Arda Gler - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
Arda Gler Vs The Austrian Nt

Arda Güler vs the Austrian nt

Oil on canvas 2024

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9 months ago

Best match best goal aughhhh finally some real football

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6 months ago
@ardans AWWWWW

@ardans AWWWWW

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6 months ago

@unx100to ik u cant understand shit but u have to see this its so cute😞😞

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6 months ago


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6 months ago

YALL😭😭😭😭😭 im crying hes too adorable

@zanxi you’d love this is so sweet omgg 😭

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6 months ago


A Home In Your Mind Academic Pressure. You Are Crying. Arda Tries Calming You Down.

a home in your mind ────── academic pressure. you are crying. arda tries calming you down.

♡ ────── pairing : arda güler x reader ♡ ────── tags : reader's gender, ethnicity, nationality, and appearance is not specified. reader is a university student stressed out over some assignment!!! hurt-comfort. jude mentioned!!! ♡ ────── wordcount : 812 ♡ ────── notes : struggling doing my thesis proposal... here's some arda lol i so desperately need a study date with him!!!!! title is from on the drive home by niki, but it's not based on the song ♡ masterlist.

A Home In Your Mind Academic Pressure. You Are Crying. Arda Tries Calming You Down.


Contrary to popular belief, a lot of footballers are actually not meatheads. Arda knows that it seems easy to equate physical advantage to a generally empty head, but football requires the same amount of mental exertion as it does physical. And, including him, not a small number of his football friends were overachievers when it comes to academic validation.

Arda understands it all too well—the gripping feeling before a test, the anxiety coursing through your veins increasing as the clock ticks by. He understands staying up late before an important presentation, and he understands trying to absorb verses and information into your brain like a sponge, only for it to dry out when left unattended for too long.

“ can I help?”

He likes to think that his presence will somehow ease your head—that’s what you do to him, anyway. Knowing that you are watching his every move on the field, whether in person or on a screen, eases him. It graces him with confidence, filling him with a sense of force only a romantic would recognise.

But he doesn’t know if you would feel the same thing.

Doing an essay is, after all, different from trying to score a goal.

It’s different from racing past opponent players, it’s different from scanning the entire field for an opening. Football uses your brain more than any other part of your body, yes, but the adrenaline would more often than not make it feel like he is running on autopilot.

He sits next to you, trying not to take in the way your shaky fingers hover above your laptop’s keyboard; trying not to see that even as you are regulating your breath, some quivering sobs would sliver out between your lips.

“I’m fine,” you try brushing his concerns off, and though your eyes are welling up with water, you still insist on reading the same paragraph you’ve been reading for the past ten minutes.

“‘lright,” he mutters, leaning forward to take a look at your face before slipping his hand in one of yours, pulling it to his lips. You don’t resist.

“I just,” you begin after a sigh, “y’know, like none of this is making sense.”

“Uh-huh,” he nods, pressing the back of your hand against his cheek, fully facing you.

“This guy says one thing,” you gesture at the screen of your laptop, “and then says a completely different thing three paragraphs later. I mean” — you cut yourself off with another sigh.

Arda rubs his thumb against your hand.

— “I know he’s probably making sense, this paper’s in the syllabus for a reason, but, shit. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just stupid.”

Arda makes a disgruntled noise, frowning as he kisses your knuckle again. “Hey, don’t say that,” he murmurs, using his other hand to trace his fingers on the high of your cheeks, “you’re just frustrated, right? Don’t say cruel things to yourself.”

The moment he makes contact with your skin, the tear that you have been holding back spills over your cheeks.

“God,” you blow a shaky breath, looking away for a moment, embarrassed at your vulnerability. “I don’t know, I’m just stupid.”

“Come on,” he encourages, keeping his knuckles against your face. “You’re just frustrated. We’ve been at this for so long now, I think it’s time for a break.”

The sun has set hours ago, and Arda’s been there in your apartment since it hadn’t even risen yet. His chest is beginning to feel heavy from being cooped up in your room, but also from seeing you so defeated.

He leans in to press a small peck to your cheeks before standing up, gently tugging on your hand, trying to get you to stand too.

