til next time!

I hope you enjoy!
Bayverse Don x gn!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Spelling maybe
Raph | Leo | Mikey
Donnie Sleep HCs

Donatello’s bed is just big enough to fit him comfortably without him dangling over the sides
He has a pretty sizable blanket, and it’s actually a weighted blanket! Something that will put him to sleep and keep him asleep. Like 15lbs-25lbs
About four regular sized, plush pillows
He used to have a body pillow too
The bed itself is pushed up and out of the way, against the farthest wall of his room. His desk is against the opposite wall
Donnie absolutely sees the importance of having his room as a place to sleep and be away from work
But try as he might, his room still becomes littered with various sketches, blueprints, or notes
He cleans up as much as he can, but it just keeps happening so he gave up 😅
Donatello doesn’t spend too much time in his room though, constantly at work and tinkering away in his lab. He’s a workaholic, you know this.
To get Donnie to bed is a challenge in itself, but not impossible.
Luckily, he loves spending time with you, so you only need to ask him once.
Or twice.
Maybe three times, but he’s almost done! Promise! Just need to make sure that one part was secure and wasn’t going to grow legs and walk away by morning
Donnie’s favorite position is one where he’s facing you: him laying on his side, shell supported by a pillow or two
He’ll leave little kisses on what he can reach of you, but they’re so feather light, you barely even know they’re there. He’s too afraid of waking you up
He likes to either have his forehead pressed to yours or have your head tucked under his chin, he craves closeness
He tends to bring your leg up and hook it over his own. He’ll then scooch himself further into your space until you two are properly locked together and honestly? At that point? He couldn’t care less about anything else in the world. He’s not moving from you.
Through the night though, your legs become so tangled with his, you don’t know where he ends and you begin, like you were playing twister in your sleep or something
Donnie loves it when you use his arm as a pillow!
He knows it’s gonna go numb, but he doesn’t mind. He would take pins and needles over anything if it meant you got good sleep
His other arm is usually wrapped around you to hold you close, he likes to rub your back too! It’s a sure fire way to knock you out
It makes his heart go all fluttery whenever he thinks about that because he loves that he just knows you so well
He adores laying in bed with you and doesn’t fall asleep until well after you doze off just so he can look at you
It never really crossed his mind that it may be a bit weird to watch you sleep. You’re cute, and it calms him down. It’s his favorite past time.
Is he obsessed? No.
A little.
But is it obsession if you’re both in love? He’s caught you staring at him too! He knows you do the same!
Yeah, so he’s counted all your eyelashes, all your beauty marks, and logged every sigh you make into his long term.
And yeah, he keeps track of your REM cycle so he knows exactly how long it takes for you to slip off into deep sleep, and - Whatever!!! Just let him have this! Who are you?? The Police???
Donnie is a normal sleeper most nights and doesn’t move too much, may twitch a bit, but other than that, nothing.
Doesn’t make a peep when he’s knocked out, but breathes very deeply
Unless he gets an idea!! He used to just jolt out of bed to his desk, but he’s taken a tumble too many times (he kept forgetting the mess of limbs you two create) and has since learned how to stealthily slip away and back into you once he’s done
He gets a few nightmares, and he may unintentionally wake you if he gets too caught up in them.
But when you wake him up from one of those terrible dreams and cuddle with him? Ohhh he falls. He falls so hard for you. Especially when you rub your thumb across his cheek and talk him through his breathing
Your soothing words are like a balm to his overworked brain and he’s forever grateful for you
He’s pretty sure he’s got hearteyes
You’ve gotten a few chirps out of him like that, and he’s so embarrassed about them pLEASE DONT TEASE HIM 😭
He won’t get mad, but he’ll get so flustered and then you’ll have a child lock on your phone and he’ll have no idea what you’re talking about
Donnie’s usually awake before you, and will spend a few minutes basking in your warmth before he goes to grab you something quick to drink for when you wake up.
And when he comes back to see you curled up around his pillow? The thought that even in sleep you search for him and need him close to you?
It makes his knees buckle
And it takes everything in him to not just slip right back under those covers and replace that pillow you’ve grabbed onto
Right!! There’s numero dos!! Until next time!