249 posts
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Leslie Flint - Direct Voice Medium
-Leslie Flint a Mini biography Part 1. A long time ago I was taken by friends to meet Mr Leslie Flint a direct voice medium. Leslie Himself said "I think I can say I am the most tested medium this country has ever produced, I have been boxed up, tied up, sealed up, gagged, bound and held, and still the voices have come to speak their message of life external." Leslie had a difficult early life and recalled how his first psychic encounter and describing this to his gran resulted in "a great Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/leslie-flint-direct-voice-medium-3203
ALBERT BEST - The Man, The Medium
-Â Ireland has long been the mother of many a spirited child, but yet none has come so close to compare to her greatest son - Albert Best. Although a distinctly private man, there is some knowledge of Albert in the public domain, however, none to address his humble beginnings. For the first time I can reveal the early life of the greatest Spiritualist Medium ever to grace the emerald isle. Albert's story begins on Thursday 11th October 1917 when his mother was admitted to the Belfast Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/albert-best-the-man-the-medium-3187
Glady's Osborne Leonard - A Great Medium
-Â A great medium is a rare phenomenon, rarer than a great painter or piano virtuoso. The world has produced only a few mediums whose powers were so outstanding that they could be xalled great. Gladys Osborne Leonard is one of these. Susy Smith Author Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/gladys-osborne-leonard-a-great-medium-3197
Precipitation Mediumship - It's All In The Cards
-December 2007 was the month my life of spiritual turmoil was powerfully healed. My own little Christmas miracle happened - all due to a 3-inch by 5-inch ( 7.64 centimeter by 12.7 centimeter ) index card covered in colored images and names of family members in the Spirit world. You see, I was born into a very conservative Southern Baptist family. My family runs a cattle ranch in rural Texas. The Klu Klux Klan has a history of lynching in that predominantly white community. Local school busing Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/precipitation-mediumship-its-all-in-the-cards-3090 To read more on this topic click here
Aspects of Above - Learning The Astrological Chart
-Cosmic connections of the chart  When I am writing #astrology articles and newsletters, or whenever I am speaking or giving readings, I try to avoid jargon as much as possible, as one of my key intentions is to make the information and insights as accessible as possible to everyone, to make them applicable to everyday life. It can be quite difficult to avoid astrological terms altogether though, and the two that you will hear frequently used, by all astrologers, are the words "aspect" and Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/aspects-of-above-learning-the-astrological-chart-3066
New NDE Research Reveals God Experience
-New research carried out by the #Near Death Experience Foundation has revealed the occurring theme of a "deep and unconditional love" within the majority of all near death experiences. This data was compiled from a mass amount of reports of people who have experienced these paranormal episodes. Dr. Jeffrey Long stated "I was struck by the remarkable consistency," noting the experience could not be explained by preexisting cultural or religious beliefs. "They represented a wide spectrum of Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/new-nde-research-reveals-god-experience-3075
A process for raising the state of vibration
-What does it mean for people to have a vibrational state? It is understood to be a property of spiritual existence. It may refer to a relatively low frequency vibration of a person's etheric body, perhaps occurring just before an out-of-body experience, or it may be felt at higher frequencies as a particular emotion. A low vibration being may be fearful with little ability to love, while a high vibration being is full of unconditional love for everyone. A vibrational state is a point on a Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/a-process-for-raising-the-state-of-vibration-3083 To read more on this topic click here
Pet's Who Cross
-Pets crossing into Spirit. What happens to them? Are they alone or cared for by others who have passed before? Â Do they come back to visit? Lately, I have had several clients and students ask me what happens when their beloved pets pass away. Are they alone? Do they feel pain? Do they come back to visit? My clients are comforted to learn that their pets are met by loved ones when they cross over, are out of any pain they suffered while they were in their physical bodies and frequently, they Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/pets-who-cross-2991
Back To Basics - Love Forgiveness and Compassion
-Over the last few months, there have been attrocities bound and the world moves backward instead of forward. Ego's bash ego's and fight for place on center stage, whether they belong to a presidential candidate, religious leader or even within the spiritual movement, there seems less trust and more competition and hollier than thou attitudes. The reality is that you can't hide behind a spiritual facade and you can't claim you have all the answers. Many events recently have brought up more Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/back-to-basics-love-forgiveness-and-compassion-3045 To read more on this topic The Otherside Press
Fear Of Death
-The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. Mark Twain Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/fear-of-death-3052
UFO Whistleblowers
-UFO Workers Need To Speak Ufology is full of whistleblowers. There's the one who worked on the alien spaceship at Area 51, the one who was involved in a gunfight with extraterrestrials, the one who rescued an alien and was able to send him back home, and the one who went on an exchange trip to an alien planet. Then there's the one who did an interview in a hotel room, and the one who did an interview in a darkened room, so as to disguise his identity. Oh, and let's not forget the one who was Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/ufo-whistleblowers-2972 To read more on this topic click here
Why spirits choose the illusion of matter
-In the conversations with the Zetas via the medium, Paul Hamden, the purpose of existence was occasionally addressed. They explained that we are all facets of a source consciousness, and that we exist to accumulate and compare experiences. An earlier article discussed how experiences in energetic realms are based on information in consciousness created by a being's intentions. Since the creations are instantiations of thoughts, they may be called illusions. Another article explained how Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/why-spirits-choose-the-illusion-of-matter-3024
Robin Foy's New Physical Energy