“Let’s get something sweet from the coffeeshop down the street.”

“People are gonna see me cry,” you whine, tugging your hand back to yourself. “And people are gonna think we had an argument.”

Arda laughs, letting go of your hand and then cupping your face in both of his, leaning down as he presses his nose against yours. “What? Who’s gonna say that?”

“I don’t know,” you sniffle, also giggling with him. “Some gossip accounts on TikTok. Remember what they said about Bellingham?”

He rolls his eyes playfully. “No one’s gonna say anything about us. We’re basically perfect.”

“Huh,” you close your eyes. “The perfect couple—a Real Madrid football player and a loser who can’t read.”

“Baby,” it’s his turn to whine. “You’re just tired, I swear. I’ll get you a cake, and you’ll feel better in no time. Come on.”

He stands, tugging you along with him, and you weakly go along. “Fine,” you murmur, “but you’re paying.”

Arda rubs both his thumb under each of your eyes. He leans a kiss on your lips for a moment and let your arms drape over his body.

"Anything for my baby, right?”

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6 months ago
@unx100to She Is A Baddie Fs

@unx100to she is a baddie fs😣😣

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6 months ago

um um um um😊😊😅😅😅 guuyssss im giglging and swinging my feet rn is this too much too ASK FOR GOD AAAAAAAAAAA @unx100to

awkward!arda x awkward!reader and they’re just both so awkward that it makes them laugh and it’s just eeeeuuuuugggghhhhh TOOTH. ROT.

Heavy - Arda Güler.

Awkward!arda X Awkward!reader And Theyre Just Both So Awkward That It Makes Them Laugh And Its Just Eeeeuuuuugggghhhhh
Awkward!arda X Awkward!reader And Theyre Just Both So Awkward That It Makes Them Laugh And Its Just Eeeeuuuuugggghhhhh
Awkward!arda X Awkward!reader And Theyre Just Both So Awkward That It Makes Them Laugh And Its Just Eeeeuuuuugggghhhhh

Pairing: Arda Güler x Fem!Reader

Summary: After an awkward moment at the beach during a join family vacation with yours and Arda’s, you retreat back to your bedroom in embarrassment. But when someone knocks on your door, the last thing you expected to come out of it was a kiss.

Disclaimer/s: cursing, kissing, nothing but fluff!

A/N: Based on ‘Heavy’ By The Marías !

Awkward!arda X Awkward!reader And Theyre Just Both So Awkward That It Makes Them Laugh And Its Just Eeeeuuuuugggghhhhh

Face hot and breathing ragged, you slam the door behind you. Memories of the events that happened only ten minutes prior plaguing your mind.

“No, no, it’s okay! I’m fine!” You rambled out, body still limp in his arms. You’d stumbled over your own two feet and face planted right onto the ground.

Arda, with his quick reflexes, he was already by your side, helping you up. “Are you okay?” He’d already asked you nearly four times by now.

Your face burned red as you’d started up at him, forgetting how close you two were. Faces inches apart, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.

“Sweetie, are you alright?!” Your mother gasped from somewhere behind you, causing you both to scramble upwards and apart from each other.

Clicking the lock on your door, you rub a hand over your face. What the hell. Scrambling toward the bed, you face plant onto the pillow, screaming into it.

Why were you such a loser?

Three gentle knocks on the door snapped you from your self hatred. “Leave me alone!” You yell out.

The voice that calls out your name from the other side of the door, has you even further on edge. “Can you just open, uhm, open the door.. please?”

You slowly but surely tug yourself off the bed, inching your way toward the door. Biting down on your inner cheek, you let out of a huff of breath, opening the door just wide enough for your face to fit between.

Arda stands there, hands in his pockets with a tight lipped smile. He’s rocking back and forth from his heels to his toes. “The.. whole? Door?”

Oh. Right.

Opening it wider, you clear your throat. “Right, sorry.”

It’s quiet. Awkward. It’s tense..

“Uhm..” Arda starts slowly, “just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

You give him your most reassuring face, although you know very well it came off as a grimace. “I’m completely fine, don’t worry! Thank’s, though!”

