I Was Rewatching Some Scenes From Civil War & The Scene Where Tony LIES To Steve By Telling Him That
I was rewatching some scenes from civil war & the scene where Tony LIES to Steve by telling him that they’ll get Bucky sent to a psych facility in America when we know from the deleted scenes that tchalla had already got extradition to take Bucky to wakanda likely to be EXECUTED fills me with so much rage everyone likes to talk about how Steve lied to poor Tony about his parents but never talk about how Tony was going to let Steve’s best friend be executed or at least imprisoned after lying to Steve by promising to help him

That is an amazing point that I dont think I have seen brought up before!!
(Thank you for the ask!)
Tony didnt actually care if Bucky died or not (until he tried to murder Bucky himself in Siberia). Sharon was the one who told Steve and Sam about the kill order. So the only ones who had anything even resembling an objection to Bucky being killed by the swat team in Bucharest were Steve, Sam and Sharon.
Tony lied about doing anything to help Bucky and getting the accords amended. He was doing everything he could to manipulate Steve into signing, something that even RDJ has confirmed. And since Tony didnt care what happened to Bucky he had no problem using his safety as a barganing chip, even though he was lying about said safety.
And Tony actually knew and saw what was going on with the people in charge in Berlin. He didnt even bat an eye when Ross said that Bucky should have been ‘eliminated’ (aka killed) in Bucharest. In contrast all we know that Steve knew was one of many taunts by Zola while he was trying to stall Steve and Natasha so that they would be killed by a missile which hit literally 1 minute later (I wrote a post about it Here ). Some people say that Steve actually had evidence in the file Natasha gave him at the end of ca:tws, but there really isnt anything to indicate that. But if he did have proof, then he would have even more reason to not tell Tony. It was either didnt know for sure or protecting Bucky. And I cant really condem Steve too much for either of those reasons. And also Natasha knew just as much as Steve did and she would have had less reason to not tell Tony, but I dont see anyone condeming her for not telling Tony. Why do they only blame Steve for it?
You would think that a team who has experience with mindcontrol, brainwashing, torture and abuse would have some compassion for Bucky, but we dont really see that. I get that they would be a bit cautious, but still.
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More Posts from Jeyna-perspective
The gods not understanding how demigod kids work😂 I’m just waiting for the moment one of their kids gets a paper cut or something and they’re just like, “PAPER! THEY SOMEHOW GET HURT BY PAPER!”
Okay, but the duality of human beings is SO wild that I’m positive this information would absolutely break them.
There are humans that can survive great heights? But only sometimes? And other times they die? It is really just up to chance and how you land?
Humans can fall down a flight of stairs and say they’re completely fine, but PAPER hurts them and they whine about it all day?
Gunshot wounds? Yeah, we can recover from that (well, depending on where you’re hit, maybe). As long as invisible bacteria doesn’t get into the wound without us noticing... then we might die even if the blood is gone and wound sewn up.
Zeus is like “There are people out there who survive my lightning strikes?” and then learns the same person died like.... three hours later from choking on a hotdog.
Hermes, with a magazine: Athena! Look at this. It says here that 1 in every 15,000 humans die from exercising too much.
Athena: But... they need exercise? All my research says they need exercise!
Annabeth: You did hear the one in FIFTEEN THOUSAND part, right?
Then you have Demeter running in like:
Ares: Why?
Demeter: Look at this! I ran the numbers while in the Underworld while visiting Persephone. One million people die a YEAR from mosquitoes. We have to kill them.
Ares: There’s no way these punks are dying from these tiny bugs.
Demeter: Apparently, they carry diseases.
Ares, softly: ...holy shit. Biological warfare.
Chiron, still trying to explain everything: Nothing on this planet was ever safe at any point... ever.
Athena: Pandora’s box?
Chiron: You guys pin wayyyyy too much on that poor girl.
Later on, you have Nico walking up in bubble wrap like ‘okay, which one of y’all told the gods that it hurts when we stub our toes?’ and you got Piper in helmet and knee pads all bitter like ‘It wasn’t me’ and Will is just looking so guilty before quietly going ‘I just wanted to explain how nerves worked’
They try to explain it all to the gods and it just... gets so much worse.
Zeus: So... the medicine... that heals you.... can also kill you...?
Will: I mean, if you overdose, yeah. It’s the same with ambrosia-
Hephaestus: That’s it. All of you are too fragile. We’re going to have to make a safer planet. This is ridiculous. Maybe we can just put them all on Venus or something-
Leo: We need oxygen to survive, Dad.
