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Finally approved publication after checking the proof copy. Paperback should be available from online booksellers within a month. The Kindle ebook is already out and available from Amazon. The paperback can be order direct from the publishers (FeedARead- feedaread.com - now).
For the young at heart. The start of a journey through the 1960s.
The first in the series of the Jimmy Mack novels. Two others are available.
"... it's a book for the ‘grown ups’ of this world, enabling them to dive back into their own past and experience once more the joys, thrills and anxieties of youth."
Sample chapters: johnknightnovelist.wixsite.com
Paperback/Hardback/Kindle editions from Amazon and other online bookstores.
It’s 1966. Alice has a secret but no one could possibly have guessed what it was. Who is Alice Liddell?
Author website: [https://johnknightnovelist.wixsite.com/mysite](https://johnknightnovelist.wixsite.com/mysite)
Amazon: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alic.../dp/1803022213/ref=sr_1_1](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alic.../dp/1803022213/ref=sr_1_1)
FeedARead.com: [https://www.feedaread.com/books/Alice-9781803022215.aspx](https://www.feedaread.com/books/Alice-9781803022215.aspx)
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