Another uncomfortable pause.

Then another.

“Do you want to go get ice cream?” Arda blurts out, cringing at the way he spoke.

You feel your cheeks burn brighter, “yes!” Too quick. That was too fast.

The teenager smiles, “okay! Do you want to go now, or..”

You make sure to wait a little bit before nodding, “yeah, just let me put on some shoes, uh.. You can come in..” Stepping aside, you give him the space to walk into the room.

Arda accepts, taking hesitant steps inside. He stands by the door after it’s shut, shuffling on his feet like he didn’t know what to do with himself.

Quickly slipping into your shoes, you grab your purse and make your way back over to him. “Ready.” He opens the door for you, letting you walk out first. Cute.

“I saw a cool parlor down the street, figured we could go there?” He was trying to make small talk, the slight waver in his voice showing just how nervous you made him.

You smile at the bricks on the ground, “sounds good to me.” You weren’t the only one nervous here, although neither of you could set your own awkwardness aside long enough to notice the others was just as prevalent.

The rest of the walk was quiet, but surprisingly sweet. Arda would point out a few cool shops, and you’d gasp at every stray animal you saw.

Finally arriving at the ice cream parlor, you ordered your flavors. You chose strawberry, he with vanilla. In a moment of amusement, you grin. “Wow, so you really are vanilla then?”

It was a dumb joke. A lame, boring, dad joke. But he laughs. His head tipping back and his eyes crinkling at the sides. Oh, you are so screwed.

“You know, i’m not as vanilla as you’d imagine.” He retorts as you two make your way back outside to the seating area.

Eyebrow quirked in curiosity, you hum. “Oh? Is that so? What, have you..” feigning a gasp, you clutch your hand over your heart, “drank? At your big age?”

Arda grins down at you, his eyes twinkling with humor. “A sip or two.”

The longer you spent with him, the more you both grew comfortable with each other. He got your humor, laughed at your stupid jokes, he was perfect.

“Oh you got a little..” Arda trails off, using his finger to wipe away a small smudge of pink on the side of your lips.

Breath hitched in your throat, you stare at him. He’s so close, his vanilla scented breath fanning your face. Arda swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.

He whispers your name, soft and sweet, just like him. “Can I—“ His eyes flicker to your lips, then back to you.

“Yes!” You squeak out, nodding your head.

Without needing to say another word, his lips are on yours. They are smooth, gentle against your own. You almost forget to breathe as your eyes flutter shut.

Only pulling away when you realize you needed air, you find that he’s smiling. You’d never seen that smile before. You know for certain then, you’ll never love someone the way you will love him.

Awkward!arda X Awkward!reader And Theyre Just Both So Awkward That It Makes Them Laugh And Its Just Eeeeuuuuugggghhhhh

DTS , @halfwayhearted & @zanxi

And remember, if you ever want tagged in specific or all things I publish, lmk! ^_^

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6 months ago


um guys

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6 months ago

i love this so much its insane definitely will be rereading 1000 times🔥💯💯 AAAAA THIS IS SO PERFECT

HEYYY i wanted to req an arda fic cause thats my BAE fr🤞 so it goes like this arda and fem!reader are good friends (who secretly like each other) and then one night their feelings come out SOMEHOW and then after they like start kissing/making out and its just this emotional moment between them that theyve been waiting for for so long😋😋😇 UGH I CANT I LOVE HIM

Midnight love — Arda Güler.

HEYYY I Wanted To Req An Arda Fic Cause Thats My BAE Fr So It Goes Like This Arda And Fem!reader Are
HEYYY I Wanted To Req An Arda Fic Cause Thats My BAE Fr So It Goes Like This Arda And Fem!reader Are
HEYYY I Wanted To Req An Arda Fic Cause Thats My BAE Fr So It Goes Like This Arda And Fem!reader Are

Pairing: Arda Güler x Fem!Reader

Summary: Telling your best friend a guy asked you out would usually be an exciting moment, both equally excited. But after telling Arda, he only seemed nonchalant, not necessarily caring. And you would be damned if you didn’t figure out why.

