This Pic Is Giving Ancelotti

this pic is giving ancelotti 🤨
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More Posts from Jnmrvc
A trusting matter
Summary: A confession makes Kylian think you have no trust in him. Making him feel shamed and almost breaking your relationship.
Warnings: cursing, sex talk, slut shaming, sex shaming.

"What is this?"
You turn your head to where he is, finding him walking out of the bathroom. He has something in his hands, reading the back of the box.
"I don't know, what is it?" you ask him.
He tries to read what the box means, but he can't understand any of it.
"Comprimé pelliculé." he reads out loud for you. "What does that even means?"
You frown, stretching your hand to him. "Let me see."
He hands you the box, you want to laugh at him.
It was your birth control pills. He was trying to understand what the box says but the box only reference that the box contains certain amount of pills.
"It's my contraceptive pills." you smile at him, leaving the box on the nightstand next to your side of the bed. "Want to see a movie?"
He's quiet, what is a contraceptive pill? why are you taking them?
"Are you sick?" he asks, worried about it.
You shake your head, smiling at him.
"Healthy as always."
"Then why are you taking these pills?"
You chuckle, finding him adorable. "It's contraceptive, Ky."
"What's that?"
You then get why he was so worried, he doesn't understands what the pills are for.
"They are birth control." You smile.
"Birth control as in anti baby?" He asks, still confused.
You can't help but laugh at him. Thing that makes him pout. Why were you laughing at him?
"I'm not sure if >anti baby< is the right thing to say, but yes."
His mind is still confused, why were you drinking them if he's using protection every time you had sex.
"But I'm using protection." he says, not fully getting the purpose of the pills.
"Yeah, you are."
"Then why are you taking these for?"
You sigh, wondering what's inside of his head for him to be that confused.
"Condoms can break." you say. "And it also helps me with my period, it helps me with my cramps. Not only for the anti baby part." you explain to him.
You left him sitting in bed, grabbing your water bottle and walking to the kitchen. He follows you like a kid who's ready to botter their mother with questions.
"But if the condom breaks, you can take the plan b pill, don't you?"
You roll your eyes, "Yes, that's correct. But I don't want to get to that." You say, low and monotone tone. "Birth control is safer and the fail rate is less than others."
He nods, not asking more questions. He was one not to ask much about health or things like that because you were someone healthy.
"Hey, do you want some cake?" you ask him. Opening the fridge. "I have the one you like." you take the box out of your fridge, placing it on the counter.
He nods happy, accepting a piece of it. You were seated at the top of the counter, he was between your legs as you feed him the cake while jokingly pretending to do the airplane move on him.
"You got some right here." you grab a napkin, wiping the tip of his nose.
He loves spending times like these with you. Only the two of you, things you could only do from time to time due to his agenda. Especially now that he is in Madrid.
You were telling him about this series that you were watching. He was washing the dirty dishes from dinner since you made dinner. He then gets this thought.
"Hey." He says, getting your attention.
You humm, placing the leftover food back on the fridge. You were too focused to notice his mischievous grin. He walks over to you, waiting for you to close the fridge door and turn, hitting his chest in the process.
You left out a laugh when he carries you and places you back on top of the counter. Kissing your lips while his hands grip your hips.
"I was thinking." He began. "Since you are on birth control, I can stop with the condoms."
You stop smiling, looking at him with a frown.
"And it's going to be better, because it's going to be a life saver. All those times we had to stop because I didn't have any left."
He was smiling like crazy, thinking of how much your sex life was going to change with you taking birth control. It was easier, it was faster and he didn't needed to stop when he runs out of condoms.
"Kylian," you sigh, not wanting to have this conversation. "I don't want to stop using condoms."
He frowns, not understanding you.
You don't want to say the real reason. "I just don't." You push him a little, getting down of the counter and walking back to the room. "It's more safe if we both are protected."
"But isn't birth control enough?" He whines. "Don't you want to feel me completely?" He asks, getting closer.
He hugs you from behind, his lips on your neck, making you shiver at the sensation. He pulls you to him, making you let out a small whine.
"Stop it." You whisper.
You take his hands away from you, walking over to the bathroom to wash your teeth. You can't help but feel a little bit bad about denying him what he wants.
But you can't.
He looks at you from the door. Not understanding why you are so questionable about the topic. He tries to understand that maybe it's because you are fearing that something fails and you get pregnant.
Even if that was the case, he would be by your side with any decision you take. But since it was not the case and he doesn't really know the real reason.
"I get that you are scared, but this can be something good for us." he says, trying to open your mind to the possibilities. "And if pregnancy its what scare-"
"Kylian, please." you say, tired of the talk. "Drop it."
"I'm just saying that you don't have to worry."
"Listen, I don't want to stop using condoms, end of story."
You walk outside of the bathroom, grabbing the clothes from your bed and walking into the closet to hang them.
"I just don't understand why you are so closed to the option."
You stayed quiet, you want to drop the conversation. If only you would have known that leaving your pills there was going to cause so much commotion.
You turn your face to him, noticing how his eyes are full of doubt. You just sigh, shaking your head and continue ordering the clothes.
"So you are just going to ignore me?" he asks, mad at your attitude.
You finish, turning to see him. "Kylian, you have been with a lot of people, I haven't. Forgive me for wanting to take care for myself." you explote.
He's taken aback, what are you even meaning?
"Take care of yourself?" he asks mad. "So I'm not safe enough for you to have sex without me wearing a condom?"
"Remember when I told you that maybe doing a test to see if you were fully healthy trigger you?" you ask. "You told me that you had that when you get the medical exams at the club. I asked you that because I don't want whatever you groupies have." you scuff.
You walk out of the room, tired of him insisting on talking about it. You take a few breaths, finally getting what you just said to him. You turn, finding him walking towards his things.
"Kylian." you call.
He just lift his hand, making you shut your mouth. You just observe him pick his things. He doesn't want to say anything back, afraid of telling something wrong.
"You were insisting, I asked you to drop it." you try.
"Yeah, I should have." he says, the way his voice is so low that scares you. "But lucky me I didn't, cause I found out my girlfriend thinks I'm fucking around and that I'm going to catch something and giving it to her."
"Kylian, don't go." you say, blocking the exit. "Let's just calm down and have a conversation."
"Oh! you want to talk now?" he laughs. "Well, now I don't want to."
You watch him go out of your house. Hearing the sound of his car getting away from your property. You feel bad about what the way this conversation goes.

