only info you get are my vibes from the things i reblog
428 posts
Jokes-smoker-666 - Just Some Person - Tumblr Blog

I'm never annoying enough about being technically frysian on here but my friend sent me this and I need everyone to listen to it
it's in English but like. dutch/frysk accent out the wazoo always imagine me with this accent pls
anyway. between Denmark and the Netherlands is a country so magnificent with thousands of years of history but to the world we are a mystery!!! fryslân boppe!
when she says she doesn’t send nudes

ja hoor, ik neem EEN keer een gloeiend paars amulet mee van een rommelmarkt en nu ben IK weer verantwoordelijk om het einde van de wereld te stoppen
reblog if you too support and encourage Joost Klein in his evil era 🔪

it’s kinda fucked up that you’re only an age for a year. I didn’t know how to be 23 yet, let me try again
bat opens up their little bat wallet to find they are all out of moths. A worthless $100 bill flies out for emphasis
anglophone: but here's the kicker
me, dutch: de kikker

@nederlandsespoorwegen ?
I am OBSESSED With the Assassin’s Creed motherfucker parkouring around Paris in the opening ceremonies

Was gonna say God but this is funnier
Hoe i love assembling IKEA furniture
Hoe i love assembling IKEA furniture
Haven't felt this good in a while
puppy want a treat?
puppy want a fucking break from it all
what if i just rest my eyes for a second
Literally me when I'm biking a long ass trail in the middle of summer and all the paths have shade. I would've perished a thousand deaths if it weren't for those beautiful plants.