Ares: You’re kidding me, right?
Annabeth: Um, no, but... well... we can’t actually have too much oxygen or we’ll-
Poseidon: LET ME GUESS! You die?! For the love of Rhea! How has anyone survived anything?
Nico: Well... we all end up dead at some point, so arguably... we don’t survive?
And finally:
Jason: you guys created humans. Why don't you know this?
Zeus: No. Prometheus created humans and quite frankly he did a TERRIBLE job-
so there's this white woman i know who sincerely believes that everyone must respect others' perspectives and opinions, no matter how violent or destructive those perspectives may be. and i want to make this clear because i cannot take it anymore and i need to vent:
being able to respect other people's opinions no matter what, even if their opinions are inherently violent, is a deeply privileged stance.
the other day, we saw a "blue lives matter flag," and i couldn't help but test the waters and say that it was hard for me not to heavily judge people like that. her response was basically sure, she gets it, but maybe they just have a very different perspective than me. this is the same white woman who presumes to know enough about family dynamics in my culture to make broad generalizations about it and expects that she will hear no rebuttal, then gets pissed when she does. this is also the same white woman who cannot reconcile in her cisgendered mind than just because a trans woman is a bad person, and just because she's had wildly different experiences as a woman than you have, doesn't mean you can misgender her and expect people to agree with you.
i am mixed race, queer, nonbinary, and have never been financially comfortable. i come from a generationally poor family, i've been looked down upon, reviled, and made to feel like a fugitive in spaces that are welcoming safe havens for others, because of people's "differing opinions."
"blue lives matter" backers, Trump supporters, Republicans in general - even white, straight Democrats and so-called progressives who would rather queer folk, Black folk and other people of color be silenced and quarantined away than have to confront their own privilege in this society make me feel unsafe. every day i hide away an essential part of me to protect myself; i spare white people's feelings, i don't stand up for myself, i stay silent, i drop arguments and feel sick to my stomach when i do, all to protect myself. i feel that if i truly spoke my mind, i would be in danger one way or the other.
so no, i can't respect other people's opinions all the time, and yes, it is a privilege to be able to do so.
I feel like I wouldn't have thrown Percy/Annabeth into Tartarus but honestly that prophecy had too many characters.
i really think nico and reyna should have replaced percy and annabeth as part of the seven. i do think percy and annabeth had their place in hoo i’m not saying they should’ve been cut out entirely but them being part of the prophecy was a no for me. i also think this could’ve introduced + given more time for some really fun dynamics. would have LOVED to see more of nico and reyna being pals, literally one of my favorite relationships ever so sad we only got one book w them. also reyna and piper is such an interesting idea to me and i think it would be very fun to see her and piper be part of the same prophecy. and then also u would have the whole reyna and jason thing which is interesting as well, and should have been explored way more. like i needed to be convinced that they were best friends and that jason not remembering her was sad. i think their relationship should have been more angry and bitter, that would be fun. also more nico and hazel, they’re siblings bro. and family is a big thing for both of them. really would’ve liked to see them bonding over being hades kids. kind of a we trust each other and no one else, we’ve only got each other kind of thing. siblings vs. the world u know, i have always liked that dynamic. just some thoughts 👍
Everybody who reads the Harry Potter books knows it’s bad that Snape calls his best friend a slur, but the crazy thing is this isn’t even the worst thing we see a friend do to another friend during that year. Sirius uses Remus to almost kill Snape. What is the real world equivalent of using your friend’s Medical condition where they lose their mind and become dangerous to stage a prank on someone you hate that would turn your friend into a murderer against their will and without their consent?
That is like suffering from violent psychotic breakdowns and in the middle of one, your best friend leaves a loaded gun in the room and sends in some kid you both bully inside for a laugh.
if there was a straightforward real world equivalent for what Sirius does to Remus, Sirius would get trashed by everybody. The abuse of trust and the level of betrayal on the marauders end of the werewolf prank does not get talked about enough.
severus snape apologizes to lily right away. We never see Sirius apologize to Remus. But somehow the fact that Remus forgives Sirius is proof of their strong friendship and true love. No one expects Lily to forgive Sev. Everyone expects Remus to forgive Sirius. Wtf
PJO ages
12/21/07 - 14 years PERCY
08/18/09 - 16 years
12/21/00 - 12 years THALIA
07/13/00 - 7 years ANNABETH
12/21/88 - 0 years
07/01/96 - 0 years JASON
07/01/12 - 16 years
08/18/93 - 0 years
08/18/12 - 19 years
08/18/06 - 13 years