"But why did you even say that?" your best friend says.
You look at her like a kid whose parent is scolding.
"I asked him to stop with the conversation, and when he didn't I lashed out."
You feel the guilt of the words you say to him. You know that what you say hurted him, you know that maybe this isn't something he would forget.
"I tried everything, calling, texting, even went to his place, but he was back in Madrid." you sigh, not sure of what else to do.
Your friend tries to think about what you can do to tried to make your situation right. It's a difficult position, because you lashed out when he kept insisting on doing something you weren't comfortable about.
The thing is, you would have been comfortable, but when you asked him something you asked your last partner, he refused.
Your mother taught you that you needed to be careful when it comes to sex. She works in health care and constantly sees how girl get things because the boys they are with are also with half the city.
Hearing stories about girls being sick and having to go out of their ways to fix something their boyfriends or sex partners got them was your daily stories.
So when you asked Kylian in a not direct way, he told you that he didn't needed that, he got those test every season and every six months thanks to the club.
> "I was thinking" you say, sitting next to him on the couch. "In this biology class I'm taking, they are encouraging us to get these test to now we are healthy."
"Really? what kind?" he asks.
"Oh you know, some blood ones, some normal check out to discard any std, any sickness. And my friends and I are a little bit scared of doing it." You show him the pamphlet.
"Scared?" he asks, a little concerned about you. "Is it that invasive?" he read what the test are.
"Not sure, just you know needles. They are taking their boyfriends and I want to ask if you want to join me, maybe?"
He reads the whole thing, looking at you with a smile. "I've done these tests. They are not that bad." he says. "Don't worry, take it from me."
"Oh, you have?" you ask, smiling. "When was the last time?"
He thinks for a moment. "I think before the year started."
"That's almost eight months ago." you say. "Don't you think that it's better if you get another one?" you say, batting your eyelashes.
"No, thank you." he says. "I'll get one when I get to the medical testing in Madrid. No need for more."
"But, you will do your girlfriend a favor."
"Let me think." he says, pressing his fingers on his temples. He pretends to think about it for a moment. "No, let's go to eat." he says, kissing your temple and walking to the kitchen. <
You met Kylian only six months ago. You didn't sleep with him right away, you wanted to meet him before even think about that. You liked him too much and didn't wanted to rush things.
You know that he was someone who got girls that wanted to spend a night with him. You read news about him "hooking up" with different models or influencers.
That he was flying them to Paris, when he was in PSG. Then when he announced the moving the news were that he was moving this model from Paris with him to Madrid.
You never cared about those things, you trusted him. He was someone who was very family orientated. He prefers to spend the night with him at home than to go out.
When he asked if you wanted to become official, you were thrilled. You love spending time with him, and not to lie but the trips, the gifts and the games passes were an amazing extra thing.
"I'm going to Madrid." You say to your friend.
"You are crazy?" she asks. "What about your job?
"I mean, a signed Real Madrid jersey will do for our boss." you say, writing the email. "Also, I booked him and his mistress some tickets for Hawaii, so he better give me the time or his wife would get the email with the information." you smile at her.
When your boss asked for not one but two signed jerseys, you booked your ticket. You knew where Kylian was living, you even have a copy of his keys for emergencies.
You grab a small bag, packing only a few things. You hoped that he wanted to see you. Your friend drove you to the airport, it was not a long flight. Only two hours and a few minutes. You will survive.
To you luck, you notice how the Real Madrid instagram is posting about the players training, so you have time to think about what you will say and how you would say it.
You have a copy of the pass for the gate, so you with no problem got inside. You tried to think about the situation, mentally hitting yourself for being that mean and dumb.
You know that the two of you were wrong, he on one side for forcing the conversation on you, even when you asked him to drop it in a nice way.
And you, for basically telling him that you didn't want his rabies that he probably got from his one night stands.
You sat down in the couch, tired of overthinking the situation. You don't want to lose him, not over something like that. Even when you basically accused him of cheating.
You were so into your mind that you don't pick the sound of the door opening and closing. You just hear the voices and tense.
He wasn't alone.
"Oh hi!" a dark hair boy says, smiling. "Kylian, you didn't told us you got company, we need more drinks."
You wave at him, a little shy to say something.
"Company?" Kylian asks confused. That's when he sees you, red cheeks and awkward smile. "Hey." he says, walking towards you.
"Hey." you say. "Hi, by the way." you finally say.
"This is Vini." Kylian says, pointing at him. "Vini, this is my girlfriend. I talked to you guys about her."
You smile at him. He still refers about you like his girlfriend.
"Nice to meet you." he smiles. "I'll call Rodry, he will bring more drinks."
You look at Kylian, trying to get an explanation so you don't look too lost. "We are watching a game." he says.
You nod, feeling a little dumb because there's people there and you can't really talk with him like you wanted to.
"No need to call Rodry." you say, standing up. "I'll be upstairs, so you can have more privacy."
You give him a small smile and walk a little fast to the stairs, feeling a little embarrassed about how your plan is going. You feel a hand on your arm, making you turn.
It was Kylian, he then moves his hand from your arm to you own hand. He grabs it, walking upstairs. He leads the way, you can't keep your eyes away from him.
He can feel you sight, he feels the need to turn around. When you two are inside his room he turn around, looking at you with this neutral expression.
You wait for him to say something, but he didn't. He wanted you to start. "Hi." you say, smiling a little. You really don't know what to say.
He want to laugh, but he remembers that he's mad. So he won't do it. You feel defeated, wanting for him to smile at your awkwardness.
"How long are your friends staying?" you ask.
You don't want to talk with him when his friends are downstairs. You want to be able to have a conversation with him and two be able to express how you feel without caring. You can't do that if there's people waiting on him.
"A little bit after the game, we have training in the afternoon, so we can stay a little bit later than normal. But I can ask them to leave right after the game."
You shake your head. "No, it's okay. I can wait."
"Vini did asked Rodry for more drinks, so you kind of have to get down at some point or they will come get you." he jokes.
"Maybe after the break." you smile back. "I'll take a shower first."
He nods, smiling at you. He walks downstairs, wanting to call the night off and hear you out. He wasn't mad anymore, just a little ego hurt. But he can't be mad at you that long. Not you.
"Rodry and Jude are almost here." Vini smiles. "Is your girlfriend joining? or did I scared her when I mentioned drinks?" he asks, joking.
"She's taking a shower, she will join us in a few."