Disclaimer/s: none! just a little jealous!arda though..

A/N: ARDA REQS MAKE ME A VERY HAPPY WRITER. Wait I lowkey don’t know if I followed this req very well… feel free to ask for more i’ll try harder next time😅

HEYYY I Wanted To Req An Arda Fic Cause Thats My BAE Fr So It Goes Like This Arda And Fem!reader Are

The sky above twinkled with a billion stars. You loved visiting Arda’s family home on the outskirts of Altındağ. It was rare when he was home, that you’d have time to do so, but you’d gotten lucky by having a four day weekend.

Now, you two both sat on the back patio, your heads tilted at an awkward angle to watch the stars, a tradition you’d had since you both were kids.

“Oh!” You suddenly shoot upright, causing the boy to do the same, his eyes shining in surprise. Your heart flutters as you look at him. He looked so good tonight. “You’ll never guess what happened at work the other day. I’ve been meaning to tell you all day!”

Curiosity takes Arda over as he leans back on the couch, his head lulling to the side with a smile, “yeah? Tell me what?”

“Okay, y’know that one guy, Marcus? The one who I work the morning shift with?” You continue slowly, building up anticipation.

Arda’s eyes, still glued on you, narrow at the mention of Marcus. You’d brought him up during a few facetime calls, but it never seemed too important. Plus, Arda never enjoyed hearing you talk about men like that.

“What about him?” Arda clears his throat, not knowing why this conversation was starting to get in his nerves as it’d just started. It could mean nothing. Marcus, could mean nothing.

You lean back on the couch, “he asked me out.” You shrug.

So he did mean something. Right. Okay.

“Oh, that’s cool.” Is all he says.

That’s it. No ‘congratulations’ or excitement. Just, ‘oh, that’s cool.’ ?? His face even lacked emotion and he’d diverted his attention back to the sky, pushing aside the conversation like it was nothing.

Your eyebrows scrunch together, “that’s all?”

Arda’s eyes flicker to yours, a look of confusion on his face. “Yeah? What else am I supposed to say?”

Now you were just flat out peeved. “Uhm, I don’t know? Something other than your monotonous ‘that’s cool’” You mock his voice, “I mean, seriously?”

Pursing his lips, Arda looks to the stars, silently begging them for the right words. He knew exactly why what you said had him acting like a dick, he just couldn’t admit it. If he did, that meant he could potentially ruin what you two had. If he didn’t, and you were going to go on that date, he’d potentially lose you for good.

You, on the other hand, weren’t afraid to admit how much you liked Arda. You’d known for years, but he was always so.. confusing, so you chose to keep it to yourself. Now you could move on, but now he was acting like this.

“What’s your actual fucking problem.” You laugh dryly, your eyes burning holes into his head.

“Congrats!” Arda sighs, “I hope that date goes well, i’m happy for you.”

Pursing your lips, you cross your arms. “I didn’t say I said yes.”

You didn’t say yes… You didn’t say yes?

The boys brown eyes flicker toward yours, “what?”

“Yeah, I said no—why are you smiling?” Your eyebrows furrow, noticing the way his lips had tugged upwards ever so slightly.

“Smiling?” His face falters, “i’m not smiling?”

“I literally saw your lips twitch, you were totally smiling!?” You laugh, although it was more out of confusion than actual humor. “Fuck are you smiling about?”

Arda shrugs, his lips pulling into an amused, thin line. “Nothing, nothing.”

You don’t let up though, “bullshit.”

“I—“ He huffs, “I’m just surprised you’d turn him down. You’ve been complaining about being single recently, so I find it funny that you turned him down, that’s all!”

Yeah, I wonder why i’d do that. You think. Because of you. How can you not tell?

You hadn’t noticed you’d dazed off, your mind wandering to Arda once again. How could he not notice how you feel after all these years? With how many hints you’d dropped, it seems crazy to think he doesn’t know. Maybe he did, maybe he was just avoiding it because—

“Hello? Earth to you?” Arda’s waving his hand in front of your face.

