Vote Yedam
Vote Yedam 🤺
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i feel like we do not talk about this line enough…i love unnecessary feelings as much as the next guy but my god this is a convoluted love confession of Shakespearean proportions…it should be taught in schools…
Ayo ! since you asked for fluff things maybe you could do like a junghwan imagine where he's studying with y/n but they aren't enough motivated to study (ofc) (I imagine it in the dorm-)
Btw it's the first time I'm asking for something, so I'm sorry if i did it the wrong way (because i saw that most of the requests are with prompts (?) ) or if I'm not explaining clearly

pairing: best friend! junghwan x reader
warnings: sheer fl u f f
an: stick with me! i know the title's a little odd, but you'll get it! and yes! that's a perfect ask thank you! let me know if you had something else in mind
"c'mon hwan!" you shout from the bedroom as you dig your hands into your hair.
"i'm coming...geez." even though he's mumbling, you can hear his voice as it gets closer to you. every time he managed to pull this. you'd come over to study for a big test, he'd offer snacks and of course you'd accept cause it's free snacks, right? and then he'd dissapear for large amounts of time while you were left alone. studying. did you mention alone?
there's a reason you were studying together. and that was because, well, the two of you barely had a braincell combined, so you needed each other to figure out what the heck the book actually meant.
hell- you'd even asked jihoon of all people to help you study once. there'd only been three willing people to help you study. yoshi, hyunsuk, and jihoon.
yoshi, well, he was nice and an amazing tutor, but he couldn't explain it in a way that made sense to both of you. hyunsuk had gotten too annoyed too quickly- and jihoon. he got irritated. so that left exactly zero people willing to study, and now your study buddy wasn't even studying.
so you told him all this.
"y/ can't be serious! this is completly nuts! you know however much we study, we'll still get a not so great grade, so we should just not do it! hey, let's watch a marvel mov-"
"oh no you don't." you wagged a finger. "nuh-uh. we're studying junghwan. end of convo." you crack back open the book and haruto walks into the room.
"..." you pause. the last time he'd just stood there, you found out he'd eaten all of the cupcakes you brought. "-what'd you do, haruto."
"it's not me, it's siri."
"siri? how does that even make sense-?"
"hey siri, play the folgers jingle on repeat!" he cried, setting his speaker down and running out of the room.
"no!" junghwan lunged for the speaker, trying to turn off the song, but haruto had managed to set a lock on his phone that even baby cow couldn't get into.
far off in the background, you heard jeongwoo and haruto singing to the god-awful song that you knew would never get out of your head.
"tHe bEsT pArT oF wAkiN uP...iS fOlgeRs iN yO-"
"SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!" roared jihoon from the kitchen, chasing the two around with a plastic spatuala.
looking at each other, you and junghwan burst out laughing.
you may not be studying, but this was waaay more entertaining.
Teume Cafe: Mashiho Ending: Meant to Bean

written by reyd ;)

Throughout the last few weeks you’ve been going into the cafe more and more. Before class, after, sometimes even during free periods. You still had yet to meet Haruto (apparently he only worked on weekends) but you’d met the manager, Yoshi, and he was just as beautiful as the other boys.
You two had only talked twice, and you’d convinced yourself he was a skater boy underneath the coffee shop uniform. Other than that time, you'd talked more in depth with Mashiho and Yedam, getting to know them, their aspirations, and their personalities.
There had been a few things you expected, such as Yedam majoring in music, but some surprises as well. Apparently, Mashiho had appeared in a music video for a band called AKMU. You began to really like their company, and they were no longer just stress relievers, they were your friends.
There was just- something about Mashiho though. Something about his smile sent shock waves of security and calmness through your veins.
It was like a steroidal version of when you’d been dating the soccer captain at your high school, Jihoon. Except this time, you could see a future with him, and you highly doubted Mashiho was the type to ghost you.
Sighing heavily, you realized you were falling for him.
“Is everything okay?” a deep voice cuts through your thought process (aka thought train wreck.)
Looking up, you made eye contact with a boy with a blonde mullet and deep brown eyes. He seemed both intimidating and kind at the same time. Coupled with his looks, you put the two and two together.
“Haruto, I presume?” you raised an eyebrow at him and he gave you a quizzical smile.
“How do you know?”
“You’re almost a household name at this point.” You joke, and then tell him that Mashiho and Yedam talked about him a lot.
“Ah. So then you must be the person that Mashiho keeps going on about.” He winked and handed you a cookie.
You blushed, whether because Mashiho had been mentioning you or because he winked at you, you aren't sure.
“You know, Mashiho’s really shyer than he seems,” He commented. He opened his mouth to continue, but Mashiho walked out of the back before he could continue, and he whisks himself away.
“Hi!” Mashiho came over to you, peeking into the almost empty cup.
“Wow, you must really like that one. It’s my favorite, so i understand.”
You glanced over at Haruto (who conveniently was cleaning the counter beside you) and took a risk. “I guess we have a lot in common! It’s like we’re meant to bean.”

taglist: @milkybonya, @tangylemonade,@memilimey8

I miss him :(

A collage of Yedam breaking his arm for pics
Happy Yedam Day!!!