You can hear the way they are screaming and cursing at whatever is going on at the game. You laugh when you hear one of his friends saying something in a very bad french.
The laugh Kylian left out is music to your ears. You sat on the stairs, not feeling like going down. You missed him, his humor and his laugh.
"No way these motherfuckers are only giving two extra minutes." Jude yells. "That's bullshit."
"Innit" Vini laughs, making fun of Jude's accent.
The other three boys laugh, making Jude curse Vini. The game came to an end, you know because the guys criticize the way the referee did and how the coaches did.
You got up, slowly walking upstairs.
"Okay, ladies." Kylian says. "Time to go home."
"We still have drinks." Rodry says.
"My girlfriend just flew in from Paris, pardon me that I want to spend time with her and not with your asses."
You stop on your tracks, wanting to hear more. You feel your heart warming up.
He wanted to spend time with you.
"Got it, let's go, boys."
"You own us one."
"I want to be with my girlfriend now."
You walk back into his room, smiling.
You regret not talking thing with him. You know that everything was avoidable if you would've been honest from the beginning.
You sat on the bed, watching the door carefully. You can't wait any more. The ninety something minutes you spend waiting for the game to be over were killing you.
The door opens quickly. You tried to act as if you weren't waiting for it to open. Earning a chuckle from you boyfriend. You feel the heat in your face, embarrassed of him discovering you.
He closes the door, walking to the bathroom. The door is left open, you can see how he's stripping his clothes. You fall back into the bed, not taking your eyes away from him.
He knows what he is doing.
You can hear the shower. You take a deep breath, mentally hitting yourself. You have to control yourself. You close your eyes, words repeating on and on and on. You know what you want to say and you will say it.
You are to into your thoughts, practicing how you will deliver the words, how you are giving him the message that you trust him and never doubt his loyalty.
You feel a cold hand grabbing you ankle. Making you open your eyes, you saw Kylian with towel around his waist, his eyes glued to yours.
You smile at him. "Hi." you whisper.
He smiles, shaking his head no. He wants to tease you, make you feel desperate. He takes his times changing. Picking carefully the boxers he would use.
You can tell what his plan is, and it's working.
He walks over to you. Sitting on the chair that's on the corner of his bedroom. "Mon cher, Y/n." he smiles mischievously. "What brings you here tonight?"
Your eyes are glued to his, you won't look down at his body.
You have to be strong.
"Don't you have a tshirt?" you ask, making him smile.
"I have tons." he points with his head towards the closet. "But the one I normally use to sleep is the one that you are wearing."
You blush, looking down at the shirt you took from him. "Oh" you say.
You look back at him, noticing how his grin is bigger. "You were saying?"
You sigh, knowing he's not going to give in. You sat back on the bed.
"I want to apologize, what I said was very out of line." you began. "I didn't meant to ever made you feel like I was shaming you for your previous sex life. Neither meant to doubt your loyalty to me."
He looks at you in the eyes. He can tell that you are being honest.
"What trigger your reaction?" he asks. "Was it something that I said in the past? Anything you read online about me?"
"No." you shake your head. "You know how my mom works at this clinic?" you ask him, making him nod. "Well, since I was a kid she told me about how girls that came there had all these problems. They came thinking it was a normal cold and ended up being something else, because their partners were sleeping around. And that made me feel like I needed to be extra careful with all."
"Even with me." he says low. He was saying that more to himself.
"You are the second person I've been with." you say, crawling to the edge of the bed, near the chair. "I felt so much pressure, my mom kept telling me about how I needed to be careful, that football players were always around. And not that I don't trust you, I do. But-"