Blinking, you pull yourself together. “Y’know.. For someone so smart, you really are stupid.” You sigh, your shoulders slumping slightly as you look at him.

“What?” He’s the one speechless now.

“You’re just very oblivious, it’s insane, honestly.” You didn’t mean it in a rude way, you were just baffled. “I rejected Marcus, because I didn’t want him to ask me out, I wanted—“ You shut yourself up, your mouth snapping shut.

Arda’s eyes search yours, his heart hammering in his chest. “You wanted me to.” He finishes for you.

“Yeah.” You admit, hesitantly looking back to him. “But—“

“No!” He interrupts, “no, no ‘buts’, please.” Arda’s eyes soften, his hands reaching out to cup your cheeks. You hadn’t realized until now how close you were, how close you had been.

“Oh.” You clear your throat, “okay.”

“I didn’t want Marcus taking you out either, i’m just pissed he had the courage to do it before I did, I was being a baby.” He rambles, “i’m sorry.”

“Can we just stop talking.” You ask, leaning into his touch, your eyes flickering from his eyes to his lips. “Please?”

Arda feels his chest swell a few sizes as he takes a second to stare at you, overwhelmed with emotions he’d tried to bury for so long.

“Of course,” he whispers, lips brushing against yours delicately.

With one hand cupping your cheek, the other trails down to your hip, pulling you impossibly closer. He was lost in you, and you in him. Every feeling you’d felt for each other prominent in the way neither of you seemed to need more air. Your breaths mingled in between kisses, smiles mirroring each other.

You, finally pulling away, giggle. The sound music to Arda’s ears. He grins at you, placing two kisses on your flushed cheeks.

“I should’ve done that a long time ago.” He murmurs, head resting in the nape of your neck where he leaves another soft kiss.

“Yeah, you should’ve.” You hum, pulling his face away to look at it, taking in his lopsided grin. His eyes, his nose, oh you were so screwed.

HEYYY I Wanted To Req An Arda Fic Cause Thats My BAE Fr So It Goes Like This Arda And Fem!reader Are

DTS , @halfwayhearted <3

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6 months ago


i can’t contain my excitement 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

I Cant Contain My Excitement

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6 months ago

the kid is so me

this is so cute omg 😭

This Is So Cute Omg
This Is So Cute Omg

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6 months ago

could you do arda and rodrygo’s younger sister? with like lots of fluff and sweet stuff, sorry if this is super broad 😓


( pairing ) arda güler x reader

this was so fun to write i hope u guys like it!

Could You Do Arda And Rodrygos Younger Sister? With Like Lots Of Fluff And Sweet Stuff, Sorry If This
Could You Do Arda And Rodrygos Younger Sister? With Like Lots Of Fluff And Sweet Stuff, Sorry If This
Could You Do Arda And Rodrygos Younger Sister? With Like Lots Of Fluff And Sweet Stuff, Sorry If This

The stadium is still buzzing with excitement, the roar of the crowd echoing in your ears as you weave through the sea of fans. Tonight’s match had been exhilarating—one of those nail-biting games that leaves everyone on the edge of their seats. Real Madrid won, of course, with Rodrygo playing a crucial role in the success of tonight’s match.

You’re so incredibly proud of your brother, seeing him flourish in the sport that he’s dreamed of ever since he was a child. Football runs in his veins in a way you’ll never understand, but you can’t help but reminisce your childhood when he would bounce around with a ball and force you to play with him, teaching you little tricks and while you were never anywhere as close to the level that he is, you enjoyed the moments that you and your brother had, especially now that with his career taking off, they’ve become rare.

You’ve not been to many of his games, but there’s always something special about seeing your brother perform with that kind of magic on the pitch.

You’re here to congratulate him, to give him a hug and tell him how proud you are. It’s something you’ve done ever since he was a little boy playing in youth leagues back in Brazil, back when you’d both race to the car after every match, breathless and laughing, his sweaty hair sticking to his forehead. Back when both of you weren’t too busy with your own jobs taking up all your time, when childhood innocence still lingered about. Those were the days when he was just a kid with a dream—before he became the star he is today.