-The Scole Experiment In a little village named Scole in England, in a cellar that was hidden from most existed one of the most famous Psychic Research experiments into the afterlife and physical mediumship. To date, this remains one of the most ground breaking events in the history of mediumship and you can hear all about the work of Robin Foy and the Scole Group. No matter what you believe or perceive, you will be sure to take something positive away from this interview and may even want to Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/robin-foys-new-physical-energy-2998
Crystal Cave Meditation
-Â Â At eve, when all is still, Save the soft-sighing wind or evening bird, How the home voices through my spirit thrill, Till all its depths are stirred. The Language of Gems, Miss H.J. Woodman I'd like to share one of my favourite meditations with you. The journey to the crystal cave. I have practised it for over forty five years and never tire of it. The cave constantly expands and takes me to a new part of myself and All That Is. Allow plenty of time for this meditation and ensure that Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/crystal-cave-meditation-2996
How matter is an illusion
-From conversations with extraterrestrial Zeta beings speaking through the medium, Paul Hamden, I came to realize how our physical universe and all it contains is an illusion. These conversations are documented and discussed in several freely available books and articles. The realization was strongly supported by Edward Close in his book, Transcendental Physics. Close explained how modern physics requires that the observer's awareness creates physical reality moment by moment. By definition Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/how-matter-is-an-illusion-2977
Our Relationship with Animals
-By Terri Daniel on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 11:09am This is a channeled message from my son Danny on the Other Side, in which he explains the role of animals on earth: You will remember that I once told you that angels are like fireflies... they are carriers of the light, and their job is to keep the conduits and energy channels between the dimensions clean and clear. Part of that task involves watching over us, to help us attain our intentions, because the more aligned we are with our Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/our-relationship-with-animals-2940
What astrology can do for you
-What can astrology do for you, have you ever wondered? Last, month, I gave you an insight into the origins of astrology and what astrology is. We looked at how astrology has evolved into understanding and interpreting meaning from the celestial bodies and how the interpretation is applied to our Soul intention, character, our personalities and our behaviours, giving us a greater understanding of ourselves. The cycles of the planets are intricately and subconsciously echoed in the cycles of Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/what-astrology-can-do-for-you-2945
Crystal Skulls to Heal You and the Planet!
-Here we see the author of this column Joshua, holding his personal smoky quartz skull "Portal de Luz" One of the Most Powerful Healing Tools On the Planet - What are They? Why the Crystal Skulls of course! Welcome to Tales of a Crystal Skull Explorer, Joshua Shapiro here, your host to take you on another exciting adventure into the world of the Crystal Skulls, the Paranormal and various World Mysteries. So for this next part of my column, lets talk about some thoughts about crystal skulls as Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/crystal-skulls-to-heal-you-and-the-planet-2912
The Cause and Effect Of Man
- In this séance Mickey talks about (after some gadding about!) Mans cause and effect not just for the world but also in his effects upon others. In this he also mentions the "fruits" that we bear and whether you believe in manifestation or not there is certainly the imposition of will by some who do not care what kind of destruction they leave in their wake. Mickey also answers one of those questions which are so very important to many who may ask the questions "If God loves us why does he Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/the-cause-and-effect-of-man-2908
Crystal Potions and Crystal Elixirs For Healing
-Transform crystal energy into a potent essence for healing and well-being  Tumbled crystals are ideal for making crystal essences Photo c. Jeni Campbell www.angeladditions.co.uk Crystal essences are an excellent way to use the healing power of crystals, and several crystals can be combined provided you dowse to check compatibility. Crystal essences are made by transferring the subtle vibrational energies and minute concentrations of the mineral constituents of the crystal into water, which Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/crystal-potions-and-crystal-elixirs-for-healing-2869
3 Reasons Why You Can't Heal
-Â It is God's will for you to be healthy and whole. It is nature's design for you to blossom, adapt to your environment and evolve. You were originally designed to thrive in a healthy body through the different ages and stages of growth and maturity, in perfect harmony with the spiritual law that governs the current timeline of life experience and expansion of the human soul. However, we as human souls, often unwittingly interfere in our ability to do so. Here are three reasons, of which Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/3-reasons-why-you-cant-heal-2893 To read more on this topic The Otherside Press
Robin Foy Talks Scole Coming Next Month
-If you have not heard of the Scole experiment, then you will not want to miss this once in a lifetime Interview with Robin Foy, who was one of the original founders of the Scole experiment. This work was, and is, to this day, groundbreaking work on the afterlife. From a sleepy hollow village in north England, Scole became a world-wide phenomena itself and to this day is the topic of much discussion, films and controversy - Scole continues to confound science and the afterlife community. Tosp Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/robin-foy-talks-scole-coming-next-month-2891
Don't Label Grief
-First of all, I would like to start off with an apology. I know some of you rely on the monthly articles for this column and last month, I missed it due to my workload. However, we move onward and upward and this month's article will make up for my remiss last time. One of the biggest issues with grief is the very nature of its understanding, and one can not seem to comprehend how another will cope no more than know how they would cope, or have, since the experience. I guess what I am Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/dont-label-grief-2379
Easter The Afterlife Month
-I deliberately waited to mention this because of the time and the reason behind this brief message. Easter Sunday has just passed, it is the month of March and spring. A time for renewal and rebirth, and as far as the Christian Calendar is concerned, it is a time of the celebration of Christs resurrection. Amongst the turmoil of the world, beauty exists and knowledge sparks life into light. However, even though this is a time of renewal and new birth, perhaps we can look at this easter Read more at http://theothersidepress.com/easter-the-afterlife-month-2841