"But you wanted to be sure you were safe." he finishes your sentence.
You nod, "I trust you, Ky. I do."
He stands up, opening his arms to you. He wraps his arms around your figure, embracing you into a much needed hug.
You inhale his scent, feeling better now that you explained everything to him. Not caring that load of always being alert.
"I'm sorry I was pushy about the subject. It wasn't nice of me."
"No, it's ok-"
"It's not." He interrupts you. "You asked me to drop it, and I kept talking.
He separates from the hug, walking over to his nightstand. He opens the drawer, taking an envelope.
He hands you the envelope. You take it with curiosity. Checking it to know what is it.
He did the test for you.
He wanted you to trust him. Even if that took a small medical check and blood test.
"I know now that it's not because you don't trust me, but because you are protecting yourself." He says, going back into the embrace.
"You didn't have to." You smile at him. "Thank you."
"If that's what it takes to make my girl know that I'm only hers, then I'll do anything."
You grab his cheeks, kissing him.
You missed the taste of him. The way his lips felt against yours. How his warm temperature mix with yours.
"I'm willing to try if you are." You smile, pecking him.
He smiles at you. The way his eyes got a little dark. You separate from him. Putting your arms in the air for him to take your shirt off.
"Je t'aime." He says, kissing your lips before taking the fabric off of you.
You kiss him to shut him up, pushing him down the mattress with you. "Show me how much."
What type of boyfriend do you think jude would be?
omg i wanted to write this for so long🥹🥹🥹
Jude is the kind of boyfriend who’s always looking for excuses to be close to you. He loves wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder, and planting soft kisses on your neck when you least expect it. He LOVES physical touch.
Jude spoils you in every way he can. The moment you mention liking something, he’s already planning how to surprise you with it. It’s his way of showing that he listens and cares about every little thing that makes you happy.
Jude is the kind of boyfriend who remembers the little things. He’ll surprise you with your favorite snack when you’re having a bad day or put on the playlist you love when you’re driving together.
He loves to tease you and he’s got the best humor. He sends you LOTS of memes everyday and he gets so mad when you don’t watch them🥹🥹
“why didn’t you watch the videos i sent you??”
“Sorry baby i forgot…”
Jude is the kind of boyfriend who’ll stay up late with you, even if he’s tired, just to talk about anything and everything.
Baby are you sleepy? We can sleep and talk tomorrow”
“No no, baby. Please just talk and i’ll listen”
He would do anything not to fall asleep but he would end up doing it when he is very tired, and that’s so cute…🥹🥹
He doesn’t really know how to cook, but whenever you want to bake something, he’s right there to support you. He’ll grab whatever you need from the fridge and, even if he’s not cooking, he’ll wear the kitchen apron and hat just for you. It’s adorable.🙏🏻🥹
He loves giving you flowers and takes genuine joy in taking care of them. You can imagine how excited he gets when it’s time to water them, making sure they’re okay🌱
Jude is the kind of boyfriend who only gets jealous when it truly matters. He’s not the type to control what you wear or dictate your choices but when he sees someone else catching your attention, he’ll quietly slip his hand into yours, pulling you closer as if to remind you that you’re his.
Hi could you write about erling not liking when his girlfriend wears a bra around the house/when they are alone? Him being in love with her and her body, but her being insecure, especially having natural big breasts? Erling having a thing for her boobs, but like not only sexual, he likes touching them, using them as his personal pillow, massaging them (his gf telling him he acts like they are his stress balls). Basically him being her biggest supporter :))
I LOVE YOUR... - e.h