As you squeeze through the crowd of excited fans crowding the exits, you make your way toward the players. Your heart thrums in your chest, the jubilation of the rest of the stadium is so pragmatic, that you yourself feel euphoric, your face flushed as if you’re the one who’s just run around the field for ninety minutes.

There’s a feeling of anticipation that’s bubbling under your skin, and you can feel yourself vibrating under the excitement of it all, and perhaps you’re so distracted by the air of triumph that envelops the whole stadium that you’re blind to the presence of someone else, accidentally knocking into someone and almost stumbling face first into the ground.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” a voice says quickly, concerned.

You turn to see a young man standing there, his hair damp with sweat, his cheeks flushed from exertion. You recognize him immediately—Arda Güler, your brother’s teammate, and one of the club's rising stars. You’ve seen him play countless times, but you’ve never actually met him face-to-face.

“It’s okay,” you say, smiling a little. “I was in the way.”

Arda looks flustered a little, his already red cheeks flaming further and his mouth drops open a little, an exhale escaping his mouth, as if someone has punched him in the stomach, only his eyes seem far too delighted for that, wide with glee and something more that you can’t understand. It confuses you, why he seems to look as if he’s seen heaven on earth, but then you realise that perhaps the victory of today is only just dawning on him, maybe he’s the type to grapple with disbelief a little before truly feeling the ebullience of the night.

“You’re Rodrygo’s sister, right?” he asks suddenly, a slight smile forming on his lips. “Y/N?”

You nod, surprised that he knows your name. You’re never around enough to have been formally introduced to any of your brother’s teammates, and you doubt he’s the type to blabber on about you to any of them, but perhaps you’re wrong.

“Yeah, that’s me.” Your voice comes out a little breathlessly, “and you must be Arda, congratulations on tonight!”

He grins, his eyes lighting up. “Thanks. Yeah that’s me?” He scratches the back of his neck, and you seem a little thrown off again, maybe he’s still struggling with the language barriers, so you brush off his words.

He looks around, as if searching for someone, then back at you. “Waiting for Rodrygo?”

You nod again, glancing toward the door where players are still coming out. “Yeah, I came to congratulate him on the win, i can’t find him anywhere,” You gesture around, “have you seen him?”

Arda chuckles. “He’s probably around somewhere with the rest of the team, dancing with Vini maybe?”

You laugh at that, knowing exactly what he means. “That sounds just like him.”

There’s a brief moment of silence, and you notice that Arda seems a bit unsure, like he’s debating whether to say something more. He finally speaks, his voice softer. “You don’t come to a lot of our matches, right? I don’t see you with the rest of Rodrygo’s family”

“Yeah,” you reply, feeling a little flustered under his gaze. “I try to come whenever I can though, I love watching you guys play. You have such a good team.”

He looks genuinely pleased at your words, and his smile grows. “Thanks. It’s always nice to see you around”

His words make you pause, maybe you misheard him, nonetheless you find your cheeks growing hot. Before you can respond, Rodrygo finally emerges from the locker room, his face breaking into a wide grin when he sees you. “Y/N!” he calls out, jogging over and pulling you into a quick, sweaty hug. “Did you see that goal? Pretty good, right?”

You laugh, pushing him back playfully. “Amazing, as always. But you’re going to stink up my clothes if you keep hugging me like this.”

He grins, then notices Arda standing beside you, watching the exchange with an amused smile. “Oh, hey, Arda! Didn’t expect to see you out here. Thanks for helping set up that goal tonight, by the way.”

Arda nods. “No problem, man. Great finish.”

You’re still standing there, feeling a little out of place but also strangely comfortable. There’s something about Arda that’s easy and natural, like you’ve known him longer than just the few minutes you’ve been talking.

Rodrygo, always the social one, looks between you and Arda, raising an eyebrow. “You two met already?”

You smile. “Sort of. We bumped into each other.”

Rodrygo laughs, clapping Arda on the back. “Well, Arda’s a good guy, Y/N. One of the best. If I had to trust someone to look after you around here, he’d be the guy.”

