jeyna-perspective - Percy Jackson is a Gary Stu
Percy Jackson is a Gary Stu

Wants Better Representation

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I Sort Of Glad Bryke Is No Longer Involved In The Netflix Remake. Looking Back On Legend Of Korra, Their

I sort of glad Bryke is no longer involved in the Netflix remake. Looking back on Legend of Korra, their writing is bad. I didn’t want an exact remake anyway. I feel like Bryke was trying to do what they did with LoK season 1: throw in anything they weren’t able to throw in the original AtLA and try to pretend to compensate for something fans wanted(Makorra).

Edit: Bryke was involved in The Last Airbender movie and supported it until it got backlash. What was their input on this live action?

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More Posts from Jeyna-perspective

4 years ago

I despise what LoK did to Katara.

What was she reduced to? 

Aang’s trophy wife, his babymaker, and the tame healer of the village.

If someone watched LoK first, they wouldn’t think of Katara as this kick butt, fiery character. They’d probably reference her as “the former Avatar’s wife”

That’s a disservice to her character.

It makes more sense for KATARA to be a cop than Toph tbh. Katara literally said “i don’t want to heal, i want to FIGHT”

Katara is a fighter, she has this fire.

Katara was the last waterbender left in her village, and she moved heaven and hell to learn the art of combat waterbending.

Katara took one look at the healers and knew that wasn’t for her.

Why would LoK disrespect her like that?!

I don’t have a problem with Kataang growing old together, but COME ON NOW.

Katara of ALL THE PEOPLE is the lonely and tame old woman?!?!


Katara would probably start the police force with Toph, and when Toph left (if LoK continued the Gaang’s legacy correctly, Toph would leave), she’d continue it and carry it into prosperity despite being a waterbender.

Katara’s healing would make her an even more valuable asset to the force, as she’d be able to heal fighters without a huge wait.

Katara wouldn’t just….sit there as a trophy wife and therapist For All The People, she’d be a fighter!

She’d have a legacy as the most badass waterbender there ever was, all her years of fighting when she was younger wouldn’t be wasted like that. She’d go on and create something that outlives her.

Katara will never turn her back on those who need her, Katara would fight anybody if she needed to, Katara doesn’t back down, even in her old age.

That is how you write Katara.

4 years ago

On Korra's arc

I will start by saying: I don't like rewatching ATLA Book 2 that much. Kinda think it has to do with all the pain in that season. Aang loses Appa, Leaves From The Vine, Appa's Lost Days, the Gaang working so hard to get the eclipse info only to have it blow up in their faces, the fall of Ba Sing Se, and Aang getting struck down with lightning and almost dying.

Like these are great storylines and twists and we get lots of character development. Hell, Zuko practically undergoes a metamorphosis. But ... the pain, man.

And I guess that's partly why I don't like going back to LoK as much. Korra gets flak for being overpowered from the start and brash, but her journey is practically suffering. She suffers through 4 seasons—she gets her bending taken away, she gets Raava forced out of her and each past life beaten out of her one by one, she almost gets suffocated and while she survives this, gets fucking poisoned and needs therapy and is traumatized so much she has hallucinations.

This has been seen by some as a way to humble her and for her to grow and learn. 6 years after the show ended, I wonder ... was that all necessary?

Aang didn't have it easy, definitely. He was 12 and woke up 100 years later to the genocide of his people and a war-torn world he was supposed to save by next summer. He worked hard and he went through a lot (he died and was brought back with spirit water) but ... he had a lot of good going on for him too, to the point that some viewers forget how much shit he went through. He had his losses (Ba Sing Se, the invasion), but we don't see him beaten up repeatedly. His losses came with many lessons, and Aang's victories didn't come easy. We saw him work hard and sacrifice and persevere, which made the finale satisfying.

Even Zuko, who has arguably one of the best redemption arcs ever, did not go through the level of physical and mental torture Korra did. It is his experiences with people (meeting all sorts of people in the Earth Kingdom) that change him. It is his self-reflection and Uncle Iroh's unconditional love that set him straight.

Maybe it's because ATLA is a kids' show. Maybe it's because of differences in the characters' personality.

But still, Korra ... She had 4 seasons and in each one, she underwent very intense, individualized, and personal torture. You have this overpowered character, and while you have all the space to teach her the classic "with great power comes great responsibility", you do it by traumatizing her and beating her up every season. And then they wonder why some people didn't like it as much.