ೃ⁀➷ erling's masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ erling's taglist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Erling?!” It was the third time you called for your boyfriend in the last five minutes. Was he deaf? “Breakfast’s ready! It’s getting cold!”
Still no response.
“I swear to God…” You let out a sigh, going upstairs. The house was completely silent due to the sole presence of the two. When you made it to the bedroom, a laugh almost escaped your mouth.
Erling was still wrapped on the covers, just as you left him thirty minutes ago. Seems like the constant attempts to wake him up were useless. His face was buried on your pillow, making your heart melt. You tiptoed around the bed until you were next to him, taking advantage of his sleepness to brush your fingers through his hair. A tiny smile drew on his face, letting you know he wasn’t as asleep as you thought.
“So you decided to sleep in while your servant made breakfast?” You joked, dropping yourself on him.
“Of course not, baby” He replied with his eyes still closed. “It’s just that I’m too tired.” He grabbed you by the hips, and with one movement, you were under him. “What about if we sleep a bit more?” His hands, as usual, slip past your shirt, looking for your boobs.
They stopped above your bra, and you heard almost immediately his huff.
“Why are you wearing this again?” He always complained when you wore a bra around the house. Always.
“I told you! It’s more comfortable this way, they’re way too big for me to just let them hang free!” You couldn’t help but laugh, feeling his hands roll your bra up so he could grab them bare. “What I don’t get is why you are always touching my boobs… You know? They’re not stress balls.”
“You sure? They always make me feel better and relaxed after touching them for a while.” His hands were still massaging you. At this point, this type of physical contact wasn’t even sexual. It was more of a weird hug. "And, this is the best pair of boobs in the world. Makes sense, because they're attached to the best body as well."
"Look who's talking" You smiled, feeling your heart do a pirouette, like everytime he said things like that.
“I’m average-looking next to you” His eyes met yours for a brief moment before kissing you the only way he knew. God, you loved this man. “You’re beautiful in any way possible. Sometimes I wonder how I got you”
“Easy. I saw those lips and it was case closed” You said before returning the kiss.
“Sounds like we’re both drawn by looks. How shallow.” He joked back, giving a final squeeze to your chest before letting them go. “What about breakfast?”
“Oh, now you want breakfast?” You laughed, biting your lip when he seemed confused.
“Of course, that food is as delicious as you are, I’m sure” He went inside the bathroom, leaving your blushing self behind.
“Idiot…” You whispered, feeling more in love than ever.
Maybe you should stop wearing bras, they were uncomfortable anyways.
The fact that they’re serious is Hilarious.

Whenever you write something you dominate all the kylian tags bro.... How are we supposed to read other fics from other writers?
*me seeing the ask*

*Me checking after 6+ hours if it’s real*

Oh, wow. It really is there

First of all:
Deal with it!

Second: Your ignorance is not welcomed here at all. All it will take you is to scroll down and you can read whatever the hell you want. I can’t baby you and tell you how to use this damn site. If my fic is trending, it’s because of people who like and comment on it.
It is what it is.