Arda blushes a little at that, and you feel your cheeks grow warm too, again, but you quickly cover it with a smile. “I’m sure he is.” Something about both of their behaviours is a little odd, like they’re in on a secret that you’re not aware of.

There’s another pause, and for a moment, you think about saying goodbye, but Arda speaks up first. “Hey, if you’re not rushing off, would you like to grab a coffee or something? There’s a great café just around the corner. I mean… if Rodrygo doesn’t mind,” he adds quickly, shooting your brother a glance.

Rodrygo looks between the two of you, a grin spreading on his face. His eyes glint mischievously at you and the look he and Arda share makes you feel that they’ve talked about you before. “Oh, I don’t mind at all. Go ahead, have fun. I’m going to catch up with a few guys from the team.”

You feel a flutter in your stomach—unexpected but not unwelcome. “Sure,” you reply, looking at Arda with a smile. “Coffee sounds nice.”

He smiles back, his eyes bright, and offers his arm. “Great. Let’s go.”

As you walk toward the café, the stadium lights gradually fading behind you, you feel a sense of excitement bubbling in your chest. The streets are alive with people celebrating the win, and you can’t help but feel that you’re part of something special tonight.

Arda seems a little more relaxed now, a bit more confident as he leads the way. “So, do you live here in Madrid, or are you just visiting?” he asks, genuinely interested.

“I’m just visiting,” you reply. “I come whenever I can to see Rodrygo. I live in Lisbon right now, but I travel a lot for work.”

“What do you do?” he asks, holding the café door open for you.

“I’m an art curator,” you say, smiling as you step inside. “I organize exhibitions, work with galleries… that sort of thing.”

He looks impressed. “That’s really cool. So you must love creativity—just in a different field than Rodrygo and me.”

You chuckle a little. “Exactly. I think maybe that’s why I enjoy watching you guys play so much.” Your eyes gleam a little as you subconsciously lean closer to him, “There’s an artistry to it, a rhythm and creativity that’s kind of like painting or, kind of like- you know curating an exhibition?”

His eyes light up at your words, and he too, leans closer, as it to hear you better, even though you aren’t whispering. “I’ve never thought about it that way, but it makes sense. I guess we’re all trying to create something beautiful, in our own way.”

You both order your coffees, and as you sit down by the window, you find that the conversation flows effortlessly. He tells you about his journey from Turkey, the challenges of adapting to another language, atmosphere and culture entirely, the excitement of playing at such a high level, his dreams for the future. He even voices out his disappointment that playing in a club like real madrid with so many great players, while it has helped him, often creates doubt in himself. Especially when he’s not the one that’s brought out on the field. Your heart cracks a little at his words, and you can’t help but empathize with him, the fact that there are people who give up so much of their life, childhood and leave behind their families for this sport, it’s a double edged sword. Nonetheless, Arda makes his appreciation transparent at your obvious concern.

You find yourself captivated by his stories, by the passion in his voice and the way his eyes light up when he talks about the game.

And you talk about your work, your love for art, the joy of discovering new talent and bringing it to the world. He listens attentively, asking questions that make you feel like he really cares, like he genuinely wants to know you.

By the time you finish your coffee, it feels like hours have passed, yet it’s only been a short while. You realize you don’t want the evening to end, and judging by the way he keeps looking at you, neither does he.

As you leave the café, walking back toward the stadium, Arda turns to you with a hopeful smile. “This was… really nice. I’m glad we ran into each other.”

You smile back, your heart fluttering in a way you haven’t felt in a long time. “Me too, Arda.”

And as you say goodbye, you know that this is just the beginning of something unexpected, something wonderful—something you never saw coming but are more than ready to explore.


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6 months ago
NNOOOOOOO This Is Diabolical @unx100to

NNOOOOOOO😭😭😭😭😞😞😞 this is diabolical @unx100to

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6 months ago

praying harder this time ig😞😞

arda we have faith in you PLEASE SCORE 🙏🙏

Arda We Have Faith In You PLEASE SCORE
Arda We Have Faith In You PLEASE SCORE

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6 months ago

HES MY DREAM MANNNN GUYSSSS yall dont get it like i do😭😭😭



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6 months ago


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