It does makes me think though—could she have had other plotlines of learning and growing? When Aang grew by sticking to who he was, did Korra have to lose herself to do the opposite? Did she have to go through all that?

4 years ago

Things I Hate About Legend of Korra:

The bizarre notion that Aang would’ve been a bad father. EXCUSE ME BUT NO. That man ran around without parents while dodging murderers and soldiers and assassins. If anything he would’ve been TOO GOOD of a parent. (Possibly a helicopter parent). Also just get out now if you think Katara (queen of “you killed my mother!!!!”) letting Aang neglect his children FOR ANY REASON.

Korra’s inability to communicate with ANYONE around her. Poor Mako, Tenzin, her father, and literally ANYONE ELSE that she doesn’t listen to. (Mostly men??? Idk—it’s stupid and weird).

Korra’s lack of growth from series one to series two. In series one we got to see that Korra doesn’t rationalize and think carefully—she just slams into things and messes them up. Logically, her character should’ve ARCED by the end of series one to have her pausing in series two to go “hmm, before I throw myself into supporting this weird and vague cause with all the finesse of a breaching whale, maybe I should look at it objectively like an Avatar first.” Buuuuut she doesn’t so that we can have.... badly written lame events happen. *sigh*

All the weird feminist moments? (“I’m the Avatar, deal with it!”) Like.... it’s been roughly 80 years since Aang’s youth. Any chances for the need for feminism happened then—and there were already PLENTY of female Avatars. Clearly nobody cared about that tripe. So why does it have to be smacked into Korra’s story???? It’s yawn-inducing.

Mako’s useless series one relationship with Sumi that seemed to just end without any bad feelings on Sumi’s part once the writers allowed Mako to be with Korra. It slowed things down, was pointless, and could’ve been avoided and had them just be friends. (This could change later??? Idk)

Bad writing. Series two (I’m about midway through as of writing this) is awful. It’s cringy and eye-roll inducing. Just.... when events happen in a story where there were NINE THOUSAND different ways it could’ve happened and how IRL would’ve been avoided by someone with actual personality and wisdom development, that’s called Bad Writing.

I just want to end by saying I LIKE Korra, the character, a lot, when she’s got good writing and is well done and not trying to be all feminist. It screws with her development as a character when some weird element of (our world) politics is shoved into the plots. For instance: MOST OF series one was stellar! (There were a few dumb things but heck it’s all passable). But series two is really going downhill.

Anyway, just airing my thoughts. We’ll see how the rest of the series goes.

4 years ago

I absolutely cringe over LOK-stans on Instagram. When I follow one of ATLA confession account, there are lot of a confession about how great LOK and Korra is than ATLA, consider to be more darker and edgier than ATLA because they willingly shown a murderer, suicide, torturer and etc. They also claim we (ATLA fans) are too ''nostalgic'' because we hate LOK and refuse to accept LOK is better than ATLA. (1)

When I comment about the post confession how korra already grew up due to her “traumatic experience” because they see from her eyes, they made long-ass post about how Korra suffered more than Aang and said “Can you feel how she feels when she loses her bending arts and almost wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the cliff? can you feel how she feels when she loses her connection to past avatars? can you feel how painful it was for Korra when she was being tortured by the Red Lotus?“

If some fans comment about how bland Korra was, they will bring the same comments and say that Korra already grew up because she suffered more painful experiences than any other Avatar so she deserves being rewarded as the best avatar ever. When I decided to rewatch all LOK episodes, I failed to see how Korra already grew up and all her “painful experiences” are meaningless for her. It’s a shame how “Azula Mommy Issues” had more influence with her character than Korra’s “painful experiences”.

Some people will just never admit that LoK was terrible and that Korra was an awful character. They need to stoop to the level of attacking ATLA and propping Korra up over Aang because they don’t have anything to actually praise with Korra. It’s the same thing Bryke did when they pissed on Aang and devalued Appa to make him look like an idiot for being mad when Appa was kidnapped, and praising Korra as so much better. But Korra does far worse things than Aang did and basically caused half of the problems she faced. Aang dealt with things and grew as a character. Korra remained the selfish arrogant brat she was in episode 1 in the finale of the show because she never grew. The show gave lip service to her growing and maturing but it never actually happened. Korra only changes her character to fit the plot when it’s necessary and then goes back to her usual self. It’s amazing that some people still blind themselves to Korra’s flaws.