Maybe My Brain Is Far Beyond Saving And Entirely Rotted Through But Wouldn't The Kite Runner Make An
maybe my brain is far beyond saving and entirely rotted through but wouldn't the kite runner make an amazing anime... 😍
More Posts from Jiminussy
actually i take it back. none of my teammates could ever guess i have a tumblr called "jiminussy", u never know who ur REALLY talking to
how bad is it playing volleyball with nails? i got short to medium length acrylics for the start of school but volleyball starts this saturday.. will it be dangerous or really difficult??
love this app but ykw maybe this wasn't exactly the place to ask for sports advice
how bad is it playing volleyball with nails? i got short to medium length acrylics for the start of school but volleyball starts this saturday.. will it be dangerous or really difficult??

this weekend bouta be soooo good 🔥
hot take!!! dnis should only apply for people who plan on following u / befriending u. u cant realistically expect people to read ur entire dni before simply liking or reblogging ur post. if u dont want someone viewing ur content then block them. ur responsible for ur own internet experience
𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲 🍨🍭